Tough as Nails Adoption (Closed for renovations!)

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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby bearlygrunge » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:11 am

I would like to adopt!
Number: Four
Picture: Image
Name: Calixte; meaning Very Beautiful in Greek
Species: Smili
Personality: Calixte is a compassionate, friendly, & very loving smili. Her personality follows the "glass half full" aspect, which just shows how thankful she is to be alive and at peace, back where she belongs: with her kind. She has grown into "a fine young smili," as her mother often tells her. Calixte adores her parents, but her "idol" is her father, Bronte. As a cub, Calixte's favorite time of the day was just after her family had eaten their evening meal. She would cuddle in between her parents and listen to her father's rumbling voice as he related stories from his past, then her mother would sing lullabies as she fell asleep.
Calixte's mother, Calandra, can attest to her daughter's being very impressionable & indecisive, especially when she was young. She would go though different "moods" as it were; her only life was being her father's shadow, then she would wander off whenever they turned their backs. Calixte was an adventurer, an explorer. And she still is to an extent, but it got her into a large amount of trouble when she was about seven years old.
Along the same lines as being unsure, Calixte also has struggled with a lack of faith in herself. She can tend toward being insecure and, do to past experiences, feels like life can't be trusted. Which, in a sense, is true, but this thought process causes Calixte to get nervous when something different or unexpected happens.
Though she is usually calm, she has an independent spirit and will stick up for those in unfortunate situations. Likewise, Calixte has a strong feeling of justice, but often thinks there is nothing she can do about it. She has a big heart and is very accepting of other creatures, anyone and everyone is someone who just needs to be loved and understood.
This Smili is very emotional and connects herself with a strong bond to those she cares for. Calixte has an intuitive nature in that she can read body language exceedingly well and is sensitive to others feelings. She often makes a game of reading other creature's body language, deciphering from a distance what the circumstances that might be causing the animal to behave the way it does.
Likes: Calixte craves social interaction, whether it be her own kind, young or old, other nonthreatening creatures, or in her case (as in her father's) select humans.
She gets her daily exercise by exploring the many avenues of the Pindus Mountains where her family lives, then afterwords enjoys a sunbath on the many nearby rock outcroppings.
The fresh scent of heavy rainfall is a welcome revival to her soul, and, when the mood strikes her, splashing in the puddles.
Wavering melodies and crisp chirps of the early morning birds is something to look forward, especially when you chirp and sing back.
Calixte's only current longing is to have a family of her own. She LOVES cubs, just as she loves her younger brother, Therius.
Dislikes: The smell of trees dying of fire really gives her worry, though she doesn't smell it often where she lives.
Most of the rivers in Greece dry up in the summer, so although Calixte lives in the Pindus Mountains, it is often difficult to find clean water during that time of year.
When the snow is excessively deep in the winter, the going gets tough with short legs, and detecting and getting food becomes more time consuming. Generally the family works together at time like this to be able to at least satisfy the hunger, if only for a day.
Feeling useless or helpless is something that Calixte finds it hard to stand against at times and makes her feel worthless.
Background: This beautiful smili was born on a bright spring morning in the mountains of Greece. Where the soil is dry, the ground is rocky, the westerly breezes bring the rain in the spring and fall and the snow in the winter. Monks are the majority of human population in the Pindus Mountains, though some poor farmers live in small valleys that are nestled between the giant hills and steep cliff sides. This is Ancient Greece, though far from the great cities. It has it's own beauty much different from Athens; there are no marble pillars, steamy public bathing houses, smooth gliding chariots pulled by sweating stallions. Rather, it is wild and majestic, peaceful and quiet. An excellent place to raise your cubs- if you're a smili that is.
Being the first offspring of your parents is something special, in ways both good and bad. You have been long-awaited, and will be loved fiercely, tenderly nurtured, and perhaps a bit spoiled. But, you are the first. Your parents have nothing to guide them, but their instincts. You're a bit of an experiment. This is what Calixte was. Bronte and Calandra, the same said smili's parents, decided to postpone having a cub the first two years they were on their own to find the perfect den site and get used to life separated from their former flurry (Aha! New name for a group of smilis! xD ). Bronte being a year or so older, wiser perhaps as well, succeeded in his search. The nest site was nestled in a thick forest of freshly needled pine and fir trees that gleamed in the soft beams of sun, the morning dew glittering in the shadows of the tree boughs, right in between two small mountains. This small narrow strip of land was impassable to the humans and caused Bronte no worry. There was a bright, trickling stream only about a half mile off which was a source of small prey as well. After all this, the den was expanded, and the smili couple saw no reason now to continue putting of their future family.
Calixte's cubhood was rather ordinary, so a quick overview should suffice. As all smilis are born virtually colorless, so Calxite was also. She had a rather difficult time gaining weight when she was only weeks old, but she was very well cared for and it became obsolete. She was always curious and full of questions, sometimes pestering for an answer. When she was about three years old two things of importance took place: o1.) the birth of her younger brother, Therius and o2.) she learned of her father's interaction with a monk named Cleatus. The smili and man had become friends over time and Cleatus taught Bronte some Greek to forward his understanding of humans. Calixte was greatly intrigued by that notion and as you will read, can to meet the monk herself.
The biting autumnal wind rushed through Calixte's thinning fur, bringing the thick scent of incense to her nostrils and carrying away wisps of golden hair. As she made her way up the mountainside to the neatly settled monastery, her thoughts drifted to her recent acquaintances, Matthias and his mate Phaedra. They were a young pair, though older than she. Watching the ground, Calixte placed each paw carefully as the ascension became steeper and the stone fortress shone brightly against the dark toned forest trees. I wonder what caused Phaedra to be so shy around me. She is three years my elder, after all. Calixte contemplated the behavior of Phaedra with interest. Hiding in the brush now, her yellow eyes brightened at the aspect of seeing her mentor. A faint grin graced the kindred face before she saw him. Calixte was just about to step out to greet Brother Cleatus the monk, the only human friend her family had ever known and accepted, when his peculiar expression came to her notice. He's worried, the smili perceived. And sorrowful. What ever could be wrong?she asked herself, longing to speak, but something held her back. Her long tufted ears flattened, and her body tensed. Suddenly, a shout. A signal. Calixte's head whipped around to find the source, but in vain. Thick rope nets landed atop the now terrorized smili and forced her to the ground. An earsplitting screech erupted from her throat, a noise that is so rarely heard. Cover broke and frightened birds burst through the brush and trees flapping madly to get away. Young monk boys approached Calixte with little fear and were absent of weapons. A returning call was heard, her parents now knew their daughter's fate. Fear consumed Calixte as she was bound and carried to a cage. Her eyes sought Cleatus who was being led away, back into the monastery by three hideous, sour looking priests. They grinned terrible evils smiles when the saw how Calixte's golden pelt gleamed in the thin sunlight. His slumped posture announced defeat and fat tears leaked from the old man's eyes. The golden smili was being crammed into a wooden crate that was much too small, her tail pushed uncomfortably at odd angles against that grate. Having no idea what was going on or why, Calixte shivered in fear and mistrust clouded her mind. Cleatus was no longer visible. His presence had been her glimmer of hope, but now he was gone and all hope vanished with him. Crying piteously, Calixte was loaded onto a donkey cart surrounded by five monk ranging in age and stature, but no one seemed to care what she was feeling. She could tell they were listening closely, though hoping to hear her speak their language. Brother Cleatus had warned her at every meeting never to speak to the other monks or anyone else unless she was absolutely sure their conduct was that of integrity. Calixte followed that advice now.
Days passed and the sun grew stronger as the season wore on. The ever growing group, now with armed guards riding beautiful gleaming horses, would rest in what shade they could find during midday when the hear was intolerable for travel. A routine day for Calixte was to be poked and prodded as she was tied and restrained, but at least then she was allowed to stand in the grass while her cage was cleaned. Only once everyday Calixte was brought out of her confinement. Everyday was as close to torture as she could imagine with the stifling heat, aching joints, rope bruises, scanty provisions, the list goes on. Life had become tedious for her. She had already gone through in her mind every single possibility as to the reason of her kidnapping and where they might possibly be going, but she really had no idea. It was hard to be frightened when life was so full of monotony.
When the final destination was reached it was midnight, but the dozing smili had no way of knowing what was in her future. In the wee hours of the night, money was quietly exchanged and the cage which held Calixte was carefully moved into a vast white stone structure known to you and me as the- Colosseum.

