♥In my character's shoes♥comments and crit welcome♥

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♥In my character's shoes♥comments and crit welcome♥

Postby Sculi the Ax » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:59 pm

•For years and years I have spoken to myself in my head, and spilled those conversations on paper. I have created, built, molded entire realms and stories in my head, and spilled those upon paper. I have fabricated ideas, and spilled them onto paper. I have discovered and opinionated all sorts of stuff about the world, and put those onto paper.
Here, I shall share them.

•I am a young girl. I like to travel a lot, that being said, I have no plans for my life except traveling. I enjoy learning ancient history, and I over-use my imagination.
•Writing has always been an escape for me. As I have said, I over-use my imagination, and this all comes out onto paper. I am always asking for criticism, and comments are always welcome. I am rather shy with my writing style, especially with my newer stories, but I do try to share them as much as possible. When I write, I don't just think: "Hey, I'm bored! I'll write a story!" No, I use experiences that I wish had been different, people that I wish I could met, when I write, I like to put myself in my characters' shoes, and experience what they experience.

<:About the Title:>
•As I said above, when I write, I take the place of my characters. This is how I got the title- I don't just write, but I write myself into my stories, which is what, I think, makes up my writing style. Sometimes I write about what I wish I could be, what I wish I could see, and sometimes it's just me wanting to go on an adventure.

<:Where everything is:>
•The first post is taken by, well, this stuff. It is a brief intro to me and my writing.
•The second post is occupied by tips/pointers and an "etiquette briefing"
•The third post is where you can find poetry that I've written. Granted, it is not very good, but it's there for critisicm. I will rotate out poems as I see fit.
•In the fourth and fifth posts, chapters from a novel I am writing can be found. Chapters will be rotated weekly, if I have had time to write, and the fourth post will have the chapter from the previous week, while the fifth post will have the chapter for the current week.
•The sixth post is taken with my own commentary on what I have been writing- there you will find summaries, updates, and other miscellanouse tidbits on what I think and am up to.
Last edited by Sculi the Ax on Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
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An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

~ My characters ~
WIP :3
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Sculi the Ax
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Tips and Etiquette

Postby Sculi the Ax » Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:10 pm

Also found here
Have a foundation
•Some people just slap words on paper, and this does not always work; this is when you’re going to want to know your story. Not ever detail, of course, but have a foundation, a basic idea, something for your story to stem off of.
•If a seed is cared for and nurtured well, it will grow into a tree. This tree will blossom, children will climb it- Think of the seed as the idea, the tree as the story, the blossoms as the words, and the children as the readers. Everything great starts with something small, it just needs to be treated correctly.
Know your characters
•You should know your characters personalities, what they’re like, how they respond to situations. You should know some major events in their past that shapes them, and major changes in their life that have impacted them. I’m not saying that you have to have each character’s backgrounds and personalities written down, but if that’s what it takes then go ahead!
•For example: if you have a really, really innocent character, he/she isn’t going to randomly kill someone because they got upset.
Keep it real
•No matter what you’re writing, don’t get it too far out there. Readers don’t want to read that kind of stuff, usually. I’m not saying, don’t write fiction, because I love fiction! I adore dragons and demons, in fact, those are the only books I’ll read, but what I won’t read are fictional books that have over-crazy, wild things in there…
•For example: Do you want to send your characters into space? Go ahead! Have them take a space shuttle of something, don’t have them sprout wings and burst through the atmosphere though- that’s a bit too extreme.
Have your ideas “flow”
•Sudden twists and new characters are great and all, on spontaneous entry or easing into it. What you don’t want though, is to introduce an entirely new idea, nowhere in the story do you want a sudden new idea. If you ease into it, the story will make more sense, capture more attention, and you’ll be more pleased with it at the end. So don’t have your characters jump through a portal, when you have never before in the story mentioned a portal.
Keep your story organized
•Elipses, line breaks, commas, indents, all other punctuation and conventions will help you establish strong ideas. This also ties in with keeping the story real and having your ideas flow. If you have scrambled thoughts like me, try to find a way to keep them in check, have them in a line in your head, waiting to be attended to.
•Also, don't rush. Be patient with your story, it'll get there. Just olike I said with the seed, it won't grow immediately, but it will get there.
The characters drive the plot
•Yes, start with a basic plot, start with a new idea, but don’t have it control your characters. I have seen many a story ruined because the plot is rock solid. Quite the contrary, in fact, the plot should be more like rubber, It maintains it’s shape when left alone, but when touched it bends. Your characters should be rock solid, through and through, your plot, not so much.
Writer’s block
•We all hate it, it hides in the back or your mind, and then WHAM! Nothing. COMPLETE blank. Suddenly you’re looking at a blank piece of paper, and you don’t know where to go. One option is to go back, revise and edit your story for a better grip on possibilities that could happen. You could stop for a while, give it a break. Maybe you could draw a scene from your story, listen to music, outline the story again… Become one of your characters for a day [yes, I have done that…]. One thing you never, ever do, is give up. I’ve had writers block on one story for over two years, and I still try to write it whenever I can.
Don't be afraid
•It doesn't matter how bad you think your writing is, or whether you like it or not. Sharing your stories will help- you'll get critique and positive comments, both of with are confidence boosters and will help you feel better about when you write. I guarantee someone will like your writing, and it doesn't matter who.
•Also, don't be afraid of your ideas. Often they're challenges, which we run away from, or mayber we feel intimidated by the characters and the storyline involved. We're going to need to step out of out comfort zone and tackle some of these challenges, often, it's not so bad after all, and thay always, ALWAYS, make you feel good after writing them

