Adoptables 2: Closed Species/Communities

User-made adoptables that are part of a closed species or larger community

Forum rules
Reminder: Copying another person's art without permission to reproduce their work is a form of art-theft!
Click here to see the full Art Rules!
  • Gallery display:

Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN] | based on this drawing by InuImori
by InuImori @ Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:49 pm [Reply]

【Welcome to Plate Dragons!】


Directory wrote:| Home | Nursery | MYO/Transfers | Shop | Archive | Traits | Artist Search | Discord | Other |

Latest Events wrote: | Give/Get |

What is a Plate Dragon?
A Plate Dragon is a subspecies of dragon! They have "Plates" on the side of their cheeks and on their butts! They also have scales around their bodies such as on their faces, legs, and tail! Another unique feature are the "spikes" on the end of their tails and horns that can range in many different shapes and sizes that are used for protection and battle. They usually live in jungles or forests but can be found anywhere. They are extremely venomous, and can projectile their venom when in danger! They use this tactic when feeling threatened or scared so as long as you have good intentions they wont hurt you! They are feisty but you'll be lucky to have one as your friend if it gives you its trust!

InuImori @ Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:05 pm

【Plate Dragon Staff】


Username: InuImori
ID: [309045]

Roll(s): Species Owner


Username: crowthefrostyfloof
ID: [957629]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist • Moderator


Username: riverotter
ID: [1048644]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: tsu-bear
ID: [874233]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist • Archivist


Username: stellulite
ID: [666555]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: Plaga
ID: [977187]

Roll(s): Artist • Moderator • Archivist


Username: LimeThing
ID: [704352]

Roll(s): Nursery Artist


Username: kennadryl
ID: [958080]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist


Username: imabanditø
ID: [908562]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist


Username: leonscharizard
ID: [1017744]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: Kiesen
ID: [339369]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist

InuImori @ Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:56 pm

【Plate Dragon Rules】

Species Rules:
●︎ CS rules also apply
●︎ Do not make you own Plate Dragon without a MYO ticket or special permission
●︎ MYOs may be purchased via the shop, events, or staff members
●︎ You may sell/gift/ and trade Plate Dragon
●︎ Plate Dragons cannot be co-owned!
●︎ Users banned from the species can not earn more Plate Dragons through trades, sales, gifts, or other means. They can not use, sell, or trade any MYOs they've received for free or through events. Banned users can transfer, gift, or sell the Plate Dragons they already own, but cannot trade for other Plate Dragons, or earn more Plate Dragons they already have at the time of banning.
●︎ Please make sure you are following all species guidelines including all rules and traits!
●︎ You may not transfer a Plate Dragon design out of the species without permission from a staff member
●︎ There is no limit to how many Plate Dragons you may own! <3
●︎ Plate Dragons can be any gender and or sexual orientation and may still breed! Though Plate Dragons related to each other may not breed! So please keep track of your Plate Dragon family tree!
●︎ Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated!

Creating a Plate Dragon: (MYOs)
●︎ Plate Dragons cannot be based off of copyrighted characters of any kind! Slight inspiration is fine but must be different enough to not resemble any copyrighted character. (Colors, Design, Features)
●︎ Credit the source material of PDs you inspired on existing characters/designs on approval page and on the pages you store them on like Toyhouse. It’s also not allowed to sell designs inspired on any copyrighted media for real currency.
●︎ All designs must be original and created by you or another user.
●︎ Stealing designs can result in strikes or being banned!
●︎ Designs must be appropriate and cannot contain any offensive imagery or words!
●︎ Selling any design gotten through a free adopt or a free nursery slot for real currency is prohibited. It’s possible only if you obtained or made extra art worth of either writing work of at least 600 words or a half body colored sketch.
●︎ It’s not allowed to sell USD adopts either unless for the exact same or lower price it was gotten for (so if you bought it for 5 USD, you can sell it only for 5 or less USD), virtual currencies like C$ or traded for another design. The price also can go up only if extra art got involved, on same rules as in rule 1.
●︎ After adopting any free PD (either won in a discord giveaway, adopt or a nursery slot), there’s a cooldown of 14 days before you can trade or sell it. Only time that’s an exception is gifting another user a free PD, asking the artist for a permission or starting a giveaway.
●︎ No begging for free items, art or designs is allowed. It’s understandable that a wait can be frustrating, but staff members also have their lives like anyone else! It’s not allowed to push and repeatedly ask the same question or send the same messages towards any staff member that owes you anything and you haven’t had to pay for it. Always go by rule of the thumb and remember that the artist probably remembers your thing but is occupied by their chores and other things to be done in specie. If you waited really long (ex. Longer than a month or two) it’s okay to ask or speak to an admin/mod about it and possibly discuss of a refund if it’d be impossible to get done, but otherwise, do not spam the public chats and DMs.
●︎ If the artist has blocked you, do not enter their adopts, giveaways and refrain from getting their designs through user trades.


Staff Rules:
●︎ Staff are encouraged to make as many Plate Dragons as possible though the minimum requirement to keep status is to make at least 1 Plate Dragon every 2 weeks!
●︎ Please dont add rare and above traits to Plate Dragons adopts unless given permission
●︎ Artist must make at least 1 free adopt every 2 weeks
●︎ Plate Dragons may be sold for any type of currency and at any amount
●︎ Milestone Plate Dragons should be discussed before creation
●︎ Staff may hand out MYOs at ones discretion

Staff Payments:
●︎ All staff will receive 50% off all shop items!
●︎ Staff will receive 1 MYO with unlimited traits up to rare every 2 weeks theyre active
●︎ Other payments will be grated to those who are especially active (ie: More MYOs/Items/etc)
●︎ Staff may make 1 free breedings for themselves once a month (does not count towards 1 free MYO)
●︎ Staff may Swap a MYO for any item in the shop
●︎ Staff may trade and giveaway staff MYOs

Ultimate Pass:
An Ultimate Pass is an unlimited MYO pass that grants permission to these user to make as many Plate Dragons as they like with any traits! They are non transferable and you cannot make Plate Dragons for anyone other than yourself!
*Please do not ask to be on this list as these people have received this pass for a reason!

Users that have been granted the Ultimate Pass:

●︎ 19088
●︎ 218121
●︎ 397534

InuImori @ Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:29 pm

【Trait Guide!】

For a more detailed list with a bit more info please look HERE

Non Rarity:
[nr] Size/Height/Weight
[nr] Piercings/Clothing/Accessories
[nr] Scars
[nr] Custom lines
[nr] Expressions
[nr] Disabilities
[nr] Eyelashes
[nr] Tattoos
[nr] Eyebrow Edit
[nr] Colored Pupil
[nr] Muzzle Size

[c] Ear Edit
[c] Fang/Mouth Edit
[c] Teeth Edit
[c] Tail Spike Edit
[c] Horn Edit
[c] Claws
[c] Tufts
[c] Hair Style
[c] Colored Sclera
[c] Heterochromia
[c] Body Spikes

[uc] Eye Shape Edit
[uc] Pupil Edit
[uc] Iris Edit
[uc] Tongue Edit
[uc] Tail Edit
[uc] Fur Edits
[uc] No Tail Spike
[uc] Fewer Scales
[uc] 1 Shaped Scale
[uc] 1 Shaped Plate
[uc] Chipped/Broken Plates
[uc] Glowing parts
[uc] Feathers

[r] Multiple Horns
[r] 2 Tails
[r] No Tail
[r] More Scales
[r] Multiple Shaped Scales
[r] Multiple Shaped Plates
[r] Fewer Plates
[r] Small Flightless Wings
[r] Bigger/Longer Mane
[r] Power(s)
[r] Sparkles/Particles
[r] Whiskers
[r] Missing Limbs
[r] Antennae
[r] Paw Edits
[r] Leg Edit
[r] Nose Edit
[r] Extra Pair of Ears

[m] Bigger Wings
[m] Extra Eye(s)
[m] Patches of Fire
[m] Scales/Plates made of other material
[m] Living Body Parts
[m] Extra Body Parts
[m] 3+ Tails
[m] Halos
[m] Goo/Slime
[m] Plant Growth
[m] Exposed Bone(s)
[m] Animated Marking(s)
[m] Longer Body
[m] Robot Part(s)
[m] Vents
[m] Transparent Part(s)
[m] 3+ Ears

[Event] Dizzy Hearts | Valentines | Example
[Event] Flower Dome | Easter | Example
[Event] Soda Tail | Summer | Example
[Event] Rubber Ducky | Summer | Example
[Event] Tank Tail | Summer | Example
[Event] Candle Wax | Halloween | Example
[Event] Floating Head | Halloween | Example
[Event] Dark Shadow | Halloween | Example
[Event] Snow Print Trail | Winter | Example
[Event] Love Struck | Valentines | Example
[Event] Baked Beans | April Fools | [url]Example[/url]
[Event] Rainbow Rams | Spring | Example

77 replies not shown, show all

x|| Sherpi Lore ||x based on this drawing by boolif
by boolif @ Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:15 pm [Reply]


Oh them sherp things? Yeah i seen 'em around they dont bother us out here, steal a chip or two but nothing big. I like to think they 'preciate us cutting all the dead limbs off the trees, ive seen one jump on one once and almost fall. There's this one that likes to hang around camp, sometimes we can even bait him out with crackers. Cute little things aint they? My daughter went out once and i found her with a sprained ankle, said a long fluffy creature with six legs kept her company while she was waitin' for me. I respect 'em and they respect me, 'specially if they keep my kid safe. I heard of rumors they can fly but i dont think it, i seen one jump real far once. Looked like it almost flew but i knew better, anyways that it? I needa get back to work if im to make a livin.

Irish Chibi Elks ReBoot based on this drawing by Neara
by IceFire @ Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:08 pm [Reply]


Image (Archives, Fan Club,, Artist Contest Breeding Topic)
Welcome to the Irish Elk Chibi's (also known as ICE's) Tabs going to archives, fan club, and for questions needing to be asked will be added when made. Also please be wary of the stags as they are very aggressive when defending their territories and the does as they protect their fawns.


Their history can be traced back to the ice age some thought to be extinct about 7000 years ago. Until recently many didn't think they could be brought back but with the help of using horse DNA and the red deer as well as American elk DNA together they were able to get both size and design close to the original with some help of the DNA strands recovered from dig sites. The name came from the first discoveries in Ireland even though they had been found to have roam much of Europe.


The Irish Elks roam the highlands and mountains in spring and summer traveling to lower regions when the temperature cools as they were made to have less fur then when they might have had during the ice age. They are grazers and thus on the move much like horses they graze on both grasses and plants. Males sport great antlers and much heavier coats then their female counter points and the females though made of a slighter build still have enough bulk to cause damage.

More information on the actual extinct breed Irish Elk

IceFire @ Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:11 pm


1. Don't beg (meaning I or the artists making will get to the design if it takes longer then normal message me and I will look into it)

2. Closed species so don't make any that aren't yours to make (no fakes those are for artist contests only)

3. Limit will be 10 doesn't include fawns (customs may or may not fall under this depending on how out of control it might get) This is to allow artists to not get burned out and will change when more have been added to the team.

4. Can only win two a day.

5.Please do not spam, be rude to staff or others, or argue. What I say or those I ask to mod say goes if I think something is unfair I will step in. If I don't catch it you more then welcome to send a me a note but don't harass people in the public forums

6.There is only six slots for breeding allowed so choose wisely in the future there may be more but until then only six.

7. You may not sell your ICE's and trading must be brought to my attention along with said artist after I have given the go ahead for it. If you are not sure you may let us choose who it gets readopted out too. Also, there may in the future to keep with store some readoption events so keep a look out.

8. Don't beg for slots from the group's herd (they will have more slots yes, but they are more as gifts for those that earn it)

9. Before it gets lost, please keep requests for breeding slots to ims/fanclub/ and possibly streams (last one iffy) and to go with this one after being made whether a starter or breeding will take up to two weeks before being allowed to breed.

10. they may be breed two weeks after being made this applies to both starters and fawns

IceFire @ Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:11 pm

Owner: IceFire (me)
Coowner: Bentley
Artists: IceFire
Perm: NeriHyuga (wont have many appear but will still be apart of the team)

IceFire @ Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:12 pm

How to adopt and what to look for

So this section is being added cause I realized how hard it is to find what has been adopted and what hasn't so I am going to start a system with the watermark that stays on them all. if you have a question don't be afraid to come to me!

    Blue= Art Contest
    Green= Personality Contest
    Red= Photo Contest
    Orange= Naming Contest
    Purple= Drawing contest (like a pick a number contest(side note to artists must contact me if you want to do this))
    Pink= Custom
    White= Baby from a breeding

11 replies not shown, show all

we're still getting set up, please be patient!

Looking for a peaceful signature to graze in...
Welcome to our ranch! You must be here because you're interested in learning more about our land and those who inhabit it, yes? Or maybe you're already quite knowledgeable and want to start your own collection of pixelated friends? No matter the case, please, take a look around and feel free to get comfy in this wondrous 8-bit farmland.

These digital animals aren't the same as your typical real-life critter. These animals come with all types of fantastical features, and love to graze on pixels, data, code, and so on. By adding your animals to your signature, profile, form posts and ect. they are able to travel with you throughout the web and eat to their hearts content while you leisurely browse the internet. At the same time, these animals make for great forum decorations and conversation pieces. Sounds like a pretty good deal on both ends, hm?

Farming can be quite competitive too, if that's something you're into. Depending on your farms occupancy, you will get different hierarchy ranks. Different ranks will get different opportunities for specific adoptable animals, MYOs, items, fantastical features and more!

:: Directory ::

Adopts 🏠Breeding Barn 💕MYO/Custom Hub 🪙Events 🎈Artist Search 🖌️Nursery Artist Search 🎨Fanclub 🚩
Shop 🛒Auction Block 💰Farm Maintenance 🧹Farm Archives & Hierarchy 👑MYO Approval 👍
Discord 💬Staff & Stamps 🖃Animal Archives 🗃️Inventory 🎒

:: Recent News & Events ::
5/11: Grand Re-Opening!
5/11: New event introducing the chicken!

6/3: Introduced the barn cat!
6/4: MYO/Custom Hub opened!
6/11: On-site Fanclub opened!

:: Rules & Guidelines ::

Kindness & respect of others is mandatory

Please use the full code given when placing an image of your animal(s)
(it makes the img a url link to the community & gives artists credit as well)

You may not freely edit the animals in your herd
(Accessories and fantastical features can be bought through the shop)

You may sell/trade/gift your animals at any time
(please keep all trades within this community, animals may not be sold for real currency)

Please do not take your animals out of the community
(do not transfer to another character/species)

Your own barn, ranch, farm, or field is required once you own at least one animal
& there is a maximum of 50 animals
(heres an example of a storage system for your critters)

Once your own barn, ranch, etc. is made, please submit it to Farm Maintenance
(This helps us keep track of all the farms in the community!)

Each farm has to have its own unique name
(Two farms cannot share the same name)

You may not make your own without the proper items/permissions

You may not breed your animals without the proper items/permissions

There is no trait or rarity list to encourage creativity
(animals must have an obvious pixel outline, no animals may ever be custom lined/lineless)

Please use respect and common decency towards staff, farmers, and the rules

Any questions or concerns can be brought to valkyrie,,

valkyrie,, @ Fri May 12, 2023 7:50 am

:: Farming Hierarchy ::
Farming Ranks

A beginner farm is set up and ready to accept new animals

A novice farm holds anywhere from 1-10 animals at one time

A skilled farm holds anywhere from 11-30 animals at one time

An expert farm holds anywhere from 31-49 animals at one time

A master farm holds the maximum of 50 animals at one time

:: Farming Archive ::
Here's a list of all farmers & the land they own!

