〄Hᴀʟғ-Bʟᴏᴏᴅs' Lᴇɢᴀᴄʏ〄 [Ch. 4 Up!]

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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby scmarshtacky » Sat May 11, 2013 9:23 am

Chapter 45 – Dancing with the Demons

The group was headed toward the exit of the castle with their weapons in hand when they were stopped by Agatha. "Where have you been my Lord?" she demanded as she approached a slightly startled looking Kaito. "We've been looking everywhere for you!" At this point she hesitated and switched to Japanese for the convenience of the girls. "Come with me, the lot of you. You must be cleaned up and dressed properly before tonight."

"Wait, what?" Ayako said confused. "Tonight? What's happening tonight?"

"The ball of course. Now I've already picked out -"

"Ball?" Ayako demanded getting louder as she spoke. "You mean like a dance?! I can't dance! Why would anyone want us running around anyway? We're just little insignificant humans."

Agatha frowned slightly. "I told the King to allow you to come," she replied. "You all will certainly provide a bit of entertainment to everyone."

Mika didn't particularly like the sound of that, but looking at the strong-willed woman in front of her, she realized that they would not be allowed to back out.

"You told the King?" Kana questioned.

"Oh yes," Agatha agreed with a nod. "I've been around a long time you see. I have been the King's servant since he ascended the throne. He has a fondness for me," she winked and then grabbed hold of Kaito's wrist in one hand, and Ayako's in the other. "Come, come," she said cheerfully. "It will take some time to prepare you nicely."

Mika and Kana exchanged a quick glance before following after the two protesting against Agatha.

"I don't want to be put in a dress!" Ayako shouted loudly. "I don't know how to dance anyway."

"Must we really do this right now?" Kaito asked. His voice was much quieter, but held equal displeasure. "There’s still hours before dark."

Agatha didn't respond to either of them. She seemed to have much experience dealing with protesting teens. Kaito and Ayako weren't released until the bedroom door was closed behind them. Several maids were already in the room with various colors of gowns laid out across the bed and couch.

"Come children," Agatha said herding the three girls to the bathroom. Before any of trio could protest their situation, they were moved into the bathroom and locked in.

Kaito sat down at his desk with a long sigh. The couple of maids left in the room kept discreetly glancing at him as if waiting for something to happen. No doubt Agatha had put them there to keep an eye on him just in case he decided to go running off. That was the habit he’d adopted several years ago. He hated formal occasions, and Agatha always attempted to subject him to them earlier than necessary, like today. Sometimes Agatha was just too good at her job.

He let the silence drag on for about ten minutes. By then, the two maids seemed uncomfortable and were shifting around as if they wanted to tell the other something, but couldn’t stand to make noise in the quiet room where Kaito could hear them easily. “The two of you,” the women jumped as he broke the silence to address them, “go get me something to drink.”

“O-Of course my Lord,” they both said simultaneously. Then they turned to look at each other as if debating whether they should say something, or if one should stay while the other left.

“Off you go then,” Kaito encouraged with a wave of his hand.

The two turned and quickly hurried from the room at his request. Too easy, Kaito thought with a satisfied smirk. The fact that Agatha had bothered to station two maids as guards made it much more entertaining. Not that the two young girls could’ve done anything to stop him even if they had been in the room.

Kaito doubted that Agatha would quietly let him go, but she knew how much he hated formalities and making him endure it longer than absolutely necessary was just uncalled for. So, Kaito headed out to the balcony and jumped over the side of the railing.

He landed easily and quietly in the courtyard and headed into the woods from there, careful to avoid the castle patrols on the way. Before he realized it, his feet were carrying him to the hidden garden where he and Okita had spent five years growing up together.

He passed through the barrier surrounding the area shortly after he entered the pine forest. Then the old iron gate appeared in front of him, almost completely covered in vines. How long has it been since I’ve come here? he wondered as he ran his hand over the metal.

“Ruhak,” he murmured quietly.

With a groan of metal on metal, the gate swung open at his order. The land looked exactly as Kaito remembered. The creek gurgled as it moved across the garden, and the grass whispered in the wind. Kaito walked closer to the stream and then lay on his back in the grass to look up at the clouds. Better enjoy the peace will it lasts, he thought ruefully. Within a week, we will be in a full out war.

Kaito yawned and closed his eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Miss Agatha!” The two younger girls that Agatha had left in the room with Kaito burst through the door to the bathroom panting slightly. “He’s gone! The young Lord is gone!” They cried when Agatha had turned to them.

Agatha frowned. “I left you to watch him. What happened?”

“The young Lord said he wanted a drink, so we went to fetch it for him,” the one with the mousy brown hair began, “but when we came back, he had gone. We searched for him but..."

“That boy, I swear. I told you not to let him out of your sight,” she said waving her finger at the two like a disapproving mother. “Now he’s gone and run off to who knows where.”

“We’re so sorry Miss Agatha!”

“Never mind that for now. The young Lord will come back eventually. I want you two to pick out a dress for these girls from the ones I have laid out.”

The two girls nodded enthusiastically and ran out of the room once again. Agatha turned back to the three human girls who were huddled in the bathtub looking very uncomfortable as a couple of maids washed their hair.

“What is going on with Kaito?” Kana asked looking up at the older woman. “That was who you were talking about was it not?”

“Lord Kaito has run off somewhere,” Agatha said with a sigh. “He always does this...”

“He ran off?” Ayako shouted. “What the heck? That’s not fair!”

“Why?” Mika asked. “That doesn’t seem like him.”

“The boy hates formal events. He really hates anything that puts him in the spotlight. For some reason he has always wanted to stay under the radar. Rather unlike any another prince I have heard of. I’ve never been able to find him when he goes off like this. It is like he simply vanishes into the woods.”

