CS Writing Competition - June Contest UPCOMING

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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby smelliott_ » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:04 am

January 2023
Link to Pet: Image
Pet's name: ♑Cappie🖤🖤
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
You here a faint bork behind you...
swirling around, you see a grey dog with the Capricorn zodiac symbol on its hindlegs.
"Hi, I'm Cappie!" he says, tail wagging. His heart-shaped glasses slide down the rim of his muzzle so that you see his stormy grey eyes, and he pushes them back up, careful not to drop his favorite stuffed horse. "My human wanted me to come here to tell you a story, so here I am!" he clears his throat, settling down into a comfortable position, waits until you do the same, and then begins his tale.
"So this was the new year of 2023. Crazy- my humans had been on and off sick all year! So we were all happy to be turning over a new leaf," he chuckled. "My humans do this thing every year- they call them 'resolutions'. Sometimes they actually go through with them! But, ah," he leaned in, one paw over his snout and whispered, "but not usually." He leaned back with a grin, pushing his glasses up again as they slid down, and continued. "I've never done one, but they do it every year so I think I get the gist of it. You have to quit a bad habit, or make a goal for yourself. So I made a goal!" his tail wagged excitedly. "Do you want to hear it?" he waits for you to say yes, which of course, you say yes, not wanting to make the best boi sad. "My goal is to stop losing all of my horses!" He says. "It's not a deep goal or anything, but I love the horse plushies that my human gives me, and I feel sad whenever I lose them." he says, whining a bit. "I've gone through four in two weeks before!" he says, eyes wide. "I got this cute grey one for Christmas from my human! Do you celebrate Christmas?" he waits for you to answer with a smile. "That's awesome!" he replies to you. "This horsie is my favorite, so my resolution is to not lose it! He lifts up the horse and places it on his back as he stands, tail wagging. He slides up his glasses once more, waving a paw at you. "Thanks for listening to my story!" he says, before bounding off back home, barking excitedly. You see the horse fall off his back. You call out to him, "Don't lose it!" and he laughs a little nervously, thanking you from afar before finally leaving.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January

Postby Creative_Fate » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:49 am

Pet's name: mike
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words: 236
This is Mike. Mike scares off many pets due to his scary appearance and smile. He runs over to me with tears in his eyes. I gasp and pick him up into my arms “what's wrong lovely?”
He sniffles as his voice wobbles “the other pets don’t want to be my friend!.. They say that I look too scary to be friends with me. They run away while I stay and cry.. I just want friends!”
“Awe.. Mike you poor love.. Look at me, it's a new year, a new chance, okay? Take a deep breath” the little bunny inhales to calm down as i wipe away his tears “I know how you feel, I’ve been nervous to approach people due to their perceptions of me.. Best you can do if try to show who you actually are, approach them slowly and offer something good about yourself! Draw or tell a funny joke! And you’ll see that they love you. Just be slow but confident”
He nods and wipes away his own tears, hopping over to the group of pets.. He hops slow and takes a deep breath “hi..” the other pets tense up, ready to run away. Mike’s voice quivered as he spoke up “please don't run.. I.. want to be friends.. I know I look scary but I really am nice. I want to be friends please give me a chance..” the other pets look at him and nod. He smiles big time and the other pets, smile in return, much more comfortable to be around him. His resolution? Be himself
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Guardian85 » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:41 am

January 2023
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Pet's name: Little X
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Little X has been around the longest of those in the PPS group. His job has always been to settle new pets into the group each month, though some months pass, where no new pets would arrive during the early part of the month. January was usually one of those months were, if there were new arrivals, then it would be later in the month rather than the end and sometimes December pets arrived early instead of during the middle of the month or near the end. As it happened, this year there were no new arrivals near the end so he had managed to get the new arrivals settled down amidst their new family and friends. He decided that he would throw a party this year, for New Years, to herald the arrival of the new “little year” that was sure to arrive. He knew there were others who took care of the New Years little years, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t celebrate it! So this year he went to one of the elders, who had been around about as long as he had. Graypatch. The elder rodent loved throwing parties, even though they needed help now and again doing so as the years passed. Between the two of them they set up a party for the newborns and the other little ones to celebrate the coming of the New Year with games like pin the tail and bean toss, fuzzy punch to drink at the time that midnight would pass and plenty of small prizes for the games as well as lots of good food to eat. There were pigs in a blanket, little smokies, leftover halloween candy, smores, sandwiches of all types, pizza, brownies and snack food like gummies, pretzel sticks and marshmallows for dipping into a chocolate fountain! Graypatch even stayed for the party to oversee the prizes and enjoy the food and fun with the little ones. He wasn’t the only one to go though as the word had spread to the other elders, who normally didn’t attend parties, who seemed happy to join them. It was a night of festivity for all.
Bday: Feb. 21st
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Lights: Off Until Next Year
I believe the world can be saved, but humanity is another story
When you add "very" and "extremely" before it... common itself isn't so common anymore

I always read posted rules, period. I'm not responsible if you change them after I've sent the trade the first time. I'm a returning player from a hiatus from 2016, if you have pets from the 2016 - 2021 on my WL I'm open to trades. If you want me to block you, ignore my event posts and trade rules. Ty for clicks.