Signature Ranch
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Marilu.

Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by FloraDogFarm

The Crow Fields
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by ToraOkami303

Bovine Vineyard
Ranked: Skilled
owned & maintained by gardog

round ‘em up cowwery
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by wafflefalaffle

Dewy’s Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Dewy Feathers

The House Farm!
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Bon_in_here

Lavender Eyes Ranch
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by strawberrymwilk

Golden Horns Ranch
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by bakuraas.

Berry Ranch
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by coffee.berry

The Last Straw
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Chellerd

Masters Of Cattle
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by ThousandSounds

Rosevine Sanctuary
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Rosi

Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by lenard_is_confused

Fox Grove
Ranked: Skilled
owned & maintained by bones_

Mercy Fields
Ranked: Skilled
owned & maintained by valkyrie,,

High Meadow Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by coyote,

Lonestar Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Sullivan Maurus

Hemlock grove
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by yutashu

Tardigrade Hill
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by AliAndOscar

Wintervale Farms
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Hallowitch

Cordial Lands
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Nephelid

Oak Haven Farm
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Pandora!

barley a ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by creepbyradiohead

Draconia Hacienda
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by dragoness129

Snake’s Sanctuary
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by [url][/url]

Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Starfire_Nebula
Little Cupids
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Roxanne Star Cupid

Berga Gård
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by aerangis

Moon's Starry Farm
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by CodyxMoon

Blossom Hills Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Belariusa

Buzzing Barn
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by straight

Blue-Mount Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by ZeroToInfinity

Willows Sanctuary
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by *Willow*

Strange Station
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by PotatoPup

Mako's Orchard
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Wolfumus

LilySuSu Haven Farm
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by LittleSpud

Stonewall Farms
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Spotify

Ash Covered Crops
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by shadedk9

BoneBrain's Bovines
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by BoneBrain

Chaotic Barn
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by udderchaos_cat

Almond Crème Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by AlmondKitty

amaryllis grove
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by literal.swag.

Maple Leaf Meadows
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Kruxly

Cosmic Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by noisybeep

Sparkle Field Meadows (SFM)
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Puptigo

riki's paradise
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by rabbit.tears

Starry Meadows
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Kittyuwu88

Celestis Sanctuary
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by WinglessSeraph

Whispering Pines Farm
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by kijauni

skipena’s ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Skipena

ranch polis
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by dogtreat

Vickssen Farm
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by CaeBabyBear

• [url]-[/url]
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by [url][/url]
western isle rescue
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Fawntura

Lily Meadow
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Julie_PiscesGirl

Dragon's Hideaway
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by DragonCave

HHB&S [SR Subdivision]
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Lex.

Lordailia farm
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by mrs

*+Ki-san Fields+*
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Ki-san

Lucky Clover Pastures
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by fuzzyfurball1

Herbal Tea Fields
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by niveiru

Sunny field farm
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by

Eevee's Farm
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Eevee55

Serenity Springs
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by nome senpai

Fern Vine Fields
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Yawnicon

Mossy Ranch
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Skittlesky12

everfell abode
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by somniiphobic

Fahrenheit Furby
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by foxil

Breezy Hills Farms
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Moonpaw8033

Dusk to Daylight
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by DuskzeHedgie

verthaus ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Cinerious

The Happy Homestead
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by PrincessAlexis

Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by fruitbat

Utopia Farm
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by Wind

Oleander Cattle
Ranked: Novice
owned & maintained by turing

Dusky Dawn Sig-Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by JerseyDusk

Secluded Glade
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by Baobabel

MapleVale Ranch
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by dolliguts

Pony Cronies
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by odi

Black Oak Fields
Ranked: Beginner
owned & maintained by LeafpoolxCrowfeather

valkyrie,, @ Fri May 12, 2023 7:51 am

Meet the Staff!
Current Staff





nome senpai


Guest Artists:

started 1.9

Nursery Artists:




Past Staff

The Glass Doe


Stamps you can put in your sig!

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: valkyrie,,
Code: Select all

Created by: gardog
Code: Select all

Created by: gardog
Code: Select all

Created by: gardog
Code: Select all

Created by: gardog
Code: Select all

Created by: gardog
Code: Select all

Gift Lines:
Gift lines made by members of the community!

Created by: valkyrie,,

Created by: url/user

valkyrie,, @ Fri May 12, 2023 7:51 am


16 replies not shown, show all

First Sherpi Custom! based on this drawing by boolif
by boolif @ Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:03 am [Reply]

Custom sherpi for CrowWithAFry, hope you like it!

Trait list:
Non rarity- none
Common- colored seclara (very light yellow)
Uncommon- colored pupil
Rare- seven feet long, plants incorporated into sherpi
Myth Born- exposed bone (not an injury)

*. * ·Sprigons*. * · | v.2! based on this drawing by Kitteh
by Kitteh @ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:48 am [Reply]


Home | MYOs | Nursery | Traits | Discussion | Artist Tryouts | Archive | Shop

.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

What’s a Sprigon?
Sprigons are magical creatures that exist undiscovered in the remote reaches of modern day Earth. From the upper atmosphere to the darkest depths of the oceans, these creatures have adapted to hide and survive in nearly any environment. In fact, not only do they survive, but they seem to be able to manipulate their habitat magically in order to do so. Sky Sprigons, for instance, have the power to influence the weather, while Water Sprigons have sway over currents and tides.
Their most notable feature is certainly their tail, which can reach lengths of up to 6x that of their body. While moving they are often mistaken for long-bodied creatures like serpents or dragons, when in fact their actual body is quite stocky and square. The Sprigon’s tail is the source of its magic and is used in nearly every aspect of its life; so far, Sprigons have been noted to fly, swim at great speeds, and even tunnel into the ground.
These creatures are still considered Cryptids by the general public, and even the Cryptozoologists who study them know very little. It is suspected that Sprigons of different elements may breed to create new elements, so the number of different Sprigon elements is entirely unknown.

.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

Announcements and Events

V .2 is here!
V.2 brings new lineart, the Water and Earth Elements, new traits, and soon the nursery and breeding!
-The linearts are all now more user friendly and more easily editable! There are lots of folders to navigate and some erasing may be required for best coloring results, but overall I think its a big improvement over the old lines!
-The Earth and Water Elements now have lineart and their own unique traits! New unique traits have also been added for the Sky Element. I'm still working on batch lineart for Earth and Water.
-Nursery lineart has been added, and the nursery will open after I figure out how I'd like to run it!

✧I'm still looking for staff! If you're active and interested in being a species Moderator/Archivist, PM me!
✧Artist tryouts have been moved to the new lines!

.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

Getting Started

How do I get a Sprigon?
Getting your first Sprigon is easy! You may choose to create your own starter Sprigon by following the steps below, or you can try out for any adopts that are posted by staff.

To claim your Starter MYO Ticket, simply complete the following steps;

  1. Create a personal archive for your Sprigons! To create an archive, just create a space where you can keep track of all the Sprigons you own; this could simply be a folder, a thread in the character storage forum, or your personal character storage website. You don't have to currently own a Sprigon in order to create an archive.
  2. Fill out the 'Personal Archive' form in the Sprigons 'Archive' thread
  3. Create your Starter MYO! Starter MYOs are Standard tier, meaning that only NR trait edits may be added. You may, however, use add-on items to add common or above traits to your starter!
  4. Fill out the 'Claiming my Starter MYO!' form in the Sprigons 'MYO' thread.

Kitteh @ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:49 am


All rules are to be followed not only here on CS, but on any platform concerning Sprigons. These rules are in place to ensure that Sprigons remains a friendly and safe community for everyone. Failure to follow these rules will result in up to three warnings and eventually a complete ban from the community and species.

General Rules
please follow all of the Chicken Smoothie site rules, especially the code of conduct!

  1. Please keep all discussions and general behavior clean and PG13.
  2. Bullying, harassment, begging/guilt tripping, hateful rhetoric and unnecessary aggression will not be tolerated.
  3. Keep discussions related to the species unless in a designated forum or chat. Not Sprigon-related discourse must still follow the above rules.
  4. Adding to the above, any non-Sprigon chat must be kept lighthearted - heavy and uncomfortable real life topics should not be brought up or discussed in public chat.
  5. Be kind and respectful to others, including staff.
  6. If you have had an incident you need to report, please follow the guidelines for reporting listed below.
  7. Do not mini-mod; allow staff to handle questions and incidents.

Species/Design Rules
small note: rules are subject to be added or changed as the species grows. If you have any questions, feel free to PM a member of staff.

  1. Sprigons is a closed species; only staff members may create official adoptables.
  2. Because Sprigons is a closed species, users may not use the base in order to create pre-made designs; however, they may commission MYO designs for other users.
  3. Sprigon ownership is tracked via the archive; do not attempt to claim a Sprigon that you do not own.
  4. Sprigons may be transferred between owners via trades, gifting, and purchase via on or off-site currency; any sort of transfer must be reported with the appropriate form on the archive thread, and then approved by staff.
  5. Sprigons may not be sold for more than they were purchased for, and Sprigons purchased with virtual currency may not be sold for real currency.
  6. Sprigons that were acquired for free may not be sold, but may be traded or gifted freely.
  7. There is currently no limit on the number of Sprigons that may be owned.
  8. You may use copyrighted characters or popular culture as inspiration for a Sprigon design, but it must be a unique and original design.
  9. Once the Off-Oekaki base and thread are running, you may create and own off-Oekaki Sprigons as long as they are documented properly and the official base is used.

Form for Reporting

Please PM this form to any member of staff who is a moderator, admin, or species owner. Also make sure to document proof of any rule-breaking behavior!
Code: Select all
Your Username + ID:
Offender's Username + ID:
What happened?:
Proof: (unaltered screenshots where usernames are visible, links, etc. are considered proof)

Kitteh @ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:49 am


.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

Permanent Staff


Guest Staff

.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

Staff Rules

✧Guest Artists
  • Guest artists can create up to 3 adoptables per month.
  • Guest artists may make one Uncommon adopt; the rest may be at rarity Common or below.
  • Guest artists must make their first 2 adopts free, and may charge for the 3rd as long as the rules for paid adopts below are followed.
  • Artists may make any number of adoptables per month, but at least 2 must be free.
  • Artists may charge whatever they would like for paid adoptables, but MUST accept CS currency (pets or C$, your choice) as an option for payment as long as the adoptable is posted in the CS Oekaki.
  • Sales involving real currency must be discussed offsite, per CS rules.
  • Rare tier adoptables are limited to 1 per month (with the exception of events), and Mythical/Special tier adoptables must be discussed before posting.
  • Artists are not required to set an 'autobuy' for any auction/OTA (offer-to-adopt).
✧All Staff Members
  • All staff members are still subject to all general rules of the species.
  • Any full-time staff member may request to host an event as long as it is discussed with Kitteh.

Staff Payment

  • Guest artists will be paid a 1 time Staff MYO Ticket, which will be upgraded to a Rare Staff MYO Ticket if all 3 adoptables are made within the month they are hired.
  • Artist payment will depend on the amount of adoptables and nursery batches created within a month, resetting on the 1st of each month. (see chart below)
  • 2 Adoptables - 1 Staff MYO Ticket
  • 3-4 Adoptables - 1 Rare Staff MYO Ticket
  • 5+ Adoptables - 1 Mythical Staff MYO Ticket
  • Any non-artist staff members will receive 1 Staff MYO Ticket per week, resetting on Mondays at CS Rollover.
✧All Staff Members
  • All full-time staff may receive 1 Special Staff MYO Ticket for hosting an event.
  • All full-time staff may make themselves 1 free nursery breeding per month.
  • All staff may swap their Staff MYO Ticket for any (non-MYO) shop item.

Kitteh @ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:50 am


.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

Species Info and Lore

wip - coming soon

.  . . ° . °:. * ° . . ° * .:° . ° . . .

15 replies not shown, show all

Need help! Shadow Cats based on this drawing by Sin Tsukino
by Sin Tsukino @ Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:33 am [Reply]

So as you guys may have noticed this species has become more or less dead >.< I don't want the species to die out so I was thinking about making them an open species or maybe co-owning them with someone? I need someone else to keep me motivated with species it seems.

Selling them is also an option but I don't really want to completely give up on them like that since this species means a lot to me, so I'm after opinions. Should I open them? Would anyone be interested in co-owning them with me? Taking them off here and onto another site is also an option but I fear I would run into the same issue if I did it solo (Skygold has given permission for me to take the lines off of here)

Sooo.. any ideas?

fuyunofabuki @ Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:46 am

I would co-own but I crashed my own closed species I’m just tempted to make them open and leave them as is. But mine is also too important to me. So I feel that as well. Maybe I could bring them back here and we could co-own eachothers? Maybe us both having a species to part manage would make burn out less likely? Just an option. You can dm me I can send you the species

Sin Tsukino @ Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:00 pm

fuyunofabuki wrote:I would co-own but I crashed my own closed species I’m just tempted to make them open and leave them as is. But mine is also too important to me. So I feel that as well. Maybe I could bring them back here and we could co-own eachothers? Maybe us both having a species to part manage would make burn out less likely? Just an option. You can dm me I can send you the species

Maybe that could work, dm me with the species ^^ (or I'll dm you in a few days lol) I won't make any decisions right away I'm going to sit on this for a few days at least. This species is the first I came up with and I met a lot of amazing people from it

Mastema-Rastus @ Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:27 pm

Definitely think that co-owning would be a great idea to at least try!

19 replies not shown, show all

important announcement
mutato images will soon be breaking.
please check that you have saved all relevant images for the mutatoes that you own!

click here for the full announcement

◀︎ intro + links ⎮ rulesstafffaqstamps + affiliates | mutato making guide ▶︎
◀︎ get your starter 'tatofanclub | nurserymyos + customsshopbankarchivev1updatesartist search ▶︎

mutato - singular | mutatoes - plural

in a rapidly changing world of rapidly accumulating toxic waste, mutatoes take to the sky.
these creatures, affectionately dubbed mutatoes,
are a sad combination of an unknown creature, radioactive material, and a potato.
they live in the sky and consume uv radiation. they are the new era of superman.
mutatoes are typically the size of a potato, but the largest can grow to around the size of a basketball.
generally they are busy creatures who would prefer flying to being carried.
the mutato is filled with the same kind of gases that its tail is made of.
these gases are currently unidentified, but are lighter than air–-enabling them to fly.
they can stay in the air for a maximum of twenty hours straight before they need to land and "rest".
though, when they can't be in the air, mutatoes pace... a lot.

◀︎ species created and owned by akami-chan and managed by allinian ▶︎
based on the #id of the mutato, its appearance may deviate from the standard look.
this is a guide to the different types of mutatoes and their occurrences.


allinian @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:06 pm

◀︎ intro + links⎮ rules ⎮ stafffaqstamps + affiliates | mutato making guide ▶︎

--- mutatoes are a closed species created and owned by akami-chan and managed by allinian.


    - you may not make your own mutato without permission.

    - please be aware of and understand all of cs' rules.
    - please do not spam, harass other players, whine, guilt trip, or beg for mutatoes.
    - be kind and respectful to all members of the community. discrimination will not be tolerated.

    - there is no limit to how many mutatoes you may own. mutato mayhem!

    - mutatoes may not be co-owned.
    - do not claim a mutato that is not yours. this includes using images that do not belong to you in your signature.

    - do not under any circumstance edit the mutato animation.
    - do not copy/trace/heavily reference the mutato lines.

