Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

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Postby HABZ » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:07 pm

    Username: HABZ
    Cat Name: wasp
    Gender: male
    Rank: diplomat / recruiter
    Clan: cats of the red sands
    Age: 3 years
    Kitty trying out for: myo #892

    baby bride rag

    i know you may not be feeling the same way i am
    sweetheart, you're mine, and now our life is all planned
    nobody needs you the way you know i do
    forget what they say, let's start our life anew

    oh darling
    i'm not so sure about our hearts aligning
    at 16 years old, could this just be bad timing?
    puppies pining?

    listen to me, sweetheart, you are nothing when we're apart
    i can promise you this: when we split the town, you won't be missed

    - roar

    the she-cat laid her weary head down, her eyes, shining like mirrors, gazing helplessly up at the overhanging mouth of the den. the sun tauntingly glared back through through the curtain of dead reeds, gripping her face, shoving her head-first deeper into the open maw of dehydration.
    the scattered shade was hardly cooling, shadows preening her coat but not soothing her tender skin. the cat's tail flicked to and fro, her ears twitching with agitation. her body was exhausted, her stomach was empty and growling, and her mind was spinning with thoughts and questions, all of them revolving around one thing: water.

    she had not drunk for days, the murky waters of the marshland that bordered her home were long gone, leaving only a cracked and dusty wasteland of rotting reeds and dead fish, stinking like death and mummified flesh. her clan, small but healthy before the thirst, had whittled away. some running blind into the desert. some mauling each other for the last scarce sips.
    she'd chosen to stay in the clan. one of the only cats who did, though she was unsure that the others were even still breathing. she took up the old leader's den and prayed to starclan that by some miracle, a rain would come. that she could swallow enough water from the sky that she'd be able to move on, find a safe place. she'd only realised on the night of the second day, her throat burning like she swallowed hot sand, that starclan couldn't care less if she died. by the morning of the third, she assumed starclan was vying for her death. and to think, moons ago, she thanked them in guiding her into becoming a warrior.

    it wasn't fair. she'd given everything to her clan, she'd followed their code to the letter, fought their battles, swore her loyalty, and this was how they rewarded her. alone, dying in the heat.
    her thoughts were soon interrupted. suddenly, her ears pricked, and a sweet scent was carried across the hot breeze. her heart lifted. it was the smell of water. fresh, pure, drinkable water. but, starclan, curse her, she could hardly lift her head, let alone rise to her paws. she let out a hiss, a strangled sound that stung her throat. she had to get up. she couldn't die while it was still in reach. she forced her front legs forward, digging her paws into the sandy earth and dragging herself across the den, the sun beating down on her. her back paws were weak and barely responsive. but her head, oh, her head was so heavy. it felt as if the weight of a mountain was resting on her shoulders. she felt her chest heaving, her muscles screeching out for rest, but as she strained to catch her breath, the smell, tantalising and cruel... somehow seemed to be drifting closer.

    the warrior let out a gasp, her whiskers twitching at the scent. she felt the grit of sand between her teeth and the grains between her toes, trying to will herself onwards, but just trembling harder. and then, a drop of cold water grazed her lips, and her heart jumped. the she-cat lifted her head, and saw, before her, the figure of a cat. her eyes, bleary and unfocused, saw nothing more than a blur of brown and orange, a bundle of dark green held loosely in their teeth. a cat? where did they come from? what was their purpose here? were they offering her the water she so desperately craved? her heart ached, and she struggled to open her mouth and speak.
    "i... need..." she coughed, her tongue dry and cracking in her mouth. "w-water..."

    the stranger said nothing for a moment, instead, she- he- the cat moved forwards, and a paw, gentle, was laid on her shoulder, coaxing her back down to the ground. the bundle, soaked moss, was pressed up against her weary jaws.


    and drink she did. the liquid trickled from the moss and soothed her raw throat, quenching her thirst for the first time in days. she swallowed it, gulp after gulp, until the moss was dry and her head began to clear. it felt like heaven.
    at last, her vision began to focus. and the face of the cat swam into view. no older than her, his fur was long and mottled, and his eyes, a sharp cyan, glistened with amusement as he studied her. he smelled faintly of banksia and freshwater. his tail was wrapped neatly around his paws, his expression serene, as if he hadn't a care in the world.

    "who are you?" the she-cat whispered, her voice still gone, her gratitude towards the tom welling in her chest. he only chuckled, and the warrior's face burned. saviour or not, he was obviously cocky.

