critique corner | open - looking for critics!

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critique corner | open - looking for critics!

Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:29 am





                    welcome to the critique corner! here, all writers will be able to get what they always want: good old fashioned critique on their work. it's always hard to find people with the extra time to critique or to get attention on writing threads. here, we hope to alleviate that problem! this thread is completely devoted and geared towards giving users critique, whether it be on long pieces or short pieces, essays or poetry, stories or songs. our critics will focus on your mechanics, your structure, your ideas, and anything else that you may want or need. just scroll down and check out who's free and get that feedback!

                    please note that all the critics here are volunteers. please be kind, courteous, and patient with them! they want to help as much as you want them to, but sometimes there are other things that must preoccupy their time. rest assured, everyone will do their best!

                    well, what are you waiting for? let's get cracking
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Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:55 am




                  1. no bashing other people's work. ever.
                  2. no plagiarizing other people's work. ever.
                  3. please be as patient and understanding as possible. all the critics here are volunteers, and they have lives, as well!
                  4. please, don't be rude. no one likes unnecessarily rude people.
                  5. you'll have three warnings until you're officially banned from the thread
                  6. plagiarizing or incessantly bashing people will get you reported. you've been warned!
                  7. make sure to check a critic's roster before you ask them to be your critic.
                  8. make sure to check a critic's word limit before you ask them to be your critic. a few hundred words over won't kill anyone, but 1,000+ words over the limit is a bit too much.
                  9. keep on topic! let's not talk about the weather or the latest political upset, yeah?
                  10. forms can just be posted on the thread. we'll make sure someone picks you up. only quote your form once every page.
                  11. pm critic forms to me. I'll be judging a lot in terms of mechanics.
                  12. critics, please make sure to keep me up to date on your rosters [if you've picked a piece up, if you've finished a piece, etc.] so I can keep the directory as up to date as possible. sorry for the trouble, but we want to run everything as smoothly as possible! either pm me or post on here. ^^
                  13. critics, feel free to ask another critic for a critique. this thread is for everyone!
                  14. please enjoy yourself!
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Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:06 am







                  1. eden .
                    preferred genre(s): fiction in general. I prefer prose over poetry. I can edit essays, too. mmmmm, essays. I actually love critiquing and writing super interesting essays [I'm a nerd;;]
                    genre(s) written: fiction. fiction, fiction, fiction, fiction. again, all prose. they've been realistic fiction, historical fiction, supernatural, fantasy, semi-romantic ...
                    I've also written rhetorical essays, your standard five-paragraph essays, document based essays, a ten page thesis ...
                    word limit: 2,000 - 3,000 words. sorry, but I rarely have time for extensively longer ;;
                    roster: 0 of 3
                    sample: writing blog [not all rated G]

                  2. Rose ;
                    preferred genre(s): Anything but poetry
                    genre(s) written: Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic, Romance, Thriller, Action, Screenplays, Supernatural, Realistic, Fiction
                    word limit: 10,000 words at a time. That's about four chapters in a regular pieced book.
                    roster: 0 of 3
                    writing sample: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1847752#p57245318

                  3. Electra Heart
                    preferred genre(s): I prefer prose. I like poetry but I'm rubbish at critiquing it. I love historical fiction and fantasy, but I'd be glad to critique any genre.
                    genre(s) written: I usually write historical fiction or fantasy, but I've written a few (awful) poems.
                    word limit: No more that 1,000.
                    roster: 0 of 2
                    writing sample: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1827248

                  4. Artesian
                    preferred genre(s): Pretty much anything that's prose (I also do screenplays).
                    genre(s) written: Sci-fi, humour and fantasy, mainly, but I dabble.
                    word limit: I'll be willing to read a sample of up to 4000 words or so, and if I like it I may offer to read and critique more.
                    roster: 0 of 3, but it may take me a week to get back to you (due to the detailed nature of the critique I tend to do. If you want a swifter response, ask for a short critique.)
                    writing sample: Please refer to my writing page on CS or on AS.

                  5. Sonmi-451
                    preferred genre(s): Any sort of fiction that isn't poetic in nature.
                    genre(s) written: Sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, short stories
                    word limit: 1000 - 2000 words
                    roster: If the pieces are short (like two to three thousand word short stories) I could do up to five of those at one time. The limit for those approaching my word limit would be more like only two at a time.
                    0 of 3
                    writing sample: This short story is probably one of my best, most recent works.