    - requests for free myos and customs will be ignored (outside of starter 'tatoes).
    - requests to join the staff will be ignored.

    - you must wait for me, allinian, to reserve the second post in each mutato thread before posting.

    - feel free to feature your mutato in your signature and/or upload it to character sites.
    - if you do either of the above, you must link it back to either the main thread or its original adoption page.
    - if uploading to, assign credit to the main thread (or original adoption page) and the designer.
    - - for image credits, credit akami-chan for the lines/base and the respective artist for the design.

    - a user must own their mutato for at least fourteen days before it can be resold, traded, or gifted.

    - a mutato obtained through free adoption cannot be sold under any circumstance.
    - a free mutato can only be traded for other mutatoes. three-way mutato trades are allowed.
    - - if a free mutato is traded for a paid one, the paid one looses its value and becomes free.

    - mutatoes can only be sold for cs pets, items, c$, and/or art.
    - mutatoes cannot and will never be sold for any kind of real currency.
    - - they also cannot be sold/traded for any non-mutato characters or off-site currencies.

    - you may only sell your mutato for how much it was bought for.
    - - art, pets, and items can be converted to c$ to calculate overall value.

    - all ownership changes must be approved by me or a staff member in the archive updates thread.

    - deliberate rule abuse will have consequences.
    - rule-breakers will be given one strike per offense. on the third offense, they will be banned.
    - if the staff feel anyone has severely broken the rules, they will be banned immediately.
    - art thieves and plagiarists will automatically be banned with no warning.
    - a situation does not have to be explicitly stated in the rules to result in a strike or ban.

    in the case of a ban,
    -- the user can still keep their mutatoes, but they can no longer participate in anything related to the species. this includes breeding/selling/trading/gifting their mutatoes, participating in events, interacting with any threads/adopts, etc.
    -- if the user no longer wants their mutatoes, they will be readopted. these readoptions can only be held by the staff.
--- i reserve the right to add, remove, or amend rules if necessary.

allinian @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:06 pm

◀︎ intro + linksrules ⎮ staff ⎮ faqstamps + affiliates | mutato making guide ▶︎








    - before making your first mutato, please read through the mutato making guide !

    - somewhere in the first post, include a "DO NOT POST UNTIL ALLINIAN DOES," and wait until i have done so to remove it.
    - if it has been two+ hours, feel free to reserve the post for me and report it to have the author changed.

    - all profit goes to the artist.
    - at least one-in-every-five adopts must be free.
    - all static and heaventail mutatoes must be free, so do not sell these.
    - mutatoes can only be sold for c$, pets, items, and/or art.
    - all auctions/OTAs cannot last for more than one week (7 days), and therefore cannot be extended past said date as well, with the exception of sniping. the 7 days count from when the first offer/bid is posted.
    - a snipe guard of one hour can be put into place if necessary.
    - in the case that there are no bids or offers you would like to accept, the mutato can be put back up for free adoption.

    - guest artists (GAs) are hired for a month, and are allowed to make up to five mutatoes (not including their custom).
    - GAs must create at least two designs before creating their custom.

    - include the header + link to the main page on all mutato adopts. here is the code for it:
    Code: Select all

    - please keep the 'open' ribbon visible when the adopt is open, and remove it when the mutato has found a home ! ♡

    ALL STAFF MEMBERS earn a custom/myo upon initial hire, flametail only.

    afterwards, permanent staff earn a custom/myo for every month active, either flametail or bubbletail.
    - these customs/myos can be gifted to friends, but cannot be sold.
    - two months worth of compensation can be exchanged for a statictail.
    - - five months worth can be exchanged for a heaventail.

    - an active artist is defined by a minimum of three designs per month, nursery included.
    - an active moderator and archivist is defined on a case-by-case basis.

allinian @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:06 pm

◀︎ intro + linksrulesstaff ⎮ faq ⎮ stamps + affiliates | mutato making guide ▶︎

    Q. the "select all" url code on the mutato oekaki pages, can anyone use it?
    no, this is only for the winner's use.

    Q. am i allowed to add accessories to my mutato?
    yes, on your own separate reference, but do not under any circumstance edit the mutato animation.

    Q. do mutatoes have genders?
    this is up to the owner. gender is not an important part of this species.

    Q. are mutatoes an intelligent species?
    mutatoes behave like any pet. they have conscious, deliberate thought, and personality quirks.

    Q. can mutatoes read? do they have their own language?
    some can read, but mutatoes don't have a special written or spoken language. instead, they mostly communicate through motion and gestures.

    Q. can my mutato be friends with/the pet of my floc?
    certainly! but.. since both do not have a spoken language.. it might be a bit difficult. the floc can communicate telepathically to the mutato... but it probably wont understand much (similar to human/dog communication).

    Q. --

126 replies not shown, show all

Lemaire Channel Arabians based on this drawing by Sunniedew
by kaju @ Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:29 pm [Reply]

Main | Staff Search | Foaling | Imports | Coat Guide | Store | Competitions | Archive | Clinic

    Lemaire Channel Arabians; a subspecies of Arabian unlike any other. Compared to their hot-blooded, desert dwelling ancestors, this unique type is cold-blooded and arctic dwelling. Founded in 1976, the Lemaire Arabian was first discovered by an explorer by the name of Levi H. Kavairi, who had been trekking across the unforgiving Antarctic terrain for eight months in search of signs of any new species. He was shocked to find a herd of wild horses wandering around an expanse of frigid water that was nicknamed the Kodak Gap. The explorer was especially surprised however, when he looked closer and saw the herd was in fact a group of Arabians. Considering his exploits of multiple deserts showed that the breed thrived primarily in the hot weather, this was unsual.

    He reported his findings to the committee, and from there the Lemaire Channel Arabian Foundation (LCAF) was founded. To preserve this brilliant breed, a group of skilled professionals came together in hopes to assist the breed in becoming globally recognized and to expand the population. They succeeded, and now the Lemaire Channel Arabian makes a wonderful companion to any barn. Eye-catching, level-headed, intelligent, and incredibly hardy, the Lemaire Arabian is the perfect all-rounder breed. Capable of competing in any known discipline, they have excellent potential for anything and are an eager to please, easily trainable breed. The breed sports a long, flowing mane and tail that requires consistent maintenance, a coat that, depending on the climate, can range anywhere from thick and wooly to short and glossy. Their strong, hardy hooves make them exceptional mounts for braving the wilderness. Overall, the Lemaire Arabian is a great addition. Will you join this new species and breed your own barn of champions?

    lines © emberwolf

kaju @ Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:29 pm

    These rules are subject to change at any time. New or updated rules will be indicated using red text
    ─ CS rules always apply
    ─ Be respectful to staff and community members at all times. Guilt-tripping and being rude or argumentative is not acceptable behavior
    ─ Lemaire Channel Arabians cannot be sold for any type of currency. They can be gifted for free, or traded for other LCAs
    ─ If you are trading/gifting a horse, both the new and old owners must post on the horse's page confirming the transfer. Additionally, the new owner should contact the archivist to inform them of the change
    ─ As a closed species, creating your own LCA is not permitted. Changing the coat design, color, or adding things to an LCA you own is also not allowed without the original designer's explicit permission
    ─ You cannot claim designs that you do not own. Likewise, plagiarizing backstories or personalities is not permitted
    ─ LCAs can be taken offsite. Websites like Weebly, Toyhouse, Wix, or custom websites are permitted for character storage
    ─ Users who are banned from CS are considered banned from LCA. Banned users cannot claim their adopts under another account, unless they have proof of ownership. Revoked LCAs will be adopted back out into the community
    ─ Once owned, LCAs are to be given a halter and have their background removed as soon as possible

kaju @ Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:30 pm

    Permitted for staff member use only.

    Code: Select all
    [center][quote][size=85][b][url=]Lemaire Channel Arabians[/url][/b]; a subspecies of Arabian unlike any other. Compared to their hot-blooded, desert dwelling ancestors, this unique type is cold-blooded and arctic dwelling. Founded in 1976, the Lemaire Arabian was first discovered by an explorer by the name of Levi H. Kavairi, who had been trekking across the unforgiving Antarctic terrain for eight months in search of signs of any new species. He was shocked to find a herd of wild horses wandering around an expanse of frigid water that was nicknamed the Kodak Gap. The explorer was especially surprised however, when he looked closer and saw the herd was in fact a group of Arabians. Considering his exploits of multiple deserts showed that the breed thrived primarily in the hot weather, this was unsual.
    He reported his findings to the committee, and from there the Lemaire Channel Arabian Foundation (LCAF) was founded. To preserve this brilliant breed, a group of skilled professionals came together in hopes to assist the breed in becoming globally recognized and to expand the population. They succeeded, and now the Lemaire Channel Arabian makes a wonderful companion to any barn. Eye-catching, level-headed, intelligent, and incredibly hardy, the Lemaire Arabian is the perfect all-rounder breed. Capable of competing in any known discipline, they have excellent potential for anything and are an eager to please, easily trainable breed. The breed sports a long, flowing mane and tail that requires consistent maintenance, a coat that, depending on the climate, can range anywhere from thick and wooly to short and glossy. Their strong, hardy hooves make them exceptional mounts for braving the wilderness. Overall, the Lemaire Arabian is a great addition. Will you join this new species and breed your own barn of champions?[/quote]
    [list][size=95][center]Prompt here. End date[/center]

    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]
    [b]Halter Color:[/b]
    [b]Prompt:[/b] [/code]

    [b]Eye Color:[/b]
    [b]Breeding Notes:[/b]


kaju @ Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:30 pm


    - Official opening 3/2/24
    - Artist search added
    - New threads underway

11 replies not shown, show all

*.✧ seraphillons ✧.*
by ophanimera @ Thu Aug 03, 2023 12:06 pm [Reply]

What are Seraphillons?

Pronounced ser-aff-ee-yon, Seraphillons are a special subset of borzoi blessed by angelic beings. Unique to this species is a fur tail that grows in the shape of butterfly (or moth) wings. These tails may take on the Lepidopteran species’ colorations as well, but not necessarily. This shape is also not confined to currently discovered Earth species but can be any possible imagined lepidopteran. Papillonidae or Swallowtail is the most commonly occurring tail shape. Additionally, most Seraphillons, or Phis (pronounced fees), have at least two or more sets of wings. It is possible for them to have less or more, and they may be attached to any area of the Seraphillon. Wings instead of ears is most common, as well as one set being on the torso. These wings may be birdlike, insectlike, batlike, or other fantasy wings, such as dragons or hybrid.

As a whole, Seraphillons are quite small in size. They are no more than 8 inches tall (20cm) and weigh around 5 lbs or less. They are extremely fast and have a high metabolism, but prefer to primarily eat honey and other sweets left by humans on windowsills. Seraphillons can be found hiding most commonly in well-maintained flower gardens, either in flower bushes or hiding in dense ground cover.

It is said the best way to communicate with a Phi is through their Seravice, which is a mysterious piece of technology that appears whenever a Phi draws close to humans. It mostly functions as a translator for the Phi’s angelic language. Sometimes, if a Phi is less trusting, you may have to earn the right to this device.

trait rules

Most modifications are allowed, within reason.
      You can add essentially anything you want to a Seraphillon. However, the tail must remain moth or butterfly-shaped. They must also have ears. At a minimum, they must have wings for ears OR two pairs of wings somewhere else on their body. If you're uncertain on an acceptable tail shape, or otherwise would like trait approval just to ensure no changes are needed, the Discord is the best place to ask. You may also PM me on ChickenSmoothie.

      One page of examples of tails.

Excessive body horror is not allowed.
      This adopt posted on ChickenSmoothie is a prime example of something that would not be allowed in Phis. While I want to cultivate a community that is as creative and free as possible, I would like to avoid most graphic horror and themes. That being said, if you would like to make a scary Seraphillon, or otherwise use horror themes, I can discuss with you privately your particular concepts and whether or not they will be permitted.

semi-custom roll list

    for any competition offering a semi-custom seraphillon with edits applied, the following list may be used. pre-selected traits are also okay, it is up to the artist's preference.

    1. secondary tail
      any non-sentient tail from any species; does not replace butterfly tail
    2. chimera
      sentient second tail, can be snake, tailmouth, etc., does not replace butterfly tail
    3. animal ears
      can be of any species, artist's choice, no roll needed for species; phi must have 2 sets of wings elsewhere on the body
    4. 1-5 horns
    5. scales
      can be of any scaled species and cover up to 50% of the body (fish, lizard, dragon, bird legs, etc)
    6. halo
      can surround any body part, multiple ok
    7. gem embed
      can be located anywhere on the body in one centralized part
    8. hair
      any length or style, including mane change
    9. companion
      can be any creature or inanimate object given sentience
    10. floral or plant growth
    11. extra sets of eyes (up to 6 eyes)
    12. extra set of legs (front or back)
    13. sleipnir (8 legs total)
    14. elemental powers/morph
      secondary roll: 1- fire, 2- water, 3- electricity/glitch, 4- earth/rock, 5- metal, 6- ice, 7- darkness, 8- light/stars, 9- blood, 10-wind, 11-combustion/explosion
    15. transparent body parts
      secondary roll: 1- neck, 2- chest, 3- vapor tail trail
    16. mermaid
      legs and tail only, caudal fin must be butterfly shape
    17. multiple heads
      2-3 maximum
    18. exposed bone
      any body part ok but must be located in one part
    19. alternate feet
      can be of any species but does not include scales more than the feet (hooves, rat, bird, raptor, etc. ok)


to be added, please pm if you would like to affiliate!

our icon for affiliation:


Code: Select all

rainboxys wrote:

Community Guidelines

Seraphillon Adoption Center is a safe place for all people.

      Bigotry is not allowed in any form. This includes, but is not limited to homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, panphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, and so forth. Bigoted behavior will merit you two strikes on the first infraction and a ban with a second infraction.

All rights to Seraphillons reserved.
      I understand there are similar species, but I reserve the sole right to ownership of the lore and all content produced for the use of this species. This does not include ownership of any fan-produced content, such as art made of characters within the species owned by a member of the community.

3 strikes and you're out.
      Infractions will receive a warning, or if severe enough, a species ban. 3 strikes result in a species ban.

Mind your manners.
      Don't be rude to other users, whine about losing a competition, et cetera. Please don’t mini-mod or talk over staff answering questions. Poor behaviour may warrant a strike or species ban. Really, just be nice to other community members and staff. That’s all I’m asking here.

No COPPA users.
      Because COPPA users' posts have to be approved by site staff, this may create undesirable results when judging competitions. Additionally, our species utilizes Discord and you must be 13, as per their Terms of Service.

Non-owners will be favored for the first 100 adopts.
      You may own an unlimited amount of Seraphillons, however, once you win one, non-owners with a similarly competitive form will be chosen over your form.

You cannot make your own without a MYO slot.
      Most competitions will be focused on development of a character within the Seraphillon world. However, sometimes you can purchase a premade Phi outright or a MYO slot.

Out of every four adopts, one will be for sale via offer to adopt, auction, or flatsale. This is a ratio of paid to unpaid, not so much a hard rule about adopt numbers, etc.
      In accordance with ChickenSmoothie rules, c$ and valuable pets will be accepted. However, it is up to the individual artist as to whether they will accept USD, other offsite forms of payment, or art, in exchange for their designs and whether or not they value other forms of payment more highly and preferentially to ChickenSmoothie payments. Please see the “Staff Perks” section regarding more information on this rule.