    "wasp," he hummed, tilting his head slightly. "a traveller. your clan would've called me a rogue. i was only passing through when i found you."

    "passing through?" she repeated, and he nodded. she paused, taking a deep breath, before asking the question that had been nagging her since she first caught his scent. "why did you help me?"

    the tom took a moment to respond, those cyan eyes dragging over to the entrance of the den. though his expression revealed nothing, she didn't miss how his ear twitched with something akin to discomfort. but his gaze returned, cool and smooth like water again.

    "you don't see many warriors anymore," he said simply, and she didn't miss the hint of a smile that played at his lips. "besides, you were in no position to help yourself. did everyone else leave you here?"

    "yes," she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. she thought of the way her clanmates had looked at her as they left. accusing, distrustful, even a little resentful. their eyes had been so empty, so dead, and she could hardly blame them. the heat was taking it's toll on all of them. she opened her eyes again, meeting wasp's gaze. "we were desperate. and i was too tired to move. the others didn't see a reason to stay behind."

    "i don't suppose they would." wasp's tone was light and unreadable, and his eyes were once again focused on the entrance to the den. "i can't say i'm surprised that a clan cat would stay loyal to her clanmates."

    the warrior didn't reply. she only looked away, her eyes trained on the sand. wasp moved a little closer, and she didn't object when his tail came to rest over her flank. his eyes, bright and curious, studied her with interest.
    "you should've left, you know," he said, and his tone had a sudden edge to it. "why didn't you? was it really that important to stay?"

    "i was loyal," she replied quietly, and the word tasted bitter. she had always been loyal. she had always been a good, loyal warrior. was her loyalty really what had led her here? her eyes, dull, met his.

    "loyalty's a dangerous thing," wasp murmured, and his voice was quieter than it had been before. his gaze was distant, and the warrior's stomach turned, suddenly feeling as if she'd said something wrong. wasp blinked, his ears twitching, and the strange expression that had flashed across his face vanished. he shook his head and gave the warrior a quick, fleeting grin. "don't worry. at least i'm here now. you should be grateful, really. i was tempted to leave you here."

    "i am grateful," the she-cat whispered, her heart twisting. "i'd be dead without you."

    "and i'd be alone without you," wasp responded almost instantly, and the warrior could tell from his expression that he was only half joking. "you're a warrior, right? i suppose you'll want to go back to your clan."

    "i guess." the she-cat looked back at the entrance. she ached for her clan, desperate to fling herself towards it, but her body, starved of water and exhausted, was telling her otherwise. and even if she could make it back to her clan, they might not even welcome her back. would they even recognise her? would they see her as a traitor?

    "you could travel with me," wasp offered. his expression was carefully crafted, a cool and calm mask, but the warrior noticed the slight twitch in his whiskers. "i'm not planning on staying here long, but if you've got nowhere else to go, you're more than welcome to tag along."

    she paused, her gaze flickering. her clan was still out there, somewhere. they might be dead. or dying. or worse, they could have moved on without her, forgotten her. wasp was here, offering her companionship, and a way out. something gnawed at her chest, though, an unflinching ember of loyalty.
    "wouldn't it be selfish to leave my clan?"

    wasp snorted, and his tail lashed. "not if they left you."

    "but they needed me," she protested weakly, and wasp rolled his eyes.

    "and you needed them, and what did they do? left you for dead," wasp spat, his tail twitching. "you should be glad i found you, and not a fox."

    "but..." she stopped, and her ears flattened. wasp's expression softened, and he gently bumped his head against her neck.
    "your clan is gone, or will be soon," he murmured, and his voice was low and gentle. "you're free to do whatever you want now. you can either follow the code and run back to them, or forget about it, and come with me. it doesn't matter. the choice is yours, but i think you know which choice is better."

    his words sank in, and the warrior felt a weight settle on her shoulders. she closed her eyes. wasp was right. her clan had left her behind. there was nothing more she could do for them. if there was anyone she had to be loyal to, it was herself. she didn't deserve to die out here, abandoned and forgotten, while the code she had served so faithfully demanded she suffer for her loyalty.
    "you're right," she breathed, and the weight on her shoulders was gone. "i've got no reason to go back."

    "and every reason to leave," wasp purred. "it's alright. i can't blame you for being reluctant to let go. it's difficult, when you've been taught something your whole life, isn't it?"

