Hidden Behind the Shadows -Please PM about it!-

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Hidden Behind the Shadows -Please PM about it!-

Postby broodingtulip » Mon May 14, 2012 12:39 pm


Welcome to my newest story, Hidden Behind the Shadows. I plan on finishing it up, possibly publish it, in a year or two. All I ask is you read, but please, do not post. Just simply PM me about it, OK? And if you do, please put "Hidden Behind the Shadows" as your subject. Below is a quick synopsis of it, just to give you guys a quick, basic knoweledge of the plot.


The year is 3013, and the war over land between the two main countries- Guinealea and Hanema, is finally over. Thousands- possibly millions- of people had died, and now, people are at peace. But peace came with a cost. Hanema dropped the final bomb of the war on Guinelea, blowing the whole country- and all living creatures, innocent or guilty- into pieces. Only few people made it to hiding. The president of Hanema, President Clicke, makes a public announcement, stating that the few surviovors have 5 days to surrender themselves to Hanema before they drop the last bomb, promising to sweep Guinelea off the map for good. Now Skylark, one of the very few survivors of Guinelea, is in a desperate search to find her loved ones with the help of her friends. But during her desperate search, some officers of Hanema spot her and capture her. Will Skylark free herself and find her loved ones and her friends before time slowly ticks away?
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Postby broodingtulip » Mon May 14, 2012 1:14 pm


Prolouge....Third Post.
Raining Bombs...4-
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Postby broodingtulip » Mon May 14, 2012 1:37 pm


I walk out the door and wave goodbye to my mom as I head off to school. School. Yippee. Most of the time, we just sit and study what stupid things humans used to do. Hah. Humans were a joke a hundred years ago. Maybe we still are. Maybe we just got worst. I just shake my head. I hear footsteps behind me and I look over my shoulder to see Lark behind me. We were best friends since we were two, my mom used to watch us when his parents were working. "Hey Sky." he panted. "Hey Lark. Been running?" I say, smiling. "Just trying to catch up to you." he says, smiling. I give him a smile back and nudge him. "I was only fast walking!" I say, smiling. "Ya. Fast walking for sure!" he teases, looking at me with his perfect golden eyes. "So, how's Hazel doing after catching the flu?" I ask.
"He's alright. Still weak and pale though. He's doing better though."
"That's good. And your mom?"
"Still in her own world."
See, a war is starting and Lark's father was sent to war. A few months later, Willow, Lark's mother, got a letter saying he was killed. Died bravely in a battle like a brave man should. It was saying they should be honored to have him die bravely, rather than dying like a weak man, he died like a strong man. All that junk.
"You shouldn't be honored."
"We aren't honored. Sky, our dad was killed. He's dead. He's never coming home again. And I can't do anything about it. They didn't even let me say goodbye."
"Maybe we can do something about it." I suggested.
"Sky, you don't understand that feeling. The empty space. I can't see him again. I can't talk to him again. I can't see his smile." his eyes start to water. But I don't care. Now I'm just angry at him.
"You know what, Lark? Maybe I DO understand that feeling!"
"Losing a dog isn't the same!" he nearly shouted. I winced. Not because of his tone, but because of his carelessness.
"Lark, did you watch the news yesterday?" I asked him, calming down.
"No. It wasn't even on." now he has a look of consideration. "So I just turned it off. What was on?"
"You know what was on, Lark? You REALLY want to know? Ok, I'll tell you. It was Daisy and Iris' execution! That's what it was!" I spat, but I couldn't mask my depression and sadness, the emptyness inside of me. I feel me knees go weak, and I drop to my knees in the middle of the trail. Lark stops, obviously taking it in, and kneels beside me.
"Tell me what happened." he said.
"I-i-i can't! I can't Lark! I just can't OK! You didn't see your father fall to the ground! I did! All of Guinelea did! All of Hanema did! The whole world did, Lark!" I hide my face in my hands, trying to hold back my tears. I soon recover and stand up.
"Lark, we have to stop this." I say. It didn't sound confident, it sounded more weak and pathetic. And desperate.
"I know." he says. He puts my hair behind my ear.
"And we will."
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Chapter 1.1