Trade, Design Creation/Edit and Ownership Rules

You may not sell Seraphillons for more than you purchased them for, excepting added art value.
      Art of your adopt is allowed to increase its value. However, you must add only commissioned art’s purchase value and no more. If you produce the art you are adding to the value of the character, you must first post an appraisal request in the Discord or related CS thread before it may be considered. Premade Seraphillons may also be traded for other species items, Sundew, c$, CS pets and so forth, in accordance with the character’s value.

      If you receive or win an adopt for free and it has no art, it should be traded only for other premade characters.

Until further notice, new Sundew is only found or earned through species participation or by trading with other users.
      Regarding Sundew or species-specific item trades, it is only permitted to trade them for c$, CS pets, and other Seraphillon items. You may use the #seraphillon-market thread in the Discord or the approved thread on the ChickenSmoothie Forums. Please see the "Staff Perks" section regarding MYO ticket sales/trades.

You can edit designs you own as long as the design stays recognizably similar to the original (at least 70% similar to original design) AND you have the artist's permission.
      All changes to the designs must be approved by the original artist, as well as myself. Participation in species lore is optional as well: you can choose to adopt a design and not participate in the species/world, if you so choose. However, there are incentives planned for species participation.

If a pre-existing IP is used as inspiration, the adopt must look at most 30% similar to the original design.
      This means you may not recreate characters from television shows, comics, books, et cetera directly as Seraphillons and must use only loose inspiration, such as sampling from a color palette, symbology, clothing or hairstyles. Media must be Safe for CS in order to be sampled from. Please ask permission before making a MYO from a pre-existing IP.

If you are no longer interested in your Seraphillon, you may readopt them out to the community or gift them to someone else, so long as the recipient is not banned from the community. Please notify a staff member so the competition can be publicly advertised with other open adopts.
      You must choose a winner for the readoption within 30 days of the deadline. If you are unable to do so, users are encouraged to notify Seraphillon Staff in order for a winner to be chosen by a Staff Member. Readoptions must be held in public, on the ChickenSmoothie Forums.

Seraphillons are tradeable from the moment you are awarded one or your MYO is approved. However, they cannot be bred until at least one week from ownership. Additionally, they are only capable of breeding once every 3 months.

If you get banned from the species or are blocked by me, you are allowed to keep your adopts but will no longer be able to participate in species spaces, such as the fanclub or Discord Server, or acquire further species assets.

I reserve the right to make changes to the rules at any time, as needed.
Last edit: February 28, 2024
Last edit reason: Updated trade rules to add clarification for items & trading

strikes and warnings

none yet! let's keep it that way

staff list

owner and jack of all trades
rainboxys 604943

LavenderRain 829208
ruptures 1047464
twilispark 1027995

more may be added, as time goes on.

staff perks

Staff are allowed to sell 1 of every 4 adopts they make in Offer-to-Adopt or auction format. This adopt must be the fourth of four that they have made. You may also "save up" these paid slots and do gacha batches, etc. with them. In example of calculation, say rainboxys makes 6 adopts. It has earned two paid slots to create, which may be sold at any point after these adopts are made.

Staff are awarded 1 MYO ticket for every 4 adopts they make, which they are allowed to sell, use, gift, et cetera, at their own discretion without consideration of it as a paid staff perk slot.

Undesigned MYO ticket sales are permitted but must not exceed a total of $20 usd. For the purpose of our rules, this is equivalent to 380 c$. Individually imposed values on C$ to USD are not considered for this valuation. There is no value minimum or maximum imposed on premade design OTA/auctions.

Taxidea @ Thu Aug 03, 2023 12:15 pm

Say sighthound and I come running!! Big 'ole mark!

twilispark @ Thu Aug 03, 2023 12:28 pm


BlueEyedKite @ Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:07 am

Taxidea wrote:Say sighthound and I come running!! Big 'ole mark!

Same! Give me the borzoi :clap:

26 replies not shown, show all

✧-------------------- { End date April 30th } --------------------✧

Event Raffle

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕝?

Primals are the original species of the felidus genus. These ancestors possessed three jewels and relied
more on their strength rather than the magic within their jewels. Their bodies were more than double the size of their
modern cousins, with muscle to take down prey larger than themselves.

Despite the misconception that they were lawless beasts, they had a rigid hierarchy similar to their descendants.
They lived in small tribes ruled by an Alpha- who possessed a specialized jewel and scars that demanded respect.

Cubs born with the Alpha jewel were automatically considered to be heirs to the throne of their tribe, although they
still must prove themselves to their brethren as the rightful leader.


By day the desert burns hot and full of color. At night it’s a chilled wash of shadowed blues. In this desert, between towering plateaus, lives a small group of primal simas. Unlike most primals, they don’t migrate through the seasons, instead choosing to live here, sheltering from the worst of the heat and cold in ancient caves. Theirs have always looked to the stars for guidance, reading answers in the constellations. They record their wisdom and their histories on the walls of the caves.


✧------------- { Rules and Guidelines } -------------✧

- Simas won during this event, may not be;; Traded, gifted, bred or have items used on them till the event ends and all event simas have been archived in the official archive.
> You do not need to post on the official archive update thread with your event earnings, these will be archived sometime after the end of the event.

- Items won during this event may not be;; Traded, gifted or used till the event ends and all items have been archived in the official archive.
> You do not need to post on the official archive update thread with your event earnings, these will be archived sometime after the end of the event.

- Each user is only allowed to adopt/win 2 simas from this event at this moment. This number does not include the special alpha primal adopt.


Ember the Wolf @ Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:16 pm

**Soft Mark**

Please no posting! our event will be starting on April 1st!

wucaian @ Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:17 pm

res just in case...

Ember the Wolf @ Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:59 am

Smol bump

2 replies not shown, show all


Home | MYOs | Nursery | Traits | Discussion | Artist Tryouts | Archive | Shop

It looks like a bunch of Sprigons are hard at work building something. You might want to check back later.

wip! feel free to mark

leonscharizard @ Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:18 am


leonscharizard @ Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:18 am


Non-Rarity | These traits are free to use on any Bubble Snappers and may be added at any time with archive approval.

- Accessories/Clothing
- Custom Lines
- Disabilites
- Scars
- Expressions
- Size Edits
- Weight Edits
- Colored Pupils
- Eyelashes (Eyes trait required in order to apply)
- Tattoos
- Companions

Common | These traits can be used on Bubble Snappers of Common or higher rarity.

- Horns/Spikes
- Straw Edits (Straws cannot be removed completely)
- Claws
- Ear Edits
- Fang/Mouth Edits
- Tufts
- Hair Style
- Shaped Boba
- “Standard” Boba

Uncommon | These traits can be used on Bubble Snappers of Uncommon or higher rarity.

- Eyes
- Fur Edits
- Tail Edits
- Feathers
- Glowing Parts
- Tongue Edits
- Colored Scelera
- Glass Location Edits
- No Boba
- Liquid Other Than a boba
- Paw Edits
- Leg Edits
- Whiskers

Rare | These traits can be used on Bubble Snappers of Rare or higher rarity.

- Multiple Straws
- Multiple Ears
- Small Wings
- Multiple Tails
- Powers
- Sparkles/Particles
- Patches of Fire
- More Than 2 Eyes
- Antennae
- Exterior Liquid/Slime/Goop

Celestial | These traits can be used on Bubble Snappers of Celestial rarity.

- No Glass
- Bigger Wings
- Extra Body Parts
- Robot Body Parts
- Halos
- Plant Growth
- Animated Markings
- Longer Body

Event | These traits can be used on Bubble Snappers made with Event MYOs or with the items to apply the trait.

- Party Blower (2024 Official CS Launch Event)

leonscharizard @ Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:19 am

marking for some other stuff

7 replies not shown, show all

Galingale Striders
V1 · V2 · V3 · V4 · V5 · V.6
Information · Adoption · Breeding · Customs · Rescue · Events
Artist Search · Archive · Gift Lines · Discord · Fan Club · Transfers · Make Your Own

dragons whisper @ Tue Nov 29, 2022 11:43 am


Any open adopts will have a background attached to them and can be found under the "Adopts" cover. For the time-being, all adopts are free, excluding customs and breedings, which usually use Chicken Dollars for currency. Adopts will always have some sort of form attached. Fill out the form and post it below the Galingale you wish to adopt. Each artist will have their own competitions, raffles and end dates. You may only win one Galingale every 24 hours, good luck!



The Rescue is specifically on Discord. If you wish the
re-home, sell, or surrender any of your Galingale
Striders, you may do so on the "Rescue" panel on

Galingales can breed between 3-12 times and are
capable of having 1-3 babies at a time. There's a 80%
chance for 1 foal, 15% chance for twins and a 5%
chance for triplets.

All Galingale Striders have 3 slots when adopted. In
order to get more breeding slots you have to train
them. Simply fill out the prompts from one of the
3 different tiers and post it to your Galingales Adoption
Page. You must Contact a Breeding Artist, Mod or
Owner to get it approved when you finish it.

For more information about Breeding click HERE.


---------------2024 Important Dates---------------

Ticket Raffles
• Posts on the 1st and Ends on the 7th of every 2 months.

• February 29th [Leap Year]
• April 1st [April Fools]
• October [Special Release]
• January [winter themed]
• February [winter themed]
• May [spring themed]
• June [summer themed]
• September [autumn themed]

• March
• July
• November

• April
• August
• December

dragons whisper @ Tue Nov 29, 2022 11:43 am

----------About Galingale Striders----------
There are a few different breeds of Striders that have been mentioned within history. Some went extinct many years ago due to environmental changes, others from the involvement of man. We have been fortunate enough to save the Feathered Striders but everything we know about the other breed's has been limited to legends, paintings and scrolls. We hope some day we can learn more about each breed and what they can offer. Down below is the information we do have on them now.

So far what we have seen is some traits and mutations do carry between all breeds but others are only specific to that particular breed. Coat rarities seem to be the same across the entire species and their anatomy and sizes differ vastly.

Physical mutations have a 10% pass rate.
If both parents carry the same mutation
there's a 70% pass rate. Some mutations
are only shown on [stallions] and some on
only [mares].

• Albino
• Melanistic
• Leucitic
• Vitiligo
• Skeletal Markings

Forever Baby
Arabian Nose
• Roman Nose
• Hermaphrodite
• Long/Multiple Fangs [stallions]
• Antlers [stallions]
Horns [stallions]

• Bioluminescent Eyes
• Tri-toed hooves
• Canine teeth
• Dapples, lighter or darker,
extended along spine.
• horns, fangs [stallions]
------Coat Rarity------
very common

[Land Mammals, Marsupials, Other Equine]

[Birds, Aquatic Mammals]

[Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Insects]

very rare
[unrealistic or unable to categorize]


----------About Feathered Galingale Striders----------
The feathered galingale striders are considered to be the royalty of equines. With their slender bodies, bright colors and draped feathers, the galingales are a curiosity around the world. In the past, there are recounts of these flashy equines being worshipped, or kept as pets and beloved companions. Because of their beauty, they were poached for their horns and feathers, with the claim that they had special healing properties and were also used to decorate garments. Because of this mistreatment, these unique creatures became critically endangered. In efforts to save them, the remaining galingales were captured, bred in captivity, and then released into protected areas. The population rebounded, and now wild herds can be seen of up to 25 individuals roaming across their territory.
They are omnivores, with both herbivore and carnivore traits, and also have high intelligence. Because of their small stature and thin, dear-like legs, they are not strong enough to be ridden. They are capable of driving sleds and carriages in teams of 2-6 and are often dressed in costumes and garments. Their feathers have a variety of uses, ranging from camouflage to mating rituals. The galingales are well known for being both affectionate and playful, especially in mares- though they can become over-protective with their foals. With their rebounded numbers, population control has taken effect, and small groups of galingales are rounded up or rescued from old owners and put up for adoption. Will you be the one to take one home today...?

• Extra Feathers
• Fully Feathered

• Feathers on Neck,
Spine, and Withers.
• Feathers of all colors
and patterns.
• Body with hair like a horse.
• 11hh - 14.3hh [mares]
• 12hh - 15.3hh [stallions]
------Coat Rarity------
no difference


----------About Finned Galingale Striders----------
Work in progress... Nulla porta elementum nisl. Proin dolor nulla, sodales eget urna eu, commodo egestas velit. Cras fermentum magna vitae mauris vulputate fermentum. Cras id risus quis urna blandit vehicula. Cras at dictum ipsum, quis aliquet purus. Nulla dignissim elit a eros volutpat, eget pharetra justo fermentum. Nulla et purus aliquet, tincidunt est vel, pharetra purus.

• none atm


• Fins on Neck, Spine
and Withers.
• Fins of all colors
and patterns.
• body covered in small
round scales.
• 10hh - 13.3hh [mares]
• 11hh - 14.3hh [stallions]
------Coat Rarity------
no difference


----------About Furred Galingale Striders----------
Work in progress... Nulla porta elementum nisl. Proin dolor nulla, sodales eget urna eu, commodo egestas velit. Cras fermentum magna vitae mauris vulputate fermentum. Cras id risus quis urna blandit vehicula. Cras at dictum ipsum, quis aliquet purus. Nulla dignissim elit a eros volutpat, eget pharetra justo fermentum. Nulla et purus aliquet, tincidunt est vel, pharetra purus.

• none atm

• Stiff hair on Neck, Spine,
Withers and Cannon/
• Hair matches body with
highlights of different
patterns and color.
• Body covered in thick fur.
• 11hh - 13.3hh [mares]
• 13hh - 15.3hh [stallions]
------Coat Rarity------
no difference


----------About Skeletal Galingale Striders----------
Skeletal galingale striders used to only be known by the word of the superstitious. Tales of creatures sent from the underworld roamed the marshes and dark mountains, taking the lives of those who foolishly entered. The legends said the creatures would wait in the thick fog, screaming, pretending to be trapped in the mud. By the time their victim was close enough to see the hairless animal, with it's bones blocking the light from beneath it's skin, it was too late. Snatched away, the strider would drag them into the bog burring them alive in the thick mud only to return when hunger pained it's stomach.
It is believed their appearance struck fear in those from long ago as they believed seeing one was a bad omen and death was upon the people. This lead a mass hunt to eradicate the entire species, to be sure of humanity's survival. After thousands of years of only paintings and stories to tell us about this mysterious sub-species, we now know these creatures do exist and are not malicious as the stories say.
These strider's are the tallest out of all the sub-species and have transparent skin which reveals their bones. They have no fur, instead they have a fine layer of peach fuzz that makes their skin soft to the touch. They have developed this way due to the lack of sunlight in their environment. The dark mountains only receive the light from the moon reflecting off the rocks and the marshes are so thick with tree's and fog, fireflies can barely be seen. These striders often take refuge deep within caves inside the mountains and do not crave the flesh of man. They much prefer glowing grubs, mosses, and carrion. Though they are not necessarily aggressive, they are very wary of people and if threatened will fight to the death. They are not a tame species and very difficult to find but those who have managed to bond with them have a very loyal companion.
We hope with time more of these species will reveal themselves but they have only been seen around the time of Halloween. Best of luck to you all who wish to train one of these marvelous creatures.

