☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby Nyverria » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:12 am

4 years|Female|Alpha
Tagged: Open
Another day had went by during winter. It was getting close to spring and Nyverria laid in her den staring at the tunnel leading out of her den. Voices echoed through the tunnel of her pack rustling around in the cave. A heavy sigh escaped her may as she couldn't wait for winter end and spring to begin but that also meant she needed to carry on the tradition of assigning mates to keep the pack strong and to grow in numbers. A faint light had shown through her tunnel, the sun was rising and the female needed to get patrols assigned to keep the territory in check and food in the pack's bellies.
As Nyverria arose from the comfort of her den, the dark colored female made her way through the tunnel and sat right outside of the entrance to her den; she wanted to wait until the pack were all in the main open area before she assigned patrols. As she sat there, she happened to notice snow falling from the sky and a small breeze flowing into the pack's cave. "It is going to be cold out there today." the fae thought to herself as she gazed out the cave.

6 years|Male|Follower
Tagged: Open
"It's freezing cold..." Loki mumbled to himself as he sat there with his back up against a rock while he felt his pelt prickle with goosebumps. He gritted his teeth as he shot a look at his oh so amazing alpha, Orbit. They small pack was just at the beginning of what seemed to be a pathway leading towards some vast trees or something. Loki didn't care. He wanted to keep warm.
The wind blew against his fur which didn't help his case whatsoever which made him want to begin to complain about the cold weather. Whatever was on the other side of this little pathway into a forest.. he hoped there was food and shelter. While the older brute sat there freezing, he kept his head low and just stared at Orbit waiting to see what this younger wolf had planned.. or had anything planned at all.

4 years|Female|Scout
Tagged: Open
The white fae arose from where she slept to see some of her pack still asleep. She carefully made her way out of the den and into the open area of the cave. She looked towards the small pile of prey which rested where mothers and elders reside the closest and there wasn't much there. As she made her way over to the prey pile all she saw was a little bit of leftover deer and three rabbits. A silent sigh left her breath as she stepped away from the prey pile knowing that the alpha and theta eat first since there are no mothers or elders. The small female laid just near the mouth of the cave watching the snow fall which was perfect cover for her during the winter since she doesn't have to use her abilities as much while she scouts the territory.

5 years|Male|Warrior
Tagged: Open
Aragorn was sleeping in the far right of the den where the majority of the pack resides. His dark green eyes watched Whisper leave the den but he refused to get up right now. Winter has been tough this year and the brute was ready for spring to come. A slightly growl of irritating left his maw as he continued to laydown in the den. A while after, Aragorn rose to his paws and made his way out to the cave clearing and noticed so far the alpha and a scout so far and barely anything in the prey pile. Hopefully the alpha sends out the hunting patrol soon but with so few wolves, either himself or Twilight will end up going with the hunting party as well.
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Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby Rae'tia » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:06 am

Male | 3 years | Hunter
Tags: Open

Stretching as he awoke, Arius let out a wordless growl. Shaking out his coat, he blinked the sleep out of his eyes and gave a silent tongue curling yawn. The brute padded lazily out of the den and into the more open part of the cave. Giving his shoulders a roll, the canine sighed as he looked around. Only a few seemed to be up and awake, but that didn't bother him as he wasn't the most social wolf around. Glancing at the prey-pile and huffed, glancing over at the packs alpha, before searching for Arctos; the pack's theta.

Female | 2 1/2 years | Scout
Tags: Open

Sightless violet eyes flickered open, darkness greeting her once more. It was something she lived with, she'd never been able to see what the world truly looked like. Never seen her mother, or her father, or any other relations. Dreams were in a strange grey-scale, as while color escaped her figuring out the shape of things, was easy for her. Though she had no idea about what color was darker than another, she had a general idea about how each wolf in the pack looked. So when she blindly stumbled onto others and had her senses lowered as far as she could, the she-wolf could rather easily figure out who it was by build and the texture of their fur. Zena always awoke rather quickly, and this morning was no different. Padding out of the den, the silvery fae paused by the prey-pile, then elevated her hearing and quickly backed several steps away from the pile. She'd assumed that the alpha and theta had been awake for a while and eaten already. It seemed that at the very least that Arctos was either not yet fully awake, or not close enough for her to hear him.