•Don't be rude- Really guys, I am only human. Give me criticism, don't tear my writing apart.
•Text speak- I'm sorry, but I can barely understand it, keep it to a minimum please?
•No spam- I am stepping out of my shell and sharing my writing with you, please don't get this thread locked.
•No stealing- I have written everything myself, and I have put a lot of time and effort into this. Put yourself into my shoes: how upset would I be if you stole my ideas and writing?

•When critiquing, don't just point out what I did wrong, but say why and how it is wrong- how am I supposed to know what to fix if I don'w know what's wrong...
•Advice sould really be constructive- No weak statements or anything at means nothing, it doesn't help and can clutter the thread
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
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✔ Waiting for a madman in a box...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

~ My characters ~
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Sculi the Ax
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Postby Sculi the Ax » Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:11 pm

White Gloves

I stare at the blank wall in front of me,
I’m wearing white gloves,
There is writing on the board before me,
I hear it, tap, tap, tapping.

I’m wearing white gloves,
The voices inside my head, whisper,
“You can hear it, tap, tap, tapping,”
And overhead the ceiling cracks.

The voices inside my head, whisper,
“You can see them, when they tap,”
And overhead the ceiling cracks,
A hood is pulled over my head.

I am wearing white gloves.
Last edited by Sculi the Ax on Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
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✔ Waiting for a madman in a box...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

~ My characters ~
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I once walked along a Path