• Bioluminescence
• Spines

• No hair or fur, only fine peach fuzz.
• 13hh - 15.3hh [mares]
• 15hh - 17.3hh [stallions]
------Coat Rarity------
no difference


dragons whisper @ Tue Nov 29, 2022 11:44 am

---------------General Rules---------------
- Read All Rules
- Rules Change, Stay up to date.
- Family Friendly Species, PG/Pg-13 Content Only.
- No editing any of the sheets or lines provided after purchasing or adopting.
- You're welcome to make your own Reference sheets, they will not be used in archives though.
- Follow Guides, any incorrect information will be removed.
- Galingales are a Closed Species, report Fake Galingales immediately.
- Creating fake Galingale Striders can lead to a Suspension or Ban.
- Harassment and Bullying are NOT tolerated and will lead to a Permanent Ban.
- Keep chats CLEAN, no swearing or crude language.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions or inform the Admin/Mods of any incorrect information.
- Failing to follow rules and acting out of line can lead to a suspension or ban.
- Guilt tripping staff is not tolerated.
- Bribing is not allowed and will lead to a suspension.
- No mini-modding
- 3 warning will lead to a permanent ban.
- If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact the owners or moderators.
- Stay positive, have fun.


---------------Adoption Rules---------------
- No limit on owning Galingales
- Can only win one Galingale within 24 hours of each other.
- Storage Pages are required in order to adopt.
- Ask for permission using Galingale Striders for anything offsite.
- You must ask other Owners to use their Galingales for anything.
- Galingales can not change genders and must be listed as Male or Female, unless they carry the Hermaphrodite mutation. But are allowed to be homosexual or Transsexual for role playing.

---------------Rescue Rules---------------
- Re-adoption is only allowed on the Discord panel "Rescue."
- Follow the Steps, how to surrender your Galingale, on Discord.
- Surrendered Galingales are allowed to change their Name.
- Surrendered Galingales do not get extra breeding slots and must keep pre-arranged agreements for slots.
- Training transfers upon re-adoption.

---------------Breeding Rules---------------
- Galingales can breed 3 weeks after creation.
- Galingales must not be related, up to 3 generations, to breed.
- Breeding can only take place between Stallions and Mares. Unless you have a "Same Gender Breeding" ticket, or a Strider with the Hermaphrodite mutation.
- You can apply for breeding's 2 times a month.
- Owners of Breeding's may give up any of the foals for adoption if they do not wish to claim them.
- How many foals your Galingales will produce will be randomly rolled. Twins (15%) Triplets (5%).
- Using a "Twins Ticket" or "Triplet Ticket" will grant you that amount of foals automatically.
- Any payments must be made to artists before foals are made.
- Foals will not be re-made after creation.
- You will be allowed to make 3 trait suggestions. Though they may not be guaranteed. Traits such as eye color, leg markings, facial markings, etc... are more acceptable.
- You may only suggest traits that exist on the parents or grand-parents.
- If you do not own one or both Galingales, then ask the owner/owners for permission to breed them together.
- Permission Quotes, with photo proof, are required for Breeding Applications.
- Faked Permission Quotes will lead to a Suspension or Ban, with full supervision of the staff... Don't Do It.
- Items do not pass down.
- If both parents have different rarities, the traits passed down will be randomly rolled. Common (80%) Very Common (50%) Uncommon (30%) Rare (20%) Very Rare (10%)
- If both parents carry the same rarity the foals will have a 100% chance of receiving that rarity.
- Mutations and physical disabilities have a 10% chance of passing to each foal if one parent carries it.
- Mutations and physical disabilities have a 10% chance of passing to each foal if both parents carry a different mutation/physical disability.
- Only 1 mutation can be passed down to each foal.
- If both parents carry a different mutation/physical disability and the foal is born with a mutation/physical disability, it has a 50% chance of receiving either one.
- Mutations and physical disabilities have a 70% chance of passing to each foal if both parents carry it.
- Foals do not show their mutations until they are at least 1 year old.
- Reserving Slots is allowed.
- Owners can sell their slots.
- Agreements between Reserving slots should be kept private and safe.
- Any Issues with private agreements may be taken to Mods to be resolved.
- Owners are not obligated to sell their slots.
- Owners are not obligated to breed if asked.
- Foal lines are not required but will be provided if asked.
- Adult lines will always be provided.
- Breeding applications must be for yourself and not someone else.

---------------Custom Rules---------------
- Customs can open up once a month from each artist.
- Free custom tickets can be won in Discord.
- Creating fake Galingales can lead to a Suspension or Ban, unless listed as fake or as a concept for a "Make Your Own".


---------------ChickenSmoothie Rules---------------
- Follow all CS rules.
- Advertising other species is NOT allowed.
- Keep forms simple and readable. Simple designs allowed.
- Do not copy other contestants forms.
- Paid adopts will be posted here but conversations involving real currency must be held on DeviantArt or Discord.
- Auctions will be posted here but conversations involving real currency will be carried out in Discord.
- Try out for as may as you wish.

---------------Discord Rules---------------
- Advertising other species is allowed in the "Off-Topic, Advertisement" panel.
- Must maintain a Family Friendly environment.
- Keep chats CLEAN, no swearing or crude language.
- Be respectful to others.
- Spamming is not allowed.
- You may re-post existing posts after 24 hours.
- Harassment and Bullying are not tolerated and will lead to a permanent Ban.
- No mini-modding. @ a member of staff if there is an issue.
- Do not share personal information.
- Any USD transactions are to be done privately.


---------------General Staff Rules---------------
- All staff must join the Discord Server.
- Staff can earn 1 custom and 1 self breeding per month.
- Staff can stack 3 custom tickets to create 1 mutated Galingale.
- All Staff rules are on the Discord Server.
- No limit to adopts a day.
- 1 adopt made a month is preferred, but not required.

---------------Guest Artist Rules---------------
- Guest Artists must join the Discord.
- Guest Artists have 1 month trial to create adopts.
- All adopts must be free during trial.
- Guest Artists are not allowed to create mutated Galingales.
- Guest Artists will be allowed to create 1 custom for themselves at the end of their trial, which includes 1 mutation if desired.


48 replies not shown, show all

Kralians || Updates PG 5!||
by Sloth_-_ @ Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:43 pm [Reply]

- Welcome Center!
Hope you enjoy your stay ^^

-------->Home Page<--------

Kralians had somethings change in their info and traits
through this V2 so be sure to go check out what's new and what changed!

Please read the rules before adopting a Kralian!
Make sure to check out our discord server ^^

You may mark well i work to get this up and running again ^^


Gift Lines ~

Valentine love

Sloth_-_ @ Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:44 pm

𝔅𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔠 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬


What is a Kralian?
Kralian is a mix between a crocodile, dragon, and a large breed of dog, and a pinch of fluffyness!
They use to go by the name FCDD but recently they were giving a name for their species. They can grow to about 8-10 ft tall and can grow to being 14 - 17 ft in length which is as long as a salt water crocodile! But recently some have been shorter to about 13 - 16 ft in length, we believe it's because of the climate some live in. Female will always be bigger then the other gender. If it's a hotter climate then they grow longer, colder means their length decrease and their fur grows longer.

They can be found with 3 horns in total on their face, 1 on the nose and 2 on the top by their big fluffy ears. Kralian can breath this colorful smoke and this smoke show as how they are feeling, if the smoke is a brighter shade it means their happy, dark shade means back off they are very mad, and if the smoke turns a dull color it means their upset. Their back legs are bigger and stronger then their fronts, Kralians back legs do have claws too but they can retract them just like how cats do, only coming out when hunting or doing activities such as running or climbing. Giving them a better grip well doing those things.

They can not speak, they communicate by grunts and snarls. They are thought to be able to talk telepathically to one another though it was never confirmed, some say their Kralian speaks to them and that's mostly because once you bonded with a Kralian you bond minds too! But that's a myth, right?

Kralian are carnivore, meaning they only eat meat! But recently we noticed that when ones stomach is upset they are seen eating wild berries off of bushes. Kralian favorite things to hunt are elks and sometimes the bigger predators around in their territory. They don't mature until they are 4 to 15 years of age! During this time the father takes care of the pups and the female goes hunting. They usually have around 1 - 4 pups a litter. When they are first born they don't have claws, they're just a whole ball of fur and cuteness! With eyes that look way to big for their face and a tail that looks to heavy for them to carry along behind them, but they some how manage to do it.

We are unsure where these begins came from but they seem to be tamable, and seem to be able to live with humans cause they have no interest in us, and they seem to make great companions if you have land for them to run around cause they hate to stay inside for long periods. If they're inside for to long they seem to get very bored very easily meaning if you don't want your stuff destroyed make sure they have plenty time to be outside and get rid of their energy! Some people burn these guys energy by riding them around over have them pull things around, they are helpful if you live on a farm! They are big strong beast after all and they don't seem to mind working and helping out!

We believe these begins use to be much bigger back in the older days but them seems to shorten down as time went by and the food the preyed on got smaller, to the average size elk that we have now an days. As time goes by we are still sitting here asking our self,

What are Kralians really?


Sloth_-_ @ Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:44 pm

𝔗𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔱 𝔏𝔦𝔰𝔱
(List will update over time)

Non Rarity
Expression | Accessories (removable) | Scars | Tattoos | Weight | Drool | Custom Lines

Pupil Shape (natural) | Teeth | Nails | Tongue | No Edits

Common - minor edits
Mane | Hair (Above Jawline) | Ears | Tail | Horns | Tail | Lip Tooth

Hair (Below Jawline) | Mane | No Mane | Heterochromia | Sclera (Any Color) | Different Ears | Different Tail | Different Horns | Dew Claws | More Or Less Fur | Pupil Shape (Unnatural)

Extra Pupils/Iris | No Fur | 2 Tails | Flightless Wings (Single Set) | Missing Limbs | Extra Limbs | Glowing markings/Body Parts | Vents | Munchkinism/Dwarfism | Gigantism | Whiskers | Scales | 4 Ears | Paw Size | Albinism/Melanism | No Claws

Very Rare
Wings (Any - 1 Set) | Extra Eyes | No Ears | No Tail | No Horns | Body Spikes | Halo/s | Any Gene Splicing | 3+ Tails | 3+ Horns | Plant Growth | Gem Growth | Feather Growth | More then 4 Ears | More than 6 Limbs | Extra Mouth | Goop (Body Parts/Seeping Out Of Body)

Living Body Parts | 2+ Extra Mouths | Multiple Heads | 2+ Sets of Wings | Transparency | Longer Body | Glitch | Zombification (Undead) | Cybernetic/Robotic | Floating Body Parts

If you have any Suggestions for Kralians join our discord group, we’d love to hear them!

Sloth_-_ @ Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:44 pm



[General + Behavior Rules]
- Kralia's are a CLOSED Species
- You can obit them through different ways (it can be for profit or free giveaways!)
- You may own unlimited Kralian
- No trash talking on here nor on the Discord server
- No Guilt tripping / black mailing, a artist for a Kralian (That leads right to a ban!)
- No Spam / Drama
- No Mini-Mod. If theirs a question or concern the admins or Moderators will handle it!
- Roleplays and such are fine to proceed without permission.

[Banned Users/Rights]
- 3 warnings = a permanent ban. Ban's are permanent no matter the owner.
- Theft/Creation/Fake Kralian will lead to permanent ban
- If banned your Kralian will be invalided.

- Trading requires validated (screenshot) proof of both owners accepting the trade.
- No begging for someone else Kralian (That'll lead to a warning)
- you may only trade a Kralian if you own them for [12] days max
- No cool downs.
- the user who posts that their looking for trades is RESPONSIBLE for informing the archive of the trade.
- Anyone can put a Kralian up for re-adoption or auction as long as the Kralian is owned by the seller.
- May not be sold for real currency UNLESS you have art of that Kralian and or you paid for them.


𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔰 & 𝔄𝔣𝔣𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰
Amazing Stamps to be put in your signature,
and support the species!

Made by FLIPSsided

Code: Select all


(Go check out these other amazing adopts!)





45 replies not shown, show all

.:||:. Sima Adoptables .:||:. based on this drawing by Scei
by ravemn @ Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:06 pm [Reply]


Welcome to Sima Adoptables!

sima adoptssima nurseryMYOSsima + item archiveslore
event page ▪ artist search ▪ faqda shopcs shoprescue a sima!
archive update threadgrowths/transfers ▪ myo nursery ▪ discussion



What are Simas, exactly?

Simas are generally social mammals with average length fur and bright hearts.
Their body's skeletal structure matches one of a cat with its flexible spine and typically
lithe body frame, while the skull and paws resemble ancient canines such as a wolf- an
indicator of hybrid genes. Their fur is more abundant around their chest and neck and the
fur becomes more coarse as it reaches their tail, from abundant at the base to more coarse
until it's pure, soft velvet when it just reaches the jewel guard itself. Their jewel
acts as a weapon for self-defense as well as the guard, sharp against opponents and the
jewel is frequently kept clean for courtship and using their powers to their utmost

They are omnivores by design and an adult size ranges anywhere between an adult medium-
sized dog to a mountain lion- or, if their genes go back far enough, very rarely can they
be the size of tigers. It is unknown if there's any Sima larger than that.

They're often observed in groups, typically families between 20-50 Simas, or they've
formed groups based on the power of their jewel which can vary wildly in size. It also
isn't uncommon to find Simas living a solitary life. As a species, they're generally
docile and can coexist peacefully with other species, but genetically incompatible
if it ever came to interspecies breeding due to their hybrid nature.

Countless generations of breeding amongst their ancestors and with one another
resulted in random mutations gradually appearing in their kits which could result
in both benign and life-impacting results. Unstable genetics mixed with their jewel
powers, according to human studies, could also be a result of why kits have a
predisposition to being born with bodily mutations. Regardless, few deaths have
been recorded as a result of the curious traits they are born with.