Female | 3 years | Theta
Tags: Open

Heva rumbled happily as she awoke, lifting her head and getting to her paws to stretch. She glanced around the ragtag group and half-heartedly sighed. Shaking out her coat, the white female mentally went over the list of things she needed to do that day. One of which included checking the others for any injures. Heva found that few told her about any wounds that gained, and for the most part, she figured she only healed the worst of their wounds. Those that were infected, or wounds that could be deadly if they became deadly, or just purely deadly. Shaking her head, the fae turned her heal intent on getting something to eat before some fat-headed wolf took more than their share.

Male | 5 years | Follower
Tags: Open

While Sarus could be called lazy from time to time, he was also an early bird with good time management skills. So, having awakened before the others, the brute had left and had just been returning when the bulk of the others were starting to mill about. In his jaws, two hares, and a pheasant swung. He glanced around the group and swung the two hares towards the middle to let them decide who would get them, while he ate the pheasant. While it was rather cold this morning, he'd decided that he wasn't going to let it bother him. After finding a place to lay down and eat, the male began to de-feather the pheasant, mouth-watering at the prospect of a fresh meal that he didn't have to fight anyone for.
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☾✧ 001

Postby direwolf. » Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:14 am

      male.xxfour years.xxlumnora theta.xxmentions: --xxtags: nyverria
      xxxxxArctos had spent his morning organizing all the different herbs that he had collected in his den. With everything in its rightful place, he decided to check if it was morning. As he padded down the long tunnel leading out, he noticed that it was bright out. He dipped his head to other wolves as he walked by and made his way to the prey pile. He scooped up a smaller hare before finding a place to eat it. He had eyed the prey pile and noticed how few prey was left to eat. The theta felt guilty that he had something to eat while some may go without this morning. He moved closer to the cave to be out of the falling snow that seemed to blend into his pelt whenever it fell on him. It would be a rough day for the hunters.
      xxxxx"Good morning, Nyverria." He greeted the alpha after he set down his smal hare. Sitting back on his haunches, he leaned his head down to start eating his breakfast. "Assuming we have hunting patrols today, I am willing to join seeing as we have such few hunters at the moment. I have nothing else to do today." He offered, looking to the alpha.

      female.xxone year.xxlumnora omega.xxmentions: --xxtags: --
      xxxxxRune slept in the small gathering area of the pack. She was pressed up against the wall, so she would not trip other wolves who would be rising in the morning. It was always cold and lonely seeing as she was the only omega, and she did not share a space with other wolves. She did not have the luxury of having other wolves' body heat to keep her warm. She laid there with her head on her paws, watching other wolves move about. Not wanting to be seen, she allowed herself to go invisible.

      male.xxfive years.xxloner alpha.xxmentions: --xxtags: --
      xxxxxIt was a cold day today, but that was not going to stop Orbit in his tracks. He was on the hunt for shelter and a good place for hunting. He could already tell that the area they were in was prosperous. The further they came this way, the more prey that he saw. The pack had eaten well the last couple of days, but nowhere to actually call their home. He discovered a pathway leading between vast trees, and his instincts told him that this was the way to go. He had waited for the sun to rise before they continued along the path way. He did not want to stumble upon anything during the dark hours of the night.
      xxxxx"Let's get going, everyone! We will find shelter today." He barked to the group, catching Loki's watchful gaze, but he ignored it. Giving a flick of his ear, he padded down the pathway to what he hopes would be shelter for his pack. He was only going off his gut instinct. He just had a feeling that something was beyond this pathway. As the group continued, he started to pick up on various scents.. fellow wolves. His tail raised as his eyes narrowed slightly, but he continued on.

      female.xxfour years.xxloner follower.xxmentions: --xxtags: sarus
      xxxxxSaeth was to her paws when Orbit barked his orders. Finally, she had been waiting to get a move on! Their pace that they were going was far too slow for someone like her. She could have been down this pathway days ago thanks to her speed. However, not all wolves had such speed, so she had been forced to walk slowly, painfully slowly, with the others.
      xxxxxAs Orbit started to walk down the pathway, she noticed Sarus who was enjoying his meal. Swishing his tail, she hurried over to him. "Come on, Sarus! Things are finally getting exciting." She barked, lowering her head and trying to tear off a small bit of meat from the pheasant that he was eating. She did this in a quick manner, hoping he did not catch her.
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Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby strawbs. » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:50 am