    "i'll try," the she-cat sighed. wasp only purred louder, his expression warm and amused. he rose to his paws, and the warrior tried to follow, stumbling and shaking.

    "careful," he said, his voice edged with laughter. "you can't rush things. you need to build up your strength."

    the warrior nodded, and wasp helped her up to her paws, letting her lean against him. his fur was surprisingly cooling against hers, and she felt the knots in her muscles soothing.
    "it'll take some time," wasp mused, watching her closely. "but once you're better, we can travel together. you can see the world outside the marsh. have you ever wanted that?"

    "always," she murmured, her eyes sheening with something like hope. wasp basked in the response, a purr rumbling in his chest.

    "you've got a lot to see," he said, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "think about how much better your life will be from now on. no more clan structure, no more code, no more expectations. no more starving. you can do whatever you want. it's a fresh start. a chance to become something different. doesn't that sound great? doesn't that sound like freedom?"

    "i never thought about it like that," the warrior whispered. "i always just... followed the rules. and it always felt like the right thing to do. but now... i don't think it's ever been a good thing."

    "of course it isn't," wasp purred, his expression warm and encouraging. "that's what makes us better. the clan cats, they're stuck in their ways, aren't they? they're always so obsessed with the old ways, the traditions, the code, the same rules and values. the same hypocrites who abandoned you after preaching loyalty. but us?"

    he paused, and his eyes shone with something darker.
    "why, we'll be together forever, won't we?"
Last edited by HABZ on Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby coaliev » Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:44 pm

    Username: coaliev
    Cat Name: Flamefrost
    Gender: female
    Rank: senior warrior
    Clan: cinderclan
    Age: 7 years
    Kitty trying out for: myo #892
    Prompt: Firework by Katy Perry

    The song captures the spirit of determination, inner strength, and resilience, all of which Flamefrost embodies as a warrior of cinderclan. The lyrics talk about shining brightly and embracing one's uniqueness, which resonates with Flamefrost's fiery personality. Additionally, the uplifting and energetic melody of the song mirrors Flamefrost's passion and enthusiasm for defending her clan and standing up for what she believes in.


    Username: coaliev
    Cat Name: Duskwhisper
    Gender: female
    Rank: hunter
    Clan: cinderclan
    Age: 4 years
    Kitty trying out for: #1313

    If Duskwhisper could be anything else for one day, she would probably choose to be a bird, perhaps a hawk or an owl. As a bird, she would experience the freedom of flight, soaring high above the trees and surveying the land below with her keen eyes. This would allow her to explore new perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the world around her. Additionally, as a bird of prey, she would tap into her instincts as a skilled hunter, honing her senses and agility even further. Overall, this experience would offer Duskwhisper a sense of liberty and a stronger appreciation for the beauty and diversity of nature.


    Username: coaliev
    Cat Name: Riverstorm
    Gender: male
    Rank: warrior
    Clan: cinderclan
    Age: 3 years
    Kitty trying out for: #1312

    Riverstorm obtained his scar during a fierce battle with a rival clan. As a skilled warrior, he fought bravely to defend his clanmates and territory. During the chaotic skirmish, he found himself locked in combat with a particularly formidable opponent. Despite his agility and strength, Riverstorm was caught off guard by a sudden strike, leaving him with a deep gash across his back.

    Though the wound was painful, Riverstorm refused to retreat, drawing upon his determination and loyalty to continue fighting alongside his clanmates. Ultimately, they emerged victorious, but not without scars to remind them of the cost of defending their home.

    The scar serves as proof of Riverstorm's bravery and resilience, a visible reminder of the battles he has faced and the sacrifices he has made for his clan.


    Username: coaliev
    Cat Name: Amberheart
    Gender: female
    Rank: healer
    Clan: cinderclan
    Age: 5 years
    Kitty trying out for: #2148

    The amulet necklace holds a special significance for Amberheart. She received it as a gift from a wise elder cat during a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. As a young apprentice, she embarked on a quest to uncover the secrets of the ancient forest and learn from the spirits that dwell within.

    During her journey, Amberheart encountered the elder cat, who recognized her potential and offered her the amulet as a symbol of protection and guidance. The amulet is said to hold mystical powers, serving as a conduit for spiritual energy and wisdom from the ancestors.