Postby broodingtulip » Mon May 14, 2012 2:29 pm


My teacher was in the middle of a lecture about Adolf Hitler, some guy who existed over a century ago, when the first bomb exploded. It sent everyone flying. I ended up being thrown to the wall, and then falling to the floor. I didn't hit hard enough to go unconscious, I wish I did, though, because my back and limbs were throbbing and aching like crazy. I saw Lark crawling over to meet me, and I did the same, when we met halfway.
"We need to shelter." he said.
"Ya, isn't there an uderground shelter somewhere."
"I think so. Let's ask Mrs. Hargow." We both crawled to where our teacher was huddled.
"Kids, what do you want?" she asked. She sounded frightened, her voice tight.
"Is there an uderground shelter near?" Lark asked.
"It's too risky to go there." Mrs. Hargow replied, shaking. "Just go somewhere safe and pray to dear God that it's not our time." she said. Just as we got to the nearest desk, the next bomb dropped. Lark hovered over me, squishing me to where I'm a tiny ball, his body protecting me from flying into the wall again. He soon huddled next to me once the shockwaves stopped. There we sat, huddled, and close together as we can get, as Guinelea had an unexpected rainstorm. Of bombs.
"Lark." I said, my voice weak.
"Yeah, Sky."
"D-do you think we'll survive?"
"I sure the heck hope so."
"Because there's so many things in life I never got to accomplish."
"Like what?"
"Travel, meet new people...before the war started, I wanted to go to Hanema."
"Oh." is all I got to say before the next round, the worst, hit. It swept me and Lark through the wall, and into the hallway. And the desk went with us. I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

When I woke, Lark was sitting up, rubbing his head. He was bleeding from a scratch, but nothing life threatening. "Hey, you're awkae." he said.
"Ya, I guess so. Where's the class?"
"I don't know."
"Where are we?" All I saw was ashes. No buildings, no grass, no trees. Nothing. Just ashes.
"Where's the school?" I was alert and confused.
"We're in it." he said. "Welcome to Guinelea; Paradise of Ashes." he said sarcastically.
"I want to find our class." I say.
"Let's go."
Lark and I get up and stretch. But my left leg is aching and throbbing, and I soon collapse into the ashes. Lark looks at me worried.
"Sky? Are you OK?" he asks, kneeling beside me, looking into my eyes with concern.
"No, it's my leg, I think I may have broken it." I say, clenching my teeth at the pain.
"It's OK. You'll be alright." he says, rubbing my back soothingly.
"How will we find them?" I ask.
'I don't know."
"Do you know how to treat a broken leg?"
"Am I a doctor?" With that, I lay down, sighing.
"They're prbably dead anyways. I say, a tear strolling down my face.
"Hello? Anyone there?" a voice hollers, then a seocnd voice.
Lark waves his hands high.
"We're right here! Chip! Pip! Poppy!" he hollers.
"Who are they?" I ask.
"Some friends. They're in a different class."
"Then why don't I know them?"
"Because I met them when you went on vacation. We don't talk much."
"Oh." is all I say.
"Lark?" the voices chorus. The fugures run towards us. They stumble her and there, and one of them falls. Eventually, 2 boys and 1 girl are right there, panting.
The boy on the left has deep, chocolate brown hair that is short. He has gorgeous blue eyes, and is pretty muscular. He's in good shape, but breathing hard. Looks around my age. The girl has long ginger hair and stunning green eyes. She has a thin body and doesn't look strong. She is bleeding on her arms and there is a deep cut on her forehead. The boy on the right has messy and choppy blonde hair with dull brown eyes. He's pretty weak looking, but thin. He has some sort of glasses on, and has several cuts and is bleeding on one knee.
"Who's she?" the boy on the left asks, looking at Lark.
"I can introduce myself, thankyou. My name's Skylark. You?" I say, looking at him.
"Chip. This is Poppy, and the boy on the right is Pip, my unidentical twin brother, and Poppy's boyfriend." he says.
"Oh, nice to meet you." I say, just managing a weak, half hearted smile.
"So, anyone else alive?" Lark asks.
"No. All dead." Pip replies.
"So, shall we get a move on?" Chip asks. Lark glances at me.
"That wouldn't be a possible idea." Chip looks at me too, and I pull off a sheepish smile.
"Broken leg, I think." I say.
"I can carry you." Chip says, smiling. I start to blush as he scoops me up in his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You can rest if you want." he says.
"Okay." I say tiredly. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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Chapter 1.2