If I had more time, MUCH more would be written. And it will be, but this is all I had time for. I'm pretty confident in it, thus far, I just needed more time. Hence the cliffhanger. ^^; There are 1802 words.
Last edited by bearlygrunge on Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:59 am, edited 9 times in total.

I think music is about our internal life.
It's part of the way people touch each other.
That's very precious to me. And astronomy is,
in a sense, the very opposite thing. Instead of
looking inwards, you are looking out, to things
beyond our grasp.
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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby mi ainsel » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:57 am

I would like to adopt!
Number: 6
Name: Kaera Shinxi or Kara
Species: Smili!
Personality: Kaera herself loves Fire, all fire colour, and anything to do with fire, The same with energy or lightning.
Her Demon Shinxi is constantly giving her advice, which can get annoying at times, but has helped her out of many a sticky situation. Kaera is a firey smili, always quick to get angry. If you get on her good side she will become sweet, gentle and kind, but check yourself first, Kaera never hesitates to check who a supposed enemy may be before she leaps paws first into battle. It's not her fault, she was bought up this way, and even though she isn't a demon, there is still a little Darkness about her...

Shinxi is a bit crazy, and slightly kamikaze. She loves to fight and kill, but also loves jokes and near-death experiences.
She would protect Kaera with her life, and is incredibly powerful, summoning fire with a single thought.
Because Shinxi has never had a family, she doesn’t really understand love, only hate, and if it wasn’t for her friendship with Kaera, it would be the undoing of her. Shinxi isquick to get angry, and Kaera struggles to stay in control, but sometimes she can't, and the results are deadly.

If Kaera was just Kaera, she would be too nice, if Shinxi was just Shinxi, she would be too evil, it’s only together that they can fit in, and only together that they can be normal.

Likes: Fire, fire colours, anything to do with fire, energy, or lightning.

Dislikes: Kaera hates the term Toredatra, as she finds it insulting, she also hates water and ice [duh!] and pinecones, because they taste nasty.

Kaera the Smili cub sighed as she stalked her prey through the cold forest, swinging from tree to tree with her tail to catch up with it. It was a hard life being a Smili, all the other forest animals could run. Sighing again, Kaera swung to the tree in front of the deer.
The quarry, a young fawn who had been separated from his herd, paused under the branch Kaera was on.
Yes, come on now, don’t run… she whispered to herself as she crawled to the end of the branch and tensed her muscles, ready to spring.

Kaera… a voice murmured softly.
Kaera looked round and took a step towards the voice. “Huh?”
Kaera… danger, Kaera, run!
SNAP!!!!!! A sudden jolt ran through the branch and it broke, plummeting towards the fawn and hitting it across the haunches.
With a bellow, the fawn looked up… just in time to see Kaera scream and fall on top of it.

Trampling hooves… So the herd had come!
Kaera screamed again and lashed out at the young deer, making it fall to the floor with one final bellow. The other deer bellowed back and charged at the cub, who was crouched on the floor by the corpse of the fawn, shocked.
The lead doe came forward; head held high and eyes full of murder.
She grunted, but unlike other times, Kaera could hear words in it.

< So, killer of fawns, we have you cold.>
Kaera glared back and bared her fangs at the doe.
<You stupid Toredatra! [Dumb fanged Tree-livers] Don’t you see we know how to deal with Toredatra? Your fangs don’t scare us, no-talking, tree-swinging, Young-slaying, Toredatra! I’m tired of losing fawns to a race that only exists to feed!>
<I’ll have you know we are Smilis, Grazdetor, [Dumb antlered Grass eaters] not Toredatra.> Kaera huffed.
This was greeted by a bemused silence.
<It talks!> Cried a young deer.
<Who’s ever heard of a talking Toredatra!> Yelled another.
<They call themselves ‘Smilis’ do they? Not very smiley.> Fussed a confused old stag.
The lead doe flared her nostrils in anger. <SILENCE! Let the ‘Smili’ talk. Why did you kill my son?>
<Food.> Kaera answered instantly. <And…>
The deer stamped a hoof. <And what?!>
Kaera looked scared. <I can’t tell you, it’s ancient Smili law.>
The deer stamped again. <Look, Murderer, tell me.>
<For… FIRST RITES! That’s why I did it, I don’t even like hunting, it’s for First Rites!>
The doe looked bemused. <First Rites?>
Kaera sighed. <The first hunt a cub ever makes, they have to bring back the catch to be declared fully adult. I’m 9 and a half, I NEED this.>
The herd didn't look impressed, instead, a hiss ran through the crowd. <Pagan murderers!>
The lead doe advanced again. < As much as I wish to kill you, I will not sink to the level of the Smilis and kill a cub.>
Kaera sighed with relief. The voice spoke again. Kaera.... Danger Kaera. She ignored it and smiled at the doe.
The doe shook her head. <On one condition, you leave my son with me.>
<WHAT!!!!!!> Shrieked Kaera <The Elders will kill me!>
The leader snorted once more. <Life's hard. Deal with it.>
The herd began to move off, the lead doe carrying the fawn, when an unearthly snarl split the air.

Kaera stood on a branch, high in the air, her eyes gleaming with an unnatural fire.
“Don’t back away from me, honey.” She hissed in a voice flaming with pure hate.
The doe grinned and began to walk off. <Have fun, Toredatra cub!>
Kaera moved closer in the blink of an eye, and now the deer were worried. No Smili could move with such speed, and how could they understand her? She was talking in Smili!
<Kaera?...> The doe called, cautiously. <Kaera, how do you do that?>
“Give me the fawn.” The Kaera creature snarled. “Or I’ll kill you all.”
Some of the more confident stags scoffed at this, and tossed their heads to show off their antlers, but the Kaera creature didn’t move. “Come on, sillies, GIVE ME THE FAWN!”
This time it was the doe who tossed her head. <NEVER!>
Kaera smiled, not a nice smile, a smile full of menace. “Tough luck, honey, you had your chance.”
The deer all stamped and levelled their antlers, but Kaera sped over them and dropped onto the lead doe.
The doe tried to throw Kaera off, but the creature wouldn’t move.
<How? Kaera, leave me alone!”
The Smili thing just smiled again. “My name’s Shinxi, her name’s Kaera, so hi, I’m Kaera Shinxi.”
The doe tilted her head. <Your name?>
Shinxi’s face twisted in mock surprise. “Have you not guessed, honey, I’m Kaera’s Spirit, and I don’t take kindly to potential killers of my, how should I put this? My protectee.”
The doe hissed. <More like a Demon.>
“To you, yes, but I’m telling you, I’m normally nice.” Shinxi grinned as she bit down on the doe’s throat and leapt off the corpse, still grinning. “Who’s next?”

