My Story(Unnamed.) Opinions needed.

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Opinions?( Please chose 1 title and 1 opion. Plese Vote!)

Poll ended at Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:31 pm

Title-The Fight for Ava's Life, the Fight for Anna's Sanity
Title- Unnamed but Not Unharmed
Opinion-Really good story
Opinion-Good Story
Opinion-Okay Story
Opinion-Not a bad story
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Opinion-Really bad story
Total votes : 34

My Story(Unnamed.) Opinions needed.

Postby HermioneGranger » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:47 am


Word Count, unknown.
Heads up, the story is a little PG, no like really gory stuff, but not for little kids. Right this is a story I just started and here is what I have so far. I would like any advise, and nothing really sounds that critical to me. I need names so you can suggest those too. I really need opinions please! If you have time please give me more details than in the poll!

Possibable Titles.
The Fight For Ava's life, The Fight for Anna's Sanity
Unnamed but not Unharmed.

Ava ran as fast as she could over the grass, not caring that she was carrying the burden of the school supplies from the last day of school. For her it was about the freedom of summer vacation, glad school was out. Little did she know, her summer vacation was about to get a whole lot worse.

Ava kept running her friend Anna much further behind. Anna stopped running and put her hands on her knees taking quick shallow breaths. “How. Do. You. Run. Like. That. Without. Passing. Out?” she asked between breaths. Ava just laughed racing back to her friend.

“For me, it’s freedom. For me, it’s how I relive stress, the burden of school, my family.” She told Anna seriously. The two girls couldn’t be more different. Ava was loud, Anna quiet. Ava was athletic and not the brightest kid. Anna couldn’t do sports for the life of her and was a genius. Ava’s family always argued and Anna’s family was perfect, or at least to Ava. No one was sure how these two girls became friends, but they had been best friends for years and were unseparateable.

Unnoticed to the two friends a dark, non-plated, van was driving up the road next to them. The two friends were ready to enjoy a vacation. Neither of them would, but it would be in two totally different ways.

Quick as a flash several men jumped out of the van, surprising the girls. Anna looked scared while, Ava looked confused. The men raced towards the girls and Ava, surprising Anna just as much as the men had fought back. The men didn’t look like they had been expecting her to fight back they didn’t look shocked long, Ava looked determined while Anna screamed. “ANNA!” Ava screamed as they men grabbed her. Ava was bruised and cut, her backpack on the ground from using it as a weapon. “RUN! NOW!” But that was all she uttered as for as Anna ran, the men covered her mouth. Anna run, faster and harder than ever in her life, not panting this time, but running, running to save her friend.

Anna was traumatized, breathless, and scared. She arrived home slightly less cut and bruised than her fried, her parents, after a single question had phoned the police and the police now sat in the living room as Anna sat between her parents, holding an ice pack to her head. After the police talked to her, they would take her straight to a hospital. The police asked question after question and Anna tried hard to give good answers. Her memory was fuzzy of the event, though it had happened moments before. She thought hard to give her the best answers she could. The police left saying that now they had to talk to Ava’s parents, but handed Anna’s parents a business card telling them to call if Anna remembered anything more. The police had talked to the hospital so they knew Anna was coming. She would spend at least the night there.

Upon arriving at the Hospital they took Anna straight to a room, they would take blood pressure and temperature, check for broken bones, signs of shock as well as signs of a concussion. After their quick check with her, they determined she was not in shock and had a small fracture in her wrist. They put a temporary splint on it. The doctors had put Anna in a wheel chair just in case and told her she would spend the night at the hospital. Anna keep having flash back moments everything fuzzy. And in the morning she awoke hardly sleeping at all.

Ava awoke, not daring to open her eyes. Her head throbbed and she had a white hot pain in her arms. Silently praying that it was all a dream she opened her eyes slowly. Ava was in a windowless van. She decided she expected that. She opened her mouth to say something, but found it gagged. Trying to reach her arm she found them bound behind her back. Ava was doing all she could not to cry. She knew she soon would have to cry, her arm was hurting so bad. The Van had a bump, bump to the road. No one else was in the back with her. She closed her eyes again.

Ava woke up next to someone pricking her arm, she winced. The man spoke in a deep voice. “Pretty little thing.” He told her.