      R T E M I S | tags: open
      x female xx loner straggler xx 4 yr xx hetero x
      xsoul link; healing trance x


      artemis shook off the cold as much as she could, but her body was still overtaken by another violently shiver as the wind blew past her. she curled in tighter into herself, though still keeping eyes and ears alert for any disturbances, possibly food. at the thought, her stomach growled, as if to remind her even more. she managed to find a little hideaway, though it still felt like it wasn't enough to shelter her from the cold or any other dangers. what if someone found her, someone that wasn't nice? what would she do then? that made her pick her head up, as a sense of unease filled her gut. her mind was just playing with her again. when will she be able to rest?

      W I L I G H T | tags: open
      x female xx lumnora warrior xx 3 yr xx bix
      x paranoia inducement; umbrakinetic constructs; enhanced smell x


      the black wolf rose from her peaceful slumber, eyes fluttering open and glancing around to see some of her pack still asleep. she stretched and let a yawn out before shifting onto her feet, where she shook off any debris. quietly, she made her way out of the comforting den and blinked slowly while looking around. twilight decided to settle herself off to the side of the open area, brushing through her fur with her tongue as she awaited on more wolves to wake up.

      M A R O K | tags: open
      x male xx loner follower xx 2 1/2 yr xx demi x
      x clairaudience; apathy x


      "yeesh, it's cold. amarok muttered to himself. despite the freezing temperatures, though, he kept his chipper, energetic mood. a clump of snow fell on his nose from a tree branch that hovered above him and he swiftly shook it off with a yelp. "that was not nice!" he said to the tree, as if it could listen to him and speak back. he launched himself forwards once again to be near the front of the group, not wanting to miss anything. he perked up even more when pack's leader orbit mentioned shelter. "oh boy, are we finally going to have a place to stay for longer than a day?" he wasn't really talking to anyone in particular, just speaking what he was thinking out into the open, frigid air.

      I L K A S | tags: open
      x male xx lumnora trainee xx 10 mo xx bix
      x power disrupt; enhanced staminax


      vilkas' eyes fluttered open. he picked his head up, yawning as he observed his surroundings; there were some still wolves sleeping, he realized. maybe he could get away with resting his eyes a little more, too? he made his decision, laying his head back down and shifting to a more comfortable position. just a few more minutes.
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Postby leaving… » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:57 pm

    . ── K A I
    ( 4 yrs ) ( male ) ( lumnora beta ) ( sharp tail, infrared vision )
    ( tags: --- )

      a shiver ran down the male's spine as he was awoken by the brisk air moving throughout the den. kai gave a deep sigh at the thought of having to get up in the frigid weather. he was counting down the days until the warmth arrived. still not fully awake, the male's ears twitched at the sounds of movement within the cave. he tried to soak in the last few seconds of sleepiness before his eyes fluttered open. he noticed the small prey pile and as if on cue, his stomach began to rumble. if needed, he would gladly assist the hunters on their morning trip. the male stretched and let out a yawn, uncovering his teeth. kai looked around and smiled at the sight of his pack. he was grateful to have a family of his own, especially during the cold winter. he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be out on his own. some of the wolves were sleeping, while others were chatting quietly. he rose to a sitting position and waited for nyverria to give them a plan for the day.
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Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby Nyverria » Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:34 am

4 years|Female|Alpha
Tagged: Arctos
Nyverria watched as the rest of the pack began to awaken. She took notice of Arctos grabbing something from the kill pile and returning back near to where the fae sat. "Good morning, Arctos." the female replied in a calm manner as she shifted her attention to the white male. Nyverria listened to the male's offer on going on a patrol but she was a little hesitant on the situation. 'Perhaps he could assist on going hunting..' she thought to herself as she lifted her head to see who was up and about before she made the decision. "I suppose you could help assist in the hunting patrol today." the female said as she gazed at the male watching him take a bite out of his prey.