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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Valkirya » Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:40 am

Link to Riona, the raven:

Riona is extremely old and know a lot of stories from long time ago. She lands on a broad branch, fluffs up and begins to talk:
It was the time when Uther Pendragon, the father of the well-known legendary figure King Arthur, lived. In a small village in Cumbria county lived a Welsh Corgi named Dylan. He knew all the Welsh Corgis of the Cumbria Dales. Dylan lived not far from Pendragon Castle. He loved to roam the forests and meadows, to visit the small villages and the castle. One day he was near Pendragon Castle, when he saw a large group of warriors and hunters marching out, accompanied by many bloodhounds. He ran alongside the hunting group for a while, calling to the bloodhounds, "Where are you going? What are you hunting?” “Dragonblood, Dragonblood, Dragonblood,” the other dogs barked.

Dylan stopped in shock and sat on his buttocks. Dragon slayers!!! For centuries the dragons had lived in peace. Dylan knew, had to call the other corgis together. They had to find a solution. He set off, but he knew that he could never run to all the villages so quickly to round up the corgis.

In the first village, Dylan sent the three corgis living there to three more villages. They should pass on the call and send the dogs out from other villages. They would be a little faster that way. In the afternoon he took a break at the edge of a forest and blinked tiredly in the evening sun. Suddenly he got a fright. He saw hundreds of little spots in the sky. As the dots got closer, Dylan realized they were fairies. It was the entire fairy people. The Fairy Queen landed on a rock in front of him. "Dylan, we come to the corgis to ask for help for the dragons. We know, corgis have big hearts. The hearts of the corgis would be the best hiding place to protect the dragons.” Dylan agreed. So the fairy queen sent most of fairies to all the villages in the county to unite the corgis. Some fairies flew to the dragons and guided them to a hiding place. That was where the corgis met them. Every dragon, without exception, was enclosed in the hearts of the corgis and thus protected.

Years passed and mankind forgot about dragons. The fairies and the corgis met and released the dragons. Finally they could spread their wings again. From then on dragons could live outside the hearts of corgis in an intermediate world. The dragons have never forgotten what the corgis and fairy folk did for them and have always protected them. They also gave the corgis their shadow.

Even today you can still see a dragon in the shadow of your Welsh Corgi if you are of a pure heart. Check yours :-)
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Bluebellpetals- » Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:19 pm

Pet's name: Toffee Tinselcrunch
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
I'm certainly not the best writer but I can try :D
As the new year dawned among toffee she realized she hadn't set a new year's resolution yet....hmm what to think of perhaps it should to be get more toys or maybe even more TREATS...???!?!¿¡! No not that she could barely fit 5 treats into her tiny tummy...then as of sudden she thought of it! I shall ask to get more sleep...right now just to get this to mom.....*insert cool ts* toffee had made the mighty journey to mum and gave her the small note "More sleep darling? Well one cannot force you to sleep but I may have something to help you sleep"the tall figure smiled lightly going to shuffle through some spare items pulling out a dark blue blanket with stars on it it's quite fluffy and just big enough for her!"here darling this might help with your sleep problem" they human said softly petting the small otter on the head and sending her off. Woooow my own blanket this will surely help me! And legend has it tiny toffee has had amazing sleep sense
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Kalid » Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:19 pm