To no-one’s surprise, especially not Shinxi’s they all began to back off, terror evident in their eyes.
All but one.
A huge stag with massive antlers stayed, a funny growl sounding in his throat.
Shinxi grinned. “Hello!”
With a vicious bellow, the massive stag charged straight at Shinxi, nostrils flared and antlers levelled.
Kaera awoke, confused, the last thing she remembered, the doe was going to leave her to die in that godforsaken forest, and now she was… Hang on, where was she? Looking around, all she could see was grey mist, but she felt the presence of someone else here with her.

“Hello?” Kaera called.
Kaera… Hello Kaera… Came the familiar voice. Kinda busy, can’t talk n- whoa! That was close!
“Who are you? What’s happening?” Kaera cried, confused.
I’m Shinxi, your Spirit, I’m protecting you by controlling your body. Sorry.
Shinxi laughed.
Kaera growled. “Shinxi… I always knew I could hear someone. Now let me control myself!”
No. Came the reply. Too dangerous.
“AAARRGH!” Kaera screamed in frustration. “LET ME IN!”
There was a sudden poof of grey smoke, and Kaera could see again.

She could even see the deadly looking stag in front of her, ready to charge.

Without Kaera thinking a single thing, her body jerked sideways, impossibly fast.
What? She thought
Then she heard a wild laugh coming from her own mouth.
“WHOOOO! Go me! Go Shinxi!”
She felt irritated by this, and decided to answer back. “You mean Kaera!”
“Whaaaa? Kaera? How did you?” Her own confused voice called back.
“Get out? I yelled at you.” She answered coldly.
“Good strategy. I like.” Shinxi said, soundly very slightly amused.

Shinxi leapt at the angry deer, planning to sail over his head, but Kaera jerked aside and tore at his shoulder instead.
“Kaera!” Shinxi complained.
“Don’t you Kaera me, Shinxi; I just saved your life. That stag only had to rear and you’d have been impaled.” Kaera said, sounding miffed.
Shinxi gulped. “Ok, then, thanks.”

Kaera smiled and bared her teeth before leaping at the stag again.
The two wove a web of movement around the stag, slashing and biting as they leapt and lunged again and again.
Their movements were so complex that they became one entity, The Kaera Shinxi, slashing and biting and killing and slashing and biting and killing.
Finally, the stag fell and the Smili cub dropped to the floor, exhausted.
Still, they grinned and whooped. “Go us, go Kaera Shinxi!”

Kaera Shinxi began to drag the doe, fawn and stag back to the Smili camp, which, luckily because of Shinxi’s strength, was easy.

The Smilis gasped as Kaera Shinxi walked in, head held high and dragging the carcasses behind her.
The chief Smili nodded and sprinkled the doe’s blood over Kaera Shinxi’s head.
“You are Adult.” He simply said,
“Kaera?” Her mother cried. “How did you manage this?”
Inside, Kaera was glad to see her, but Shinxi was wary.
They spoke in their combined voice, echoing ancient times and flames in their voice.
“Our name is Kaera Shinxi.”
Most of the Smilis looked confused by this, and quite a few sniggered.
Kaera Shinxi snarled at the laughing ones, and in that brief moment of violence, the chief’s wife seemed to realise something.
She looked horrified. "You are Demon; you are not welcome, go!"
Kaera’s mother looked incredibly angry at this. “What are you on about, it’s Kaera!”
Shinxi struggled to control Kaera, who was trying to call out to her mother. "I'm not Demon, I'm Spirit!"
The chief’s wife snarled in disgust. “Yeah, right. We all believe you, Spirit.
Kaera Shinxi hissed. “I’ll warn you now, Mire, don’t get on my bad side.”
Mire laughed, mocking Kaera. “Oh yeah, you’re so deadly.”
Kaera felt Shinxi’s anger growing, and her eyes opened wide. “Mire, don’t…”
Mire laughed again. “What could you do?”
Kaera struggled to suppress her anger. “How… do… you… think I killed the deer?”
With a snort, Mira glanced towards the deer. “You got what? A yearling?”
One of Mira’s friends ran over to the carcasses and gasped. “Mire…”
Mire ignored her. “You couldn’t hunt to save the tribe!”
The friend called again. “Mire…”
This time Mire looked round. “WHAT!?”
“She got a yearling, a doe, and the lead stag.”
Mire’s eyes widened as she realised how stupid she’d been, she turned round, but too late.

Kaera Shinxi was snarling again, the unnatural fire back in her eyes.
“Stupid, Stupid girl.” Shinxi said slyly. “Think you can get past me?”
With a sudden burst of movement, Shinxi had moved about 800 metres, and was now directly over Mire’s head. “Cause somehow, I don’t think you can.”
Still grinning, Shinxi dropped.

Kaera screamed as Shinxi took control again, and pushed at the barrier keeping her from helping. “SHINXI!!!” She screamed. “SHINXI!!! NO!!!!!”
Shinxi’s amused voice floated towards her. “Too late.”
Kaera fell to her knees and buried her face in her fur. “NOOOOOOOOOO!!! MIRE!!!!”
She shrieked, crying out again and again. She ran forward…
And suddenly there was a puff of grey mist, and she could see the blood staining her paws, and the tribe glaring at her viciously, a few even beginning to charge.
With one last sad look at her mother, Kaera Shinxi turned and left.
Kaera Shinxi wandered for days to try and find somewhere safe.
No predator would touch her, she was safe, but she could still hear the tribe pursuing her, to avenge Mire.

She was a murderer, just like the doe said.

Crumpling to the ground, Kaera started sobbing.

"Why do you cry, little one?" A voice called silkily.
Shinxi instantly wanted go on the offensive, but Kaera held onto her control.
"I'm not little." She sniffed. "Stay away from me, I'm evil."
"No." The voice called again, "You could never be evil."
The speaker stepped into the light, a beautiful brown wolf with pale brown fringe and turquoise circles on her hip.
She was smiling kindly, and her whole being shone with so much goodness that Shinxi shrieked and tried to run.
"You battle with yourself, Kaera, and your whole being." The wolf sighed.
Shinxi responded fast. "I'm not Kaera, I'm Shinxi!" But Kaera was quick to regain control. "How could I not, Kaice? How could I not battle with my 'inner demon'."
The brown wolf, Kaice, was quick to pick up on one little bit. "You know who I am?"
"Very few do not, Kaice." Kaera responded miserably.
Kaice smiled. "Then I'll cut the fakery. I want you to come with me."
Confused, Kaera looked directly at Kaice. "Where?"
"The Hall of the Guardians, of course!" Kaice responded, with a grin. "We want you to become the keeper of the Heart of Sapia, the Balance, between good and evil.
The next person to speak wasn't Kaera, Shinxi, or Kaice, it was Kaera Shinxi.
"We have first hand experience in balancing good and evil." Kaera Shinxi said.
Kaice smiled again, very warmly this time. "That's why."
Kaera Shinxi looked up at Kaice. "Then, we will come."
Kaice grinned again, and with a flash of white light, and a burst of black shadow, the pair were gone, to start anew in Sapia.

The Good and the Evil, were finally balanced
Last edited by mi ainsel on Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:29 am, edited 16 times in total.