    Amberheart cherishes the amulet as a reminder of her journey and the lessons she learned along the way. It serves as a source of strength and inspiration, guiding her actions as she continues to protect and nurture her clan.
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Re: 🕰️

Postby faelyn » Fri May 03, 2024 12:55 pm

HABZ wrote:
    Username: HABZ
    Cat Name: wasp
    Gender: male
    Rank: diplomat / recruiter
    Clan: cats of the red sands
    Age: 3 years
    Kitty trying out for: myo #892

    Prompt: -snip-

this cat has a toyhouse profile! please contact I Like Bees within a week if youd like this cat transferred to you via toyhouse!

Username: coaliev
Cat Name: Duskwhisper
Gender: female
Rank: hunter
Clan: cinderclan
Age: 4 years
Kitty trying out for: #1313
Prompt: -snip-

this cat has a toyhouse profile + art (link to art piece / colored by aftonbuilt on chickensmoothie + ifiwasaplant on toyhouse) ! please contact I Like Bees within a week if youd like this cat transferred to you via toyhouse!

Username: Kazin
Cat Name: Mistyheart
Gender: tom
Rank: Seer
Clan: TreeClan
Age: 3 years
Kitty trying out for: #1312
Prompt: -snip-

this cat has a toyhouse profile! please contact I Like Bees within a week if youd like this cat transferred to you via toyhouse!

Username: crexmii
Cat Name: anala
Gender: female
Rank: council member
Clan: softclan
Age: tbd
Kitty trying out for: #2148
Prompt: -snip-

this cat has some art (link to art piece / credit to starzxp on chickensmoothie ) !
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Re: Stars V.2 • Readopt Page

Postby Swishy & Broken » Thu May 09, 2024 1:27 pm

Swishy & Broken wrote:
    These readopts all end on May 15th at rollover (14->15)


    describe this cat’s daily routine!

    Code: Select all
    [b]Cat Name:[/b]
    [b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
    [b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
    [b]Kitty trying out for:[/b] [url=] #660[/url]



    someone gives this cat some candy corn! how does this cat react?

    Code: Select all
    [b]Cat Name:[/b]
    [b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
    [b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
    [b]Kitty trying out for:[/b] [url=]#754[/url]



    this cat has such colorful eyes! is there a reason for the color of their eyes or were they born with it? how does the color of their eyes affect their lives?

    Code: Select all
    [b]Cat Name:[/b]
    [b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
    [b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
    [b]Kitty trying out for:[/b] [url=]#2811d[/url]



    this cat looks surprised! what surprised them and how do they react?

    Code: Select all
    [b]Cat Name:[/b]
    [b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
    [b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
    [b]Kitty trying out for:[/b] [url=]#2785h[/url]
Last edited by Swishy & Broken on Thu May 09, 2024 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby feverrr » Thu May 09, 2024 1:28 pm

Username: feverrr
Cat Name:
Clan: (Please link)
Age: (1 year or above)
Kitty trying out for: #2811d

omg <333
fev ✦ she/they ✦ adult ✦ pst
lover of plants & cats & art !!
th - stars - pfp
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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby nightshyne » Thu May 09, 2024 1:29 pm

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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby Macabre. » Fri May 10, 2024 3:49 am

Username: Macabre.
Cat Name: PebbleDust
Gender: Female
Rank: Elder
Clan: BirchClan
Age: 14 years
Kitty trying out for: #660
Step 1: Wake up
Step 2: Complain about aching joints
Step 3: Call over an apprentice for some food
Step 4: Make way over to rocks for a nap in the sun
Step 5: Wake up and ask an apprentice for more food
Step 6: Go back to sleep
Step 7: Wake up and move back into elders den
Step 8: Eat while telling kits some bedtime stories
Step 9: Go to bed
Step 10: Profit?

Username: Macabre.
Cat Name: FerretFoot
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Clan: BirchClan
Age: 6 years
Kitty trying out for: #754
Prompt: Candy Corns pretty good, but Candy Corn with Peanuts! OMG!! Best Thing Ever!! She will eat it by the pawful (And she will not stop).

Username: Macabre.
Cat Name: SolarBite
Gender: Female
Rank: Commoners
Clan: FairCountry
Age: 300 years
Kitty trying out for: #2811d
Prompt: SolarBite was born this way, her eyes don't really make her stand out, most fae have some sort of odd physical characteristics. However despite her eyes she doesn't have much in the way of magic, just a slight ability to know the future, nothing more than a general feeling of foreboding.