“I bet I know where he is!” Ayako said raising her hand as if waiting for a teacher to call on her. Will you let me go after him?”

For a moment, Ayako almost thought Agatha would agree, but she shook her head. “Oh no. I don’t need another disappearing. You will stay here. Lord Kaito will be back again in probably just enough time to get cleaned up properly for the ball.”

Ayako groaned and sat back in the water twirling her finger around the soap bubbles that floated on top.

In the next few minutes the girls were dictated to be ‘clean’ and were dressed in a thin, long undergarment not unlike a nightgown. Then they were led into the bedroom to get dressed properly.

The two maids from earlier had picked out a dark green dress for Ayako, a silvery one for Mika, and a midnight blue for Kana. Other than the color, they all looked identical. The maids rushed about the girls dressing them properly.

Mika twirled around once her assigned maid had finished tying the ribbon in the back of the ball gown that held it up. A thin strap went over her shoulder which held it up, and it seemed uncomfortably tight around her torso. The dress widened out around her waist and hung down about three centimeters from the floor. She also had soft cloth-like shoes that matched the color of her dress well. They felt good on her feet, but she realized very quickly that if she moved to suddenly in them, she would slide across the smooth floor and land face-first.

It seemed amazing to Mika that she fit in it so well. Of course, with a castle this big, they were bound to have a bunch of fancy clothing about. “Whose is this?” Mika asked as the thought occurred to her.

“These gowns belong to Lady Risha, one of the King’s wives,” Agatha replied.

“How many wives does the guy have?!” Ayako exclaimed.

“Mind your tongue girl,” Agatha warned her. “I suggest you not speak so lightly of the King within these walls. In answer to your question though, the King has five. Only two of them live in this castle. The others reside at various rural estates.”

“Oh,” was all Ayako said in response.

Another hour passed before the girls were presentable by Agatha’s standards. Each of them had their hair designed in a different way which had taken longer than anything else to do. Ayako’s was arranged in a neat bun. Kana had a small braid on either side that joined together at the back of her head. Mika’s was the simplest of them all, with her hair simply curled, and allowed to hang loose.

Then Agatha proceeded to give the girls basic dancing lessons. Kana did the best, and after Mika got used to moving in the dress and shoes, she did fairly well herself. Ayako had the hardest time, getting too impatient and tripping over the front of her dress.

“Don’t try so hard, dear,” Agatha said as she watched Ayako move about. “Loosen up. Feel the movement, don’t force it.”

“I don’t feel anything,” Ayako growled. “Do I really have to do this? It’s not like I’m going to be dancing with anyone anyway!”

“Yes you do dear. Go on, try it again.”

“Might as well give up on that one Agatha. She’s not going to get it.”

Ayako whirled around as she heard Kaito’s voice at the glass doors. “It’s all because you’re stupid dances are so complicated!” Ayako shouted back, quickly recovering from her brief astonisment.

“There you are Lord Kaito! There’s no time to waste, off to the bathroom with you!”

“Hai(Yeah), Hai,” Kaito complied moving off in the direction of the bathroom.

“Be quick about it, or I’ll send more of the maids to hurry you along.”

Ayako turned on Agatha looking appalled. “You’d send girls to keep an eye on a guy in the bathroom?!”

“If it is necessary,” she agreed glancing in Kaito’s direction. “Is it necessary my Lord?”

“No, it’s not,” Kaito said turning from them. He closed the bathroom door behind him.

“Now then,” Agatha began turning back to Ayako. “Do it again.”

Ayako groaned and started the movements of the dance once again with the old maid acting as her partner. Forward, back, left, left, forward, twirl, forward... Ayako recited as she preformed the movements; however, as she went to move forward after spinning, she tripped on the hem of her dress and fell forward.

Much to Ayako’s displeasure, Agatha didn’t give up on her until she had mastered at least one dance sequence. The other two had gotten the hang of at least three in the time that Ayako had been struggling with the one.

Kaito emerged from the bathroom shortly after dressed in a very loose white shirt that looked like it had been picked out from the middle ages. It had a ruffled frill down the front of the shirt and also around the cuffs.

“I didn’t know this was a cosplay event!” Ayako said sarcastically. “I want to go as a pirate too.”

“Haha. Funny,” Kaito said rolling his eyes good temperedly. He headed over to his dresser and pulled out a black over shirt not unlike all of the others he had except that it had golden threads around the hem and cuffs. He buttoned it up only halfway so that the white ruffles on his shirt could still be seen. The collar was high, almost to Kaito’s jawbone, but he didn’t fold it down.

“Agatha,” Kaito said holding out a small, silver shawl and pin. The mark of the prince of the Lightning Clan.

Agatha nodded and walked over to him. Kaito sat cross-legged on his bed with his back to Agatha while she fixed his hair up in the shawl and pin. No matter how many times Kaito had tried to do it himself in the past, he always managed to get the piece of metal crooked.

The old maid’s hands worked quickly, rolling part of his hair up and then fastening it with the pin. When she finished, she stood back and nodded. Kaito added a couple rings to both hands, and then the earring with the sapphire hanging on a silver chain to his left ear. After everything was fixed as he wanted it, even Ayako had to admit he looked like a legitimate prince.

“Agatha, escort the girls to the ballroom. I’ll collect them after the introduction.”

“Of course young Lord,” she said bowing. “Come along girls.” She herded the three toward the hallway.

“See you in a few minutes?” Mika asked turning around to address Kaito. No matter how long she spent here, she didn’t think she would ever really get used to Kaito being a prince. Dressed like he was now, he looked like he had simply appeared from some fantasy manga.

He nodded with a small smile. “Try to keep an eye on Ayako. I don’t want her running amok.”