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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby poofyena » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:57 am

I would like to adopt!
Number: 7
Name: Kiche (means sky spirit)
Species: Smilis
Personality: He can be a little tough when you first meet him, always wary of strangers though he is quick to warm to people, he has a very playful side and likes to chase butterflys and mice or any small thing through the woods. Though wary he is also very sure of himself when it come to fighting, and can be very nasty in a fight. He has a very sweet side due to one smili that has tamed his heart. He longs to stay with her and protect her.
Likes: Chasing butterflys. Pouncing, climbing, scaring his friends playfully. Staring at the moon with his love, the quiet, his homeland.
Dislikes: Loud noises, humans, cloudy nights, being away from his love, people who disregard his opinion, getting into stupid fights.
Background (Optional, but it gives you a better shot. 2500 words maximum, 100 words minimum. We value quality over quantity, you can have five pages and still say absolutely nothing.)
A loud noise could be heard by those near to the dark cave, a set of glowing eyes stared from the blackness within, watching everything outside of her protected space. Small animals fled from that place, scared by the noises from within the black hole. The loud pained noise slid into the night once again, this time however it cut short. The glowing eyes turned from the forest and retreated into the burrow, there in the dark lay a tiny pale coloured cub, leaning over the mother nosed her new baby, to no avail. With a sharp pained yell she strained again and a second cub appeared. This one let out a soft mewl as she nosed at him, his breathing came in a quick startled pant as he lay on the burrow floor his parent watching over him.

7 Weeks later the cub took his first shaky steps towards the new light in his eyes, he wanted to explore, to see where the light came from, where he could hear other animals. A restraining paw grabbed him round the chest and pulled him back down into the darkness, against her warm fur "i know you want to go outside Kiche, but your still so young" his mother cooed to him licking his head in a soothing way. He growled frustrated but succumbed to the licking and lay down against her with a quiet sigh.
It would be two more weeks until he would be allowed to roam away from the safe darkness of the burrow and his mother followed him with worry everywhere he went, though he often resented her curbing his freedom he remained silent about it and continued to let her follow him un challenged. He was still left behind on hunting trips and that annoyed him, either his mother or father would sit with him as the other went to get dinner, he wanted to go. To chase and pounce and catch his own food, it sounded like so much fun! His parents never wavered throughout his young weeks and turned deaf ears to his complaints. However his father had concerns.
"Mukian, do you not think he should be allowed to hunt? After all he is nearly 15 weeks of age, he must learn one day and surely it is better for him to be safe with us than alone?" His eyes gently sought his mates, his concern evident.
A growl rose from the females throat "fine" she snapped standing "we take him tomorrow to hunt small game, dont push me further Kuran" she hissed stalking into her young, curling protectively round him her tail flicking with contentment as she slept with her young cub.

Birds flew startled from their bush, squawking angrily as they were disturbed, behind them a playful growling type sound could be heard. There stood Kiche head held high, claws showing, tail waving behind him as he stalked small animals more for something to do than anything. He knew that as the nights grew shorted and his fur was warmed in the sun that he should be following the example of the few smili cubs in the area and exploring further away, instead he remained with his parents happily spending his days hunting and climbing trees. He would go soon.
As the light began to fade he turned and walked slowly back to his cave, pausing to bump his head on his fathers dozing hide as he walked past, not getting a reaction he huffed and walked into the burrow, curling up near the back with a yawn. Resting his head on his paws he quickly fell into a deep slumber. A loud cry hit his ears and he lurched to his feet, blinking in the darkness, he shook his head listening for the sound again but hearing nothing. Curious Kiche slowly padded to the entrance to the burrow, his keen eyes scanning the dark in front of him until a still dark shape caught his eyes. A panicked noise grew in his throat as he felt himself walking towards the still warm body his breath catching in his throat as he scented his father, he stumbled over to the body, his own self shaking with fear and sadness. Realizing he hadn't seen his mother he jumped back, scanning the darkness. A loud crack shattered the night a kicked up dust beside Kiche, with a startled growl he leaped to the side, stumbling in panic. A second shot split the night this time closer to the smili. Gathering his wits he took off into the bushes his slow awkward run taking him deep into the green, hearing footsteps behind him he leaped into the trees his claws sticking into the bark as he clambered up the trunk in front of him. Balanced on a branch he took a look down into the forest, his keen eyes seeking out what was chasing him there! Two legged beings with one long arm that they seemed to be able to move where they liked, what where these creatures. Kiche padded softly along the branch, his eyes full of curiosity as he observed the two beings below him running out of room on the current branch he jumped nimbly into the next tree. The humans eyes flicked up at the noise and they fired a random shot into the foliage startling Kiche, trying to back up quickly he slipped catching the branch with a front paw. Panting he strained to pull himself up his claws cutting into the bark that flaked around his head. Felling himself slipping the young Smili let out a loud shriek just as his claws tore a lump of bark out of the branch and he crashed through the tree towards the branches below.

Blinking groggily Kiche growled uncomfortably, the ground under him felt cold and hard unlike the usual feel of the spongy forest. His head was painful and he felt dizzy squeezing his eyes shut he tried to ignore the hammering pain his ears flat against his skull. As he slowly woke up and became more aware of himself he noticed a dull throbbing in his hind left leg, wondering what was wrong he flexed it and yowled. His whole body cringed away from the fire that burned there. He whimpered and pulled himself half up, his eyes closed against the burning pain. Flashes of the night before filtered into his conscious mind making him feel weak and dizzy, not his parents, his mum, he whimpered softly, all the time she spent looking after him, all the nights curled up, he cried softly realizing he would never see her again. He tried to stand and the bolt of pain that ran through him had him screaming. He saw black.

What felt like minuets later he lifted his head again, he could smell meat, fresh meat. He sniffed, it was dull now and he had to squint to see the small bowl to the side of him. He moved to stand, momentarily forgetting his leg, but the pain didn't come, in a crouch he decided to stand but as he straightened he felt woozy and his stomach rolled. He shook his head trying to clear the sudden vertigo and after a second the odd feeling passed, leaving him swaying slightly. Dizziness over he noticed he could not move his leg, was it gone! Has they taken his leg and left him to die, he turned his head to look preparing himself for what he was to see. Huh, odd. His leg was wrapped in what looked like a hard white formation, he sniffed lightly at it, his tail raised in suspicion. He snorted, this was not a smell he liked, limping forward towards the smell he decided to ignore the white thing, it seemed to make the pain leave him alone. Reaching the dish he found the source of the smell, he was right meat, but he found something else to, the hard floor he was laying on stopped, a wall stopped it slats in the wall provided a sight into the outside of wherever he found himself to be. He shook his head again confused at what surrounded him. Hearing footsteps he crouched and moved back, another wall stopping his retreat.
"check on the dark one" a voice mumbled from the outside, Kiche saw legs, walking towards him and he hissed loudly.
"Its awake, hey killer, how ya doin?" the huge bald animal said in a funny voice to him.
"who are you!" Kiche roared loudly, his claws out as he glared at the man
"Aww shush kitty" he turned to a second human that appeared. "defiantly feeling better i think, hopefully that leg wont take long to heal and we can use him"
"Yeah, and the sooner we can move him with the rest the better, i hate having to clean these cages"
"As soon as he is off the pain drugs, he is still far too woozy to be moved i bet"
"Yeah i guess, well, after tonight we should have an empty pen anyway" The two humans both laughed loudly at that, moving away from Kiche
"Wait! I demand you tell me who you are" Kiche spat after them, he heard a loud bang and nothing else.
Hmm, drugs they said? What are drugs, this is why i feel so woozy, why i feel sick, why my leg does not hurt me today? He thought to himself and paced the cage as he had learnt it was called. Four walls with tiny slits he could barely see out of, a clear roof and hard floor. Well, they said something about moving me, good luck to them, stupid naked beings. Called me Kitty he hissed this, examining his cage now, looking for weak points, finding none. He growled and threw himself at the walls, they didnt budge. He clawed at the floor and ceiling suddenly in a furious rage, nothing moved under his vicious attack, and soon he was exhausted. He slept.