Nyverria let out a bark which would echo throughout the cave tunnels to get her pack's attention for the patrol assignments. As she waited for her pack to gather around, she looked at each wolf before speaking "The snow is falling and hunting will be tough but winter is just around the mountain." Nyverria began as she sat tall, "Only a few more moons of the frigid cold and then we will have a wonderful spring to look forwards to along with the blood moon." Nyverria added. She wanted to keep her pack motivated to continue carrying out their duties but for some reason she felt as if they were slipping from her paws. "Vilkas, Aragorn and Arctos...Arius will lead the hunting patrol along with you three." the female said as she looked at each of the wolves she named off. "I hope your hunt is successful and that the pack will be able to feast tonight." she added and then looked towards both Whisper and Zena. "Whisper and Zena,as expected another patrol around the border please." Nyverria barked at the two female scouts. "Dismissed." the alpha barked and stood up to travel back towards her den. Nyverria needed to think about the nightly patrols and didn't want to exhaust her scouts. As she ade her way back to her den..the charcoal colored alpha laid in her nest and began to plot for tonight.

6 years|Male|Follower
Tagged: Open
Loki watched as one of the followers had brought back food and kept the pheasant for himself. The male was only interested in finding somewhere warm instead of fighting this blasted cold all the time. Loki noticed that their 'fearless' leader glanced his way before calling the rest of this makeshift pack to get moving. So Loki followed behind the pack and soon began to smell the scent of other wolves... they weren't the scents of his pack but another pack. "So Orbit!" Lokie called to the other male as he bounced his way up towards the pack leader. "What are we going to do about these wolves?" the brute questioned with a smirk on his face as he held his head high. "There is no telling how many there are in this forest...for all we know we could be walking into a trap." Loki added as he kept his eye on Orbit the whole time. As arrogant as he was being right now, Loki sure was wondering what their pack leader was thinking.

4 years|Female|Scout
Tagged: Zena
Whisper perked her ears once the alpha called for the morning patrols. The fae made her way close to her fellow scout, Zena before the alpha began to speak. With it being so cold and snow falling, she listened to Nyverria trying to keep everyone motivated. She was right, spring was just around the mountain and spring would be here before the pack knew it. The female listened as the alpha talked about the hunting patrol and then perked her ears once the alpha called for Zena and herself. As normal, the two would go out and scout the borders to keep their territory and pack safe from any threat. Once the meeting was dismissed, the fae looked over towards Zena. "I am ready to go whenever you are." Whisper said in a quiet tone. Her voice was probably the softest and lowest voice within the entire pack hence why she was named 'Whisper'. Deep down, the female hated it but she can't change what she was meant to be.

5 years|Male|Warrior
Tagged: Arctos, Arius, Vilkas
As always, the Alpha's bark was a signal to gather around for the morning patrols. The larger male sat there listening to his clever alpha speak and noted that he was to be with Arctos, Arius and Vilkas. Aragorn was curious as to why Arctos the healer was assigned to come on this hunting trip. Once the meeting had been dismissed, the male made his way towards the Theta. "Have you come to aid our wounds for this hunt?" the male teased but still quite curious as to why he was joining a hunter, trainee and a warrior on the hunt.
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Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby Faemyse » Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:20 am

Female | 3 years | Loner (No pack)
Tags: Open

Frostbite had finally stirred awake upon the chill of a new morning, grinning lightly to herself as she licked her lips and stretched her paws out in front of her."Good morning winter" She chuckled happily to herself and shakes herself to fluff up her pelt before stepping out of her underground den and peered around curiously. "I wonder what I'll find out here today...." She muttered to herself quietly and yawned, exhaling a breath of cold mist before padding off towards pack territory to see if she could find any wolves today, or maybe some breakfast... Her efforts of keeping low to the ground and the winter snow keeping her hidden eventually rewarded her with a small chipmunk that had wandered out of its burrow a tad too early, she stalked forward and sniffed the air to make sure she was downwind of the small creature, it was no meal but a snack would have to do. The white wolf opened her mouth as a mist formed in front of her, and within it, a large orb of ice that was shot out from the small mist cloud and basically crushed the chipmunk on impact, dazing it. Frostbite wasted no time to jump forward and pounce on the little creature to end it right then and there, success. She picked up her small meal and wandered off somewhere else to eat it in peace.
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☾✧ 002