Before Mika could reply, Agatha steered her out of the room and the door shut behind her. The maid led them to the entrance hall and then walked through it to cross over to the right wing of the castle. Two large wooden doors were propped open revealing the ballroom.

This room was easily as big as the entrance hall, or perhaps even larger. It had a smooth marble floor that resembled storm clouds. The ceiling was very high and was held up by decorative stone columns along the left and right side. There were thousands of torches around the area that provided a decent amount of light although it was nothing like actual electricity.

At the very front of the room was a wide staircase, much like that in the entry hall, and forming the wall above the stairs was a glass mural depicting a gray wolf standing on a stone with lightning in the background. The setting sun shone directly onto the mural casting a slight red-orange hue which made the image shine against the gray walls surrounding it.

It was only after noticing all of these things that Mika saw all of the other people, well, demons. All were ornately dressed in nice clothes and jewels. Those that held a position in the military were clearly marked with a coat of arms – a wolf head with two swords crossed in the background – and a sword at their left side.

The massive crowd suddenly silenced. Mika looked around, wondering what had happened, when Kana pointed to the top of the staircase. The King stood before them, tall and commanding. Kaito stood behind him and slightly off to the left while the commander of the military stood on the right.

“Today,” the King began, “we enter into a war.”

Mika was surprised at the ease in which he spoke Japanese. Although he didn’t speak loudly, his voice carried across the room so that even the girls in the back could hear him clearly.

“The Clan of Fire has become too bold in their reign. That arrogance will be their downfall. They forget our strength, and so it is our place to remind them where they stand!

“No doubt the process will be long, but I am confident of our victory. Never lose sight of your goals, and you will never truly fail. Victory to you, and victory to the clan in which you serve! Protect your family. Protect your people, and protect yourself in this time of great danger. Stand by me and fight so that we may achieve peace once more!”

The last sentence that he made was cut off by the people. They erupted in an eerie sort of howling noise that the girls could only assume was good. It lasted for a long minute before the crowd broke up and went about their business.

In the time that the group had been cheering, Kaito had vanished from the top of the stairs. Mika looked around for him, but it was impossible for her to see over the crowd. Agatha had disappeared too, so the girls were left huddling in the corner wondering what exactly to do.

“And I thought my father threw huge parties,” Ayako muttered, “but compared to this...”

“It certainly is something,” Mika agreed. The room had filled even more now. Her best guess was around two thousand people, but it was hard to tell with everyone moving about.

“Having fun?”

All three girls simultaneously jumped as Kaito spoke from behind them. He stood in the shadow cast by the columns and probably could’ve easily been missed if it weren’t for the silver shawl atop his head and his blazing blue eyes.

“You look like you’re hiding,” Ayako said raising an eyebrow.

“Is that what it looks like?”

“It does,” Ayako agreed. “You’re a freakin’ prince! Just what in the world do you have to hide from here in your own castle?!"

“Just you wait,” Kaito responded. “As soon as the entertainers start playing music, all of the women in this room that aren’t already married are going to start looking for me to dance with them. I can’t even begin to tell you how awkward it is to dance with an old woman or a young girl.”

“Why would they do that?” Ayako asked, appalled.

Kaito sighed. “Because most women, at least the younger ones, are suitors,” he said as if he were trying to explain something to a child.

When Ayako cocked her head in confusion, Kana said, “They want him to marry them, most likely to obtain an important title and money.

“That’s rough,” Ayako said with a mock nod of understanding.

A group of musicians stepped up on a platform, and after a quick introduction, they began to play stringed instruments. A couple seemed familiar, like a violin and a double bass, but the others were vastly different. One was placed on the lap and bowed in a similar way to the violin. Another was circular with strings connecting from a center piece to the wooden rim. The musician played it like one might play a handheld harp, but it sounded much different. The noise it made was harsher and twanged with an odd resonance.

As Kaito had predicted, as soon as the music had begun, he was approached by a younger woman that looked to be in her early twenties. Not that that was a very good indication of age. She wore a light blue gown that sparkled in the torchlight, and was decorated with all sorts of jewels: decorative hair pins, silver rings and earrings, and a thick necklace with a large emerald pendant.

She curtsied before Kaito. “May I request a dance my Lord?” Her tone was melodic and almost covered the fact that her Japanese was rather rough.

Kaito forced a smile and said, “Very well.” He extended his hand, she took it, and they disappeared into the mob of people.

“So what shall we do now?” Ayako asked.

“It would be in our best interest to stay where we are,” Kana said, “but I doubt you will agree to that.”

Ayako smiled. “You know me so well Kana. Come on, let’s go explore!” She began wading through the crowd leaving her other two friends to follow as close as they could.

The majority of people ignored them completely; a few glanced at the trio oddly, but didn’t bother them. About halfway across the floor, they encountered buffet tables set with platters of various types of meats, and glasses of what looked like wine. None of the girls were very interested in trying the food.

As they neared the opposite wall, they came across more dancing couples. The music was significantly louder, but it was still hard to hear it clearly. They didn’t see Kaito among the people although that was hardly surprising.

“Well, well, what do we have here?”

The trio whirled around as they heard an unfamiliar voice right behind them. A guy stood casually, observing the girls with the corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. His hair was a redish-brown and his bangs fell into his eyes slightly, but the rest of his hair was tied back at the base of his neck. His eyes were a bright golden color, and seemed to stare right through the girls.

Who are you?” Ayako demanded, glaring at him. Upon closer examination, she could see that his ears were slightly pointed at the top. His nails were long and also came to a rather sharp looking point. He, like Kaito, had one dangling earring in his left ear, and every single one of his fingers had a jeweled ring.