Username: Macabre.
Cat Name: LynxTooth
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Clan: BirchClan
Age: 1 year
Kitty trying out for: #2785h
A butterfly landed on their nose! LynxTooth froze in surprise but it just stayed there, slowly fanning its wings. It was beautiful, and stayed there only for a moment. LynzTooth just stared at it wondering why it had chose her nose for a perch.


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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby crexmii » Sun May 12, 2024 5:40 pm

    Username: crexmii
    Cat Name: andromeda
    Gender: female
    Rank: wanderer
    Clan: the solivagante
    Age: tbd
    Kitty trying out for: #2811d
    Prompt: "belladonna, i don't think this is a good idea. mania's paracosm is one of the most dangerous places. are you...sure that you aren't just hallucinating?"

    the tortoiseshell turned her intense blue and red gaze on eunoia, a shadow flickering across her face. fluttering beside belladonna, burnt cheeto the phoenix squawked in alarm. "okay, okay..just checking." eunoia stammered, and proceeded to follow the senior wanderer into the home of mania itself.

    the paracosm was filled with colour. crystalline structures gave the domain its shape, while it seemed to glitch and shift, shrinking and expanding continuously. colours danced around them, and sounds echoed throughout the empty cave. belladonna's fur spiked and she snarled at the air, chasing after something eunoia could not see. tiny birds and butterflies fluttered around her, disappearing and reappearing, as if teasing her, daring her to catch them.

    the sounds of windchimes and little bells entered her ears. eunoia hesitated, spinning around to find her partner. belladonna was nowhere to be found. the blue molly was alone. unfortunately, this was the worst place to get lost. eunoia felt her head spin. she felt suffocated as the walls seemed to close in on her.

    she couldn't see. everything was crimson, then neon green, then the darkest indigo and the brightest fuchsia she'd ever seen. there were so many many she didn't know had existed until now. eunoia felt lightheaded. oh no. the paracosm is getting to me. i've got to-

    flashes of bright white, and then all was dark.
    eunoia blinked slowly. "where am i?" she rasped to no cat in particular. a pair of horrified eyes stared down at her. "eunoia?! are you okay?" belladonna gasped.

    eunoia sat up slowly and nodded. "i think so." other than the weird feeling she had in her head, she felt fine. looking around, she saw they were no longer in that confusing imaginary place, but in a cave of some sort. "what happened earlier?"
    "well...i realised you weren't with me, so i went to find you. and then i saw you, collapsed on the shifting floor. so i dragged you out of here as fast as i could." belladonna mewed, then stared into eunoia's eyes. "you sure you're oka-"

    the sentence was cut off by the gasp of horror from belladonna. "eunoia...your eyes.."
    "what ...what's wrong with them?" eunoia bolted out of the cave and foudn a puddle to stare at her reflection.

    oh. her bright yellow eyes were now filled with colour. purples, pinks and some blues all mixed together. her irises now seemed to reflect the cosmos. "belladonna..? do you know what's going on with me?" she yowled, legs trembling. she stared at the black tortie, and as she did, the air seemed to ripple and glitch. shadowy cats and figures lurked in her periphery, and she saw swirls, spots, stripes, floating around. they drifted around aimlessly, and a faint green outlined belladonna's figure.

    and behind her, a fuchsia feline, whose colour and body shifted and changed. in a single blink, they were gone, but the other strange things remained. " you see them too?" eunoia choked, unsheathing her claws. belladonna stared at her in confusion, turning around. "there's nothing there."

    eunoia was simply rooted to the ground in horror.
    she would never see the world the same again.


    from that day onwards, the grey molly has never been quite the same. when she and belladonna returned to the wanderers' camp, eunoia kept on claiming to see things that weren't there. on some occasions, she saw other cats and warned fellow wanderers not to disturb them. whether she's hallucinating, a result of mania's delusions, or if she speaks the truth, others never know, as eunoia is the only one who can see them.