Ava looked at the man with a mixture of annoyance, confusion, and most of all, burning anger. "Why?" was her only question while still trying not to scream in pain. The man looked at her and chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious my dear?" he asked in a fausly nice voice.

"No." Ava replied strongly. It was not obvious to her. Her family was a mess and she depicted they would stop fighting long enough to pay a ransom. She doubted they would care. She looked around the room. Her arms were still bound and now her legs were too. The room was dark, no windows and the only light came from a small lamp. She was willing to bet the man would leave her in the dark.

"Child think! Use the brain God gave you." the man told her his friendly tone now gone. And he promptly slapped her, hard across the face. Ava rolled over. Her check sore, head throbbing and arm she had rolled on to, seared with pain, she had cuts and bruises she now could see with the light. And Ava promptly passed out.

Anna woke the next morning covered in cold sweat. The sheets were no longer on her bed but torn off. Anna had woken up time and time again during the night always reliving the scene she had witnessed that day. Anna sat up and slid out of her bed. As soon as she stood up she just about feel over. Deciding it was a better idea to stay in bed she climbed back in. Anna turned on the TV and Ava's face stared back at her. It was Ava's school picture from that year on the news. Looking for her. Anna quickly turned of the TV. She sighed staring around her blank hospital room. They had brought clothes and pajamas for her, but nothing to read. Her mom dozed on the fold put couch. Her dad had left. A nurse bursted into her head space.

"We are keeping you another day basses off blood pressure and last night." the nurse informed her. Her voice was perky, high pitched and annoying.

"Do you have anything to read or do?" Anna asked the nurse.

"Why don't you watch TV?" she suggested.

"I don't watch TV." Anna lied. The nurse thought for a moment.

"Sorry dear. That's all we have." she said in the same annoying voice. The nurse took her temperature and blood pressure for the dozenth time and left. Her mom opened her eyes slowly.

"How are you feeling?" she asked Anna rubbing her eyes.

"Fine." Anna lied again. "How are Ava's parents taking the news?" she asked changing the subject. Her mom looked at her.

"I haven't heard anything." She finally admitted. Anna turned away wanting to hide her tears. She disliked, no she hated Ava family for the way they treated Ava and each other. How often they fought and how often Ava spent time at Anna's own house. Anna's dad always joked they should just adopt her, and be done with it. Anytime Ava didn't spent at Anna's house she spent running or out of the house. Ava did nice have a very happy family.

Ava keep reliving the same moment over and over again. Not the moment she was taken. The moment before she left for school. Her mom had started yelling at her because of her grades. Sure they hadn't been straight A's sure they hadn't been straights B's but most of her grades were B's with like 2 C's. It started out with the normal your grades aren't high enough. To Ava her grades were perfectly fine. For her parents, well Ava couldn't see two things, why they didn't get a deviorce and why they just did abandon her and her older and younger brothers. Her dad dint like her mom, or Ava and her siblings. And her mom didn't like her dad or Ava. Her mom yelled at her. Her dad yelled at her mom. Her mom yelled back. Her dad yelled at her and her brothers. Ava just grabbed her bag and ran.

When Anna’s dad came to the hospital to say hello she gave him a list of things to bring back. She was getting quite bored didn’t want to turn on the TV again. The list included her laptop and a few books. Anna finally had enough strength not to wobble every time she stood up and spent an hour pacing. Finally Anna gave up, returned to her bed and putting her head into her pillow, started to sob.

Ava woke up again to a touch to her arm. Even the slightest touch hurt. The man looked at her. "We done playing games little girl? I think you know why." Ava shook her head again. He laughed an evil laugh, in a way Ava never heard in her life. "Girl, you are either really stupid or really smart. I am going to go with stupid though." he said this time chuckling. He left the room and as Ava suspected turned out the light. She lay uncomfortable on the floor and for the first time since this started, began to cry.