He ignored Ayako completely. “So you’re the humans I’ve heard so much about. Quite interesting indeed...”

Mika shifted back slightly. The man’s gaze made her uncomfortable. He was looking at them as though he were admiring a rather tasty looking morsel, and contemplating which part of them would taste the best.

“Who are you?” Ayako asked again, more aggressively.

He considered Ayako for a moment before saying, “I am Alistir, fifth generation of the Bainer line, and the highest ranked in the Academy.” Alistir watched the girls for a reaction as if this were supposed to mean something very important.

“Uh...okay,” Ayako said, “but I really only wanted to know your name.”

Alistir frowned. “I see,” he spat in an arrogant tone. “Although you have entered out world, you really have no knowledge do you? Insolent little human.”

Excuse me?” Ayako retorted. “You’re the one who approached us! Don’t talk to me about insolence when you don’t even have the decency to be courteous!”

Alistir’s eyes blazed. His jaw tightened and his fists clenched at his sides. As he took a step forward toward Ayako, Kaito’s voice sounded behind him, “I think it best if we leave it at that.”

Alistir whirled around and struggled for a moment to regain his composure before dipping his head in a bow to Kaito. “My apologies my Lord.”

“Take your leave,” Kaito said simply, his voice emotionless. “Surely there is something here a bit more entertaining than this lot of humans.”

Alistir hesitated for only a brief moment before nodding his head. “Very well.” He flashed one hateful glance at Ayako before turning around and disappearing into the crowd.

Kaito glanced over the girls, and for a moment they thought he would turn on them next, but he simply sighed. “Is it physically impossible for you to stay out of trouble?”

“That guy came up to us!” Ayako defended them, “and he was really rude about it too!”

“I will have to agree with Ayako on this occasion,” Kana said. “His expression was somewhat... disconcerting.”

“I know. I’ve only met Alistir three or four times in passing, but his arrogance bothers me. He is the top student in the military training academy, and from what I’ve heard, doesn’t ever let his opponents go even in simple training rounds.”

“I don’t like him,” Ayako said with a note of finality.

“I don’t really blame you,” Kaito nodded.

“Hey, little missy. Kaito.”

The group turned to see Baldwin wading through the crowd toward them. He was dressed much like the other military leaders even though he was former military. He was cleaned up a bit more than when they had seen him last, and the cutlass that he had had in the town two days ago hung at his side. He also had a glass of some sort of alcoholic beverage in one hand and the redness on his face indicated that he hadn't exercised much restraint while drinking.

“Hey old man,” Ayako greeted casually as he approached them. “I didn’t know you were invited to.”

“When the King hosts a party, everyone is invited little missy, everyone with money at least.”

Ayako glanced over the older man contemplating his wealth, but she was distracted as another woman approached Kaito and he left rather reluctantly to dance again.

“That boy hasn’t changed,” Baldwin remarked as Kaito and the lady disappeared. Silence elapsed between the girls and Baldwin before he broke it again. “Well, I’m already here, how ‘bout a dance little missy?” he asked as he turned to Ayako.

“Me?” she asked pointing to herself. “I – I don’t really dance.”

“That makes the both of us then!” Baldwin said cheerily grabbing hold of Ayako’s hand. “Off we go then!” He dragged her off with his free hand into the crowd oblivious to her displeasure.

“He seems as though he’s had a bit too much to drink,” Mika said quietly to Kana once the two had vanished in the masses of people.

Kana nodded. “Probably in another hour most of the people here will be a bit drunk.”

It wasn’t very much longer before Ayako reappeared again panting from fighting her way quickly through the crowd. She was muttering about the senile old man, but for the time being she had lost him. Nevertheless, Ayako stayed slightly in the shadows for a while longer.

In the next couple of hours, the crowd began to lessen, although it was only slight. Kaito would reappear every so often before getting dragged away again by another woman for another bout of dancing.

"Back again are you?" Ayako asked as Kaito came back after twenty minutes of absence.

He nodded. "I'd prefer to stay, but that seems unlikely." Kaito leaned against the wall and sighed. "I really hate formalities."

"We've already been informed several times," Ayako said.

As they spoke, Kana noticed man off to the side kept repeated glancing discreetly in their direction. He, unlike many of the other guests, didn't really engage in conversation nor did he appear to be part of a group or family. Just from looking at him, Kana could tell that he was more of a scholar rather than a military leader, although he did have the coat of arms embroidered on the right sleeve of his clothing.

"Who is that?" Kana asked indicating the man with a nod of her head.

Kaito followed her glance. "I don't know his name, but his father is the head strategist for the military forces. Why?"

"I was just curious," Kana replied.

He glanced their way again, and this time Kana met his eyes. He turned around immediately, but still he watched the group out of the corner of his eye.

"He does seem bothered by something doesn't he?" Mika said as she too watched him.

"Or curious," Ayako added.

"You forget that you three are rather interesting specimens," Kaito reminded them. "It's been a hundred years since a human last ventured into our region of Akukai, and never has one done so consciously or willingly, and never have they been here for more than an hour or two." Kaito was prevented from talking further by the appearance of another person who wanted to dance. As he left, the scholar inched closer.

"Did you want something?" Ayako finally called out to him.

"Me? Ah, no, no. I want nothing at all," he said a bit too quickly, but he didn't turn away this time. Now that he was closer, the girls could see his features a bit more clearly. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes hazel. He seemed jumpy and skittish like he was waiting for something to pop out of nowhere and come after him, but overall he was decently handsome in a geeky kind of way.

“So if you don’t want anything why do you keep staring at us?” Ayako questioned.

“It’s just... I’ve never seen a real human before.” He took another couple of steps closer. “Very interesting indeed, and you are the property of the young Lord, yes?”