    Username: crexmii
    Cat Name: olivecurl
    Gender: male
    Rank: healer
    Clan: softclan
    Age: tbd
    Kitty trying out for: #2785h
    Prompt: the sparbled tom continued following the woodland path, sniffing around and searching for chamomile. a strange scent hit his nose, one he couldnt't identify, but olivecurl shrugged and chose to ignore it. however, the unpleasant stench kept on filling his nose, and he halted in his tracks as he something fell out of the bushes in front of him. olivecurl was unable to move as he processed the sight in front of him.

    the limp body of a she-cat lay in front of him. her silver fur was stained with dirt and a strange black ink-like substance wrapping around her like mist. emerging from the bushes were two long-furred toms, one of them golden and the other a tortoiseshell. two pairs of amber and blue eyes staring down at the she-cat in of horror and shock. the bigger tom glanced up and saw olivecurl staring at them. his fur immediately bushed, and he nudged the smaller tom before both of them disappeared, leaving behind not a single trace of fur or whiff of scent.

    the silver molly's fur was covered in the black ooze now, and olivecurl couldn't help but watch in terror as the black puddle slowly faded away, leaving nothing behind. the spot where she once lay was empty, simply a patch of grass.
    olivecurl immediately picked his chamomile, deeply disturbed and shaken. not wanting to hang around any longer, he dashed back to softclan's camp, not stopping until he reached safety.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby clouds-move-on » Mon May 13, 2024 5:13 am

Username: clouds-move-on
Cat Name: Bird
Gender: Female
Clan: (Please link)
Age: (1 year or above)
Kitty trying out for: #2785h
Prompt: this cat looks surprised! what surprised them and how do they react?

her and eaglerise if i have time
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35

temp open to doing stars myos off oekaki for 100+ c$s... dm me

I am no longer active on CS.
- I am keeping all my characters that I haven't readopted out myself, dont ask about em.
- If you want to transfer designs by me out of chicken smoothie closed species from before 8/2/20, YES, you may! Be free. uwu ❤️
- You may also transfer them into other species/groups/arpgs!
- Do not contact me here unless I contacted you first.
- Feel free to send me trades, but you may be waiting awhile.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Birchmist's Readoption Center

Postby Hazelfang » Wed May 15, 2024 1:19 am

Username: Hazelfang
Cat Name: Vesper
Gender: Male
Rank: Keeper
Clan: The Blessed Lupus
Age: 8 seasons (born after the Moon of the Flaming Ire)
Kitty trying out for: #2811d
Prompt: this cat has such colorful eyes! is there a reason for the color of their eyes or were they born with it? how does the color of their eyes affect their lives?

A growled rumbled from deep within her chest as she gazed upon the other side of the gently flowing stream. The water pulled on her long fur gently, as if attempting to tug her into the shallow depths of the flowing water. The tips of her toes prickled from the cold, yet she seemed entirely unaware of the numbness spreading to the base of her legs. The she-cat's eyes were affixed on the pair of cats standing across from her. The cats remained quiet and patient, choosing to ignore the choking air of distrust and malice exuding from the irate feline facing them. It felt as if an entire moon passed as the three cats waited in absolute silence. Although no words were uttered, their eyes held a muted conversation. Pointed stares bounced from either side as each cat seemed to be daring one to react. Daring them to make the first move.

The silence became practically unbearable for the she-cat and she finally decided to speak. "What purpose have you to enter the Blessed's domain?" Her voice was a harsh hiss, dripping with a fiery rage reminiscent of the fire of which had recently ravaged the forest. The question was initially met with silence, as though the pair of cats were contemplating the safest response to her query. It was apparent that the she-cat had the upper paw if things were to turn violent. The she-cat, while shorter in stature, had broad shoulders that told of her immense strength. She was evidently well-fed, her muscles rippled atop her formed body as if they too craved a fight. The two opposing felines, on the other paw, had a far different appearance. The grey tom standing to the left appeared utterly emaciated. His ribs were pressing against his side, visible even from a far distance. Despite the youth evident in his eyes, his muzzle was dappled with grey fur and even across the stream his stench of impending death hung in the breeze. The she-cat beside him appeared no better, with a frame just as malnourished and thin. However, despite the ribs protruding from her chest, she had a distinct bulge along her belly. It was apparent the she-cat had recently kitted, the excess skin hanging beneath her limply. She, too, reeked of death.

The lone she-cat gritted her teeth. It was painfully obvious these cats were not a threat to her, but she couldn't help but feel distrust for the strangers. Especially after the recent hardships the Blessed had endured. "Answer me, or I'll have to chase you off," she asked again, imploring the cats to at least defend their presence.

Finally, the tom spoke, "We sincerely apologize for trespassing. However, we had no choice. We didn't know what else to do." The tom's voice was harsh and came out as a croak. Every word seemed to be a struggle for him to utter, as if each one could be his last. Yet, he continued on as newfound determination flooded his eyes, "Our home was destroyed by the fire... we've had nowhere safe to stay and my mate recently kitted." The tom's eyes drifted to look at the she-cat beside him, immense sorrow glittering in the depths of his amber eyes.

