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[ written in blood -- ]

Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:00 pm

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Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:02 pm

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Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:03 pm

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Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:16 pm

name vulturekit vulturepaw vulturewhiskerx gender female x age 28 moonsx clan nameclanx rank warrior x sexuality lesbian
breed oriental x pelt glossy black x eyes amber x mate n/a x kits n/a x + traits honest, aloof, loyal x - traits apathetic, cold


brutally honest and generally apathetic, vulturewhisker can be hard to get along
with. she cares little about the feelings of others and she does not obey, she cho
oses to coperate; however, this is limited only to her leader and mates. she strik
es an imposing figure, with long fangs and a body littered with scars, and will use
her larger size to intimidate others into backing down. vulturewhisker lets her ac
tions speak for her and will often be nonverbal around others, feeling no need to
speak unless its to ask permission (something she hardly feels she needs). many
cats may feel her eyes burning into them, as she will constantly analyze her peer
s in case any of them attempt to betray her or her leader. she has no qualms whe
n it comes to fighting and will fight dirty. she has no sense of honor and will do
anything and everything to survive. those around her likely view her as too cold,
too vindictive; she is fine with that. she is quiet and unmoving and will stop at
nothing to protect those she holds close to her heavily guarded heart.

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Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:25 pm

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cherise vivenna

Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:29 pm

lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics

full name; cherise viveanna
- nicknames; cherry
gender; female
age; nineteen
school year: cherise is senior in high school. she’s older than most kids because she was held back due to flunking 9th grade. she’s in all base classes and doesn’t care much for school. she’s more likely to skip class to smoke a cigarette than actually attend one.
height; 5’10”
weight; 113 lbs
home town; white brooke. cherise has never been outside of town.
occupation; on the weekends, cherise helps dj and run equipment at the local rock radio station. she never gets to actually host unless there's an emergency, as the town doesn't want a nineteen year old delinquent being the 'voice' of their station.
music taste; cherise likes anything in the rock genre, whether it be heavy or not. she prefers heavier music, but likes to listen to some she wants revenge every once in awhile. she mostly enjoys metal music and is a personal fan of korn, aesthetic perfection, and mindless self indulgence.

63% Extraverted // 37% Introverted
47% Intuitive // 53% Observant
90% Thinking // 10% Feeling
14% Judging // 86% Prospecting
62% Assertive // 38% Turbulent

cherise isn’t someone you’d bring home to your mother. wild and carefree, cherise has a tendency to bring trouble wherever she goes. she’s a wild child to her core, high spirited and recklessly fearless. she doesn’t care who or what you are, she’s just in it to have a good time. she’s the one who is more likely to brave going into an abandoned building or investigate a noise she heard in the dark, thinking more about the thrill of the action than the consequence of it. she’s always ready to take a risk, thinking them to be more exciting and interesting than any other option. cherise isn’t afraid to get in a fight, either. she’s notoriously scrappy and willing to do whatever it takes to win, and the sheriff of her small town knows her by name. bruises, scrapes, cuts, and scratches aren’t uncommon for her, and she’s always in a brawling mood.

energetic to a fault, cherise is ready to go on command. she needs to have something to stimulate her, keep her moving, or keep her calm at all times and can be compared to a sugar high child. this doesn’t mean she can’t take her time with something, however. if she’s going to do something, she’s going to do it right. she despises doing something or being wrong more than anything and will do anything to prevent that from happening. in this, she’s fairly stuck up. she likes to think that she’s better than her peers and that everyone else just needs to get on her level already. cherise tries very hard to keep up the facade that she doesn’t care about anything and that nothing can get to her, but such an act can be hard to keep going in the face of duress, something cherise isn’t good at handling.

definitely not a morning person, cherise despises having to get up for school. well, more accurately, cherise despises school itself. the fact that she has to wake up early for it just adds to her distaste for it. she’s more likely to skip class than actually attend it and gets in trouble more times a week than she could count on her fingers. it’s not just school she dislikes, though, it’s any type of work and effort. the only work she doesn’t mind doing is her job, as she enjoys music quite a lot. she also doesn’t mind doing work if it’s for her own benefit, but if she’s forced to do it, she’s more likely to skimp on it. she smokes more than she cares to admit it and does so to keep her mind away from the world around her and to distance herself from her own emotions. cherise also drinks a bit on the side, but she hides that and her smoking from her mother because she knows it would hurt her if she knew.