                  6. Rolly-chan
                    preferred genre(s): prose -- (Psychological) Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Humour
                    poetry -- metric and rhyming poems and ballads, free verse not so much, but I can try (I generally like poetry, free verse as well, I just like metric and rhyming ones way better)
                    and plays
                    genre(s) written: Supernatural, Romance, Slice of Life, Fantasy (urban and high)
                    word limit: there's no limit, but the length determines how long it will take for me to critique
                    roster: depends on the length of the pieces, from one to three
                    writing sample: From the Ashes, Crumbling Castles In The Sky, Poetry Collection. My most recent works are sadly only on paper and/or not appropriate for CS

                  7. Jadeghost
                    preferred genre(s): I prefer fantasy genres, nothing overly realistic unless the plot really captivates me. Ill read anything fantasy; whether it be set historically, present day, or futuristic. I can sometimes read sci-fi; it honestly depends on each individual piece. I prefer stories with elements of the supernatural, dragons and other medieval lore, magic, etc.
                    I am not as experienced with reading poetry so I would not feel comfortable critiquing any at this time.
                    genre(s) written: I am in the process of writing a very extensive fantasy novel, set in a medieval time period. That's really all I write (:
                    word limit: I'll read anything that doesn't take me longer than a half hour! I read extremely quickly, so if your piece would take a normal paced reader 45 minutes to finish, I can probably fit it in!
                    roster: 0 of 3
                    writing sample: This is a recent roleplay post of mine.
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on hiatus

Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:16 am






                    theses critics are currently on hiatus. please don't request them!
                  1. witch.
                    preferred genre(s): fantasy, slice of life/realism, sci-fi, any poetry
                    genre(s) written: I jump between realism and fantasy, no specific range.
                    word limit: Two-three thousand
                    roster: I can handle 1-2 a week
                    writing sample: recent example

                  2. team free kick sass
                    preferred genre(s): I'll read just about anything that has a good story and keeps me up late into the night saying "just one more chapter]. Althought I really do enjoy sci-fi and fantasy. I like feeling as though I'm in another world when I read.
                    genre(s) written: I generally write fantasy. I just love creating up new creatures, new worlds, etc. I feel like when I write fantasy, I have a lot more control over what I can and cannot do. Does that make sense?
                    word limit: I really am not willing to read any more than roughly 2500. But remember, if you have some writing that's like, 2650, don't hesitate to contact me!
                    roster: 0 out of 5 of my spots are filled.
                    writing sample: this is just the first chapter of something i may or may not continue.

                  3. opia.
                    preferred genre(s): romance, tragedy, poetry, historical, fantasy, medieval times
                    genre(s) written: play / movie scripts, poetry, romance, tragedy, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, medieval times
                    word limit: about 7000 words
                    roster: 0/5
                    writing sample: samples. 'm OPIA ?!

                  4. Ciel
                    preferred genre(s): I do really enjoy poetry, and probably put more meaning into it then I do to my prose. As far as genres, for both I like darkness, anger, pain, sadness, post-apocalyptic, that sort of unhappy junk. If it's happy/cheery, I probably won't be able to help.
                    genre(s) written: I have written poetry about darkness, sorrow, and pain. Tried happy, it didn't turn out as well as I'd have liked. In prose, I've recently been writing a post-apocalytpic story for a contest, and wrote a story called "The Mentalist", which is about an insane guy.
                    word limit: I quite honestly do not have a word limit, but I don't want some million word trilogy. I've been told I'm an adept and quick reader, so length isn't much of a problem.
                    roster: I would say around 5-7 pieces, maybe I can take on more. I read a book called "Monument 14" and started around 10 PM, then finished at aound 2 AM in the same night.
                    0 of 7
                    writing sample: I'll offer a piece of poetry and a piece of prose, just so you can grasp how much different they can be. poetry, prose

                  5. Kirarya
                    preferred genre(s): poetry; any and all fascinates me, including plays! I adore Shakespeare in particular. prose; I really only read fiction, but lots and lots of fiction! Fantasy is definitely one of my favorite genres, 'specially those with mythical beings and such, though I do have to say I love realism just as much. Romance and mysteries are of particular interest to me as well.
                    genre(s) written: poetry; a few random pieces for our school competition. prose; all fiction. Romance, fantasy, hurt/comfort, angst, and lots and lots of fanfiction! Most of my work is realism.
                    word limit: I honestly don't want to have a word limit, but I'd have to say that 15,ooo words is about my maximum.
                    roster: I'm only willing to take two at a time for now.
                    writing sample: Visit my thread!