Ava wasn't sure if it had been hours or days since she was kidnapped. She knew was hungry but no food came her way. Sometime later the man came back, turning on the lamp he pulled up a chair. "If you don't run, I can let you sit." he told her. "If you do run, you will not get far." he warned her. "Will you not run?" he asked her. Ava nodded and untieing he helped her stand up, put her in a chair and retied her arms behind her back. Ava didn't show emotion didn't cry or scream even when he moved her arm. She caught a glimpse of her arm and it was bent at a strange angle and it seems the man noticed it too. "Trying to fight did you?" he asked touching it. Ava winced. "Hurts does it." he half said half asked. "Ah. Sadly I can't do anything to help you. Ava refused to show any more signs of pain, knew it would only provoke them more.

"Why do you want me?" Ava asked dryly.

"Think girl." he said and left turning out the light once more. Ava now sat in the dark pondering over what happened. She sat there for what felt like hours but may have only been a few minutes. Ava thought about what the man had said. She didn't know, nor was she sure she wanted to.

Anna's dad showed up at lunch with her things. Anna was not in a good mood, the hospital had decided they did not know when she would be released. They moved her to a long term wing because they decided she was traumatized. Not that she was going to deanie that she wasn't traumatized, she was. But Anna wasn't going to admit it either. Anna had been pacing her stool again before herded arrived. He dropped off her stuff, then took Ann's mom out to lunch. Anna looked at the stuff we dad had brought then buried her was In her pillow and began to cry. Everything she had been feeling burst like a dam. Guilt, anger, scared for Ava and scared.

Anna heard a knock at the door. Lifting her head out of her pillow she saw two police officers standing there. She blinked a few times and stood up.

"Where are your parents?" one asked. His voice wad ruff but kind.

"Out." answered Anna truthfully.

"When will the be back?" he asked her. "We can't ask you questions without them.

"You already asked two." Anna pointed out. The man chuckled politely while his friend looked annoyed.

"Fair point young lady. I take it you are Anna." he said but it sounded a little like a questions. Anna nodded. The man chuckled again. "I am Officer Landon." he told her and sat down. "This is Officer Ladri." he said nodding at his friend. Officer Ladri gave a polite nod. "I guess we will just wait here until your parents come back. Anna nodded and pulled out her laptop.

Ava sat in the dark for what felt like the longest time, waiting. Waiting for food, waiting for water, waiting to be told why she was here. She was now uncomfortable in the chair and would now rather be on the ground. She tried moving her arms but they were tied together and to the back of the chair. She tried to move her legs but they were tied together and to the chair as well. This time the man had gagged her once more so she couldn't even make s sound. She was trapped for unknown reasons. Ava simply sat. She wanted to run and never look back. She would rather be at school. She would rather be at her house than here, something she never thought she would say.

Ava heard foot steps and the click of s door unlocking. A second man walked in and turned on the light. This man was shorter, thinner and looked younger. He was holding a price of bread and the smallest amount of water. "I will untie tour arms, you will not try to escape." he said this in a way that there was no questioning it. First her took out the gag, next untied her arms and placed the food on her lap. Ava took the food gratefully. She ate the bread and drank the water. The man stayed with her until she finished, then tied and gagged her once more.

The police stayed on the couch. Anna stayed in her bed, waiting for her parents to come back. Anna had checked her e-mail twice, twitter 3 times and was checking Facebook for the 4th. Finally her parents came, laughing and holding hands but stopped laughing as soon as they saw the police officers. "Whats going on?" asked her mom. Officer Landon stood up. "Hello. I am Officer Landon, this is Officer Ladri. We are hear to question your daughter Anna some more.shaking their hands. “We couldn’t question her without you present.” He said smiling. “Now you are here can we get down to business?” Officer Landon asked.

“Alright.” said Anna’s dad. He sat down in the chair while Anna’s mom sat next to her daughter on the couch. Both Officer Landon and Officer Ladri took out small notebooks and pens from their pockets. Anna only half listened to them as they talked to her parents about what happened when they talked to Ava’s parents. Apparently they had gotten no ransom note or call, and they called Ava “A Devil Child.” At this Anna stood up, defending her friend. Ava was not a devils child, she was truly amazing.

“Her parents do not seem to think the same way you do Anna. They claim she always got into trouble, and her grades were poor.” Officer Landon kindly told Anna. Anna stared at him.

“Her grades were just fine and she rarely got into trouble.” She said defensively.