January 2023
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It doesn't say no first person soooo here we go
Prompt: New year, new you... right? Tell us about your pet's New Year's resolutions and their plans for achieving them, or how they spent their New Year celebrations!
A cheer went up as midnight tolled in the square. A new day began. The first day of the year. The ninth time I've watched the New Year come, I joining my siblings in haunted merrymaking. Every year it was harder to remember the time those wispy skeletal wolves were once wispy chrysalis just like me. Now they flew with chilling grace, floating in the sky among the fireworks, adding an unseasonal eeriness to the surroundings.
I watched the fireworks bloom and fade into the sky. Foop - Foop - Foop! Three mortars were launched. BANG - BANG - fssssshh... Only two mortars sent out blooms. I felt sorry for the third.
A cacophony of explosions signaled the finale. My siblings landed around me to watch in awe- and it was a breathtaking finale, setting the midnight sky ablaze in a multitude of color.
After, we sat close and waited for our hearing to return, and watched the stars reveal themselves from behind thick clouds of remaining smoke.
My siblings chattered about their plans and resolutions. Their hopes and dreams. "I'm going to grow my own jack-o-lanterns this year!" "I want to learn how to make inks" "This year I want to be better about my bone-care cosmetics routine." I sat and listened, uneasy with the conversation.
"Brood, what about you?" I winced inwardly. In fact, I hadn't considered resolutions at all. The point of resolutions was to change, right? What use was that when I was stuck? I would never grow to be like my siblings.
"Eh, no big plans." I deflected. "I'm more curious about homemade inks though? How does that work?" I listened with relief as the topic changed into a long discourse about types of inks, their uses, and the pros and cons of trying each. Honestly, I had no idea several of my siblings knew enough to have such a detailed conversation about it, but at least it wasn't about me. It was actually kind of interesting.
That night, as I prepared for bed, I caught sight of my moisturizer bottle on the bathroom counter. Made with Linseed Oil it read. I scoffed at the thought of trying to add pigment particles to lotion. Crawling into my bed I realized that was a thought I wouldn't have had yesterday. I smiled. This was a different type of New Me than I had been longing for, but a change is a change. Even if I look the same as yesterday, the day before, and 9 years ago, I still change. I still am moving. I am a New Me.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Soul nom » Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:32 am

January 2023
Link to Pet:Image
Word count: 427 ((according to the wordcounter))

You received a invitation to join a party after Christmas, it was a new year party! so graciously accepted this invitation with high hopes of a brilliant party!

You arrived to a old looking house, someone had attempted to make it welcoming, yet the welcoming decorations were almost falling from the tape that hung them above the withered door, You became reluctant yet decided to slowly knock and open the door.

Gazing in, you see a lone dog sitting with his head hung low, he had prepared a feast for his guests, yet.. no one showed but you, he would notice you and perk up, even just a little before you could even get a wave in, he spoke up in an almost tired tone "Welcome! thank you for coming! I'm sorry but no one else has turned up yet, I understand it may be abit awkward for the time being but please help yourself." he fidgets with his bowtie before moving away from the food,sitting down on a worn chair as he pointed to the more comfortable looking seats "please, take a seat"

You hesitated, getting a grey frosted cupcake before you finally sit down, the seat was soft and warm, you allowed your shoulders to ease as you smiled, maybe he wasn't so bad after all , though you find him gazing at you, still creating a small uncomfortable feeling yet you continue to push it off , you begin giving small talk as you felt like it was absolutely needed, eventually you went to new years resolution you replied with ' Eating more snacks!' with a hearty laugh, eventually you ask about his.

He hesitated before giving a longing sigh [/b]" well... I was hoping to finally gain the courage to face the world, make friends.. ha- currently invitations were well- my first step was that! you're the first person to talk to me, even though you're probably creeped out, I just didn't want to face the world by myself[/b]" he softly sighed looking hopelessly at you, he seemed embarrassed.

You perked, suggesting he comes to your place as you knew full well he could make friends there prior you contact family and friends of your own, so you texted everyone you knew short noticed yet you know they'd come.
" why don't you pack your food you prepared and come with me?" you suggest.

He nodded and agreed,gathering plastic bags, he packed the food securely with your help, you are determined to help this awkward dog gather the courage to speak with people more than once, even if his name was odd.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby katze99000 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:12 am

January 2023
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When my brothers, sisters and me were born, we were thrown into this world for a whole month. We were everywhere. Thousands of us looking with small red eyes into this new place to explore. Wondering about where we would go. What our purpose would be in this life, just limited by the end of the screen. We knew we would be loved. Why else would there be so many of us if not, that people liked our nice color. The bright stripes on our bodys and our cute little noses. So. much. hope.
Well, we had yet to learn, that mass wasn't a good thing in this world. And the color of your fur didn't matter if you were just a rat. A very common one even. It didn't take long to discover, that we weren't wanted. No, not even that. Noone cared enough to not want us. We were just there. An unnoticed existence in a big bulge of pets, getting bigger and bigger every month.
And as I sit here, namelessly waiting in your folder for trading away I ask myself, if this is really all there is in life. If this is my purpose. Being sad. Feeling alone and unwanted. Because you decided I am. My dull eyes wander lethargically up to the stars, as I hear a loud bang. At first i flinch away. Then I twinkle, but the stars are still shining in every color. Falling from the sky and are so bright in all this darkness. My little heart is beating fast and my eyes grow bigger and bigger in all this unspeakable beauty. And while my bright fur reflects the falling stars, I smell the fresh night air, the fire in the sky and hear all the cheering by other lonely souls full of hope for the future I suddenly just know. It isn't on the world to decide if I'm wanted or what my worth is. It's on me alone to find those beautiful moments of falling stars. Of singing and cheering and being full of hopefullness. It's on me to decide if i want to. And help me god, I do.
Last edited by katze99000 on Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby seven <3 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:05 am

[670 words]
Link to pet:Image
Pet's name: Goober

Every year, Goober makes the same resolutions, but this year is different. This year, he finally realized what was important.


