Suggestion: Show us that you care

Suggest new features or changes to Chicken Smoothie.

Poll for those who want to give their opinion but don't want to post something.

I agree it would be nice if the admin team could provide feedback.
I think feedback would be a good thing, but the admins shouldn't feel pressured to give feedback.
I don't think the admins need to give feedback at all.
I want to see the results.
Total votes : 131

Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Flatterina » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:44 am

This suggestion is slightly inspired by ElementalInsanity's Suggestion to have extra coders for more updates and .Wolfrin.'s suggestion to Advertise The Site in the extent that I, along with several other users, agree that the site definitely needs to change something. Nothing ever changes here and it shows. Users are frustrated. The record for the most active users was set in 2017.

But there are several suggestions dealing with changes.
My biggest problem is that it appears staff doesn't really care at all.

You've given us this suggestion forum but nothing happens here. No one gives feedback. There are posts that are several years old [or from freaking 2014] and have tens of pages of support and not a single member of the admin team has shown up and given an opinion. Not a simple "We'll consider it" or "We like that idea, let's see if we can implement it" or "Right now we don't have the resources but maybe in the future" or anything at all.
I checked.

There's a masterlist of the most popular suggestions but even there it just says what can't be done and what's active.
There's no indication as to whether any of those suggestions will ever become reality.
A game I play marks the title if they discuss something and mark it differently when they are planning to implement something. They also have masterlists for things they like and are probably coming in the future.

I know the admins are busy and I appreciate the work they do, but I think it could be feasible for one of them to look through this thread once a month or every few months or even once a year, and give some feedback on whether you're actually thinking about our input or if we're wasting our time.
Because that's honestly what it feels like.

I hope this doesn't sound too mean but it's frustrating when you love a site and have spent years on it only to see it slowly wither and die.
Every year is the same. Same species, same events, same all.
And you want to improve it, you have great ideas, your friends love those ideas, even strangers love them, so you post them in the place you are told great ideas go and the idea is still great and no one could care less.
And you know a lot of people think the site is dying slowly, so many that staff must have heard, and to you it seems like the admin team isn't really interested in the site anymore, because even if there are new monthly pets there are no changes and the lack of feedback makes you they don't even want changes.

So, in short, my suggestion is this:
Please find a way to give feedback to suggestions, even if it's short or doesn't make any promises.
Anything is better than the feeling of being ignored.

14-04-20 Edit:
I have sent the admin team a ticket on April 8th asking them to read this thread and kindly address it either in a reply to my ticket, or, ideally as a post in this thread for everyone to read. As of yet, there hasn't been an answer.

Also, Tailish [thank you very much!] has summarized the thread and compiled a list of concrete suggestions / requests that you are very welcome to discuss or refine. Any input is appreciated!

Tailish wrote:1. Tell us how the system works
Frequent readers of this thread, or the suggestion forum as a whole, know by now that mods and general helpers do not respond as CS representatives on this forum. This is not immediately clear for people who are new to CS or new to the forum, especially since mods do help in filtering out threads that either aren't constructive or are repetitive. Provide clear explanations of who can do what. For example, state clearly in one of the stickies that only admins can respond on behalf of the site, or something along these lines.

Furthermore, if there is already a staff policy on how to process suggestions, tell us the bare bones of how it works. Does a mod read over this forum and pass on useful ideas? Is this what the directory is for? Do Nick and Tess simply browse about once in a while to see what's happening? Explain to us what you're already doing, and why you're doing it that way. If there's no internal procedure, consider implementing one.

2. Let us know how you're planning to acknowledge well-supported suggestions
I think it's fair to say that whatever procedure is currently in place for dealing with suggestions is either not realising its objectives, or is missing some objectives. Put in place some clear, explicit method of acknowledging well-supported suggestions. This would involve users knowing that their suggestions have at least been noted down by staff or admins, even if they aren't discussed or immediately accepted/denied.

A way of doing this could be by using the site suggestions directory as a compilation of suggestions that either have been acknowledged, or have enough support to be passed on to the admins. Suggestions that have been passed on could be noted with a small dot (•; to avoid the associations with approved/denied tied into checkmarks or crosses). It should be made clear that acknowledged suggestions aren't actively worked on or any closer to being implemented; they've simply been seen. This would ensure that the admins don't have to read or follow every single thread, but also that users know that their suggestions aren't being thrown into the void.

3. Provide appropriate feedback for well-supported suggestions
Even though it's not necessary to provide feedback on every single acknowledged suggestions, feedback should be provided for suggestions that have existed for a very long time, that have a very wide base of user support, or for which a concrete answer exists at the moment. Very old suggestions are clearly not being implemented; why not provide a reason why? Very widely supported suggestions (+10 pages or so) are obviously something people are interested in; why not provide a short response to let people know what you're thinking? Suggestions for which the answer is known* (even, or perhaps especially if the answer is "not happening") can be easily responded to with that answer; why not do so?

Feedback does not need to be a yes/no answer; it could simply be "hey, we've seen this suggestion, and we like it/don't like it for reasons; we do/don't have plans for implementation." Even a "not now" or a "we read this" is better than nothing. Again, feedback does not need to be yes/no; it simply needs to be a response. For example, an appropriate response to this thread could be: "While we have no plans to change the way we deal with suggestions, we appreciate your input." Again, there's no need to respond to every single suggestion, but there should be some evidence of interaction. The above categories of suggestions would be good places to start.