Postby Sculi the Ax » Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:13 pm

Chapter 1
The Verdicts

I yawned, and waited for my Verdict. I already knew the results, they were the same as the last two years. I slumped down in my chair. My limbs relaxed, my eyelids slowly drooped. I shook my head, my knee knocked the side of the desk, attracting attention.
“You are aware that falling asleep is prohibited and can lead to expulsion, furthermore….”
The teacher launched off on her speech. I rolled my eyes, and peered around the classroom. Others chuckled quietly. I glared at them, shutting them up immediately.
“Is that understood?” Teacher squealed. I yawned:
“Understood.” My syllables dragged out and slow. Teacher gave me the evil stare, and continued on. Name, after name, after name, the Verdicts dragged on. My eyes slowly closed, and I drifted off into some waking dreams. I was falling, falling, tumbling, I looked down, at the serenity of the spongy moss, and water reservoirs dotted around beneath me.
I caught myself just before a giggle and/or snore escaped my mouth. All sorts of stares were directed at me. I supposed my Verdict had been given. I stood up and commenced the walk of shame, or at least, how I had nicknamed it. Every year, my Verdict had been given it had been: “Has been unaccepted, but in light of her test scores and athletic ability, she will take an exam that will determine her official Verdict.” And, as usual, everyone snickers and stares at me as I awkwardly amble up the path to the dais. This time, all I got was applause and dropped jaws. I looked around, puzzled. Teacher stood, beaming at me, but the expression in her eyes said: “Thank god! This horrid child is out of my life!” It was almost as if I could hear her voice saying just that. Then her voice continued: “Pft… she lives off of luck…” I glared at her, fiery hate burning in my eyes. “She never was suited for our…. Advanced course… the slime-sucking, lagging, careless, snobby…” She continued with the names, that said nothing about me, I was a loner, I had no parents -of course, no one knows that- I ,unlike any others, adore the cold, and I do work hard…. Just not at school, it comes naturally to me. A low, quiet growl escaped my throat. I snorted, my nose burned, and my eyes watered. I wiped my eyes, and mumbled:
“Tears of joy…. Or hate…” To the boy to my left. He chuckled, and passed me a few chocolate bars.
“She never did like you…. Or me…” He said, now behind me. I shoved the chocolate up my sleeve, and nodded. I signed to him:
Indeed……. We shall chat soon, squirrel sensei… He was my one and only friend, the only one who accepted me, despite my differences, and oddness. I completed my walk of shame to the dais. I looked up to teacher. She smiled down at me, causing me to flinch. She was an evil woman, I swear it. Her voice boomed about the room:
“This girl…” She hesitated, and glanced at me. I mouthed my name. “Flynn,” I brought my palm up, and drove it into my forehead. She stomped on my foot, and continued. My friend was the only one who knew my name, nobody else bothered to remember it. Teacher carried on:
“Has demonstrated excellence in all areas this year, and all other years previous, she was only under-aged, and therefore was forbidden to enter this school for privileged children.”
“I’m thirteen” I said through clenched teeth. She waved her hand in front of my face in response.
“She has taken eligibility tests after every Verdict, and has scored highest on them every time. Therefore, she has succeeded into entering the school!” Great shouts and cheers resounded through the room. Everyone seemed happy, but I didn’t understand what the heck was going on. As far as I’m concerned, all that was happening was I’m just going to another school, to be separated and even more alien. I cast a sideways glance at my friend, he just laughed and clapped. He then turned to the kids next to him and yelled something I had grown used to, whenever he was proud of me, he’d scream: “THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” At first I protested, but eventually I just rolled my eyes, and laughed. He yelled just that, and then, he stood up, and walked up to me, getting a disapproving look from teacher. I paid no attention, excitement bubbled inside of me, if my friend was happy about it, it must be good. He walked straight up onto the dais, and grabbed my shoulders.
“I’m gonna miss you kid…” He said.
“I’m gonna miss you too… Ingi…” I said.
“Gwana…” He said. I beamed and flinched at my name, hearing it was such a rare occurrence. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He hugged me back. By now, the sounds around us started seeping through the “bubble” that had formed around us. Kids were chanting: “KISS KISS KISS!” I sneered at them, some of them made faces back, and I burst out laughing. He pulled away from me, and muttered something incomprehensive.
“I……………. I’ve…….. You……….”
“Ingi….. You’re making no sense….”
“I’ve…” He pulled on his shirt collar, sweat beaded on his forehead.
“You don’t look too good Ingi, maybe I should get you to the nurse…” I peered past him. He was a rather chunky kid, and he dwarfed me with his five foot, ten inch height. I was a measly four foot nine. Behind him, I saw kids taking bets in the audience, probably as to whether we were gonna kiss or not. The room was still full of laughter and rejoicing. It was a great celebration whenever someone moved schools; I always missed it because I’ve been asleep…