    ┎------------- { ➸ mini edit guide;; } -------------

    non rarity:
      these edits CANNOT pass in breedings

      missing limbs (accidental only)
      pupil color (darker than eye color, or black)
      blindness (natural/ due to age or accidental)
      weight edits
      minor paw shape
      default muzzle edits (whisker circles/ nose style change on .psd file)

      jewel shape: standard

      single (1) jewel color
      blood color (up to three (3) colors)
      small chin tuft
      standard short horns
      standard long horns
      hair edits (shoulder length max)
      small claws
      whiskers (must be thin and to the stomach in length)
      sclera color
      small "snaggle" teeth

      jewel shape: teardrop, pearl/orb, warrior
      Image Image Image

      dual (2) jewel colors + matching eyes
      standard ram horns
      hair edits (paw length max)
      eye-jewel heterochromia (eye color does not match jewel color)
      eye heterochromia (eye color does not match)
      pupil shape edits
      pupil color (lighter than eye color, white, or another color)
      eye shape edits
      tail kinks
      minor tongue edits
      cluster growths of: crystal, jewel, scale or rock (clusters no larger than a simas eye in size)
      minor fur edits (accepted areas: legs, neck or chest)
      ankle tufts (cannot extend higher than the ankle)
      leg tufts (cannot extend higher than armpit)
      cheek fur edits (shoulder length max)
      neckmanes or lions mane (max length, must originate from the neck)
      small beard
      chronic jewel goop/leakage
      chronic drool
      chronic tears
      chronic body goop (for any other goop)
      carnivore tooth set (ex: sharp teeth)
      major teeth edits (ex: large fangs, no longer than primal fangs)
      nose shape/type edits
      talon-size claws
      minor muzzle shape edits
      minor ear edit (structure cannot change from base + can be no longer than 1/2 the original ear in length)
      big whiskers (must be thick and/or longer than the stomach in length)

      subspecies: dwarfism

      jewel shape: heart, crescent/moon, firefly, star, saber
      ImageImage Image Image Image

      non-functional antennae
      broken jewel (must stay connected in some way)
      median fur edits (accepted areas: back, belly, body, ear, tail, guard)
      cheek fur (paw length max)
      neckmane/lions mane (longer than uncommon length)
      multiple eyes (4 eyes total max)
      small-scale custom horns (max of standard simas' ear in size, two sets max (4 horns total))
      chibi or small flightless wings (maxiumum size)
      triple (3) jewel colors
      sickle/raptor claws
      hair edits (past paws in length)
      constant glowing (eyes, jewel, markings, other parts)
      partial sparkling/glittering (fur, jewel, eyes, glow, ect)
      constantly visible jewel powers (50% of body or less)
      minor jewel guard edits (up to 3 small edits only, max of half a standard guard in length, must show at least 1/3 of jewel)
      longer/lengthened tails (must be no longer than +1 tail in length)
      shorter/shortened tails (must still have a tail + jewel guard)
      thinner/thicker tails
      small body feathers (small clusters a/o small size)
      large claws (that change the toe structure (ex: masquerades)
      longer or shorter limbs (ex: legs, neck)
      thicker or thinner limb size (ex: paws, legs)
      custom ears (complete structure change, to middle of legs in length)
      body horns (no larger than a standard sima's ear in size - 20 maximum)
      growths of: crystal, jewel, scale or rock (clusters no larger than a standard sima's ear in size - 20 maximum)
      belly scales
      energy rings
      glowing symbols/shapes
      intangible substance horns ex: energy horns, like energy rings but horns!)
      non functional gills, vents or fins (no larger than standard sima's ear in size)

      subspecies: teacup dwarfism

      jewel shape: one (1) custom jewel

      five (5) jewel colors
      rainbow jewel color (must be: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple in order | shades/hues must match (no mismatching))
      crystalized or jewel limbs (ex: jewel face or leg)
      large scale custom horns (or 3+ sets of small custom horns)
      large size or amount of growths (ex: 20+ body horns or jewels, large sized body horns)
      fullbody scales
      fullbody sparkling/glittering (ex: covering whole body, or incredibly condensed)
      one (1) additional power (outside of jewel color, (1) power per edit)
      hair made of different elements (ex: sand, water, fire, galaxy)
      fur made of different elements (ex: water, galaxy, fire)
      blood made of different elements/substances (ex: sand, water, fire)
      functional fins/gills
      custom jewel guards (cannot have individual function)
      limb of another species (1 area only, up to: 2 legs (both front or both back), 1 facial edit, or 1 tail edit))
      major fluffy guards (must show atleast 1/3 of jewel)
      four+ (4+) blood colors
      one (1) set of functional wings
      two (2) sets of chibi or small non functional wings
      one (1) set of functional wings + one (1) set of chibi or non functional wings
      color changing design (three (3) stages maximum)
      additional body parts (1 set max, cannot add heads or tails)
      additional eyes (six (6) eyes total max)
      skull head w/ ears
      large body feathers (large size or large clusters)
      tail length (+2 tails in length)
      ear length (to paws/rear or longer)
      non-functional wing ears
      small amount of exposed bone (ex: half a leg, part of muzzle, part of tail)
      large body size (max of (6) feet at shoulder)
      Fullbody fur edits (all areas edited; neck, back, body, belly, legs, tail. Exception; cheek fur)


      6+ jewel colors
      two+ (2+) sets of large functional wings
      three+ (3+) sets of chibi or small flightless wings
      two+ (2+) sets of extra limbs
      two+ (2+) tails (maximum of 9 total)
      two+ (2+) jewels
      two+ (2+) functional mouths (inc: neck or chest mouths)
      seven+ (7+) facial eyes or eyes on body
      wings in unnatural places (ex: head, tail, guard)
      shape-changing horns
      shapeshifting (+1 addional form max per edit)
      floating jewel
      individually functioning guards
      infinite fertility
      skull head w/ no appendages present
      functional wing ears or guard
      large amount of exposed bone (ex: completely exposed leg)
      bipedal (complete structure change)
      functional tailmouths
      metal skeleton (non-passable in breedings)
      no jewel guard (non-passable in breedings)
      split face
      conjoined twins
      Color changing (4+ phases)

      subspecies: weresima

      jewel shape: arrow, flower, triple, geode, novice primal, warrior primal, alpha primal, reaper/ghoul, galaxy
      Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

      primal jewels (passes differently in breedings)
      split/floating body parts
      multiple heads

      subspecies: primal, masquerade, galaxy, jewel eater, reaper, ghoul, peppermint spice


      no jewel
      colorless jewel + eyes
      pre-peppermint spice tail (non-passable in nursery)
      3+ heads

      old subspecies: easter/bunny, genie, starsong

    ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


► species created by aether knight 2013 - © corviidae 2017-2024 ◀

ravemn @ Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:49 am


      ┎------------- { overall guidelines;; } -------------

      ➸ Simas are a Closed Species, meaning you cannot make one without permission or a custom ticket.

      ➸ Simas & items obtained for free in events cannot be sold for USD, C$, CS pets or any form of currency. They may, however, be traded for other Simas and Sima items. It must be confirmed in the Archive update thread before it will be a valid trade.

        ★ There are instances where a free Sima may have art attached to them which was paid for in USD. Only in this case can a free Sima be sold for money. Permission must be given by the species owner before this can happen.

      ➸ Sima kits can age after 3 weeks of being created, but cannot breed until 6 weeks after they are created as they grow through adolescence.

      ➸ Simas can be co-owned by a max of two users and with permission from the staff.

      ➸ As of right now, you may only own one Special Sima (ex; #50's, #100's, or a runner up of either). You may not be gifted one if you already own one. *Note that there are two users who owned multiple special Simas before this rule was set in place and have been grandfathered in.

      ➸ Simas may no longer be heavily based off of copyrighted characters. Any existing Sima is not affected by this and won't be forced to be revamped. *However, if you'd rather revamp, pm one of the species owners. (12/16/2019)

      ➸ This is an LGBT+ friendly community, and any form of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated.

      ➸ Be respectful and courteous to the community members around you and our staff. Do not harass or guilt-trip staff if you don't win a competition, and do not track down winners of an adopt to ask for the Sima. Respect goes both ways, so this also includes staff.

      ➸ If you're a community member who's been around since before May 2018 and weren't aware of our hiatus, and wish to have your Simas in the new archives so that you can use them, please pm corviidae or an available archivist with a list of the Simas you own (with proof of ownership if possible) and a comprehensive list of the items you own with proof. We will not take any items that were neglected to be added to the list, so make sure you have everything together.

      ➸ If a user doesn't explicitly offer their Sima(s) for breedings or trades, you are not allowed to pm them asking about their Simas in this way or make an effort to publicly track them down if they're inactive.

      ➸ 'Edit hunting', or trying to specifically trade a Sima of lower tier for a Sima with higher tier edits only is not allowed unless the user explicitly offers the Sima to you in return. You may not also 'hoard' Simas for the sake of trade fodder, as that is not what Simas are meant for. The same goes for items.

        ★ If a user initiates a trade with you, it is okay to offer lower-tier items/simas for higher tier-- but if they say no, you must respect this answer and not push it unless they ask for more than that.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


      ┎------------- { sima reference guidelines;; } -------------

      ➸ Simas must always have a reference without accessories for breeding and archiving purposes.

      ➸ It is recommended that Sima owners have their Sima references saved in case of our archives being taken down without warning by or DeviantArt, or if the creator of the Sima deletes the original file.

      ➸ You may draw your own reference for your Sima, however, you must include a list of the edits the Sima has that is different from the main lines-- and the reference must be posted for approval.

      ➸ All Sima references must have a list of their edits and the rarities of their edits either on the reference or in the description. This includes Main Adopts, Nursery batches, MYOs/Staff Customs and transfers/agings.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


      ┎------------- { sima limit guidelines;; } -------------

      ➸ The amount of Simas you can own has no cap, but there are monthly limits.

        ★ You may only win 4 main adopt Simas per month. Rescuing a Sima has it's own guidelines and you can find it on that thread.

        ★ You may only obtain 5 Simas through gifting/trading/buying per month.

        ★ You can obtain only 10 kits per month from the Nursery, so breed wisely. Waiting to keep a kit until the next month rolls over is discouraged, but not illegal. A kit must have a home within a month of being created.

      ➸ Once you obtain a Sima, you may gift, trade or re-adopt them after a 1-week cooldown. You may breed the Sima after a 2-week cooldown.

      ➸ Remember, any gifting, trading, re-selling or re-adopting must be approved by a staff member.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


      ┎------------- { staff guidelines;; } -------------

      Artists may not discriminate against members of the community or make biased decisions in adopts. If an artist feels they might make a biased decision on a competition (whether you like or dislike a community member) or if an admin suspects it, another artist should step in to help judge.

      ➸ When making games or any thread-related games, you are not allowed to be in any call with members who are participating in the game.

      ➸ You may not force the Sima you're adopting out (free/paid adopt, an orphan.) to have a certain sexuality or a set way of identifying themselves. It should be up to the contestants trying out for the Sima. Adopts and nursery batches may have a set biological sex but should be fluid to change with a biological sex change item if it's available.

      Moderators assist the species owner and co-owners with answering questions, approving MYOs (legendary+ MYOs must also be run with the admins), handing out warnings, and enforcing rules. It is also your responsibility to help admins watch Nursery tickets to ensure the cooldowns are over and to notify the artist taking tickets in case they didn't notice. This also goes for watching tickets if they're taken on DeviantArt and monitoring cooldowns if any Simas are won over on that website.

      Nursery Artists have a right to decline tickets if they do not meet our guidelines, or under private circumstances which must be discussed with one of the species owners. Keep in mind the number of times legendary edits/rare edits have been passed by a parent(s) before you roll for it. If you open raffle tickets, do not do it multiple times in a row.

      ➸ Screensharing is currently allowed when making adopts and nursery batches and suggestions for nursery batches are only allowed in the instances where the artist asks for it. Even in this case, suggestions are to be taken with a grain of salt.

      ➸ A note: All staff who stayed active and reliable throughout the year will receive a special custom in place of their usual custom in the month of December.
        ★ The activity of the staff is judged by corviidae, and is a case by case basis.

        ★ This special custom contains x1 Mythical Edit, x2 Legendary Edits with unlimited rare and below edits. Must be approved by all three of the admins. It cannot be sold at this time and must be relinquished to the owner of the species or have a proper owner confirmed in the case of gifting.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


      ┎------------- { guest staff guidelines;; } -------------

      Guest Artists must get any Sima they create with edits approved by an official artist, mod, or one of the species owners.

      Guest Artists should create up to at least a mixture of 10 common/uncommon Simas before you make a Sima with a rare edit. After you make that rare Sima, the amount of common/uncommons you need to make resets.

      ➸ For all guest staff to earn their keep for the month, guest artists must make at least 6 Simas and guest nursery artists must make at least 6 batches.

        ★ You earn a MYO with 4 rare edits, unlimited uncommon and common edits, and potentially a permanent position.

      Guest Nursery Artists must get their batches approved by an existing Nursery Artist before being posted unless the batch kits have no edits.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------


      ┎------------- { staff earnings;; } -------------

      ➸ Staff have free reign of the type of competitions they want to create for adopts, but the earnings vary based on their work. The tier of the reward will raise based on how many batches/adopts/agings you do, which is a 3-6-10 rule.

        ★ -- the lowest tier Staff Custom are x1 MYO with unlimited rare and below edits. Must be approved by the species owner and at least one other co-owner before it becomes an official Sima. Earned after you make 3 adopts/nursery kits/agings per month.

        ★ -- Medium tier Staff Customs are x1 MYO with 1 legendary edit and unlimited rare and below edits. You must make at least 6 adopts, nursery kits or agings/transfers per month to earn this tier.

        ★ -- Max tier Staff Customs are x1 MYO with 2 legendary edits and unlimited rare and below edits. You must make at least 10 adopts, nursery kits or agings/transfers per month to earn this tier.

        ★ Low tier Staff customs may stack after earning them for 3 consecutive months and be redeemed for a custom with x1 Legendary edit. 4 consecutive months can stack for x2 legendary edits total and no more. Old staff customs are grandfathered in and unchanged.

        ★ Legendary staff customs can go for a max of $15 USD, and unlimited rare staff customs go for a max of $10 USD and no more unless you bought art for the staff custom for USD only and that art comes with the custom. In this case, you need to contact a species owner so we can discuss it.

        ★ Note: You may purchase x1 legendary edit in the store every 3 months to put on your MYO. Otherwise, you may only purchase uncommon or common MYOs from our DeviantArt shop.

      Additional Information

      ➸ [ Archivists ] - get median tier staff custom monthly for work within the archive.

      ➸ [ Aging Artists ] -- || 3 agings/transfers -- low tier || 6 agings/transfers - med. tier ||10 agings/transfers -- max tier ||
        ★ complex edits count as 1 aging/transfer
        ★ complex designs count as 1 aging/transfer, so one Sima with these criteria could equal 2 agings/transfers
        ★ credit for work is given if screenshot wips are provided in discord chat with a timestamp but aging isn't finished.

      ➸ [ Nursery Artists ] -- For the month of June, we'll be experimenting with the number of kits instead of the number of batches.

      ┗------------- { ^^^^^^^^^^^^ } -------------

ravemn @ Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:49 am



          .:||:. current species owner availability .:||:.

          ➸ Questions that require discussion between all three of us will take up to a day or two to be answered,
          depending on our availability to chat with one another.

          I tend to check both CS and Discord daily and could reliably answer questions and stuff any day (as long as it's something that won't have to include all owners), but I am a university student so it might be a bit up and down. Weekends will be definite in my being able to answer.

          PST (GMT-8)
          Hey, I'm Rav! A lot of the older members may remember me as Ren. I'm usually active throughout the week but a little spotty on Sundays and Mondays. My nonactive times during the days are 8am - 8pm. Feel free to message me anytime here or on Discord!


ravemn @ Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:50 am



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201 replies not shown, show all

    Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

    Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

    Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

    Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

    breedings || imports || rarity guide
    archives || discord || artist search
    hm & shop || explore || auctions || trading thread

    visual guide by adheline! ♥


    Cross Country/Endurance || Dressage/Harness Racing
    pending update...

    by Andromeda
    by adheline
    by adheline

    Thank you:
    adheline for listing to me complain and think out loud so often. Your help learning genetics, and your no-nonsense setting me straight when I'm baffled or wrong, has been such an asset to me.
    EmberWolf for both the original lines, and the newly minted work you've done! You have always done amazing work, and I greatly appreciate your willingness to fix things up for the new release.
    chemical. for being there to help me through the internal struggles with how to reopen these guys, and finally just telling me to do it. Can't say no to someone who just laughs and says get it done!
    novaks for just being you and letting me vent the frustrations when it came down to choosing a over b and the pros and cons lists weren't settling my mind. Which is always, but you're there to smooth it all over.
    rebel.appy for all your patience and offering to always help even if you were already super busy. Without your kindness I wouldn't be reopening things as smoothly and nicely as it has been.
    Tynahi for supporting me with the previous version and through this one. Always there helping me focus when I forgot about something I said I'd get done.

    Thanks everyone, I love you all! ♥

    C U R R E N T E V E N T S
    Save the Fishies!

    P A S T E V E N T S
    Safari Event
    Coffee Event
    Potter Trotters
    Mesozoic Trotters
    Color the Blanket
    Biome Event
    Gothic Event
    Summer in the Valley
    Carousel Trotters
    Roaming the Den Halloween
    Folmes' Game Week
    Secret Santa 2022
    Tax’s Alphabet Soup!
    Fawn's Beneath the Canopy
    Bruja’s Sweetheart Trotters
    Shady’s Bug Fair!