“No! We’re no one’s property!” Ayako shouted back at him.

The man jumped at her outburst and moved away slightly. “My apologies!”

“It’s alright,” Kana said casting a reprimanding look in Ayako’s direction. “She can be a bit harsher than she means to. What is your name?”

“Ah, it’s Castir my lady,” he gave a small bow of his head. “And may I ask your names as well?”

“I am Kana. Ayako is the one who shouted at you, and Mika is beside her.”

Castir started to speak, but turned as he saw Kaito approaching again. “I – I must be going now,” he said abruptly.

“Hey wait a second!” Ayako called after him as he strode swiftly away. “Man, what’s his problem?”

“Is he afraid of Kaito?” Mika suggested. “Maybe Castir thinks that Kaito would be upset with him? He did think we were his property after all.”

“Is he still over there?” Kaito asked looking over his shoulder in the general direction Castir had been.

“No,” Mika answered. “He ran off when you came over.”

“I am going to look for him if you don’t mind,” Kana said.

“Do what you want. I doubt he could pose any threat,” Kaito replied.

“I’m going too!” Ayako called after her friend doing her best to walk quickly in the shoes and dress. In a few seconds, they had disappeared into the crowd.

“How long will this go on for?” Mika asked. The food was already almost gone although the wine was still in high supply.

Kaito shrugged. “Until they all get tired and leave, or get too drunk to function and are escorted out.”

“So for as long as the guests can stand?” Mika asked. “Couldn’t that last until morning?”

“Could,” Kaito agreed, “but usually it doesn’t. Although, it will likely last for several more hours. Just tell me when the lot of you get tired. I’ll find Agatha and she can escort you back to the room.”

“Do you have to stay here the entire time?” Mika asked surprised.

“It’s proper for me to,” he said with a nod.

“Kana’s dancing with Castir,” Mika said after a moment of silence. She had just caught the two out of the corner of her eye and recognized Kana's figure immediately.

“So that was his name, huh?”

Mika didn’t respond to the rhetorical question, and watched as the two made their way around the designated dance floor. She couldn’t help but envy Kana’s graceful movement as the two moved back and forth with the flow of the music.

“Mika,” Kaito’s voice broke through her thoughts, “would you like to dance?”

Mika froze on the spot and tried to mentally push back the blood that flowed to her cheeks. After a moment she managed to say, “I thought you hated dancing.”

“I hate dancing with a bunch of people I don’t know,” he clarified.

“Is it really alright for you to be seen dancing with a human?” she muttered looking down at the floor as if it has suddenly become much more interesting.

Kaito chuckled, and took her hand before she could say more. “Come on.”

Mika’s mind went into a hyperactive mode as Kaito led her to the dancing area, and put one hand in hers while the other held her at her waist. For a moment, she was uncomfortable with the closeness of their bodies, but as they began to move, it melted away. The music was soft and slow, and the two moved easily with it. Mika didn’t really know what the dance was, or if it was one at all, but Kaito led her well so she didn’t dwell on this fact for long. “Kaito, what exactly was this party for?”

“For the official declaration of war.”

“Is that really a good reason to host a party?”

“It is because it could be the last time that some of these men really let loose and enjoy themselves. It’s almost like a last supper for those in the military. In the next few days, regiments will be formed for scouting missions, and once they return, the true war will begin to unfold.”

“Will we really be safe here in this castle? Won’t the opposing party try to come here first?”

“This area is heavily guarded. I’m quite certain that you will be very safe here.”

“You say that as though you won’t be here,” Mika said cautiously.

“Because I won’t be. I’ll be out fighting with the others.”

Mika stopped cold, and Kaito was forced to stop moving as well. “They’d send you into battle?! You’re the prince. Princes don’t fight!”

“Lower your voice,” he said softly. He resumed the dancing, forcing Mika to move along with him although now she was stiff and less fluid than before.

“If we’re to win, the armies need my assistance,” he said after a couple minutes of silence, “and I won’t abandon them. It’s not the first time a war has broken out in my lifetime, and it certainly won’t be the last either. Don’t count me out just yet.”

“I’m not but –”

“I’ll be fine,” he assured her. “You may not have noticed, but I’m rather hard to kill.”

Mika didn’t laugh at his light joke, but for the moment, it did reassure her slightly. Although it didn’t make her any more okay with the idea of his fighting in a war. She couldn’t help but think of the demons she’d seen explode into dust in the past few months. Was it possible for Kaito to do the same? And what determined whether one was simply wounded or whether they disintegrated?

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she wasn’t aware of the music stopping until Kaito halted. She wasn’t even completely sure how long they had been dancing for, but when she looked around she noticed that even more people had left the room.

“You look tired,” Kaito said. “I think it’s best if you head up to the bedroom.”

Mika didn’t argue as Agatha collected her and the other two to lead them from the room. Now that Kaito had mentioned it, she did feel a bit tired. Mika wasn’t even aware of changing out of the dress and into her night gown, and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was gone.

A/N~ Long chapter. I hope I managed to get everything I wanted to fix, but there's no guarantee that I did. Also I have to go to a school event, so luckily for you all, I decided to post this sooner rather than later. Hope you enjoy my failed attempts at a little romantic moment.

<==Chapter 44
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby MO(PleaseDelete) » Sat May 11, 2013 10:41 am

    Great chappie.
    Don't like Alistir.
    Castir seems alright.
    Maybe we'll be seeing more of them...?
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby scmarshtacky » Sat May 11, 2013 10:43 am

You will see more of them. ;)
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby melody. » Sat May 11, 2013 11:15 am

Great chapter!<3

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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby scmarshtacky » Sun May 12, 2013 4:30 pm

I'm glad you think so. ^^
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby |~quitting~| » Mon May 13, 2013 4:01 pm

Awesome chapter! Can't wait for the war!!!
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 45 Up!]