“N-no… I’m trying to say…”
“That…” I knew what he was going to say, I could hear it now. I love you…… His gentle voice echoed through my head, looking into each-other’s eyes. I would cry a tear of joy. And his gentle, caring, kind nature would stand guard over me. No matter how far apart we were. The moment lasted forever.
I rose up onto my toes, to attempt to look into his eyes. He looked down at me, our eyes met. Would the moment in my head become a reality? Would something finally go right? All sorts of questions buzzed inside my head. But they were halted as I opened my mouth, to say: “Well?” But his finger touched my lips. Was he really going to say it? I felt his hands move down to my elbows.
“Gwana….” He said, his hands moved to mine. His fingers laced through mine, sending a shudder down my spine.
I felt teacher right behind me. She grabbed my arm, wrenching my right hand free of his.
“No!” I said, grabbing his other hand tight.
“We now bid farewell to Flynn! We shall remember her as she continues on her way to greatness!” Teacher’s voice boomed through the room, she continued dragging me toward the great, wooden doors, adorned with jewels that everyone always longed to go through. But still, I struggled to get back to Ingi, even though I knew my efforts were fruitless. Our hands were pulled apart, sending me backwards.
“INGI!” I screamed, over the volume of the room. I was pulled back farther towards the doors. I turned to teacher.
“Wait, please…. Can I just say good-bye to him?” I begged her.
“No child, as that would leave you broken hearted, besides! It would slow down the process! The sooner we get through the doors, the sooner we can start anew!” Her voice dripped with false pity, she looked down at me, I sneered at her.
“If I don’t say good-bye….. I’ll be even more broken hearted!” I pleaded.
“The answer is no!” She squealed. I turned back to Ingi.
“Ingi!” I yelled.
“Gwana!” He called back.
“I’m gonna miss you!”
“I’ll miss you too!” He called. Not very touching, but still, it warmed my heart.
“Ingi…..” I started, and the doors began to close in front of me. My statement was cut off, as the doors swung shut, sealing me off from Ingi… and the rest of the world.
I peered around. The room was pitch black, I couldn’t see anything. I put my hand in front of my face. I couldn’t see it, I brought it closer and closer, only when it touched my nose, could a faint outline be seen. This told me that there was a light source coming from somewhere, but it was a very long way away. Also, since there was a light source, there must be fresh air coming in. I was not in danger of death. Out of the darkness, teacher’s voice boomed:
“Here is your first test, to see if you are worthy…..”
“Worthy? Test? Where am I going?!” My voice rang, desperate and confused, in the air. But teacher continued:
“You must keep your wits, and use both mental and physical strength to get out.”
“Get out?! This is a concrete box!”
“You get one hint, and no help. The hint may come at any time… in any manner.”
“One hint?”
“Hint: Magic…”
“Seriously? Already? And either way, I’m in a…….” Something rang in my brain, there was a light source far off, this couldn’t possibly be a box. My thoughts were interrupted by the next remark.
“The hint gives you something that would have taken you forever to figure out, speeding up the process, from here on out, you’re alone…”
“No! Wait! Uggg” I complained. I looked around pointlessly. Ok, think……. There’s a light source some way off, I am in no danger of suffocation. This isn’t a room, so what is it? It’s magical, or has something to do with magic, according to the hint. It could be a hallway, a closet, a portal, or even a Path.
“A Path…” I whispered, the words rang true in the thick silence. Panic rose inside of me. Its rushing filled my ears, and blinded me. I pushed it back down, and took a deep breath. I sniffed the air, hoping for the fain scent of clean, fresh air. All I got was the musty smell of the Path. I turned around stiffly, sniffing the air, nothing. After a 360 degree spin… at least, I hoped so, I conducted another test. I held my hand an inch in front of my nose, I think, and turned around. I couldn’t see it. I moved my hand a bit closer, and turned around again. I repeated this, until my hand touched my nose, and at about a 90 degree turn, I caught the outline. I started in that direction.
Something tugged at the edge of my vision; I whirled around, just in time to see a tongue of flame jump out of me. I leapt into the air, remembering one of my tests after the Verdict had been given. It was from a physical selection. I had to spring into the air, and grab a pair of gym rings. I then had to twist upside down, and hang there with my legs, in order to grab a golden key on a pedestal below me. There were a few issues though:
A: The rings were ten feet in the air.
B: The rings were suspended on fine thread.
C: The pedestal moved, and it was made of rubber.
Those were only the major ones, if I fell, I’d have landed on concrete, and other students taking the test were racing against me. Though, every single test I passed, with sheer luck, common sense, and physical strength.