Time meant nothing now, and Kiche stared at his walls blankly, remembering life outside of a colourless, textureless land which surrounded him now. The humans came and made a new pain, as it stung his shoulder he yelped, trying to move away. In front of his eyes a feathery sharp stick feel from his arm. He dozed, waking and sleeping in what seemed like the same moments, his eyes never focused. He felt hands on him and wanted to bite, to claw, but his legs felt empty and his head lolled uselessly as he was taken to a new place and laid down.
"He's dark" a quiet voice
"So am i" a hiss
"well im just saying, not often we get one of them" hurt sounding
"Just shut up, i cant even see it"
"Him i think"
"how would you know" scorn in the voice
"fine fine, im shutting up"
Quiet. Empty. This is what Kiche woke to, as his eyes fluttered and he tested his paws he heard the conversation somewhere near him. Half wary and half full of joy at finding something that, he sniffed, yup definitely smelled like him, he opened his eyes fully, and could see! Through one of the walls, interrupted by bars, but it was better than nothing. Where am i now? Maybe i better ask the others He stood and moved slowly to the front of this new cage, sniffing at the air, yes more of him for sure.
"Uh" he coughed "excuse me" he looked straight into the dark pen opposite, for in this room light only shined a little way into the cages. Expecting someone like him to appear he took a step back when she did, her face torn and one of her eyes gone completely the light grey smili walked towards him.
"Yes, a male" her voice was a little smug and she looked to her right "told you so" a quiet growl made her look back to him. "yes," she asked tilting her head. One of her fangs was broken he could now see.
"Kiche" he mumbled deciding he better tell her. "you"
"Tamir" she nodded "when did they get you"
He sat down relaxing a little "a while ago now, been kept in a box until now though" he explained.
"Yes, thats where they keep those of us they injure until we are ready" she sat too.
"Ready for what?"
"To fight" a ruff voice answered, Tamir sighed and looked into another cage
"Really Kayani? You scare them all the time! Just leave this one be"
"Why? to baby him? So he can find it all out in the ring like we were all left to do?"
Listening to the two females argue Kiche's ear tilted, the rough sounding one, the angry one. He was instantly captivated by her voice, so beautiful.
"I'm no baby" he interrupted softly
"wait, just wait" Kayani's voice went away then, and Tamir gave him a small smile before turning away and disappearing into her cage.
How odd Kiche though laying down
A month later

Licking the fresh wound on his shoulder Kiche winced, the taste of blood rich on his tongue as it swept over the dark fur on his shoulder. His second fight was over, and the young male he had to beat weighed on his mind. He didnt like all the death here, Smili were led away never to come back. He himself had received many a bite, a scratch. But he was older than the two he had fought, fighting them had been almost easy. No, it was not this that worried him the most. Kayani. One simple word, one wonderful word that changed him. He hated when they took her away, when she came back limping, her sandy fur matted with red. They had only locked eyes a few times, but the shock of what was in that gaze had stunned both of them. Tamir was the only other Smili that spoke and had told him that all the others there were older, some nearing the end of their life. He and Kayani were the only young smili there that she had seen. The two young ones had been brought in to train Kiche to kill, like Kayani before him they hoped he would grow to love the fight, and like her with every day he hated it. He hated the whole place. Footsteps cam down the small aisle, something he was used to now but this time they said something he didnt like.
"Yeah him and the small female"
"Wow, whats the boss thinking?"
"Thinks the crowd will love it, she is such a machine she will destroy him, like her name" the human laughed and Kiches spine went cold
"Killer and Destroy, bets will be high there"
"Well of course, people will bet on the female, and were to drug her so she fails"
Their voices faded away and Kiche sat frozen, they all had stage names, he was killer, and his beautiful Kayani. His eyes turned to see the horror reflected in Tamirs.
"We have to escape" he roared standing up.
"Theres no way" Kayanis voice was tight.
"There is" Tamirs voice was tight and low as the footsteps came back "when we die we get thrown out back ready to be made into food, they dont check, we arent worth it at your age" she jumped back as her door was opened and men with guns caught her with their magic metal stick "both pretend to die and they will throw you out! when your out run and dont stop!" she was dragged out of the room, Kiche stood, his face pressed to the cage door.
"We have to try!"
"Of course" Kayani whispered back.

Tamir never returned, her cage was cleaned the next day, ready for a new occupant. Kiche sighed watching them, he missed Tamir, she had been like a mother to the cubs there, still to young to understand fully the greed and evil of the world. Kayani and Kiche were desperately sad that she had been lost to the fight. They were silent the whole day, waiting and wondering how she had left them. Until that night, when the men came to fetch them. As they were dragged out they looked at each other confused, there werent normally two fight nights in a row. They were separated and led out to the ring, slashing at fighting to be free, but the metal sticks held their attacks at bay and the humans dragged them out, putting them in the holding pens ready to be released.
The announcer started to talk and the two Smili eyed each other over the ring, nervous about the coming performance. A loud clang sounded and the doors went up, Kiche launched himself at his new found love, every fiber in his body screaming at him to go back, to stop. He closed his eyes at went on autopilot for a moment, his slashed barley catching her fur but her screams of pain and rage sounding so convincing, she answered his blows with her own, snarling back at him. The fight raged on, people cheering and shouting in the audience, both Smili shedding blood, enough to be convincing but not to really hurt them. Suddenly Kayani launched and smacked his head with her paw, Kiche flew to the side dizzy, she cam again a snarl signaling the swipe that followed.
"Kayani stop" he hissed out shuffling away from her, blood running from his head. Her eyes glinted and she lunged again, she was planning to kill him! Knowing there was only on thing to do he flew up and his paw caught her head, it snapped her face sideways and she went down, a loud bang following, he collapsed next to her and the world went black and very very warm.

Years later Looking out over the forest they called home Kiche smiled proudly, his daughter pounced on a mouse below him, reminding him of himself at that age, and sometimes now. He laid down on the branch and yawned contentedly his head on his paws, his tail hanging in the lazy breeze. Below him Kayani emerged from their den and looked up for him, knowing where he would be, her smile lit his heart and warmed his body and he jumped neatly to land next to her, the scars on her face barely visible in the setting sun light. He licked her cheek affectionately and they sat to watch theyr cub play, Little Tamir growled and pounced on a plant, landing flat on her face, her parents chuckle and lean their heads together, happy now in their little world.
Last edited by poofyena on Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby Warburton » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:19 am

I would like to adopt!
Number: #7
Picture: Image

Name: Oz (Male)
Species: Smili
Personality: A joker at heart, Oz is cool, calm and collected, which means that even though he is that of a mediocre “jock” figure at times, his hunting skills are hindered by his lack of concentration. Aggressive when needed and sarcastic all round, Oz has a large conscience meaning anyone who is hurt by his antics will be offered a partial apology later on. Slightly egotistical and all round lazy, Oz is the joking, jock type with a small, hidden secret soft side. And is one of the basic personalities you run into every day.
Likes: Oz has a thing for lying down and snoozing, in any weather. An all round hunting spree suits his short bursts of exhilarating energy.

Oz adores loose pebbles/rocks that can be found virtually any and everywhere. Chewing on them is a favoured past time of his, especially since it helps sharpen his rows of razor-like teeth.

Fishing is also a favoured way of hunting, and Oz is rather poor when it comes to it as his hand-eye co-ordination is below mediocre, but he makes up for this by following the typical Smili hunting technique – dropping down from the high trees onto their prey. Oz does spend most of his time in the trees, so this gives him the good skills he harnesses!

Lakes, ponds, and any time of natural pool of water is a spot that Oz enjoys lounging by, though you’ll never find him more than a just a few inches into the water.