Postby direwolf. » Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:40 am

      male.xxfour years.xxlumnora theta.xxmentions: --xxtags: nyverria, aragorn
      xxxxxArctos dipped his head when Nyverria agreed that he could join the hunting partrol. Once he finished his food, he removed himself from the entrance of the alpha's den to join the rest of the members gathering when the alpha called for a meeting. He listened as she spoke about winter, the blood moon, and finally the patrols. He did his head once more when his name was assigned to the hunting patrol with the others. Once they were dismissed, he rose to his paws to find the others.
      xxxxxHowever, it seemed like the group would find him instead. One of the warriors, Aragorn, approached him and made a little joke. The theta cracked a smile and gave a small shake of his head. "If you are not careful then perhaps I may have to." He mused, his smile seeming to grow. "No, I thought I could be of some use since I have nothing else to do today, and we have few members who are on the hunting patrol at the moment." He explained before casting a quick glance around to see if he could spot Vilkas and Arius. He was in no rush to leave, but Arius was leading this hunt, and he did not want to be left behind.

      female.xxone year.xxlumnora omega.xxmentions: --xxtags: --
      xxxxxHearing the alpha call for a meeting, Rune allowed herself to become visible. Quietly, she rose to her paws and sauntered over to where the other wolves were gathering. She stayed closer to the back, but she was able to hear the powerful voice of their alpha. She did not like that winter was coming to its full effect. She could already feel one of her powers begin to drain. Little plants were struggling to breach through the snow covered ground.

      male.xxfive years.xxloner alpha.xxmentions: --xxtags: loki
      xxxxxOrbit flicked an ear when his name was called. Tilting his head to gaze over at the other brute, he listened to his question. He had never been too fond of Loki; it was like the male was always taunting him in some way, but he was not going to allow Loki to have the satisfaction of seeing him crack. "It is actually simple, Loki." He began, turning his gaze forward as he continued to walk through the tunnel of trees. "We'll play the woes is me pack that lost their home and seeking shelter. However, that does require us to play nice." He continued, speaking a bit louder to allow the other pack members to hear his plan. "Allow us to get our story straight.. We were ran out of our home by a wildfire in the fall, and we have been searching for a new location since then. We happened upon this little path and hoped to find shelter on the other side." He explained, his eyes gazing forward.

      female.xxfour years.xxloner follower.xxmentions: --xxtags: sarus
      xxxxxSaeth was to her paws when Orbit barked his orders. Finally, she had been waiting to get a move on! Their pace that they were going was far too slow for someone like her. She could have been down this pathway days ago thanks to her speed. However, not all wolves had such speed, so she had been forced to walk slowly, painfully slowly, with the others.
      xxxxxAs Orbit started to walk down the pathway, she noticed Sarus who was enjoying his meal. Swishing his tail, she hurried over to him. "Come on, Sarus! Things are finally getting exciting." She barked, lowering her head and trying to tear off a small bit of meat from the pheasant that he was eating. She did this in a quick manner, hoping he did not catch her.
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Re: ☾✧ The Lunar Eclipse | Wolf RP

Postby Faemyse » Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:15 am

Female | 3 years | Loner (No pack)
Tags: Entire Loner pack

Frostbite had just finished up the chipmunk before smelling... something new, her attention turned up as she finished off the chipmunk and licks her lips, ears perking up as there were... a surprising number of new wolf scents, outside of the one that she was used to smelling. When she got closer to the well traversed path in the forest, she saw it.... a large pack of wolves with one in the lead, barking commands. She tilts her head curiously before stepping out onto the path, in plain sight."You wolves are pretty lost, aren't you? And you're not of the wolf pack that lives here." She tilts her head curiously and sits on the ground, showing no signs of aggression.
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Postby leaving… » Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:32 am

    . ── K A I
    ( 4 yrs ) ( male ) ( lumnora beta ) ( sharp tail, infrared vision )
    ( tags: rune )

      kai's ears perked at the sound of his alpha's voice. he followed the other wolves as they gathered to listen to nyverria. he looked around at the other wolves and spotted rune. he noticed her become visible but she still stayed near the back. he tilted his head slightly at her before turning around to walk towards her. kai sat down beside her with a small smile. "i figured you could use some company back here," he said quietly, making sure to not be too loud while nyverria was talking. he grimaced slightly as a cold wind brushed against his pelt. "i have a feeling this winter is going to be the worst one yet," he said with a slight shudder. often, kai didn't mind the weather, especially because his abilities did not rely on the seasons, but for some reason he had been extra sensitive to the cold this year.

Last bumped by leaving… on Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:32 am.
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