Using the knowledge gained in that certain test, I managed to jump high enough to stay in the air as long as possible. I landed silently; the fire hitting the opposite wall illuminated the Path for a minute. I saw doors, lining both sides. Between the doors was ancient script. At first glance, it looked like mere symbols, but upon closer inspection…. The fire-light faded. I felt the wall where the fire had originated from. It was still warm; I traced my fingers over the runes. They told a story… a story of fire-summoners... those who summoned fire. I continued tracing my fingers along the wall, hungry for more of their story. But I reached the door that stopped it. On the other side of the door, it told of gold creators, I felt above the story, where it told of how flyswatters were created. Below was the tragic tale of William Shakespeare. What? I thought. Shakespeare? I know Paths hold many secrets, histories, and tales, but Shakespeare? What’s he doing here? This puzzled me, but I sighed, the story of the fire summoners left me hanging. I stored their story in my memory, and determined to write it down later, maybe even add my own ending… in a different colour pen.
A little later, I came across another oddity. The floor was littered with ash and dust. Underneath was a light source. I stepped onto the ash, a cloud of it flew up into the air, swirling around me. I lifted my shirt up, to filter my breathing. I moved closer to the wall. More dust flew around me, despite my filter system, it was choking, my eyes watered. I stepped back, falling onto my butt. I found myself back on the mysterious stone floor of the path. The ash and dust dispelled. I coughed, and moved closer to the wall. Ahead of me, the dust and ash stretched as far as I could see. I remembered one of my written tests. It was about volcanoes, and fire. It was a cinch, for me at least. On the ash section of it, there were some questions that seemed to apply directly to this bit. I would have to either not step on it period, which meant either flying, or climbing up the slippy, vertical wall. Or, I could put something over it. Either way, I’d have to not step on it.
I neared the wall on my left, and touched the runes again. These were ice cold, and bone dry. I jumped at first contact, but my fingers remained on it. I found this story to be about dragons. Dragons about everything imaginable. Dust dragons, Ice dragons, technology dragons, even plastic dragons. Forgetting all about my current dilemma, I walked with my fingers on the wall, practically devouring information about the dragons. I learnt about how they were created, the original “rainbow” tribes, how dragons became more and more specialized. How only one type retained their uniqueness. How, eventually, there were only two or three dragons of each kind. How those of lesser importance died out, as they could find no mates. How, soon enough, there were tribes, and those tribes banded together. You had the “Compass” tribes, the original “Rainbow” tribes, “Element” tribes, “Stone” tribes, and two odd ones: Energy and Dimension dragons. I learned of how they fared when humans first came around. And the runes ended with a wooden door. I yelped as a splinter embedded itself under my fingernail. I turned back, and found the dust and ash undisturbed, and out of reach. I decided not to puzzle over it. I turned around. Knowing the nature of Paths, it stretched on forever, but my journey had ended, with this last wooden door. How I know: There was a big stone wall that stretched out in front of me, blocking my path no matter what I did. I turned back to the wooden door on my left. I tried the handle. It was unlocked. I shoved the door open, falling as it opened easily. I looked around, I was in a well lit room, students gathered around me, looking at me intently.
“Uh… hi?” I said. They cheered, but stopped and moved as a door slammed behind them. I stood up, in a hurry, as one of them mouthed: Get Up! They all looked nervous. I brushed my dirty, dusty, slightly burnt clothes off. I touched my shoulder, and was relieved to find my woolen bag still slung across my body. I let out a breath, but stopped when I saw who, no, WHAT was walking down the hallway towards me. It was tall, and skinny, very tan, it’s hair was made of… moss?... it had shrubs for hands, and roots for legs. I looked around the room, slower this time, taking in more details. The room was lit with sun-spheres- literally spheres of light, pure light. And a bunch of the students had wings… bug wings. Fairies… I thought in wonder. Other students had miscellaneous hats on. Wizards… I marveled. Some of them looked just like the thing walking down the hall towards me. They’re dryads… I noticed multiple other creatures around me. Among them were shape shifters, nymphs, and humans with magical abilities. Probably some mindspeakers and those with the ability of telekinesis. The dryad walking towards me was obviously a teacher. It started to speak…
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
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✔ Waiting for a madman in a box...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