                  6. The Burning Rose
                    preferred genre(s): anything but poetry, please. I simply cannot advise people on poetry since I have no knowledge of it and suck at symbolism. I'll even read essays and characters, whether it be overall of just one part of them.
                    genre(s) written: I've never done poerty other than for school, so mostly all prose and role-plays, of pretty much any genre, although I do prefer realistic and fantasy opposed to horror or thrillers.
                    word limit: On average I'll read something up to 5,000 or 6,000, although occasionally I'll take on something longer. Don't be hesitant to ask!
                    roster: I don't have a real limit on how many I'll take on at a time, but general rule of thumb no more than three at a time, since otherwise you'll be waiting a while.
                    writing sample: here is a prose

                  7. [ lily evans. ]
                    preferred genre(s): i'm fine with both prose and poetry, along with essays/articles. i'm fond of fanfictions (so long as it's a fandom i'm part of), and i'll read just about anything poetry-wise; for prose i'd most prefer fantasy, sci-fi, and possibly historical fiction (pirates are all yeses) or mystery, but i may read a realistic fiction if it strikes my interest.
                    genre(s) written: i've done a lot of poetry (i'm actually going to have one of my poem published in a book this december, i believe), along with a lot of fanfiction. i've started some fiction, but i've not really finished any yet.
                    word limit: i can read a few chapters at a time, i'll put my max at 25,000 (about one hundred pages in an average book), but i can read more depending on my interest in the individual piece and how easy it is to read.
                    roster: depending on length, two to five.
                    writing sample: my best work is this avengers clintasha drabble, but i also have one chapter of a bbc sherlock teen mormor fic
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Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:17 am




                  1. critic form
                    please apply only if you are confident that you will be able to correctly advise another peer! remember: pm these to me. please don't do anything funky with the coding so I can just copy and paste it in ^^
                    Code: Select all
                    [b][color=#84C4C3][ username here ][/color][/b]
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]preferred genre(s)[/color][/b]: what do you like the read? include prose and/or poetry.
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]genre(s) written[/color][/b]: what have you written in the past (the most often)? include prose and/or poetry
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]word limit[/color][/b]: how long of a piece are you willing to read (be realistic here!)?
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]roster[/color][/b]: how many pieces at a time are you willing to read (take your word limit into account, here)?
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]writing sample[/color][/b]: a sample of (recent) writing you've done. it can be as long or short as you'd like. I'm going to be rather tough on mechanics and structure, since you'll (essentially) be teaching others the dos and don'ts of writing. a link would be preferred.

                  2. critique-seeker form
                    just post these on the thread. if we miss you, repost -- but only once per page.
                    Code: Select all
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]username here[/color][/b]
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]preferred critic[/color][/b]: choose as many or as few as you'd like, but put at least one down. things will go faster if you put someone you'd like right off the get-go. check their rosters, first!
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]piece you'd like critique on[/color][/b]: if it's a long piece, a link would be more preferable.
                    [b][color=#84C4C3]would you like the critique pm'd or posted on the thread?[/color][/b]: preference [or lack thereof] here!
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Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:17 am




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Postby eden . » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:26 am




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brand new thread - wooohooo

Postby Isa. » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:44 am

preferred critic: asian :D /anyone else
piece you'd like critique on:
      Rain was pouring down. Endless rain, it seemed, coupled with a cloud that obscured my already limited vision even further. It’s not like I leave my house very often. In fact, I hardly ever even leave my place at the gap in the curtain, in front of an all-glass wall. It’s not like I go to work, like the people who scurry about the streets every day, more often than not hidden by their black umbrellas , shielding themselves from the never ending downpour. Mere specks of black on a grey pavement, in a colourless world. The 42nd floor is a long way up, but I barely notice it anymore. The few people who visit me wonder how I can live like this; a set of small rooms high in the sky, with glass walls all around, framed by the heavy cream-coloured curtains with the smudges at the bottom, indication of my presence as a child. The fingerprints and brushstrokes a reminder of the happy days with the paints spread out on the dark carpet, looking out of this very window and attempting to draw a less dreary scene, my childish imagination brightening up the world. It was a long time ago.