Postby broodingtulip » Mon May 14, 2012 4:18 pm

Image...Part Two

I woke up early. The others were all asleep exept for Lark, who was sitting, hugging his knees, lookingat the sun as it rose. I half crawled, half dragged myself to him, where I awkwardly tried to position my leg. "Aren't the stars pretty?" he said, not looking at me.
"They're peaceful." I say.
"Ya. If only we were like that."
"So, you like my friends?" he said, his golden eyes looking into my blue eyes.
"They're nice." He turned back to the stars.
"What do you think about Chip?"
"Why does it matter?"
"I don't know. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"We should run away."
"Where to?"
"Somewhere they can't find us."
"We wouldn't survive."
"Ya we would. I would protect you."
"We're not going to survive." I rest my head on his shoulder and curl my good leg, leaving my broken leg straight out.
"Why do you say that? OK, I'm not Chip, but I can still protect you!" he snaps.
"We're not going to survive. We're notgoing to survive. WE'RE NOT GOING TO SURVIVE!" I am nearly yelling, too shocked to say anymore. I just point up to the sky.
"Oh gosh! We're not going to survive!" He leaps up, and I fall to the ground.
"A warning would have been nice!" I say.
"Sorry, Sky!" he goes to the others and shakes them awake.
"Whathatforcantigetsomesleep?" mutters Chip.
"Not when you're going to die!" Lark says, pointing to the sky.
"Oh jeesh! I'll get Sky!" Chip rushes to me as I sit up. Once again he scoops me up in his muscular and comfy arms. I don't resist, and once again wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall.
"We're...not...going...to...survive..." I say, shocked.
"No, no, love, we're going to survive." he says, looking into my eyes warmly. Is it my imagination, or is there a longing look in his eyes? I shake my head. Lark is waking Poppy and Pip. Once they wake and see the bomb getting closer by the second, Poppy rund into Pip's arms, and he kisses her gently on the forehead as she sobs onto his shoulder.
"Come on!" Lark says.
"Lark, we're not going to survive." Chip says.
"O-of course we will! It's only a small bomb. If we find the shelter-" Lark says, desperately.
"We need to try!" Lark urges us on, and Chip sighs.
"Let's go then. I still got one more thing left unfinsished." Chip says, blushing.
"What?" Pip says, his arm wrapped around Poppy's waist.
"Nothing." Chip gives Pip a long stare, and Pip looks at me and nods.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing." Chip says, loking at the bomb that is now several feet abouve us. We all start running.
"There!" Lark says, pointing to two pieces of wood in the ground. Lark opens the two doors and we all climb in before the bomb explodes. We all fall to the ground. My world goes black as I go unconscious in Chip's arms.
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Chapter 1.3

Postby broodingtulip » Sat May 26, 2012 6:29 pm


When I wake, I feel a throbbing pain in my leg. I try to keep as still as possible, but it's kindof hard to do that. My head hurts, and my arm is aching. Not broken, thank god. Only Chip and Lark are awke, besides me.
"What are we going to do?" Lark asks us.
"I-i don't know." I stammer.
"We can't stay here forever. Eventually they'll find us." Chip's eyes gleam with sadness.
"And you can't keep carrying me aound everytime we have to leave."
"We need to train." Lark says.
"But what about me?" I ask.
"You need to rest." Lark says, sternly.
"But I don's wat to-" Chip moves a strand of my brown hair from my face.
"You do want to get better, right?"
"I want to survive!"
"I can fix her leg. My mom was a nurse." Chip says, looking at Lark. "Is there a medical kit?"
"Uuuh. Ya." Lark tossed Chip the bag, and Chip zipped it up.
"Ok, let's see...Ah here! Roll up your pants, please." he says.
"Uh- ok..." I roll up my pants as high as I can and he gently slips a cast on my leg and rolls down my pants.
"I'm afraid you'll jave to stay off your leg for 6 weeks."
"If I'm alive..." I mutter.
Chip opens the wooden flaps and reveals a beautiful sun rise.
"Early." he says under his breath.
"So...what's the plan?" Poppy says, obviously awke.
"When did you awake?" I ask.
"When you guys started toalking?" Poppy managed to stretch and yawn.
"We training?"
"You guys are, I'm staying here with Sky." Chip says, looking at the sky.
"lark." I finish for him. "Only Lark can call me Sky for now." I look at the ground, feeling blush come up on my cheeks. I notice Lark's small smile that usually sent tingles up my arms and spine. I strectch out my arms, pretending to be tired.
"You tired?" Lark smiles at me.
"You can nap while we train." he smirks, eyes twinkling.
"Ok. But where? it's not comfortable in here." my eyes twinkle.
"We'll figure something out for the sleeping areas." Lark says before heading out with the others to train, leaving me and Chip alone.
"You could rest your head on me." he says. I just noticed he was starting to lay down.
"Thanks." I smil as I rest my head and one hand on his chest, curling up comfortably. He strokes my hair as we watch the others train.
"What was your family like?"
"Well, my mom was always worried. She always made clothes for me and my brother. She loves agriculture, as well. She owns several chickens and a cow. Her name is Iris. My dad served in the war, came home without a leg and seveal bruises and cuts, his name was Drac. He loves to cook. My brother was sorta like a best friend to me. We always had eachother's backs. And his name was Peak. I probably miss Peak the most."
"Oh. Ever had a boyfriend?"
"No, never. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Did you have a girlfriend?"
"Once. In kindergarten. We broke up because she ate my sandwich." I was smiling once he said this.
"Gosh I love your smile." he whispers, barely able to hear. This makes me blush uncontrollably and giggle.
"Nothing." I try to hold in my giggles, but it doesn't end up well. I end up with blown out cheeks, like a squirrel after nut gathering. He looks at me smiling, with a confused look in his eyes.
"I just don't get you sometimes." he murmered. Then a scream. Me and Chip look at eachother, when Poppy rushes in.
"Strange...dude...scared me...half to death..." she gasped.
"What did he look like?"
"Oh...brown hair...blue eyes...tan skin. Alot like you..."
"Peak!" I exclaim, nearly jumping up.
"Woah woah woah. No pressure." Chip says, standing, trying to calm me down.
"Ok." I pout. I see a face above the wooden flaps.
"Peak!" A giant smile crosses his face as he jumps in and gives me a gigantic brotherly hug, not noticing Chip.
"Ummm..." Chip is looking at Peak, the boy who is almost laying on him. Peak stands up.
"Who are you and why are you here with my little sister?"
"My name is Chip and I'm trying to protect Skylark."
"Oh, come on, Peak. Trust him."
"Nothing going on?" Peak says, a mischeviuos smile across his face.
"Uh-uhhhh..." Chip barely manages to say.
"I see. Oh, and I brought Petal with me."
"Who's Petal?" Chip is just staring at us, confused.
"Peak's annoying girlfriend.
"Peak?" an annoyingly familiar voice sounds.
"Oh, there you are baby." A girl with rosy hair and green eyes hops down. She gives him a kiss and looks at us.
"Ahh...little Sky got a boyfriend! Ditched Lark, huh?" she smirked.
"What do you mean 'ditched Lark'? And he's NOT my boyfirned!" I spat.
"Oh, i see. Just...friends?" she looked Chip up and down.
"I don't know how you can resist." her green eyes sparkled.
"Anyways, Petal, let's get training, shall we?" Lark says, obviously annoyed.
"Of course, sweetie." Petal skips out of the room and I rolled my eyes.
"She's attractive." Chip says once they were out. I slap him gently.
"Try to steal Peak's girl and he'll try to steal your life." I say, smiling up at him.
"Not that I like her. I only got my eye's set for one girl." he looks up through the flaps.
"Nevermind." he shakes his head, clearing his thoughts.
"Just rest." he strokes my hair, and I soon fall into a deep sleep, resting on Chip.