Postby Muse. » Thu May 16, 2013 1:19 pm

    -wiggles in seat- Excitement!

    *-* -stares- Mooooooore.
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 46 Up!]

Postby scmarshtacky » Sat May 18, 2013 11:31 am

Chapter 46 – Preparation

Kaito was fast asleep when he awoke suddenly at a noise he didn’t recognize. He instinctively rolled into a kneeling position, reached for his sword, which he always had by his side even when sleeping, and placed his right hand on the hilt ready to draw it. It was only after this that his instincts slowed, and his conscious mind began to sort out the details.

A very startled Kana had one hand on the wooden chair to his desk, and in the other hand held a couple of the books she had gotten from the library. “I’m sorry,” she managed. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Kaito released his breath and laid his sword back down. “No, that was my fault. Gomen(Sorry).” He sat up against the backboard of his bed, and let his eyes wander out of the window where the sky was just beginning to show hints of gray.

“Do you have matches for this candle?” Kana asked setting her books down on the desk and examining the candle.


“Then how –”

Kaito held out his right hand and snapped. A small spark of electricity shot up the wick, and it blazed to life.

“I should have guessed as much,” Kana remarked. She turned her attention back to a history book that she had, and started studying the book. Every now and again, she would turn to look at the grammatical guide she had before looking at the history book again. “It looks a bit like Arabic,” she said after a few moments.

“I suppose it does. Kana, is something bothering you?” Although she seemed to be working on her books, her gaze would occasionally shift as if she were trying not to think about something but couldn’t help it.

“No... Well, yes,” she admitted slowly. “I keep thinking about my parents, and wondering what they’re thinking about my sudden disappearance.”

“I don’t know if this is reassuring or not, but when you left the Human World, and came to Akukai, your presence was erased.”

“What do you mean?” She asked turning to Kaito.

“All of the memories that others have of you, and everything that connected you to the other world is currently gone. You’re parents don’t remember that you are alive. Don’t worry though,” he added quickly as her eyes widened, horrorstruck by the idea, “when you go back, everything will be restored. It will be like you never left.”

“You are right. I am not sure that is necessarily reassuring, but I am glad that they aren’t concerned.” Now that her mind was a bit more at peace, she was able concentrate a bit more on her book. As she skimmed through it, she noticed a portion that was slightly different. The characters had more markings surrounding them, and they were wider.

“Why is this section of the book different?” Kana asked, arousing Kaito who was dozing again against the back of the bed.

“Let me see it.” He held his hand out, and Kana gave him the book. He studied the page for only a brief moment before handing it back. “It’s in an ancient text. That particular section is on the Prophecy of Two.”

“Prophecy of Two?” Kana studied the page again. “What exactly does it say?”

’Two of two, though bound they be
Shall break thine bonds
To liberate the kingdom of thee
And so they shalt rule, forever free.

Kaito quoted the text easily without bothering to look back at the book. This particular prophecy he’d memorized to the point he could quote it in his sleep.

“What does it mean?”

“Well, the glory of things like this is that their meaning can be pretty distorted.”

“You seem to have some idea of it though,” Kana prompted.
Kaito sighed and adverted his eyes out of the window where the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon. “The general consensus is that it refers to two people of mixed blood,” he paused for a moment before saying, “Taboo children. Actually, it wasn’t until after this prophecy came about that mixed blood was taboo. Before, those of mixed blood were looked down upon to a degree, but now they are killed without hesitation regardless of anything else. After this prophecy became public, the five clans held a meeting to forbid the mixing of blood, and made it the most severe felony that one can commit in our land today.”

“I’m sorry,” Kana said softly, “for bringing it up.”

“It’s not your fault,” Kaito replied with a shrug. “It’s just the babblings of an old woman. The only people to blame here are the leaders that flipped out at the time and created the punishments.”

“What was it specifically that scared the leaders of the time? I don’t understand how what you just quoted would create that much of a fuss.”

“I think it’s the part about the liberation of the kingdom, and the rule of the ‘two’. When the leaders of the time heard it, they thought it meant that the five clans would be abolished and unified as one nation. None of them could stand that thought, and so, the only answer was to eliminate the possibility.”

“You know, it could –”

“Don’t say it.”

“Refer to Okita and yourself,” Kana finished.

“It doesn’t,” Kaito said simply. “That’s not possible. Even though it’s taboo, there are more children out there with mixed blood than just Okita and myself. And I’m not bound by any bonds that need breaking nor do I have any sort of desire to liberate anyone from anything.”

“Your life is long. There’s no way of telling if you’ll need to free this place in the future. ‘Two of two’,” Kana mused, “twins of two different bloodlines...”

“Kana, stop,” Kaito ordered. “Now is neither the time nor the place to talk about this. I’ve thought over those words multiple times before and determined that they mean nothing that I need to concern myself with. Let it go.”

“Very well,” she said, but she didn’t look very convinced. Nonetheless, she went back to scanning though her book.

Ayako, oddly enough was the next to wake. She immediately demanded that Kaito begin teaching her how to use her spear, and the noise of her racket woke Mika up. Kaito grudgingly agreed, and the girls began to get ready.

“You know, all the clothes I came here with are dirty now...” Ayako mused as she dug through her backpack. She drug out a variety of other things including a board game, chewing gum, a couple of smashed up snacks, and a flashlight.

“I wondered where that ended up!” she exclaimed as she drug out the light. She flicked it on and off to make sure it still worked. “And look, I even have some spare batteries!” She held up a sandwich bag filled with four other batteries to prove her point.