stubborn as an ox, cherise refuses to budge when it comes to her decisions and how she lives her life, regardless of how much harm it may cause. she actively refuses to admit when she is wrong and will make up any reason to justify her actions. cherise also doesn’t trust anyone with anything, the only exception to that being lilah. lilah is the only person cherise trusts with anything, and she often needs her friend’s help to reel her in and get more in touch with her emotions. otherwise, cherise refuses to acknowledge her feelings, preferring to give the image of being calm and cool always. she thinks showing too much emotion is damaging to her reputation as a badass problem child.

cherise loves to party and will jump at the chance to do so. if she gets word there’s a party going on, she’s likely to show up whether she was invited or not. she likes to play life rough and doesn’t care too much about the consequences of her actions unless they negatively affect her or her friends. she wants to party hard, live hard, and rock hard, and that’s her only goal. she likes to live her life risky and to the fullest, being willing to participate in sketchy underground parties to sneaking into clubs. cherise is also known to be somewhat of a hoe. being an attractive young adult who lives her life on the edge, she finds herself surrounded by the males of her community, something that she’s quite proud of. she’s been known to go through half a dozen or more boyfriends in a school year, a trend she doesn’t see herself stopping. to her, she just hasn’t found the right fit, but then again, it would be hard to find someone who could handle someone as crazy as cherise on a romantic level. regardless, she goes through several flings a year. despite that, she hates being catcalled with a passion.
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Postby exorcism » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:37 pm

Image xxxx Image
name rabbitkit rabbitpaw rabbitleapx gender female x age 25 moonsx clan nameclanx rank warrior x sexuality lesbian
breed japanese bobtail x pelt black and orange calico with predominately white base x eyes heterochromic; blue and green


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Postby exorcism » Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:56 am


name: raziel
gender: male
age: one year

raziel's appearance is very simple. he's an off-white wolf with a small frame, pink nose, muzzle, and paws, and an odd set of eyes. his pupils are a dark pink, while the rest of his eyes are a much lighter pink. all of this is due to his albinism. also because of said albinism, he is blind in his right eye and is likely to go blind in the left as he gets older. his hearing is also likely to fade because of his condition. his skin is incredibly sensitive to the sun, and as such he will experience painful sunburns if he's not careful. his immune system doesn't really do his job, and he's more susceptible to illnesses. he is, unfortunately, also incredibly weak, which makes supporting himself hard.

alignment: lawful good
despite all life has thrown at him, raziel remains incredibly positive. he is very self aware that life is practically out to get him and that his time among the living will most likely be short, so it is his personal mission to make the best of it. while the odds may be stacked against him, he refuses to allow himself to be put down by his condition. he is overwhelmingly kind to others he meets despite their qualities, living very strongly by a "kill them with kindness" greed when it comes to bad tempered personalities. regardless of how it has wronged him, he loves life and enjoys looking at the world around him. he has a sense of awe of the world, always excited and in utter disbelief at the beauty presented before him. even in the most negative of situations, raziel is able to find the silver lining and will do his best to help others see it as well. He will always come to the aid of someone who needs him and is willing to put his own life on the line to do so. he believes in following the rules set before him, as obviously someone who was higher and superior to him would know better. at least, that's what he thinks. he will gently remind others of the rules if he spots them being broken, but will never get personally involved unless someone is going to get hurt out of it. from there, he will simply tell someone higher up in the food chain. raziel is just a genuinely good guy who wants nothing but to help others, and while he may seem a bit overbearing with his kindness, he means well.
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mitsuki io aoki

Postby exorcism » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:31 am

────── x 𝐈𝐎x 𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐈 x !

gender female xx age eighteenxx sexuality lesbian xx parent hecate
───── x powers mystiokinesis, mist control, umbrakinesis x ─────
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text .
mitsuki - or as she prefers to be called, suki - is a hyperactive demigod;
she enjoys life above all. while she is talented in her magic for her age,
she tends to wastes it on parlor tricks or amusements. suki is passionate
about those around her, however, and will use her abilities to help them
in any way she can. she is generally laid back, chill, and level headed in
situations but is prone to being too sensitive and ending up getting hurt
by accident, letting her emotions take the reigns of her and her actions
suki does her best to be good and kind towards others, but don't let this
think that she is easy to manipulate or take advantage of. she is very
stubborn and prideful, unwilling to let people get one up on her or lose.


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