~ My characters ~
WIP :3
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I once walked along a Path

Postby Sculi the Ax » Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:14 pm

Chapter Two
New Surroundings

I stifled a yawn as the PE “teacher” announced that we were running the mile… again… This teacher was a water nymph, so we do a LOT of swimming activities, but she had recently decided that running was just as good, as long as we ran. No jogging, you had to sprint. If you were caught at less than your full speed, she’d make you restart, and do a bunch of vigorous water exercises. It’s torture. I shot a glance at the boy on the other side of the room. Yes… boy and girls share one locker room, only because most of them can snap their fingers and be changed. I have to go to the bathrooms every day to get changed. The boy isn’t anything magical… he’s a simple human, but he has insane physical strength, and telekinesis. So he’s like me, except I’m an outcast and he’s the heartbreaker. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at some giggling fairies and nymphs. They’re immature, irresponsible liars who’ll stretch nothing into something huge. Not only that, but they’ll do anything to get you in trouble. The PE teacher looked at me, and frowned.
“Still?” She asked, disappointed at me.
“N-n-no!” I stuttered. The teacher went vacant for a second. I felt something odd touch my mind. Get out! I screamed at her. I’m the only student with the ability to feel presences in my mind, and to be able to invade other’s minds... so far… I felt the presence withdraw, and the teacher nodded at me, once again forgetting that I was the “one”, or so my friends put it. I still don’t understand most of what they say. Usually I just smile and nod, like a moron.
I glanced at him again. He clenched his fist and winked. I rolled my eyes, and turned my attention back to the teacher. She finished up with the rules, and sent us outside, while she did her usual, and cracked into a choc-nut bar, while sitting in the lovely, air conditioned room. I hated the nymph… I hated nymphs in general. Mostly because they change the water currents during our lake swimming against me, to see just how much brute strength I have. They also cheat, and use the currents to propel them forward.
We lined up in front of the start line, and waited for the signal, when the green flag was raised above the locker room, we sprinted. I started in third, but, being the only one able to maintain my 20mph speed, I soon took the lead. And yes, it’s important, as the person who “wins” gets the first go at the water spring… and they get to skip the next mile. I panted, and completed my third lap. One more, one more… come on… I coaxed myself. Spots began to blotch my vision, and I became dizzy. I heard someone coming up behind me, which meant I had slowed down. Oh no… I thought, and piled on the speed. I passed over the tell-tale hole in the ground that said I was almost there, and then ran into the fence. I fell on my back, the wind being knocked out of me. I groaned….. And passed out.

I cracked my eyes open, the light that flooded my vision forced me to groan.
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
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✔ Waiting for a madman in a box...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

~ My characters ~
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Postby Sculi the Ax » Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:18 am

I once walked along a Path is one of my earlier stories- I began to write it when I was ten, and never really got past the second chapeter. I have now gone back to it, and intend on finishing it and turning it into a book in a Trilogy. This story stemmed from an idea of a girl who is sent to a school for being special- she was kind of a hobo at first, no parents, no money, lived on the streets, and used her school's gym for showers and had only hand-me-downs from other students as clothes. At this school she discovers she is more than special- she is half dragon, and her genetics trace back to the very first... In the entire first story, though, she has no idea. She is only told that she is special by her peers and teachers. While the readers are peicing it together, she is still overwhelemed by everhting happeneing around her, and does not discover what she is by the end of the story, where a brand new question rises: who is this?

"White Gloves" is the poem of right now, as I will put it. This poem is a Pantoum, and I am really happy with it; Pantoums are a challenge for me, because of the repetition patterns.
I wrote this poem to say that there is a hidden truth to everything. It is meant to show a lot of contrast, between good and bag, cracking ceilings, not good, white gloves, good. But in this poem, I had them associate with each other, and this was supposed to establish the “there is more than meets the eye,” effect that I wanted.

Last bumped by Sculi the Ax on Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:18 am.
Kickthe Gher gave me a pig! oDo
❒ Taken
❒ Single
✔ Waiting for a madman in a box...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but The Doctor is cute, so screw the fruit

Teehee, Dan was here x3

I used to be SCULIAX and Skuliax ~ No stealing
Dat sexeh ladeh Dan Howell made my avatar. Give her some fluffles for it, yeah? c;

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WIP :3
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Sculi the Ax
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