“But no other clothes?” Kana asked coming back to the main point of her search.

“No,” Ayako shook her head sadly. “I didn’t really think this would turn into a permanent stay.”

“I ran out of spare clothes a couple of days ago,” Mika admitted. “I’ve been rinsing them off in a bucket of water in the bathroom and hanging them to dry.”

Kana nodded. “We both have.”

“Well, for now just wear whatever you’ve got. It doesn’t really matter if it’s that clean or not. I’ll ask Agatha to clean them up for you as best she can. Stack everything you want cleaned in the basket in the bathroom.”

The girls nodded and did as they were told before changing for the day. Kaito slipped on a pair of his human clothes, and tied up his hair to keep it out of his face. The only thing unfortunate about wearing the more comfortable clothes was the fact that the pair of jeans didn’t really carry his sword that well, but he managed to rig up a make-shift belt to carry it. In just a few minutes, the group was set with their weapons in hand.

“How to do this...” Kaito mused to himself as they came to a stop outside in the training area.

“So you have absolutely no plan?” Ayako challenged.

“I figured I’d play it by ear,” Kaito said with a shrug. “I think it would be easiest to set you all up doing something a bit different rather than just tell you to all come at me at once. That could get messy. Kana, since you just have a bow, why don’t you try just shooting at something.”

Kaito indicated a tree a few meters away and Kana knocked an arrow. She spent only a moment aiming and then shooting. The arrow flew to the right and landed in the bushes.

“I haven’t held a bow in quite a while...” she said slowly to defend her lack of aim.

“Try it again,” Kaito urged, and she did. This time the arrow hit the tree on the left side slightly higher than she had been intending, the third shot landed almost in the center. “Now try something further away.”

Kana picked another tree another couple of meters behind the first. Again, her first shot missed, and the second hit almost in the center.

“Just keep doing that for a while,” Kaito said. “Pick a different target every few shots, and see how quickly you can knock the arrow and shoot.”

Kana nodded and carried out her shooting while Kaito turned to Mika, and tried to think of what she could do.

“I don’t really think I’m going to be very good at this...” Mika said slowly looking at her two daggers.

“I don’t think close combat will be your style,” Kaito agreed. “But a dagger is unique in the fact that it can be both a long range and a close combat weapon.”

“By throwing it you mean?” Mika asked.

Kaito nodded. “I think for you, it would be best to start out similar to Kana. Just try throwing it and see if you can hit anything.”

“Okay...” Mika pulled the short blade out of its leather sheath and threw it as hard as she could at the tree Kana was aiming at earlier. It flipped several times in the air, and landed harmlessly in the grass a meter from the tree. She looked down trying to hide her embarrassment. “I don’t think I can do this...”

“You can,” Kaito encouraged. “Don’t throw it like a baseball though. That won’t get you anywhere. Throw it more like a dart.” He held out his hand for the other dagger and Mika gave it to him.

After gently tossing it up and down in his hand a couple of times, then threw it and it landed in the exact middle of the tree. The hilt wiggled back and forth slightly from the impact, but stayed firmly lodged in the wood.

“Wow,” Mika breathed.

“Just play with it,” Kaito said. “See what works and what doesn’t. Use both your dominant and non-dominate hand as well.”

Mika nodded and ran off to collect them.

“And me?” Ayako encouraged bouncing up and down slightly from excitement. “What do I get to do?”

“You get to fight me and attempt to figure out how to handle that,” he nodded at the spear, and walked off toward the area where the sand was deeper to provide more cushioning.

Ayako gripped the spear with her right hand leading a few centimeters in front of her left, and leveled the spear until it was parallel to the ground as she had seen people in movies do. Kaito drew his sword, and stood relaxed with it in his right hand.

“You’re going to fight me with your real sword?” Ayako questioned mildly alarmed. “Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

“If you want to be able to affectively defend yourself, don’t you think you need to get used to facing real weapons?” he responded.

Ayako huffed, and lowered her stance slightly. Then she charged. She got one thing straight in her head right off the bat; don’t ever start out with a head-long assault. It doesn’t go well. As the tip of the spear neared Kaito, he used his sword to deflect it to the side with enough force to rip it from Ayako’s grasp. As she struggled for a split second to get her bearings, Kaito swept her legs out from under her. Ayako landed flat on her back gasping to reclaim the breath that had rushed from her lungs. Kaito gently put the flat of his blade against her throat.

“You’ve died once today.”

Ayako hissed through her teeth and shoved the blade away. She dusted herself off and went to collect the spear. The next few attempts were little better than the first, and she began to realize that she had to have more plans in her mind other than the first attack.

Ayako got herself into position for the fifth time, and charged right for Kaito again. He blocked as she expected him to: he pushed the tip off to the left side. This time, Ayako used the momentum from the block to pivot around his sword, and swung the butt of the spear almost like a bat toward Kaito’s back.

For a moment, Ayako thought she had him for once, but he spun around quickly, and held his sword straight up to block the attack. Making it up as she went along, Ayako released the pressure from her spear quickly hoping Kaito would overbalance. Then she ducked downward and aimed a strike with the point straight upward.

Unfortunately, Kaito didn’t have as much force on the shaft as Ayako had thought he had, and when she struck upward, he stepped back and away, easily avoiding it. Then, he moved to strike. Kaito aimed a simple diagonal-upward blow which Ayako barely blocked by using the shaft of her spear. Ayako stumbled backward from the force, tripped over her own feet, and fell down on her butt. Once again, Kaito had his blade at her throat before she could process everything that had happened.

“That was a significant improvement,” he praised her as he pulled away. “Unfortunately, it’s still the sixth time you’ve died today.”

“Would you give it a rest?” Ayako huffed in-between her panting.