Dislikes: If there is one thing that Oz hates with a burning passion, it’s our winged friends: Birds.
Due to a small scare with a large carnivorous bird when he was young, Oz has a hatred for them, and causes a great fuss whenever one is spotted near him. Flying overhead can be easily brushed off, but when one dares to wander a few metres close to him, he’ll instantly tense and string out a chorus of ear-splitting growls. The only time he can help this is when he is, of course, asleep or on the hunt to rid himself of those who also share his collection of trees.

Splinters are a great annoyance to him, and he occasionally comes into contact with them whilst exploring the tree-tops.

Strong smells also put him off, and when the flowers are in full bloom during the heated Summer months, he can be found wrinkling his nose at the strong smell.


Firstly, a small FAQ about him!

    Oz is a large, male Smili.
    Weighing in at 178 pounds, he is just below the average Smili weight.
    Oz has a small, territorial problem - that is marking any branch or area of the tree’s in which he was situated with several claw marks and he’ll simply be disorientated unless done so. This occurs any number of times to the same area if need be. Whether this is purely out of habit, or a slight form of OCD is yet unknown!
    He has dulled hearing in his right ear due to an ear infection where some mucus was left over causing “glue ear” which results in this.
    Situated in the country of Argentina, in the southern regions. Heavy snow fall appears in the winter, whilst hot summers occur.

The leaves were almost transparent – the creature that lay on the bleached branches simply metres away stirred as a drop of water dripped onto his already wet nose. The small creature shuddered at the thought of waking him, as it would surely lead to numerous amounts of jibes unbounded. Even in his sleep he looked menacing; but not in an aggressive way. In a humorous way. The male in front of him had a personality that could be summed up easily: not for the faint hearted. Whether it was teasing the females of the tribe or having bets with the males, the black & tan creature didn’t lack comedy-wise. Whether it was the witty attitude he inherited from his father – a charcoal, podgy male with a zest for life – or the humour that his mother – a tawny, passionate female – the Smili before him had a little piece of both residing within him. His fur, which reminded the small creature, perched behind the leaves of the ying & yang symbol was glistening under the dull, spring sun along with his wet nose. Powerful paws stretched as his jaws opened wide, allowing the small Cervus deer to trot away in panic.

Oz smirked as the small deer-like creature wove its way through the tree trunks. Teasing what he’d consider prey – his food – was indeed rather sick, but he couldn’t help it. Numerous amounts of them had gathered under his tree, making such an aching sound that he couldn’t properly enjoy his nap! Even a playful threat from the young– that seemed to hail him, as the Joker of the tribe – didn’t scare them away. They may have been small, but teeth were teeth. Regardless of whom they belonged to.

Argentina had been his home for years. The southern regions where he roamed had blistering summer months, followed by snowy winters. It was a subtle mix of comfort for the Smili tribes that dwelled there.
Glittering leaves sequined with beads of water, trees galore and plenty of branches for him to laze upon. The wildlife – his breakfast, lunch and dinner – were within reach. Therefore, he didn’t even have to travel far to indulge in a snack.

Clambering to his feet, Oz shook his fur, which had been patterned with beads of water. Smirking at a group of males, tribe members of his, as he plummeted from branch to branch until at least his paws squelched against the damp ground. Padding along to the nearest pool of water, the glorious black & tan male stifled a yawn. A passing tribe member, a dark grey female, chuckled at his action.
“Don’t you have enough sleep, Wizard?”
Snapping lightly at his uncanny nickname, Oz shrugged his vast shoulders before crawling into a miniature pool of lukewarm water. Just as his underbelly brushed against it, he fell back onto his hind legs and yawned. With a few of the tribe members already hunting for the evening meal, what else was there for him to do? Joining a group of Smili as they painted patterns on them didn’t interest him, and only when it began to reach the winter months would he even bother to paint exuberhent markings on his torso.

A snarling cry from the east shook him to attention. His head snapped around as he took in the hilarious scene before him. Two Smili tribe members were cantering after a medium sized Pampas Deer, and as they panted with the strain of the run, the animal was surely gaining speed. With a toss of his tail, Oz snapped to attention and quickly followed his companions on the hunt. Negotiating severed tree roots and various unsuspecting Smili, the trio began to split. The slimmer of the original pair cut off to the side whilst Oz and the pudgiest of the trio took to the trees. Travelling from rough branch to rough branch, Oz let his claws extend as he plummeted to the ground and onto the prey and the slimmer Smili. Stillness overtook them for a minute as the animal propelled itself forward and out into the distance. The pained snarl coming from underneath the clueless Oz interrupted his gleeful thought of actually managing to catch such a hard piece of prey.
“Hey! Where'd it go? And whaddya think I'm doing?”
“Oz! That’s my…rowwh!”
“Oops, Ronai. Didn’t notice your tail.”

Climbing from the elder Smili's back, Oz exited with a quiet smirk. He'd be forgiven soon enough - maybe bringing home an extra large animal carcass would satisfy him. And take his mind off of the claw marks on his rump. Hopefully.

The cool breeze began to warm in the sun as it brushed against his back, reminding him of his distant mother and the way she'd carefully groom him, day and night, until his fur shone. He'd sit with her in their burrow down by the big Palo Santo tree where the Tropical Screech Owls would dwell. Regardless of their ghoulish hooting, with his mother there and the comforting fact his father was close by, helped him fall into a deep slumber.

Now, sprawled out on a thick branch, the owls began their hooting as night began to fade in. Scruffy ears twitched with every sound they made, oval eyes scrunching with frustration as the idea of sleep evaporated. By the time the moon was high in the sky, Oz thought his ears would bleed with their constant and ever annoying hooting. Couldn't they be more quiet? Jumping to his feet and shaking all over for a brief second, Oz began his ascent to silence his, ahem, 'feathered friends'. Once he had reached his destination, he creeped furtively over odd stumps and small dents in the wood. With his left paw poised forward, ready to gentle lay against the wood and act as leverage that would help him spring forward. Seize those annoying creatures, regardless of the fact his tail was quivering slightly at being so close to something he despised. Lurching forward he grabbed hold of one of the feathered twits and chortled out a victorious laugh.

The scene before him - several owls perched on the rickety tip of the branch just ahead of him (minus one of their treo whom was now squawking madly in the air) - melted away like the painted markings on the other's backs when the sky decided to cry. Plummeting downwards at an incresing speed, the falling Smili managed to grab onto a nearby branch with his lean, front paws. Pulling his body up and over, he smirked with relief. Only someone like him could enjoy the dangers of life yet still remain safe. And he'd even found a more comfier, softer branch to lie on. And with the hooting of those pests far behind him, so that only a distant buzz could be heard. He hadn't done much damage to them, but he'd get the feathered pests another day. Instead the sound of slight growling interrupted his thoughts, but that was probably from a small fued down yonder.
"Get. Off. Of.Me. Now!"

"Oh, hey Ronai! How's your rump?"


I would like to adopt!

Number: #2!


Name: The name is formerly Stardust, but I'd call her Delen (meaning 'petal' in Cornish!)

Species: Border Collie, tri coloured

Personality: A shy girl with a delicate taste, Delen is ambitious and achieves her goals in a unique, rather timid way. Tries to stand up for what she believes in, even if she's standing alone. Though, however, this doesn't always happen as she's scared of getting into bother by doing so! A funyn character when with her friends of trying to make an impression.

Likes: Roaming the fields, cosy places to sleep, having a roof over her head and her favourite food - garlic bread!

Dislikes: Mud, coldness as it numbs her paws (she hates that feeling!) and general lack of manners or logic.