The she-cat looked back at him, her own green eyes filled with anguish. She continued speaking for him, "Yes, I did kit recently. But because of our wounds from the fire and the lack of prey, my beloved kits were also malnourished.... only one survived." The sickly queen's voice cracked, tears streaming down her muzzle and falling into the stream.

The Blessed she-cat felt her heart ache with pity for the two cats. She eased the tension on her shoulders, allowing herself to appear less intimidating and hopefully reassuring to the two cats. "I understand now... I am sorry for your loss." She murmured solemnly, dipping her head with a since respect for all the pair had endured.

The tom slowly nodded back, "Thank you. It's been a very difficult time and we are not foolish, we know our time is coming. All that we ask is that our only surviving kit live on." The tom turned to look at the she-cat across the stream, his gaze no intense with desperation. "Please, please take him to your family. We know he will be safe with you and we are certain he will grow into a fine cat. Our poor son has endured so much, survived even death itself. We beg you, give him a chance to continue fighting." His amber eyes burned with a pleading passion, urging the she-cat to agree.

His mate from beside him also turned to face her, her own eyes echoing his anguish. She parted her lips to murmur quietly, "Please... He doesn't even need to know of us. All we ask is that he lives on..." her words dragged with effort as the queen folded over from a fit of coughs. The frail queen's body trembled with each cough, her legs shivering from the weight.

The tabby she-cat looked at each cat, taking in their conditions and the sincerity of their words. They needed her help and she was not one to deny a cat in need. With a deep, thoughtful sigh, she nodded at them, "Very well. I will honor your wishes and take your son. He will be raised as one of our own. But I can't promise he will be fully accepted as a Blessed."

Relief flooded the eyes of the two cats as they nodded at her vigorously, "Thank you! Thank you so very much!" The tom was the first to speak, a deep purr rumbling in his chest. The queen, still shaken from her coughs, slowly turned around to face a small bush beside them. She stuck her muzzle in the bush and slowly pulled out a small grey bundle of fur. The bundle of fur hardly moved, simply remaining limp as his mother tenderly brought him closer to the stream. The other she-cat quickly waded into the water to help the queen, stopping along the shore. She watched as the mother lightly placed her son on the damp ground, the kit now wriggling from the cold water seeping into his thin fur. Carefully, the she-cat peered at the frail kit. It looked as small as a mouse, hardly half a moon old. The kit, now apparently frustrating from being suddenly wet, turned with a massive effort to face the stream. It peered up at the unfamiliar she-cat, its gaze locking with her's.

The she-cat stared, her eyes widening in shock upon seeing the kit properly. The tiny kit's eyes were two radiant pools of pink, yellows, purples, and oranges all twisting and melding between one another. It was as if she were staring into the sunset, an intensely brilliant and beautiful sunset. She felt entranced, her eyes unable to pull away from the small heap of fur before her. There was an intensity in the gaze that astounded her, an intensity drenched in knowledge, understanding, and even power. Her mind couldn't decide whether to be terrified or amazed by the kitten's illuminating eyes.

"I-is everything okay?" the mother asked timidly.

"How long have his eyes been like this?" the she-cat asked, refusing to look away from the kit.

The father anxiously pawed at the ground, "Since he was born," he admitted.

His mate looked up at him with concern in her eyes before turning to face the other she-cat and her son. "You'll still take him, right?"

The fur along the back of her neck prickled with anxiety. She knew her kin would protest her inviting a strange kitten into the group, but even worse once they see his eyes. She let out a sigh, but before she could answer a deep voice spoke from within her mind Fear not, my child born of the constellations. This kit is one of our own. All will be alright, this kit belongs with their kin. The words resonating within her put her at ease, the fur laying flat behind her neck. Her mind suddenly felt clear once more. She knew what she had to do and she knew she could do it. With a firm nod, she looked up at the two parents, "Yes, your son will still come with me. He will become a Blessed."