“Do you want to take a break?”

“No! One more time.” She pushed herself to her feet. At least she still had the spear in her hands and didn’t have to trudge across clearing to pick it up.

Ayako’s ‘one more time’ turned out to mean many more times, but after another half hour had passed, she thought she was beginning to get the hang of wielding a spear. She treated almost as though she had two swords with their hilts glued together. As Kaito blocked her jabs, she used the force of it to pivot around, and attack with a force twice as great.

Ayako was in the middle of a great combination of attacks, twisting around and about with the momentum when a whizzing noise passed right by her left ear. Stunned, Ayako jumped to the right, and focused her attention to Kaito, who seemed equally astonished. However, he responded to the new turn of events with a blinding speed, and slashed with his sword more quickly than the untrained eye could see.

An arrow, now slashed into two pieces lay at his feet. Then his eyes slowly moved to Kana who still had her hand up in the air after releasing the string of her bow.

Ayako took advantage of his momentary distraction to launch another series of attacks. Kaito responded, but his second of distraction gave Ayako the advantage. She swung toward his right side with the butt of the spear first, and when he blocked, shifted the spear to swing the point toward his left side.

In a flurry of quick movements, Kaito let go of his sword with his left hand and drew the sheath of his sword. He pulled it up just far enough to block the strike. Then using Ayako’s hesitation, hit her knuckles with the hilt of his sword.

Ayako instantaneously let go, and the spear fell into the sand.

Kaito positioned the point of his sword over her heart. “Dead.”

Ayako collapsed in the sand breathing hard and fast as though she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

Even Kaito was slightly winded. “Well, the two of you certainly would make quite a good combo,” he said after a moment. “I certainly wasn’t expecting an arrow to come flying at my head. You were really aiming to kill, huh?”

“I knew you would react quickly enough,” Kana said coming over to join the other two.

Mika who had been watching everything play out, also came over. “That was really incredible,” she exclaimed when she was within earshot. “I thought Ayako would win this time.”

“Well that’s insulting,” Kaito said mocking a wounded tone.

“I – I didn’t mean –”

But he was already chuckling, and didn’t hear the rest of her statement. “Well, I think it would be best to call it quits for the day,” he said at last.

“Why? Did that arrow scare you?” Ayako taunted.

“Hardly,” Kaito rolled his eyes. “You’re going to be so sore tomorrow, you aren’t going to be able to stand up. Before you completely rip up every muscle you have in your body, I think you should call it quits for the day.”

“I think Kaito’s right,” Kana said. “I can feel my right shoulder getting stiff already, and Ayako, you’re going to be worse off than any of us.”

“Humph. I can handle it.”

“We’ll see if you can say that tomorrow,” Kaito remarked.

“Want to bet on it?” Ayako challenged.

“You don’t have anything to bet.”

“I’ll come up with something.”

Kaito rolled his eyes. “This is absurd. Just let it go.”

Ayako opened her mouth to respond when a shout came off in the distance. When she turned, she noticed the old man, Baldwin, heading in their direction.

“Hey little missy,” he greeted. “What ‘cha up to?”

“What? No greeting for me?” Kaito teased. “Has the little human replaced your prince on the respect scale?”

“Bah! If you actually wanted my respects, then we could discuss it, but you don’t have the right to say anything.”

Kaito snorted and rolled his eyes good temperedly.

“What have you been up doing?” Baldwin repeated as he gazed more closely at the group who was covered in sweat, and Ayako who was covered in sand as well. The girls’ weapons lay strewn about the ground momentarily forgotten.

“Training!” Ayako declared happily, “and I’m getting lots better!”

Baldwin raised one eyebrow, and looked at Kaito. “They been giving ‘ya trouble boy?”

“The only real trouble they give me is their hard-headed stubbornness.”

“Now wonder y’all get along so well!” He said with a hearty laugh.

“That’s rather rude ex-General Baldwin,” Kaito replied with a smirk.

“You know I hate being called that!” Baldwin protested.

“Then let’s say we drop this conversation,” Kaito suggested.

“Fine, fine,” Baldwin agreed. “Don’t mean it ain’t true though,” he mumbled good-naturedly.

“So what are you here for?” Ayako asked breaking into the conversation.

“I just wanted to drop by and see if the Commander would need me,” Baldwin said with a shrug.

“But I thought you were retired.”

“Little missy, there ain’t no such thing as retiring from the military.” When Ayako cocked her head in confusion, he continued. “A life of fighting ain’t something ‘ya just walk away from. It’s in your blood. It’s part of who ‘ya are. If I’m needed, I’ll pick up my sword again and fight ‘till my last breath. That’s what it means to be a soldier.”

Ayako’s eyes seemed to sparkle in admiration.

“If ‘ya continue to learn to fight, you’ll learn that soon enough.”

“Hey old man,” Ayako began excitedly. “Want to give us a demonstration?”

A/N~ Little bit of a cliffhanger I guess. So obviously I fail at writing prophecies, oh well, hope you enjoy it anyway. I know that most of you are waiting for action, and I'm getting there... slowly. :P

<==Chapter 45
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 46 Up!]

Postby Muse. » Sat May 18, 2013 8:35 pm

    *cheers* Yay for action! ^^ I'm looking forward to lots, and expecting much of you. ;D You can do it~ I love reading your writing. It flows nicely, which many people lack. It takes hard work to get where you are. ^^<3
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Re: 〄Aʟʟ Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜ〄 [Ch. 46 Up!]

Postby scmarshtacky » Tue May 21, 2013 3:53 pm

I feel like I'll do an okay job of it, but I guess we'll see. Thanks for the comment. ^^ It means a lot that my readers think well of my writing, and have stuck with me this long.
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