"Awww!" I hear and wake to Poppy's voice.
"You two would make such a good couple!" she exclaimed. Chip is still sound asleep, and I try to imagine what we would like like to her.
One boy. One girl. Girl's head and right arm rested on boy's chest. His hand is rested on her hair. She is sound asleep, head near his heart. His head is gently rested on hers.
Yikes. Doesn't sound like just two friends trying to comfort eachother. I don't mind though. Maybe I don't want to be friends. I just close my eyes, falling asleep to his strong, strady heart beat.
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Re: Hidden Behind the Shadows -Please PM about it!-

Postby broodingtulip » Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:54 pm

---6 weeks later---


Chip slowly lifted the cast off my leg.
"There you go, all better!" he exclaimed, looking proud of your self. I wiggled my toes and smiled.
"It's good to be free." I said, moving my leg.
"Just be careful and remeber to not-"
"I know, mom!" I said, laughing at his horrified face. We had moved around, and were now in a clearing in the middle of the forest. It was midday, the sun was shining down at us. Everyone else had gone hunting, but Chip said it was the day I would be free of my cast, so he wanted to do the honors.
"Can we go for a run?" I asked.
"Well..." I gave him my best puppy dog face and he smiled.
"Fine, let's go." he gave me a hand and I gladly accepted.
"Where to?"
"Umm...the lake?" I asked. He nodded and took off, me catching up easily. I pushed myself harder and harder, until we were at the lake. Chip was a few steps behind me, panting.
"Man you could run." he said.
"Man you're unfit." I exclaimed, using the same tone. He pretended to look hurt.
"After everything I did for you." he said, shaking his head. Then a sichevious smile played on his lips, and before I knew it, I was in the midddle of the lake, soaked. A huge splashed followed shortly after, and I looked over to se Chip smiling smugly at me.
"You are so going to pay for that!" I exclaimed.
"How so, sweetheart?"
"This!" I said, splashing him before diving underwater. I swam alittle before I resurfaced. I lay on my back floating gently, when I heard my name being whispered fiercely. I got up abrupltly, seeing Chip on his back with his eyes closed. I silently swam to the edge of the lake, towanrds a bush when I saw a blonde head peep out.
"Sky?" the boy asked.
"Blondie?" I asked,
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