Then he said. “I know. We talked to your school, and they told us the same thing you did. How about you sit back down.” Anna did as he suggested. Still upset at Ava’s parents. She dozed out at the rest of the adults’ conversation.

Ava was stuck. She was bound to a chair and gagged. She knew she could do nothing, she was simply stuck. She didn’t know if it was night or day. The room had no window and when she was alone she was stuck in the dark. Yet again Ava heard the sound of footsteps and the click of a door. The first man walked in. He turned on the light and took the chair opposite her. “Well, you wanted to know why? Here is why. You can do quite and get quite a lot with a young child being held captive with you. It is simply a matter of money and power. I instructed my men to grab some kids off the street at random. They had to be young, and unaccompanied by an adult. Of course my men had a surprise when you fought back. I do give you credit for that.” He gave a slight nod and continued, “You bruised one of them pretty good, but I dare say they got you better.” He grabbed Ava’s arm and she tried to scream, but with the gag in place she couldn’t. He chuckled. “Ah well, at least they still got you. Sadly you managed to keep them from getting your friend. I rather admire your bravery. Sadly, once more, you are now my captive and cannot do anything to save yourself. You are at my mercy.” He gave a great laugh. “I will now remove your gag so you can answer some questions.” He said. Ava nodded and he untied it.

Anna looked around when Officer Landon directed a question at her. She looked confuted. “Sorry, could you repeat that?” She asked him. He smiled politely and repeated.

“Do you have any idea why someone would try and kidnap you and Ava?” He asked again. Anna winced when he said Ava’s name.

She thought for a moment. “No.” she finally announced. “I don’t even know if Ava’s parents would pay a ransom for her.” The police pondered this for a moment.

“Can you explain what happened one more time please?” Officer Ladri asked. Anna went through her nightmare once again. This nightmare, however, actually happened. Anna never thought this would happen to her, never happen to Ava. Once she finished the police glanced at each other like this fit in with what happened. Sorta.

“Where did she learn to fight?” asked Officer Landon. Ava shrugged.

She suggested this. “Maybe one of her brothers taught her.” The police nodded.

“Well, we will have another officer come by, just for protection.” Officer Landon informed them. “We don’t want anything happening to Anna. They got up and left.

Ava was still bound but at least now she could talk. The man sat right across from her so their knees touched. “Simple question first.” He told Ava. “What is your name?” Ava didn’t answer. She wouldn’t tell this man anything. The next thing he did changed her mind. He grabbed her arm once more, but this time he held hard and twisted it. Ava screamed in agony, screamed just as Anna had before. He let go and Ava felt a white hot pain still in her arm. As if he had touched it with a branding iron. He sat while Ava regained control of herself. “I ask you again, what is your name?” he asked more forcefully.

“Katelyn.” She lied. The man looked at her.

“See that wasn’t so hard. New question, what was the other girls name.” Ava shut her eyes tight. She really wouldn’t answer this question. She would not put Anna in danger. Once again, the man changed her mind. He took a short knife from his pocket. Ava saw the blade real quick. A split second later she felt the cool blade across her skin. “Now do you want to tell me?” he whispered in her ear.

“Natalie.” She whispered back.

“We can do this all day if you want. Or you can make it quick and painless. I will be back.” Without a moments hesitation he stuck the gag back into her mouth, tuned out the light and left.

A few minutes after the police left Anna heard another knock on the door. A doctor walked in. He smiled at her. “Hello, I am Dr. Retro, a young adult traumatization consular may I sit?” He asked after introducing himself. Anna nodded and took the chair her dad had occupied before he had to leave. “I am here to talk to you about what you have been through. I understand you probably don’t want to talk about. It is more than anyone your age should have gone through, anyone, even an adult should have gone through. You don’t have to talk to me at all, but I think it will help. I am here to help ease your pain.” He gave his introductory speech. Anna nodded again. Dr. Retro was very polite and seemed to know what she was doing.Anna lonely half listened to what he was saying. Something about different therapies working for different people. Anna looked around in surprise as he directed a question at Anna. Her mind had wandered for the second time that day. She looked at Dr. Retro, “Wha?” She asked him.
“How do you feel about talking out loud about what happened?” He asked not seeing to care that he need to repeat himself. Actually the fact that he need to repeat himself seemed to confirm something in his mind. Or maybe it was just her.