HowlingHooves @ Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:34 am

    • All CS rules apply, this includes interactions on our discord server.

    • Range Trotters are a non-profit closed species. You may use them elsewhere, but please link back to the species adopt to give proper credit. Users may not be added to the adopts they have won, customs ordered or breedings created.

    • A storage page must be updated fully in order to request breedings. This includes proper and easy to find links to individual trotters, lineages and slot usage. Sites such as weebly, toy-house, or on-site are acceptable, but deviantart storage is not. There is currently no limit to how many Trotters you may own.

    • V1 trotters may be used in breedings in V2, but cannot be used to compete. They must be named and updated with all necessary information mentioned above.

    • Items, small edits (ie. horns, cloven hooves, etc.) mane/tail edits are acceptable, but all other edit types, including feathering, lion tails and roman noses, are no longer acceptable in the adopt. Any edits made are subject to pass in breedings via the breeding artist requested, they are not a guarantee. Any larger line edits released will be discussed among the team and done so via an event to ensure an equal opportunity for the community to obtain without charge.

    • Transfers from V1 to V2 are not permitted at this time. This may or may not change.

    • Custom Range Trotters may be sold for the price they were paid for. The price cannot exceed 500c$, unless in the event artwork has been made for the Trotter. If discussing USD sales, they must be taken offsite per CS rules. All artists have their own prices for customs, and it is expected to abide by their individual rules. Updated!

    • Pet and Item worth is taken into account for C$ value! If you’re unsure, please check with the appropriate forum for pet or item worth.

    • Free Adopts cannot be sold for currency! You did not pay for them, they cannot be purchased for C$, pets or items, or real currency. They can be traded for other trotters, breeding slots, or outside adopts (if rules permit.)

    • Please do not bump adopts for the purpose of updating images, or completing unjudged adopts. I, HowlingHooves, tries to go through periodically to have things updated but if it has been more run 30 days since the end date or judge date, please contact me for a status update.

    • All official documentation regarding Range Trotters must be made on-site via PMs with admin and/or archivists. If it is not done so, information is subject to be lost and/or not received by all parties. To avoid confusion, please be sure you are sending PMs to the proper parties! Permissions, questions or comments are the exception and can be made elsewhere.

    • When transferring ownership of Range Trotters, the former owner and the new owner must post on the page stating the transfer has been made. The former owner must also post on the trade archive thread with the form stating who is receiving and how the trade was completed. (ie. slot trades, full trotter trade, pet trade, etc.)

    • In the event of a site ban, all owned trotters are subject to revocation and redistribution among the community. Creating artists are given the option to adopt first, and any others will be readopted out via raffles. All site-banned users are permitted a grace period of two months before this will be done.

    • In the event of a species ban, any owned trotters that were not received from V1, Auctions, or Paid Imports will be revoked from the banned user. They will then be redistributed via raffle throughout the community in our discord server.

    • Rules are subject to addition, alteration or removal at any given time.

    • All trotters have five breeding slots. V1 trotters may still breed if they have available slots.

    • All horses must be named, have a halter and have a fully up to date storage in order to breed. A warning will be given to users who abuse this on multiple occasions. This includes V1 trotters, if they are being used for breeding purposes.

    • Foals grow in 14 days from their post date. If a growth has not been posted for 30 days after the growth date, please contact HowlingHooves directly via PM on-site.

    • Breedings are limited to 6 per community member! However, Wild Dog Overo breedings can only be ordered twice a month per user, with both breedings being created by different artists. Artists do not have a monthly limit.

    • Artists are encouraged to order breedings from others, but may create personal breedings. Rolling is preferred to be done by another staff member.

    • Any edits on parents are not guaranteed to pass to offspring. This decision is up to the breeding artist, and edits should not be requested to pass in forms. Edits must follow the above guidelines, regardless of whether the trotters are from V1 or V2.

    • Dyed manes and/or tails cannot pass to offspring. Colored hair is created via customs, and as such foals should not have colored hair.

    • Rules are subject to addition, alteration or removal at any given time.

    • Artists are encouraged to try to make one adopt per month. This does not include customs or breedings.

    • In order to open customs, one free adopt and one other freely obtained trotter should be made per batch opening. This can be a breeding or adopt, or an event related trotter. This is non-negotiable as of implementation May 1st, 2022. Updated!

    • New staff may only create a custom hub after three months of active service. This activity will be counted as adopts, not breedings. new!

    • New staff may only be added to the Auction Block after three months of active service. This activity will be counted as adopts, not breedings. new!

    • Artists may make a personal custom once per month. These do not roll over into future months,
    but a previous months custom can be created up until the 4th of each month.

    • Please try to keep genetics correct. If you have questions, don't ever be afraid to ask. Chances are someone else may be
    struggling with the same thing, and it will benefit everyone in the long run. ♥

    • Please try to keep rare markings less common. There is no official ratio to follow, but as a rule of thumb most adopts made should more often be common-uncommon with some rare traits seen as well. Limited markings should be restricted to imports, events or special release numbers.

    None! c:



    Code: Select all
    [size=85][center][quote]Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

    Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

    Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

    Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.[/quote][/center]

    info + comp
    [b]End Date:[/b]

    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]

    [b]Eye Color:[/b]

    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]
    [b]Halter Color:[/b]

HowlingHooves @ Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:34 am

    Unlike other adopt species, ghost staff listed here are a group of members who are not restricted by the adopts per month quota.
    These positions were reserved for individuals who had helped with the creation of the current version of Range Trotters,
    or were offered the position for their assistance current or previous.
    These members are considered full-time benefit artists.
    These positions are not open to other artists or staff on the team.

    HowlingHooves ;; Owner
    strangetales ;; Inventory Archivist
    Taxidea ;; Trotter Archivist

    Active Artists
    pending update, please be patient. ❤️


    want to be affiliates?
    Thanks to ArkinHallow for the stamp! ♥
    Thanks to Chellerd for the stamp! ♥
    Thanks for Taxidea for these stamps! ♥

HowlingHooves @ Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:35 am


    The NRTrA has a special shop just for members!
    They offer a few items that will give their horse the chance to participate in their hosted shows, as well as some boosters in regards to breeding.

    They accept a form of currency called Honorable Mentions, or HMs.
    Artists can give out HMs to users in any adopt they host, with the exception of FCFS or Raffle types, to users they feel are deserving. These are usually based on a personal liking for any form(s) that did not win the adopt, and so tastes will vary among the artist team when they do give out HMs.
    There is no limit to how many HMs any user can win, but artists should only award a max of three users per regular adopt.
    Special adopts may have two HMs awarded per user, but only a max of three users may be given HMs. Special adopts are only posted every 500 numbers.

    The shop has a full inventory, standard items will never cycle in or out of stock.
    Some items, however, may only be won or purchased from special events! These items will not be available after the event has ended. Some items will always be available even after an event has ended, however.

    To purchase any items, please be sure to double check your current HM stock.
    If you have enough for the item in question, just send a PM or a DM to HowlingHooves asking to purchase the item.

    Inventories & Shop

    Please be aware that the HM inventory is not updated immediately!
    It is done on a monthly basis, usually mid-month, and so you may not see all HMs tagged under your name.
    An update date is posted on both the HM and Item inventory sheets, but if you have won other HMs after that date and would like to use them please provide a link back to the post awarding the HM.
    Items won from events will be added to inventories after the event has ended. If these items are used during the event, no need to worry! I've got it marked down as used if this is done.
    Please do not send messages about updating item inventories if items are awarded from the competition threads!
    I have a system to adding competition items, and these will not be added until full updates are made time for.
    Thank you!

101 replies not shown, show all

by j1ngl3t0wn @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:30 pm [Reply]

Welcome to the world of Aggles!!
Aggles are part snail part alien aaaaaand part kanine!! ofc
all of these fellas come with their own personalities!!! there are a few main and common personalities!

Light in life!!- a very happy agg!!
stuck up- an isolated agg, they usually keep to themselves and theyre angry a lot
glooby- a sad agg
skiddish- a scaredy agg
and many more!! but these are the most common personalities

now the traits >:))))
The traits make the aggle common or rare etc.
two horns on the head
objects such as a teddy bear carried in the aggs mouth

spikes along the body
little bit of line changing

Multiple limbs
multiple tails
missing limbs
very very long hair
different positions

GOD teir
multiple heads
no tails
no antenna
multiple of the rare traits
ion even know :(((((


j1ngl3t0wn @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:30 pm


j1ngl3t0wn @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:30 pm


j1ngl3t0wn @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:31 pm

okieeeeeeeee you can mark

2 replies not shown, show all

Whisps - For Sale based on this drawing by Nyarlathotep|Nathan
by Albino_ @ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:39 am [Reply]

Main Thread | Artist Search | Nursery | Bank | Main Archive | Stud/Brood thread | MYOs | Store | Nursery Archive | Discord

what are whisps wrote:Whisps are magical cats, they have a maine coon like structure but they have transparent like flames coming out of their ears and tail but they also have a singular gem between their eyes that hold a certain power. Males are 32” tall(think of an adult male wolf) and females are 30” tall(think of an adult female wolf). They are docile and prefer to live in packs, there usually is an alpha but sometimes there isn't. You cannot choose a Whisps gender, males are more uncommon than females. There currently is no limit on how many Whisps you can own. You cannot sell Whisps for anything other than whisp coins and art(no selling for c$, pets, off site currency or usd). Whisps are a closed species and only artists can make them unless you have the proper myo ticket(which will be recorded in the bank)

whisps qualities wrote:The eye gem holds a certain power, depending on the colors of the gem are determined which power they have - there will be a color chart. The Whisplets will only ever get one of the parents power.

Any shade of green is a nature power, any shade of red/orange is fire like powers, any dark shade of blue is a water power, any light shade of blue is a frozen power, any brown shade is an air power

whisps colors wrote:Whisps come in a range of colors, but nothing bright, usually they come in either deep colors, pale/pastel colors or a mix of both and always have either markings, patterns or both

Lines by: Nyarlathotep|Nathan

Albino_ @ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:50 am

Rules for everybody
This is a closed species
- Do not bribe an artist
- Check dates before posting a form so to
see if it has ended
- Whisps can be traded for other Whisps and whisp coins
- If you gift/trade a Whisp, please have both people
post on the adopt page and inform the archivist, you may not get the Whisp back unless you trade back
- Do not bully or harass users
- Do not beg or ask if an artist is open for breedings,
they will announce when they are open
- If you are banned, you have no rights to
post, adopt, breed or get customs
- Dont steal others Whisps
- have fun and be nice to other members and staff
- do not guilt trip if you do not win or get picked
- More rules shall be added if i deem fit

Artist Rules
- make at least 2 adopts a month
- dont harass members
- pm me if a problem has come up
- staff may hold any comps they seem fit
-Guest Artists can only make 5 adopts for the month
- Guest Artists get 1 custom after all 5 adopts are judged and completed
- Artists, Mods, Archivists, Banker and Owner get 1 custom a month!
- i shall add more if i deem necessary

Albino_ @ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:58 am

Owner: Albino_

Albino_ @ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:58 am

12/25/23 - grand opening & artist search up and running
12/27/23 - first offical adopt posted!

- new years eve small event starting later today!

11 replies not shown, show all

Welcome to Cuddlebugs !!!

Welcome to Cuddlebugs, a semi-open species centered on community building and participation !! We'll host regular raffles, freebees, and community activities!

What's a Cuddlebug?

Cuddlebugs are small (between 5-10 inches in length and 2-4 in height) mammals
that live all over the world! Cuddlebugs are omnivorous, eating local plants and
insects. They're incredibly intelligent, building small dens and communities.
Though mostly fuzzy and harmless, every Cuddlebug has stingers with a
paralyzing neurotoxin that leaves anyone they sting frozen for 10-20 minutes
on average. As Cuddlebugs are Small Little Guys, they don't generally enjoy
doing this and prefer to be peaceful.

Almost all Cuddlebugs have three stingers on each side, though they can vary in
shape from the standard faux-leg shape they take by default. These are almost
always a dark color. All Normal variant Cuddlebugs must have the default two
tail stingers and they must retain the standard shape.
They usually have two
antennae, small fluffy ears, and long, shaggy fur that covers their body and tail.
Almost all Cuddlebugs are born with 6 legs, each having 3-toed paws.

Though Normal Cuddlebugs are the most common, its not uncommon to see a
variant in a Snuggle of Caterpillar Cuddlebugs (the standard subspecies), having
no problem fitting in with members of other subspecies. All Cuddlebugs share in
a mutual love of hoarding and collecting objects. They especially love collecting
human objects.

Though most Cuddlebugs live in natural spaces such as forests, they do on
occasion make their homes in more dangerous places or even human
settlements. The particularly collecting-obsessed may live in cities
just to have access to human objects. They can really survive anywhere
that there's plants or insects and a vaguely comfortable place to live.

Trivia wrote:- A group of Cuddlebugs is called
a Snuggle!! They tend to
group up in Snuggles of 10-20.
Though not an official term,
larger than average groups
have colloquially been labeled
a Slumber.
- A baby Cuddlebug
is called a Coddle!!
- Cuddlebugs have a natural
regeneration factor that
means they don't usually die
from old age (similar to some
Jellyfish species). A Cuddlebug
will usually keep on living
until a predator gets it or it
dies another way.
- Cuddlebugs like to dig out
small nests between tree roots.
Most tend to live in large
communal tunnels or hollowed
logs, preferring proximity to
privacy. This isn't always
the case, though.
- Cuddlebug Snuggles usually
don't have a leader, instead
making decisions as a group.
- Cuddlebugs are so
dangerously friendly that
they often approach
predators by accident and
get eaten.

News wrote: Opening soon !! We'll be offering some exciting stuff to celebrate launch!

Events wrote: Keep an eye out!

This code looks so bad on mobile I apologize but uhhh hates us </3

radiio @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:55 pm



Newt wrote:Newt. Any Prns It's me :3 I'm the founder !! I like FNAF and drawing and reading and Buge and this is my project

radiio @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:57 pm



Species Rules

All Cuddlebug content needs to follow CS rules.
➥ Cuddlebugs may not be made outside of events, without MYOs, or without being purchased/won.
➥ Do not harass, guilt-trip, or bully members or staff.
➥ Be respectful of everyone, please!!
➥ Please keep it light!! No super heavy themes OOC.

➥ You may trade Cuddlebugs for other CBs, in-game items, C$, CS Pets/Items, or IRL Currency. We cannot monitor these trades if they're not using our currencies or items, however, so be wary. All trades must be conducted through the proper threads using the rules there so we can change the archives.
➥ You may also gift your Cuddlebug to other users or purchase a Cuddlebug for someone else. Please do not enter freebie competitions/raffles on the behalf of other users, however.
➥ If you'd like to reraffle/giveaway your items or Cuddlebugs (either because you've lost interest or for whatever other reason) let us know! We will not revoke your stuff otherwise, even if you're banned from CS or the species.
➥ You may move your Cuddlebug out of species but must take it off species lines and we'd prefer you remove species-specific traits.
➥ Please don't resell Cuddlebugs for more in value (however you purchased them) than what you bought them for.

radiio @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:57 pm


- you can post now im done :3

19 replies not shown, show all

This adopt is officially closed! If you want to continue playing I can only offer the game. Every horse that you found here can be used there too:

Lines by Emberwolf


The Adoptable of Herds of Thalija:

This one is a very special adoptable that differs from everything I have done so far. You won't find up for adoption horses out in the open. Just like Thalija itself, this will be a game where you can win horses. Most of the time you will not know what kind of horse you will win when taking part in A search mission or other missions to come in the future. And there will be breeding events where foals from existing herds can be adopted too.
Please keep in mind, these are not domesticated horses in any way and they will not allow things like getting used like a pet or be ridden. Most of the time you will not be able to interact with your horse in a direct way, but more like you do with the horses of the Thalija game. You will be connected with your horses with the technology and you can watch them live their life in their habitat.
But because of this kind of special connection you will be able to use them to get more connections with other horses. Don't forget you will not be able to connect with a horse that is already connected, but you can work together.