Background: Coming from a small farm in east Italy, Delen adores roaming the fields of the farm and sampling the countries vast culture - be it food, music, anything! As night falls, curling up on the soft, faded cushions of the armchair is a haven for her.
Last edited by Warburton on Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:08 am, edited 10 times in total.
Amber; Kurt Hummel in training;

Depression is a little bit like happy hour, right?
So, it's gotta be happening somewhere on any given night
Oh nostalgia, I don't need you anymore
I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours

Patrick Stump - Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)

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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby Meadow » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:44 am

Atwood wrote:The round just started, Meadow, so don't panic; forms can still be submitted for the next seven days. :3

Heh, thanks. ^^;;;
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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby GRIMDYXE » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:33 am

I would like to adopt!
Number: 15
Picture: Image
Name: Zakk
Species: Winged Wolf
Personality: Shy, keeps most things to himself, quiet, easily angered, but not evil
Likes: Quiet, Flying, Clouds, Dreaming, Nice Weather
Dislikes: Nightmares, Mobs, his enemy, Wolves who are all 'lovey dovey', Coldness, Murders
Background (Optional, but it gives you a better shot. 2500 words maximum, 100 words,minimum. We value quality over quantity, you can have five pages and still say absolutely nothing.) Zakk roamed the sky with his brother, laughing together. "She really said that?" Zakk asked. They were talking about their sister, Alexa. His brother, Sam, said, "Yeah, she got really mad. I was watching the whole time. She always has guy problems." Zakk sighed. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this... Alexa would be really mad if she found out you watched her..." "Hold on, I'm gonna imitate her," Sam interuppted. "I don't wanna ever see you again, you jerk! You were flying with Stella, I was watching the whole time! Get out of here! NOW!" He began sobbing in a girly voice. "Okay, that's enough, we can stop now-" "Z... Z-Zakk... Look down... Our forest...." Zakk looked down. "ALEXA!" he shouted, as he saw the giant fire. He swooped down to his den. "ALEXA! WHERE ARE YOU!" No response. A flame of fire almost touched him as he ran in his den. Alexa was on the ground, dead. "NO!" he shouted. The only evidence was a knife stabbed in her chest. He sobbed as he flew out of his den. "Alexa..." He looked for Sam, but he was nowhere to be found. He looked down at the horror of Alexa's ex stabbing Sam in the chest. "Alexa betrayed me..." he said. "She deserves her whole family to be killed!" The wolf came up with one last knife in his jaws, and attempted to kill Zakk. Zakk tried to dodge it, but his arm was stabbed. He screamed in pain as blood gushed out. She swiftly flew away, and he was much faster than Alexa's ex. He hid in a cave, and started a new life. "I.... I have to keep holding on..." he told himself. "I.... gotta live...." He looked at his bloody arm and struggled to stand up. "I'll.... kill you someday.... Whoever you are...." He fell to the ground.

The next morning, Zakk woke up and limped out of his cave. "I... gotta move on..." He began to slowly fly through air. He closed his eyes and could feel somebody... No, more than one of them flying with him. He could hear a faint voice in his head. "Zakk.... We forgive you..." "Alexa?" he asked. He could feel somebody hugging him, a faint kiss on his forehead, then it was gone. "Th... Thank you...."

3 years later:
Zakk now lives in his cave alone, and can hunt for himself. He is a great fighter, but remains to be a loner and not join a pack. He still vows to get revenge on the wolf who killed his sister. His arm has healed, and he lives a normal life. He refuses to have a mate, and howls to the heavens every night of the day his sister and brother were killed, hoping they knew he missed them. He refuses to have a mate because of what happened to his sister, and snarls at everybody he sees that is all 'lovey dovey'. He cries when he looks up at the stars, thinking about his family. He once tried flying up to heaven to see his family when he was still younger, but he failed and swooped to the ground. He reminds himself when he cries that they must be in heaven, living happily. "Alexa.... Sam..... Mom and Dad.... I'm sorry.... I promise, I'll make it up to you."

His theme song is Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne, it just really fits in with the background.
Last edited by GRIMDYXE on Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby Kheisa » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:46 pm

... I can't help it. >____>

I would like to adopt!

Number: 5

Picture: Image

Name: Tabor

Species: Smili

Personality: Tabor is a rather aged smili, and he acts it. He distances himself from those of a significantly younger age, and, although he would rather die than admit it, it is because he is afraid of dying and leaving behind mourners. Tab (as his mother used to call him) is stubborn and willful, often physically lashing out at or threatening those who try to approach him. He lives as solitary a life as he can, and makes the most of what he has. He was as a younger smili an artisan, and would be the “go-to man” for specific colors of body paint and for bone piercings, and he even now dabbles in the fine drying and tanning of hides, and the crafting of things like canvases and drums with them. However, mostly these sit unused once he has made them, as he is not a “graphic” artist like some other smili, nor is he incredibly musically inclined. He is very patient, and catches all of the hides he uses himself.

Likes: Eating, not interacting with younger smili, crafting, hunting, sleeping, passively enjoying nature

Dislikes: Being forced to interact with (especially) children, younger smili who think they’re “all that and a pile of fat,” being stuck in any sort of situation, his own shortcomings

Before I let Tabor take over, have some random facts. Tab is overlarge for a smili, in height and weight, although a lot of the excess weight is combination muscle and fur. These make him pretty suited for the drop/pounce technique, as all he has to do is aim and time his drop well to snap a neck with just his weight and velocity and take down a doe without injuring himself. Needless to say, as his age indicates, he's generally very skilled at it. He is missing about half of his right ear, having had it torn off in a scuffle with a young buck with pointy antlers (the main reason he hunts does), and in the same encounter chipped his upper left canine. More on that later. He's about 33 years old, out of his prime but still fully functional.

"... What're you looking at?

"... Oh. Likely me. What, y'xpect me to explain myself to you? You won't get much innerest--... Fine. Fine, I said! Will you leave f'I tell you 'bout myself?


"Well, lemme set the stage first. I was born -- that's right, yeah, I was a kit once. Wa'n't come to ground old. Anyway, I had some siblin's, like we all do. Had a brother an' two sisters. All dead now, but that's beyon' my capacity of story. You listen now! You asked I tell you a story 'bout me, an' you aren't going anywhere 'til I fulfill your request.

"Now, my paren's wanned me to have with a girlkit from their best frien's litter, an' we hit it off at first, but... Wa'n't meant to be, y'know? Her interests lied with my brother, not me, an' that was all to it. Don' think my paren's particularly minded, though; think it was just sommin' like they wanned to be 'real relations' with th' frien' litter. Supposing they got their wish.

"But afore she decided to have with Horao- that was my brother's name, Horao- I came to the conclusion for who-knows-why that I needed to impress her with a kill. Wa'n't much more 'an 10 or 11 at the time, I'm thinkin', and wa'n't anywhere near ready to take down a buck. But there we go, would'n't that have been impressin'?

"So I was restless, eager to prove I was fit, an' I was all a-wigglin' on my branch waitin' for a big buck to come by so I could bring it back as a presen' or sommin'. I waited and waited and then alla sudden there one was! It wa'n't the biggest boydeer, y'know, but I really wanned to get back an' show Minki- 'cause that was her name, Minki- that I was good stuff!

"I eagered myself out of the tree too early, knocked into the buck's head without killin' it. An' boy, it sure got angry! It was all afire with youngness an' the warmin' of the ground, an' it wa'n't gonna back down easy. I tried to be as big as I could be; try to scare it off, right. Well, that didn't work. Caught me right here, it did, with one'a them new shed pointy horns. Went right through my ear, and as you can well imagine that hurt like a wasp nest!

"At that point, with his horn through m'ear, I decided it was prolly time to go. I tried to make my leave, but the boydeer was pullin' his head up to eye me, so the conflictin' forces tore m'ear right in half. Hurt more'n I'd ever been hurt b'fore, so I ran smack into a tree-- I closed my eyes, see, as I was hurtin'. Tha's where this here came from. Took de end o' ai tooh righ och, thee?