Username: Hazelfang
Cat Name: Hazelwish
Gender: Female
Rank: Ministra
Clan: Kin of the Vixen
Age: 13 seasons
Kitty trying out for: #2785h

I wonder what the Stalkers will bring back today... I haven't seen a plump squirrel on the prey pile in quite some time. Perhaps the squirrels are in hiding? The she-cat pondered to herself while pacing outside the bramble nursery entrance. The dirt beneath her paws were worn and marked from her distracted steps, indicative of how often this pacing occurs. As she continued to pace, her eyes glazed unseeingly before her, the thoughts continuing to ramble on. Hiding? That's silly, why would they go into hiding? Squirrels wouldn't know to go into hiding... maybe they.. maybe they left the territory entirely! Her claws instinctively slipped out of their sheathes, dragging in the already-worn dirt. Panic fluttered in her belly as her mind raced anxiously over the possibility of losing squirrels entirely.

As she continued to pace, she didn't notice the fawn-colored tom begin to approach her from behind. The tom was attempting to speak to her, calling her name to no avail. Another cat paced over with an irritated look on their face. With a sigh, the second tom lifted his paw and swatted the pacing young she-cat along her ear. With a shriek, the she-cat leaped and turned to face the two toms, her fur bristling along her spine. "Wh-what was that for?" she stammered as she looked between the younger fawn-colored tom and the older golden one.

The golden-colored tom snorted and rolled his eyes, "You were in your own bubble again, Hazelwish. Do try and be aware of your surroundings for once." The tom scowled at her, his ear flicking with indignation.

Hazelwish sheepishly looked down at her paws, she felt the heat flood to her cheeks as she kicked at the dirt. "I was just thinking, that's all.."

"Well, stop doing that for once," the irritated tom huffed as he walked back in the direction he had approached from. With a flick of his tail he grumbled, "She's all your's now, Fallowbounce."

The fawn-colored tom, who stood quietly and nervously to the side, now stood up taller to face the embarrassed she-cat. "I am truly sorry for interrupting you, Hazelwish. I just had to get your attention somehow and Aspenfeather decided to help."

The tabby she-cat lifted her muzzle to look at the younger cat. His purple eyes glittered with anxiety as he glanced around the camp, his folded ears appearing to be even further pinned back. Fear prickled in her chest as she gazed at Fallowbounce. "What's wrong?" she asked hesitantly, as if she didn't want to know the answer herself.

Fallowbounce glanced down, his shoulders tensing as he braced himself to speak, "Well um we had to seek guidance from Larkblossom regarding your... condition." Her ears folded back upon hearing his words, a nervous shiver passing through her. The young she-cat had been in and out of the servus den for the last half a moon with varying issues. Most days it was general nausea, other days it was exhaustion. She even had a rather intense fever that lasted 5 whole sunrises not too long ago, of which she mysteriously recovered from. The servus had been working hard trying to figure out what could be wrong with her, but none had been able to quite pinpoint what truly ailed her. To the naked eye, she appeared totally healthy.

She had known that the servus were getting anxious and running out of ideas, but she didn't realize they would seek advice from the Sybil Superior herself. "Well, what did she say?" she inquired timidly, her belly rumbling in anticipation. The tom looked visibly uncomfortable, as if he didn't want to have to be the one to share whatever it was they learned. "Fallowbounce?" she questioned again, stepping a paw forward so that her muzzle was hardly away from his.

With a shaky sigh the tom decided to speak, "It seems she spoke with the Spirits of Terra and well... they said you are carrying kits."

In that moment, her mind splintered into hundreds of panicked and confused pieces. Thoughts bounced around aimlessly within with no direction or understanding in sight. Her eyes clouded over as she became entirely consumed in the abyss of her own psyche. Kits? How? Why? When? Who? But why don't I look pregnant? Wait do I look pregnant? How couldn't the servus figure it out, surely they have seen plenty of queens? As a Ministra too, how didn't I know? When could I have...? Her head began to pound with the effort of her own internal queries. With an agonizing groan, she rubbed the side of her head with her paw hoping to alleviate some of the throbbing.

The tom, who watched her quietly, began to speak once more nervously, "I'm sorry, I am sure this must be confusing. We were shocked too. Typically an expecting queen has a certain appearance and odor, but you haven't had that at all... We think.. well, we think there may be something wrong with the kits, which could explain why you've been so ill." His words fell upon deaf ears as the she-cat battled with her own assumptions. She was visibly out of touch with reality, her jaw agape and her eyes wide like two moons. She stared off blankly, as if unseeing. Shyly, the tom murmured out, "I think you need some time to yourself... but please, come back to the servus den some point tonight. Larkblossom would like to take a look at you herself so we can see what treatment will be best to help you." His words still bounced off her ears as Hazelwish continued to think to herself. One thought remained most clear to her: I am going to be a mother?.
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