      The doorbell rings, but I am afraid to go and reveal whoever stands behind it. Instead, I sulk around the doorway, pacing back and forth under the pretense of being busy. “Just a minute!” I call, my voice cracking from misuse. I sound ill, but maybe it’s just the echo of my voice in a bare rooms I inhabit. The memory of the last time I let someone into this flat still hangs in the air, a reminder of the solemn voices, the police badges and the sirens that could be heard from across the city. It’ll be different this time. It’ll be fine. My hands quiver as I turn the key in the lock, the screeching noise a rude reminder that I needed to oil it. I should have oiled it ages ago. The door creaks open, the hinges protesting as they move to reveal a young man with a package in his hands “A package for...” he checks the address “Zachary Mitchell.”

      In an instant, everything hits me again, double the force it had when it first happened. Tears well up in my eyes, my hands are no longer following my commands. “Yes, he’s my fiance, I’ll take it for him” I say, my voice barely over a whisper. He must think I’m insane. Maybe I am. “Sign here please ma’am” he says, uncertainty shaking his voice, gesturing to a place towards the bottom of a slip of paper, balancing the package on one knee. I take the pen he offers, trying to get my signature down, but all I manage is a scrawl, a poor copy of my usual neat script. “Thank you, Good day!” He replies, thrusting the package into my arms and making to leave. He seems anxious to get away. Maybe he has a lot to do, maybe I scare him. He’s young, maybe as old as me. He can’t deal with a woman breaking down on him. Maybe he has a girlfriend at home. He probably has his own problems. Of course he has. I should have stopped wallowing in self pity long ago.

      My self-control leaves me as I close the door, almost slamming it behind me and turning the key. My hands start sweating, the package threatening to slip from my fingers. I quickly set it down, sinking to my knees beside it. You’re foolish, Tori I tell myself for the umpteenth time. No use. I try to catch my breath and calm down as hyperventilation takes hold again. Not a good idea to pass out now, who knows when I might wake up again. I could just loose consciousness, and nobody would notice. Or something unspeakable with a ceramic knife. It’s really ornamental, I have no real use for it; I haven’t cooked for a while. But it’s blade is sharp. My thoughts stray, my breathing starts going back to normal, I find the strength to reach out onto the table. I need the razor blade, the long slim one that lies neatly on the glass tabletop, forcing me to scratch my fingernails across the slick and slightly dusty surface to get a grip.

      For a moment, it hovers above my scarred wrist, the only thing I have to do is make a small movement and watch the blood seep out of me. A distraction from the emotional pain, maybe just once. To treat myself. Who am I kidding? It’s not going to stay at one. A look at the package changes my mind; Zach wouldn’t have wanted my blood on a package of his. It’s from Amazon, and very late. He ordered this weeks, maybe months ago. I’m not quite sure what it contains; he ordered a lot of things, mostly books and CDs, sometimes some pieces of jewellery for me or himself. I’ve packed it all away, neatly put away in a separate room to one side of the apartment, one I never have to go into. The razor blade slides into the tape securing the box flaps, slicing through it in seconds. The package falls apart in my hands, apparently it had been broken and re-secured halfway through its journey.

Thank you! <3
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Re: critique corner | open + looking for critics!

Postby Artesian » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:47 am

((*cough cough apparently I was supposed to PM the form))

I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!
Last edited by Artesian on Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am moving! For the next month or so, I am going to be so very busy.
If I'm on here, it's because I'm unwinding with writing or pets or whatever.
Please do not add to my stress, if you can. Your support is appreciated.


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Re: critique corner | open + looking for critics!

Postby ɪᴍᴘᴏssɪʙʟᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ. » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:04 am

        { Imma gonna bookmark this page ^-^


XxxxxxX Dreamer;
1. a person who dreams.
2. a person who lives in a
world of fantasy; one who
is impractical and unrealistic.
3. a person whose ideas or
projects are considered
audacious or highly speculative;

XxXHello there! I am Impossible
XxxXDreamer. I am a ginger girl
XxX in high school in the age group
XxX of 14-16. I enjoy writing, role-
XxX playing, singing, and acting.
XxxX I role play human fiction,
XxX warrior's, and realistic fiction
XxX semi-lit to full literature. I love
XxXLord of the Rings, Percy Jackson,
XxXDoctor Who, Once Upon a Time,
XxXAvatar the last Air bender, and
XxXjust...all of Disney! If you'd like
XxXme to join a RP or to talk about
XxXany topic PM me! If you'd like a XXXXXXX DREA ...
XxXsignature like this one click here
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