4. Let us know what's happening
Only part of this thread is about suggestions; the other part is about the lack of communication around in general. Implement a way to keep us up to date of minor-ish site changes. The thing is that CS has plenty of channels to keep players up to date, but for some reason they seem to fall short: we have the "announcements" forum stickies for major things like the new Oekaki layout, or staff applications, but it's been mentioned before that this leaves out a very important category of minor announcements. The site news is only used for semi-regular news, like the monthlies and events, and as such doesn't provide "news" so much as reminders. The announcements/tips header at the top of the forum covers some useful information, but it's mostly tips rather than announcements. Things like downtime, or even event end-dates, are currently not being clearly communicated**.

Consider that players need to know of changes or events at times proportional to their impact: downtime can get away with a day's notice, but event end dates should ideally be clear from the middle, if not the start of the event. Either use the announcement board to also keep us informed of these slightly more minor things, use the announcements/tips header for announcements more frequently, or implement some new way to keep players up-to-date of what's happening. Let us know you're around.

5. Keep up the good work!
Having players involved in the discussion for the Oekaki boards was extremely welcome. That's great! More of that, please! It lets us players know that you're actively considering our opinions and our experiences in the gameplay. Furthermore, it helps us bring to light issues that might not have been included in the original plan, such as the distinction between species and one-off adoptables. A win-win, all around.

*I'm not talking about suggestions that have been previously denied; I'm talking about suggestions that haven't been explicitly denied but will also never be implemented. I'm sure there are some of these floating around.
**Arguably there should also be more informal announcements and staff interactions, but I haven't thought of a good way to phrase that yet.

21-04-2020 Edit:
Since I have still not received an answer to the admins-only ticket I sent on April 8th, I have reminded them for the second time to please read this thread and either provide an answer to me or to this thread as a whole. No reaction as of yet, but I will continue to post updates.
Last edited by Flatterina on Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:18 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby chihirofujisaki » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:49 am

Now THIS is a spicy take. You're right that it feels like nobody cares enough to respond to suggestions, and that there never really seems to be significant updates or changes.

Watch this thread get locked for mod-bashing even though it's a legitimate criticism though, lol



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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Flatterina » Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:01 am

I really hope it doesn't because I feel like these are legitimate concerns of the playerbase.
I'll see if I can rephrase it somehow if you think it sounds too agressive, I tried not to come off that way.
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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby chihirofujisaki » Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:26 am

I don't think it sounds aggressive it all, but I think there's a history on CS of mods being sensitive ^^



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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Aziraphale » Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:06 pm

    This so much. I totally agree with what Flatterina and Kay said. There have been many great ideas over the past few years and I think it's quite disheartening to see that only very little happens. I still love this site, I love the pets and I like hoarding/collecting, but I really wish there would be some updates that don't revolve around Oekaki and actually help me organize my pets or focus on what this game is about: collecting pets. I know that a lot of people are only here for Oekaki and years ago I used the art forums pretty heavily as well, but just by looking at the announcement board I can already tell by the titles of the threads that a lot of updates have only been made for the art corner. While small additions like stamps are nice, it really isn't what I deem necessary to attract new players or keep this website alive.

    I've read almost all suggestions that were made here over the last two years and the lack of feedback is something that has bothered me for quite some time. I'm also wondering if the pet and item design suggestions are actually being looked at or if these threads just...exist.
    Personally I think it's great that you are addressing this, Flatterina and I don't think you came off as aggressive at all, you were merely pointing out some facts. <;
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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby amarok. » Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:25 pm

Shots fired.

I'd second this, unfortunately. I think you worded this perfectly.

I absolutely adore this site and I've been playing since I was in primary school. That's nearly a decade ago. It's probably going to sound cheesy but I genuinely think this site had an effect on me an my personality growing up. And it was an escape (and continues to be) during tough and stressful times. But I'm seeing so many players leaving for other sites and it breaks my heart to see the site I grew up with growing stagnant.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Shian » Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:18 pm

I'd just like to set the record straight here because many players seem to be confused about staff.

The ONLY people that can make changes or updates to the site are ADMINS. Tess and Nick. That's it.

MODS are Forum Moderators. All they do is maintain order on the forums. Most of them are also artists but none of them have anything to do with the site's development.
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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Flatterina » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:12 pm

Shian wrote:I'd just like to set the record straight here because many players seem to be confused about staff.

The ONLY people that can make changes or updates to the site are ADMINS. Tess and Nick. That's it.

MODS are Forum Moderators. All they do is maintain order on the forums. Most of them are also artists but none of them have anything to do with the site's development.

Thanks for the heads up, I changed the wording to make it clearer.

I also added a poll for those who don't want to post.
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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Aaron✦ » Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:07 pm

Off the top of my head, within just over the past year we've had:
- The Lost and Found
- The huge rarity updated
- Clock added to footer
- Very common colour change
- C$ store tag added

All of which were suggestions made in the suggestion forum that were implemented.
While I understand the frustration at the lack of a direct line of communication with the admins, the above list goes to show that suggestions are not simply ignored.

There are hundreds of suggestions every month. Realistically there is no way for admins to reply to them all, and users are simply not satisfied when general helpers respond. There was a time when I personally read every single suggestion thread that got posted and, if there was none, posted feedback to all of them. It made absolutely zero difference to the amount of frustration reflected in the views of the playerbase. So we're at an impasse where admins cannot feasibly reply to that many threads, but the feedback of those brought on to replace it is virtually useless.



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Re: Suggestion: Show us that you care

Postby Tailish » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:21 am

I'm kind of ambivalent on this topic? On the one hand, yeah. It does sometimes feel like mods and admins don't communicate very well about what is happening with the site, which updates are being considered, or even which have been noted down. On the other hand, like rockruff said we do get semi-regular updates, even if they're not exciting, game-changing updates but more quality of life fixes. There's a topic here that suggests maybe having some kind of public notice so that players can see which updates are coming. That might be a good way to show players that their suggestions - the big, widely supported ones - are taken seriously, because right now players can't tell until the update comes around.







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