"... Yeah. So, ah, tha's all the innerestin' pieces of me, I guess. Ear got cleaned up an' healed, an' I sharpened my tooth with a hard rock or a few. Now will you leave me be? I've got a sunrock sittin' right by a badger hole I took over, an' it's got my name writ all over it. It's been pinin' for a few minutes now, can' you hear? What're you, deaf to rocks? Heh, lissen harder, little thin'; soun's of the worl' are ev'rywhere.

"... Ah. B'fore you go. I, well, I don' use these much at all. Just.. You hit it on the top. Like that. Hear it? Makes dif'rent soun's dependin' on where you hit it. Have... Fun, I guess. Fine, have fun. Just go away."
Last edited by Kheisa on Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby AlbertaBound » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:47 pm

I would like to adopt!
Number: 15
Picture: Image
Name: Detrich
Species: Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog x Black German Shepherd
Personality: Detrich is harsh and cold. His temper and quick wit earn him more enemies then friends. He does have a soft side, but he has kept himself shuttered for so long, some wonder if he is made of stone. His view on life is very pestimistic, and he rarely smiles. Despite all this, Detrich is furiously loyal, willing to kill anyone who threatens someone or something he holds dear. Detich follows an unwritten code of honor, and though he doesn't follow all the rules, he would rather be killed then do something he believes is wrong. Of course, he doesn't think his life is worth that much anyway. He does have a very dry sense of humor, but not many see it. (Note: He is not evil...but that doesn't mean he's uber friendly. ;) )
Likes: A fair fight, dusk, hunting, music, being alone
Dislikes: Lots. Mud, owls, people who can't sing, overcooked food, bandages
{Note: Some things have been changed, such as Detrich's eye color, butI have PMed Hawkwing and have gotten permission for any minor changes. ^^}

Detrich stared into the roaring fire. He loved watching the flames lick upwards as sparks shot toward the sky. His green eyes glowed as he turned to look at the young female beside him. She had asked him a simple question, and his mind was still torn as he tried to answer. "Where did I come from?" He repeated the question slowly, his deep voice calm. But inside he wrestled with how much to tell the girl and her companion who had saved his life. The glanced across the fire and met the dark brown eyes of the male who watched him suspicously. For another instant he paused, then he began to speak.

"I was born in the mountains of Vladnen. My father wasn't around all the time, so my mother and grandmother raised me. I don't really remember all that much. I worked hard, and I played hard. There wasn't much more to life then that. But a couple months after I turned eleven years country began mobalizing for a war. Suddenly soldiers began coming from door to door, demanding one able bodied man to join the army. But I was the only male in my family when the knock pounded at our door. I didn't even get to say good bye. Pups older then ten were considered adult. So I was brought to a training base and taught how to fight. I learned quickly." The dark wolf glanced around; for the first time meeting the pale blue eyes of the golden female beside him. Her ears were perked, listening to him speak. He turned his gaze back to the fire and focused again on the dancing flame.

"I trained for six years. I never heard about what was going on in the world, just how to fight. And to fight hard. Then, we were "graduated". Or...that's what they called it. We were tattooed, given weapons, and sent off to battle. At first it was just raids. Slipping into a village to plunder their goods and terrify the townspeople. But I didn't even know what I was fighting for. Or who I was fighting against. It was maddening.
I was assigned to a large group and the war started. I guess my country declared war on Thare. I never really knew for certain though." The dark wolf again met the female's gaze, her pale blue eyes evident of her Tharian descent. "We fought battles in the mud and the fields, I lost track of the long nights that I spent watching the sky, waiting for the next call to fight."
His chest swelled with pride. "But I survived. I was never truly injured, and I was one of the best fighters in my force."

"Until they stopped feeding us."
Detrich growled to himself, his claws digging into the dark soil beneath him. "Apparently war is expensive. Especially when you force the farmers to fight. They started cutting back on our rations. Do you know how hard it is to fight for your life when you haven't eaten?" He let the question hang, as almost a challenge. "That's when I went down. I was fighting this big brute. He knocked the wind out of me and scratched my side. I was still upright until he hit my head." He shook his head, as if warding off the painful memory. "And then next thing I woke up here. With some foul smelling plant being smeared all over my back." He wrinkled his nose in distaste, but his green eyes held a faint teasing glint, dim and barely noticable in the fading firelight.

The female swatted at him. "You're welcome for saving your life. Next time I find you half-dead I'll feed you the herbs instead." She muttered playfully. Her mouth stretched open in a yawn. Blinking sleepily she turned to the brown wolf across the fire. "It's getting late...I'm going to bed." Without any ceremony, the young female trotted over to a large mat, curled in a ball and closed her eyes. Within moments her soft even breathing told the two males that she had fallen asleep. Detrich turned to look at the other male, slightly astounded. "Does she always fall asleep that quickly?" The big brown wolf stretched and nodded. "It's quite something isn't it? I wish I could do that. I'm going to make a quick patrol of the you want to come?" It was the first gesture of friendship the protective wolf had shown Detrich. The black mutt shrugged. "Why not?"
Last edited by AlbertaBound on Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:13 am, edited 3 times in total.

Alynn siggie art by Kamaliah. Thanks again!!
Avatar image by GreenStreet. ^^
Byron by Steph-La. ^^
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Re: Donations

Postby sinnadaddy » Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:43 am

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Re: Tough as Nails Adoption (Get a high quality character!)

Postby SairenMin » Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:51 pm

I would like to adopt!
Number: 6
Name: Rheta
Species: Smili
Personality: A very down to earth female, who seems to be a Smili of fairly few 'words'. She is extremely focused on whatever goal she has set forth for the day and does not waver.
Likes: Climbing, exploring, listening, hanging from trees, observing others, art
Dislikes: Pets, pushy smili, persistent questions, thorns
Background:: Rheta lives high on the dry-side of a mountain range, though not at an extreme altitude for excessive snow. Since she was able to leave her den at 8 weeks, much to the worry of her mother, she seemed fascinated with exploration and climbing the steep mountain side. Though strangely quiet among her fellows, she is still quite social and willing to spend silent moments among others. Both parents seemed worried as she grew, as she continued to spend long periods of time alone learning every rock and crevice. Rheta learned quickly from her parents the effective use of hanging by ones tail. It seems her tail is slightly stronger and more flexible then her sibling. Her brother stuck closer to their doting parents but did not listen as intently. When they both reached the age of 5 years, Rheta's brother sported three scars from careless mistakes on practicing how to hunt. Thus far, she was unscathed from her countless practice on her own. Perhaps due to her listening to her parents at every chance she was not off on her own. It wasn't till she reached the age of 8 years when Rheta's wondering days began to dwindle. This seemed to coincide with a traumatic event on getting stuck within a massive tangle of bramble thorns for hours before being discovered and rescued by her brother. Thankfully no noticeable scars remained from the ordeal, atleast outwardly. After her recovery she became focused upon listening and observing her tribe, while forging a closer bond with her rescuer. With such an intent on recalling everything she hears and soon finding a calling in creating jewelry, she became a key member to recall locations in their territory and important events. It wasn't long before her brother left the tribe, as he hit the age of an adult pursuing a mate. This left Rheta even more quiet then usual, adjusting to her important play mate in life. Now she is 13 years old, and getting restless to settling down like her long-term parents with a family. Though she has had several advances, she has yet to taken the slightest interest. Rheta finds it may be time to leave the tribe in search on a mate, and her wander lust has returned.

{may edit a little more later}

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