“Uh,” Anna said. “I don’t know.” She reacted towards the back of her mind. Did she feel okay with it?
Dr. Retro smiled. “How about we try it and if you don’t like it we try something else.” He suggested. Anna nodded her thoughts a million miles away again.

Ava was sitting in darkness yet again. She could feel the pain in her arm growing, and warm blood seeping across her other arm. She closed her eyes hoping she would wake up, that this was all a dream. She didn’t want to believe this was happening. But deep down she knew it really was happening. Her luck was never good, true, but she had never had this bad of luck. She was kidnapped and now, there was only one word for it. She was being tortured. Ava was still amazed she had only cried once. Even when her arm was twisted, she had only screamed. He had cut into her arm and she hadn’t even winced. But here alone? She couldn’t bring herself to do it. Ava knew why she couldn’t cry, he grief was beyond tears, she was to scared, to sad, hurt too much to cry. Ava could not think of anything but getting out of the place she was being kept. She was sorta glad to know why she was kidnapped but it didn’t make it any easier to deal with. She prayed Anna was safe, she was almost positive she was safe, but was not 100% percent sure anyway. Ava had sat there for what felt like eternity. Finally, the man came back.

“Ready to try again?” He asked sneering. Ava nodded. She rather wanted to this the easy way now. He removed the gag. “Good. Next question. Where did you learn to fight like that?”

Ava sighed and answered in a flat tone. “My brothers taught me.”

“Really?” He asked skeptically. Ava nodded once more, its 100% true. Ava thought. Hunger washed over her as the man looked at her closely. Ava felt like his electric blue eyes could see right through everything. But she knew it was not true. He believed her when he said her name was Katelyn. He believed her when she said her friends name was Natalie. But his eyes still felt all seeing to her. Ava kept thinking over and over again, this man will kill me. Other thoughts keep bursting in too. Is Anna truly safe? If she is will this man find her? Will Anna be okay?

The man didn’t seem like he believed her but accepted the answer all the same. All Ava could think was, thank goodness he didn’t hurt me. The man seemed to relax a little as he stared at her. His blue eyes once more seeming to x-ray her. Ava closed her eyes in hope that she could avoid looking at him. Ava kept quite thinking, Please let him be done. Please let him be done.

Anna was soon crying again. This time she was crying and shaking uncontrollably. Dr. Retro seemed to decided that talking things out was not such a good idea. Anna had twice re-lived the nightmare during waking hours to people. Anna was now sobbing and crying like a little kid. Anna could only think about what would happen had she done something. Could I have saved her? Could I have changed the fact that Ava was gone now? She thought. Anna tears poured down her and onto her mother shoulder, who was hugging her trying to calm her down. Anna was re-living her worst nightmare, the one that had really happened in her mind. Everything haunting her. In the confusion Dr. Retro stood up, saying “I’ll come back later.” Then hurried out of the room.

Anna thought she would have been out of tear by now, but they were coming thick and faster the before. She had lain down on the bed, and her mom had called for a doctor. The doctor came in soon, holding some hot chocolate, as Anna shock covered in sweat yet again. The doctor took her temperature, and handed her the mug. She managed to calm down a little but still shaking, but her tears had subsided. Anna sipped the warm drink as her mother, and the doctor, calmed her down. Anna couldn’t believe how she had broken down like that. She had told the story twice to the police, but maybe then the entire realization had come into effect then. I have to be strong for Ava now. She thought to herself. Who knows what she is going through?Anna burst back into tears at the thought of this. The doctor and her mother once more tried to calm her down, but Anna hardly noticed them.

Ava still sat with her eyes closed praying the man was done. He didn’t seem to need to know anything more right now. She was glad of this, but knew she would not be let go. She wanted to ask a question, but was afraid what the man might do. She braved it anyway. “When can I go.” She whispered barly moving her lips, her dry lips. Ava couldn’t help but long for water, she was, thirsty, hungry and wanted to go home. To think, just a week ago, Ava was worrying about math, now she is worrying about whether she would see her friends again. Ava opened her eyes.