"I hope that this year I will make others feel loved, and make sure not to be mean to anyone."


"I hope that this year I will make others feel loved, and make sure not to be mean to anyone."


"I hope that this year I will make others feel loved, and make sure not to be mean to anyone."

and so on. This year, before he made his resolution, something happened. He was just going on his usual walk, then he got a phone call.

"hello? who is this?" he asked.

"Come to the hospital quickly! Your father is very ill!" the person on the phone said.

He ran as fast as he could to the hospital, but before he made it, his father had already passed away.

He blamed himself for it. He thought that he hadn't run fast enough. He thought that he could've done something if he tried harder to get to him.

Even when his sister and brother tried to talk to him, he locked himself in his room. He felt very bad. He thought that the world would be better without him, so he ran away. He ran into the woods, and that's where he stopped to rest. He found a good place to hide from everyone, and he set camp there, only eating whatever food scraps he could find in his burrow. He was later kicked out, because he was nesting in a badger den! He ran very far, and he was very exhausted. He stopped eating, because he convinced himself that he didn't deserve anything.

He reached a cave.

"Why hello there, little one! You seem TASTY!" a low voice said from the cave.

"Who's there?" Goober said weakly.

"my, my! you are a scrawny little fella! you are only skin and bones!" The voice said. "meals are no fun if they don't even try to run! Also, you have no meat! I'm not gonna have anything to eat!" "How about I plump you up a bit, then I eat you! Sounds like a deal?" The voice said.

"Nah thanks. you don't have to." Goober said.

The voice (which turns out to be a wolf) Takes him to his den.

"Look, I don't know what you're going through, but you have to eat something!" The wolf says.

"No, no. I don't deserve it. It's just gonna be a waste of your supplies." Goober said.

A couple days passed with the wolf taking care of Goober. The wolf managed to feed him eventually, and Goober was starting to feel comfortable with the wolf.

"My dad died a couple days ago, but I didn't make it to the hospital in time. It's all my fault!" Goober cried.

"It is not your fault. It's not like you killed him!" The wolf said.

"But I didn't even get to say goodbye!" Goober said.

They both pause.

"I lost my daughter a couple days ago. It's been very hard for me, and I also was blaming myself. You just have to learn to accept that these things happen, and it's never EVER your fault." The wolf said.

Goober wiped his tears and said,

"Well I better get going. I have a family to return to."

"Take care, kid! And remember, If you're missing your dad, just stop by!" The wolf said.

Goober returned home and his siblings and mom swarmed him.

"Where have you been?" his sister asked.

"Are you okay?" His mom asked.

"Why do you smell like a wolf?" His brother asked.

"Well, it's a long story." Goober said.

Goober explained the story, and hugged his family.

"never do that again!" his mom said.

"I won't. I know now." Goober said.

"Time to say our new year's resolutions!" his sister shouted.

"I hope that this year, I will make others, and myself, feel loved."

~The end~
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby horsesrule76 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:46 am

January 2023
Link to Pet: Image
Pet's name: Thorn
Entry (362 words):

Stuck in a rut. Thorn had felt this way for a long time, not just in the past year. In fact, it was the past couple years that he'd been feeling this way. Lately, he seemed to just be going through the motions: eating the same foods, trotting along his favorite paths, and socializing with the same horses and ponies in the barn.

Thoughts of stagnancy plodded around in his mind as he surveyed the paddock he shared with his barn mates. It was a crisp afternoon, the sunlight struggling to reach the ground through layers of wispy gray clouds. Thorn loved weather that got his blood moving, his nose snorting: it was in the cold months that he tended to be more active, taking trail walks with his friends or patrolling the edges of the field. He breathed in the fresh January air, closing his eyes and attempting to savor the moment.

Everything seemed to be going...okay in his life. Why did he feel so stuck?

Thorn's eyes flew open as he decided to, on a whim, sprint to the edge of the field. He passed through the gate that connected the paddock to the larger turn-out area and just started running. He heard his friend Natsuka whinny in surprise as he took off, but he didn't look back, just focused on galloping as fast as he could. The grass blurred under his hooves as he ran faster and faster, pushing himself to his limits, feeling the wind brush through his mane and tail, ripple through his coat and leave him breathless as it hit his face.

Thorn came to an abrupt stop as he reached the fence at the far side of the field. He pawed the ground a couple of times, energized by his sprint across the grass. Craning his neck out beyond the fence as far as it could go, Thorn made a promise to himself: this year, he'd push to experience new things. Get out of his regular routines. Prioritize experiences that made his heart beat and mind race as fast as it did on his spontaneous run. He snorted happily, looking forward to the year ahead.

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