- All Tess Rules apply
- No rude behaviour in any way!
- Your horse will only be able to win a game 5 times. Similiar to breeding slots, when your horse joins a game successfully it will "adopt" the horse it wins
- Foals can only take part in games specifically made for them
- There are no archives or Barns, so you need to keep track of your horses yourself
- Please follow the rules of specific games
- For now I don't allow breeding with Khimaira Friesians

How to adopt:

To form a connection with your first horse you need to enter the Search mission, where you can find a lone Horse to connect to. To join such a mission you need to join the game here: Adopt


Code: Select all

[quote][center][b][url=]Main Page[/url][/b] | [b][url=]Adopt Here[/url][/b][/center][/quote]

[center][quote][color=#400080] Wild horses of Thalija[/color]
The wild horses of Thalija are a friesian like breed with all characteristics of a friesian and a average height from 15 to 17 hands, but even 18 hands can occur. There isn't much known about them yet and we are still discovering more herds and horses to watch their behaviour and their life. Most of them are completely wild, but when we know a bit more about them, maybe we can manage to befriend some of the lonely Stallions and Mares that don't belong to a herd.[/quote][/center]

[center][b]Stallion:[/b] Unknown
    [b]Mare:[/b] Unknown
[b]Herd:[/b] Loner
[b]Breeding Info:[/b]
[b]Breeding Slots:[/b]
[b]Game Slots:[/b]
[b]Hurt?[/b] No[/center][/quote]

Fog Mountain Yukons V2:
Kibbies & Kibbins

NeriHyuga @ Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:02 pm

Open :3

machinecar12 @ Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:44 pm


Queen Vivane @ Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:41 pm


22 replies not shown, show all

information!! wrote:Andaluz Sport Horses are a cross between the Andalusian and the Spanish Sport Horse. These horses have been bred
to combine their strength and agility to create the perfect showing champions. Andaluz's are extremely intelligent and elegant
horses, but are also known to have a fiery spirit. Their name is quite literally a combination of the two species, with andaluz
meaning "andalusian" in Spanish, and sport horse coming from their Spanish heritage.

These horses excel in endurance competitions such as cross country and show jumping, but are also capable of dressage
and harness pulling. Andaluz's also enjoy leisure riding as a way to bond between horse and rider. These sport horses can be
ridden either Western or English, but for showing purposes, will always be shown in English tack and attire.

Their heights can range anywhere from 14-16hh, with the average falling between 15-15.3hh. The most common
coat colors are the basic solids, but Andaluz's can have any coat color that has been discovered with the exception of mutations.

I don't have enough time to keep up with these kiddos, so I am considering selling them. Primarily looking for offers of USD, or USD + something else (c$, characters, etc.) Message me on Discord @ paradise,#0479
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ --
resources !! wrote:rarity guide --- breeding barn --- auction hub --- custom imports --- archives
discord --- artist search --- trail riding --- points shop + bank

competitions: cross country & show jumping | dressage & harness pulling

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ --
honorable mentions !! wrote:rebelappy - huge huge thank you to rebel for these awesome lines !! this vision would not have been brought to life without
your artistic talent <33
sleepyDandy - thank you so much andy for the lovely text on everything c:

paradise, @ Tue Jun 07, 2022 6:51 am

rules !! wrote:1. Please follow all CS site and art rules here and on the Discord server.

2. Andaluz Sport Horses are a closed species and only allowed artists may use these lines. This goes for adopts, customs, breedings, etc. If taken offsite, you must link back to the main adopt page and give credit where necessary.

3. Users must have an active and updated storage page in order to breed and order customs. This means having all of the slots updated and any other information up to date. You do not have to have one before you own your first Andaluz, but will be required for any more that follow.

4. Please be respectful of everyone within the community. This means being civil and not picking fights with other users. I know we all have different opinions and beliefs, but please keep it kind. <3

5. All Andaluz sport horses have a maximum of six breeding slots. This can only be increased by winning competitions.

6. Please do not bump adoption pages for halters, updating information, etc. If it has been over 30 days, please send me a private message and I will get it sorted out for you.

7. Users are allowed to trade/giveaway Andaluz's to others, but may not be sold for c$, usd, etc. If doing so, both users (previous owner and new owner) must post on the adoption page stating the trade and confirm it. You must also message one of our archivists in order to keep everything updated.

8. Custom Andaluz's can be created for c$ or usd. If using c$, the price must not exceed 500c$ unless ordering multiple customs. If using usd, all payment discussion must be taken offsite per CS rules. All artists may set their own prices- this is subject to their discretion.

9. Users may only win one adopt per day.

9. All rules are subject to change at any time as well as new ones being added.

paradise, @ Tue Jun 07, 2022 6:52 am

staff team !! wrote:owner:


Image xxx Image xxx Image xxx Image
sleepyDandy xxxxxxxxxxxxx Idem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx orse xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Owlmania

Image xxx Image
Bruja xxxxxxxxxxxxx -Owlmoon-

ghost artists:

Image xxx Image
Temper xxxxxxxxxxxx Taxidea


paradise, @ Tue Jun 07, 2022 6:53 am

current events !! wrote:- None currently

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ --

27 replies not shown, show all

Beaumont Buffalo V.2 based on this drawing by Saturn V
by Half Tree @ Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:06 pm [Reply]




      The Beaumont Buffalo was perfected on the Blue Beaumont Ranch, known for its crossbreeding and ranching program.
      They are mostly American Bison in their recent bloodline, but farther back they have Texas Longhorn influence along
      with other domestic cattle.

      Blue Beaumont Ranch also produces fine collies for use with their cattle.

        Average Bull Size: 5 to 6 1/2 ft and 900 - 2000lbs
        Average Cow Size: 4 to 5 1/2 ft and 600 - 1200lbs
        Available Genes: Find them all here.
        Eye Colours: All colours are accepted.

        Join the Discord for early updates, access to the shop and exclusive adopts!


      ➛ Beaumont Buffalos must be kept on CS, offsite storages must link or note back to the main species thread.
      ➛ In the event of a user voluntarily leaving CS, their buffalos cannot be sold offsite but will not be retained by the species.
      ➛ In the event of a user being banned from CS, their buffalos will be retained by the species and given away.
      ➛ In the event of a user being banned from the species, their buffalos will be retained by the species and given away.
      ➛ Buffalo may be gifted, traded or sold. Exceptions will have a note on their page.
      ➛ The sex of a buffalo cannot be changed due to the sexual dimorphism of the lineart.
      ➛ Buffalo cannot participate in calving or expos unless the current owner has posted on their page.
      ➛ Ownership changes must be posted on the buffalo's page by both parties.
      ➛ You do not need to own a collie to own a buffalo.


chellerd @ Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:47 pm

Biggest mark ever <3

I'm so happy and excited for them boofs :3

crexmii @ Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:09 pm

omg mark??

i can’t wait to adopt some of them floofballs

cincil. @ Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:10 am


14 replies not shown, show all

Adopts|Breeding|Imports|Genetics|Artist Search|Archive|Discord|Auctions|Shop|Custom Redeems

Silver Vine Cattle are a hardy Breed Known for being good show stock they are prized for their hides which come in many colors. Their height is ranges from 137 to 200 Cm, the bulls are often times high strung while the heffers are calm and relaxed. Calf Birth rates are low due to something never before seen in cows called delayed implantation, this can cause a fertilze egg to remain in a state of dormancy until certian conditions are met. As of now we do not know what this breed of cows conditions are for their delayed implantation. But hopefully as the breed grows with our adopters help we can find the answer and grow the breed in genetic diversty and in numbers!

Rules wrote:-Follow all CS and SVC Rules!
- No limit to Cows Owned!
- Read through the entire prompt for a cow please! If the prompt says for non-owners and you have a cow dont post!
- SVC have 6 free breeding slots, but through writing and drawing prompts
up to 6 more can be unlocked!
- You may gift/trade/re-adopt your Silver Vine Cattle, but you cannot sell them(as of now).
- If a Silver Vine Cow(s) changes ownership, just make sure to post on its page
and notify Archivist.
- You may not be added to your Cow(s) oekaki, sorry.
- Do not claim any Silver Vine Cattle Desgins as your own.
- Do not Beg, coerce or bribe artists to win adopts or to make
a custom!
- Do not steal lines or lore or heaviliy copy for that matter!
- Please read each prompt for each Cow!
- Aritsts may award up to 4 RUs a month, and may award as many as 4 Hms per adopt!
(HMs can/will be used in the shop once set up!)
- Female Terms Heffer first time mother, Cow female who has had babies
- Male Terms Steer is a castrated male, Bull non-castrated male
- Have Fun!

Credits wrote:Thank you EmberWolf for these lines!
News wrote:-23, July, '23- Version 2 Is posted!

Fawntura @ Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:05 pm

Welcome! Please Come claim your founder cow! Most Markings and colors will be Randomly generated, though you may list up to 4 genes that you like, these can be any rarity!

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (Can be TBD)
[b]Would you like horns?:[/b]
[b]Any genes you like?:[/b]


Fawntura @ Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:05 pm

Looking to adopt a SVC but dont know where to look? well all cows up for adoption will be listed here!

Fawntura @ Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:06 pm

Code: Select all
[left][size=85][center][quote]Silver Vine Cattle are a hardy Breed Known for being good show stock they are prized for their hides which come in many colors. Their height is ranges from 137 to 200 Cm, the bulls are often times high strung while the heffers are calm and relaxed. Calf Birth rates are low due to something never before seen in cows called delayed implantation, this can cause a fertilze egg to remain in a state of dormancy until certian conditions are met. As of now we do not know what this breed of cows conditions are for their delayed implantation. But hopefully as the breed grows with our adopters help we can find the answer and grow the breed in genetic diversty and in numbers![/quote][/center][/size]

Prompt - End date!


[b]Gender:[/b] Bull/Heffer
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Breeding Notes-[/b] --

[b]Height:[/b] (137 cm to 200 cm)
[b]Weight:[/b] (1,800 lbs to 2,600 lbs)
[b]Halter Color:[/b]
[b]Would you like to keep the BG?:[/b][/code][/left]

[right][list][color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] SSS: Foundation
[color=transparent]-----------------[/color] SS: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] SSD: Foundation
Sire: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] SDS: Foundation
[color=transparent]-----------------[/color] SD: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] SDD: Foundation

[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] DSS: Foundation
[color=transparent]-----------------[/color] DS: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] DSD: Foundation
Dam: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] DDS: Foundation
[color=transparent]-----------------[/color] DD: Foundation
[color=transparent]------------------------------------------[/color] DDD: Foundation[/list][/right]


56 replies not shown, show all

Palisade Roping Horses based on this drawing by arcadia.
by arcadia. @ Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:08 pm [Reply]


    Palisade Roping Horses are a seldom-know breed that has the build of a Quarter Horse but the intelligent and gentle characteristics of an Appaloosa. Palisade Roping Horses primarily are a Quarter Horse and Appaloosa mix, but over the years other breeds such as Mustangs, Criollo Horses, the Australian stock horse, Kigers, Colorado rangers, and the Ukrainian Riding Horse have been bred in to perfect this breed.

    The Palisade Roping Horse is known for its strength, agility, intelligence, and endurance. They are known as an easy going horse with an unrivaled gentle temperament. A Palisade Roping Horse can work all day on a ranch, or be a pleasure or trail horse and can do both with little training and ease. They are an ideal breed for dual-purpose work, at the average height of 14-16hh. They typically are used for maintaining livestock, general farm work, and as family horses. They also excel in competitions such as reining, endurance, and cutting, but are even seen in the jumping and dressage rings.

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━⊰ ⊱━━━━━━━━━━━
    【 adopts | nursery | artist search | discord | shop
    artist hub | rarity guide

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━⊰ ⋆ ⊱━━━━━━━━━━━

    much thanks to ink for the amazing visual rarity guide!!


    some special thanks to:
    kaju for being the first one to support me. heck, you boosted my confidence so much ty <3
    emberwolf for relining everything and for being so patient with me. i’ve always loved your art and i am ecstatic to get some of my own <33
    fawntura for doing all the tack because god knows i cannot. also, thank you for providing feedback and supporting this project!

arcadia. @ Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:09 pm

✧ All CS rules apply.
 ✧ Treat each and every person with respect and kindness. No insulting/guilt-tripping.
 ✧ If you have an issue with a community member, your concerns may be brought to anyone on the staff team.
 ✧ You may not edit your Palisade’s original oekaki refrence art.
 ✧ Stealing/claiming other users' Palisades as your own will not be tolerated.
 ✧ Do not post reminders on unjudged adopts. You may message a mod so they can remind the artist if it's been over a week.
 ✧ Palisades have 5 breeding slots each. These slots may be exchanged among community members.
 ✧ On FCFS adopts/breedings, the first correct and unedited form will win. Editing is not fair to other people.
Trading Rules
 ✧ Trading a Palisade for other Palisades, items, or slots is fine. You may also gift your Palisades/items/slots.
 ✧ Selling Palisades for anything outside of the adoptable [C$, pets, items, USD, etc] is prohibited.
 ✧ When a Palisades is traded/gifted, both users involved must post on the original adopt thread and trade thread to confirm.
 ✧ Trades are final. You may ask for a trade-back, but the other person should not be attacked if they don't want to trade back.
Stable Creation
 ✧ Creating a stable [storage page] is not mandatory for general adopting, though it is required to use the nursery & participate in competitions.
 ✧ The following must be included for a stable page to be valid: Name, sex, number, adoption page, and all 5 slots.
    ✧ A stable may be put wherever you wish. For example, a CS thread, Wix website, or folder are all fine.
 ✧ The 5 slots [unused, link to the foal(s), or who it's reserved for] should be updated whenever a slot is given away/used.Read the [url=wip]Info Hub[/url] for more specific information.

✧ Follow all CS rules.
✧ Don’t play favorites; be fair.
✧ Don’t use any genes outside of natural equine and breed specific genes.
✧ No inbreeding.
✧ Major line edits (wings, dished face, missing limb, etc) are prohibited.
✧ Staff members receive one extra staff custom a month for activity.
✧ May make a special birthday custom, can have one of the rarer edits.
✧ Staff are expected to be active, if they are unable to, @arcadia. needs to be notified.
✧ If horses aren’t judged within a month, @arcadia. reserves the right to assign a winner.
✧ Let @arcadia. know if you want to make a milestone adopt.
✧ Artists should only ask for CS currency or low USD prices for customs. Breedings are to be free until further notice.
Read the Artist Hub for more specific information.


Warnings wrote:none c:

Bans wrote:none :3

arcadia. @ Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:09 pm

staff !!

arcadia. - owner

fawntura - artist / inkiing - artist / gull. - artist

berenice. - ghost

[url=here]username[/url] - mod / [url=here]username[/url] - mod

arcadia. @ Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:09 pm

    to - do
    tasks for palisades i hope to complete soon!
    - fanclub up & runnin
    - shop & items
    - archive
    - trading
    - competitions
    - halloween event?
    - auctions!

    feel free to insert this stamp into your signature!
    Code: Select all

29 replies not shown, show all

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