The man looks into her eyes. “We will see if people cooperate. If they don’t, you die. If they do, we will see about release.” Ava felt panic rise up inside her. These people would kill her. A young girl in cold blood, an innocent girl, because other didn’t cooperate, they would kill her. The man left, not bothering to gag her, and Ava thought, most likely because no one would hear her. She was hoping the man would let her lie down again. She forgot to ask. But now she had something more to worry about, the fact that she might die. Would die if they didn’t do as they say. Ava had never relied on anyone before, and was really scared that this was the first time. Ava didn’t know what to do, and started crying once more.

Anna had finally regained control of herself. The doctor pulled her mother out into the hallway. Anna was pretty sure she knew what they were talking about. Her. Anna was shocked how once more she burst into tears, with nothing more that the thought of Ava. Block it. She thought to herself. You can block it. But she couldn’t. Ava’s face kept popping up in her mind. Anna turned on the TV again, and changed the channel to something other than the news. She sat their staring at the TV screen, unmoving, now without a thought in her mind. As the cartoon on the screen keeps going Anna lays quietly,the doctor and her mother still in the hall.

When the doctor and her mom enter, the both have grim faces, like something was wrong. "Anna," says the doctor kindly. "We are going you to long stay." Anna looks at.

"What?" She asks rather grogoly. Nothing was registering to her at the moment.

"The doctor is saying that you may be here for awhile."Her mother interjects before the doctor can say anything.

"Oh." Anna says simply. "Fine." Anna really didn't care. So her mom gathered everything from around the room and piled it up. A nurse came and wheeled Anna out of the room so Anna didn' t have to walk. Anna stared blankly at the space in front of her. Ava, Ava, Ava. She kept thinking. The only thought that kept running through her mind. I could have saved her. But I ran instead. Was the next thought that popped up. They finally arrived at the room. And Anna settled in another bed, still unmoving.

She had sat their for quite sometime but no one came. Ava had stopped crying by this time and had cried herself dry. And now the only thing running through her head. Food. That was the only thing she could think about. It she was going to die she might as well die on a full stomach. At least her captors could grant her that. But Ava knew that no food was heading towards her now, as much as she wanted it. Ava tried to turn her thoughts to other things. Well, at her position she didn't have that many happy thoughts to dwell on. I must ask about Anna next time he comes back. She thought. I need to know if she made.

A little while later the man came back. Ava was disappointed to see he was empty handed. As Ava was still ungagged she planned on asking him, but first she had to rack her brains to remember what named she used for Anna. "What happened to Natalie?" She now asks him. He laughs coolly.

"Don't worry, we have her too." He said to her. Ava wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. Sure he could be lying, but maybe he might not. "After your warning when she ran off, some off my other men caught her hiding. We have her." Ava was furious.

"Prove it!" She yelled at him tears threatening to overcome her. "Show me Anna!" She realized her mistake to late.

"Anna?" He asked her the laughter gone from his voice. "Who is Anna."

"No-" Ava started to lie again but the man had pulled out his knife once more, and this time, held it to her throat.

"Who." He asked once more, he had force in his voice as if he really would do this.

"The other girl. Her name is not really Natalie, it's Anna." Ava answered softly, her eyes watering. But the man wasn't done.

"It's your name really Katelyn?" He asked her.

"No." Answered Ava. "It's Ava." She knew something was coming at her for lying. She was right, the man untied her, stood her up, and punched her in the face. Hard. Ava fell over backwards, to weak to do anything. The man left, with Ava lying on the floor crying.

Anna was still in the bed. A new show had come on, not noticed by Anna. A news bullition flashed across the screen, this time, it grabbed Anna's attention. A picture of Ava flashed across the screen followed by the announcement, "Officials have reviled that a threat was delivered, to kill this girl-" The picture flashed again. "If the county agreed not to pass the county law about drugs. Officials did not give details and urge anyone with information to step forward so that they can find this girl-" The picture flashed once again for good measure. "And return her home." The news bullition stopped and the normal show started once more. Anna let out a shriek of fear. Ava could die, Ava could die. Was all she thought. Anna started hyperventilating at the news. A nurse rushed in followed by a doctor. Anna didn't notice. The nurse put an oxygen mask on her and Anna started to breath more normal. The doctor took her blood pressure again, but Anna once more noticed nothing.

The memory flooded back in full to Anna. Her shrieks of fear then, Ava's instructions. And now the thought Ava could die. The thought hadn't really been real before, but now the thought Ava might die was haunting her. And for a drug law? She could only imagine what these people might be like. She could only try to put her self in Ava's place. The only the threatening Anna was insanity. The thought of insanity, depression, illness, hunger, death and everything else was threatening Ava. The thought she may never return home. Anna didn't care what happened to her. Ava was the one she was worried about. Anna wanted to know what the police had found. She wanted to know if they had suspects, she wanted answers. But no answer would come easy.

She could tell her nose was bleeding. She hurt in every possible way. She had hit her head in the wall. She was dizzy. And she knew, no one here would care. Ava lay on the floor and breath was starting to return to her. She had had the breath knocked out of her. So much for protecting Anna. Like anything had ever come easy in Ava's life. School was out of the question. Her family? Like they liked her. Running? Well, she could count that, but she couldn't run here. She felt a burst of pain in her arm once more. It was underneath her as she fell, and she hadn't even felt it. Her arm was half numb, and she felt like her arm would never be the same. Ava started to feel more dizzy, and her eyes went in and out of focus. Her mind went blank, and Ava slipped into darkness.

She finally calmed down enough so that people could talk to her. "Please, sweetheart, tell us what is wrong." Her mother told Anna. But she couldn't tell them with everyone staring at her.

"Can I talk to Dr. Retro?" She asked softly. If she was going to tell anyone other than her mother, it would be Dr. Retro.

"Of course!" The nurse said then hurried out of the room. The doctor double checked blood pressure, heart beat, everything. Then left. Dr. Retro walked in a few minutes later.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asked in his polite tone. Anna nodded not quite sure she wanted to say. "Is this about the news bullition?" He asked her. Anna nodded again. "I saw it too. I can why you were upset by it. I was quite upset my self." He told her. Anna nodded deciding to let him do the talking. Now that Dr. Retro was here, she could bring herself to say anything. He seemed to be reading her thought. "Now I am here, you can't say anything." Anna nodded once more, half smiling this time. "Got you this time." He said smiling. Anna smiled more this time. "Come one." He told her. Anna giggled a little. "Now you feel better." And Anna did.

It took Ava awhile to regain consciousness. By this time her head was throbbing, and her arm was completely numb, and her nose was sore, but the blood was dry. The room was dark and no one was in the room with her. At least she was on the ground now. Maybe she could sleep now. The chair wasn't that comfy she discovered, and she would rather the floor. Ava crawled around on the ground, feeling around. The man had left her unbound and ungagged. So she felt around to see what she could find. Her hand ran across the fabric she was bound with. She thought about what purpose it could possibly serve. And it hit her, a sling. She gathered it up and some how manged to somewhat messily around her arm as a sling. It didn't really make her feel better, but it was something. She figured hopefully it would hold her arm in place for awhile.

No one came back to the room she was in. She had explored the small space she was trapped in. The door was bolted, she had tried that. No window. Checked for that. There was several chairs, one she had sat in one. The table with the lamp. She didn't bother turning it one. She was worried that she would get in trouble for that. Other than that there was nothing. No food, no water. And her stomach was rumbling now. The thought of dinner kept running through her head, even thought she didn't know what time it was. Just bring me food. She thought. Just bring me food.

By the time Dr. Retro left Anna was feeling quite a bit better. Some food had made its way toward her, and she ate it gratefully, glad that she was hungry. Anna powered up her laptop again, not sure what she wanted to do. She decided to check her e-mail, and was starting to do so when a doctor hurried in.

"We need to put the more permeant cast on you." He said to her. Anna nodded, remembering only then that she had fractured her wrist, not just sprained it. She stayed still when they started, didn't cry out when it hurt, Anna had returned to her shell. As they returned her to her room, Anna did check her e-mail, but didn't reply to anything. The majority of the e-mails were asking if she was okay, and praying for Ava. This only made Anna feel worse about the whole audile. She still really wanted to find out what the police had find out and when she voiced this to her mom, her mom told her she would phone the police. Anna was a little shocked when her mom told her this, but was glad to soon find out what they found out. Well, she hoped she would be.

Sometime later she did get food. She decided that they had to keep her alive for this to work. The same man who "questioned" her came back with food. Same thing as last time, but Ava ate it hungrily. But something superised her. The man yanked some hair out of her head. Ava wasn't sure why, but didn't even have to voice it for the man simply said, "Proof of life." Ava didn't question. She wanted people to find her. She wanted to be let go. Let them analyze it. I want them to see I am unheathy. She thought to her self. I want to be found.

Writers Block. Any ideas?

Please Please comment. Advise, plot lines, and Titles welcomed!
Last edited by HermioneGranger on Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:24 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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- Christian Nestell Bovee

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Poems I wrote for this Story.

Postby HermioneGranger » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:47 am

I’m the girl in a hospital room, the one who isn’t gone.
I’m the girl feeling pain, in my heart more than my arm.
I’m the girl who you tried to take, but my friend protected me from you.
I’m the girl who needs some love, but from the one who’s gone by you
You’re the man who took my mind, it’s now gone.
You’re the man who stole my friend, took her off the street.
I’m the girl who just wants relief.

A second one for Anna.
I’m the girl you took, against my own will.
I’m the girl who’s hurt, the one that no one’s found.
I’m the girl who feels pain like no other ever should.
You’re the man who causes my pain, the man who tied me up.
You’re the man I want to die, for holding me here, alone.
I’m the girl who wants to die, nothing is worse than this.

I’m the girl you took, against my own will.
I’m the girl who’s hurt, the one that no one’s found.
I’m the girl who feels pain like no other ever should.
You’re the man who causes my pain, the man who tied me up.
You’re the man I want to die, for holding me here, alone.
I’m the girl who wants to die, nothing is worse than this.

We’re the girls who hurt, apart but not divided.
You’re the man who makes us hurt, but in different ways the same.
We’re the girls who live in pain, the ones that can’t think straight.
You’re the man casing this, the reason for, we don’t know why.
I’m the girl who’s mind is gone, the one all alone.
You’re the one who took my friend, claiming her as your own.
I’m the girl who’s gone, with a friend I saved alive,
You’re the man who’s taken me, you are to blame for this crime.
We’re the girls we spent a summer, not sure if we’d see the other.
We’re the girls who would like, to enjoy another day
You’re the man causing our pain, You are the one we hate.

Last edited by HermioneGranger on Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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- Christian Nestell Bovee

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Character Quotes

Postby HermioneGranger » Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:40 am

Disclaimer: I don't own these, Dear Insanity did! Many thanks to you!
Anna ::
Hurt. Disparate. Pained. Agony. Horror.
Growing Pain.
An emptiness inside that grows as you're gone.
The distance eats away at me, causing the agony to burn
a grotesque hole within my chest.
And knowing that there is nothing I can do, makes the pain
all that worse.
I'm traumatized by the sight my eyes cursed me to have,
The fear that you will be gone, and I will not have anything.
I'm scared.

And Fancy

Fear Is Real.
It's eating away at me,
sinking into the marrow of my bones
and chilling me frozen.
The darkness of what is going on,
it grows darker and darker until
no light is showing.
But I will still hold onto the hope,
that I won't get harmed...
After all, I saved a life for the turn
of my own. That's all that should matter...
the fear should die, I should rule it over.
But it's harder to say then do.

Last edited by HermioneGranger on Fri May 31, 2013 12:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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- Christian Nestell Bovee

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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby IBGIRL » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:31 pm

Omg this is great!

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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby HermioneGranger » Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:20 am

Thank you! Glad you like it.
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- Christian Nestell Bovee

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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby HermioneGranger » Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:58 pm

Bump. Added Poems I wrote and character quotes, thanks to Dear Insanity!
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- Christian Nestell Bovee

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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby OrangeNeon » Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:10 pm

I really like kit, you should write more soon ^^
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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby IBGIRL » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:51 am

More! :D

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Re: The unnamed Story (I don't have a name yet, More added.)

Postby HermioneGranger » Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:14 pm

Bump. Comments welcomed!
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