Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|Big Udate!|

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Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|Big Udate!|

Postby Sehunnie » Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:23 pm

Chater One Best day evah!

Jasmines p.o.v
I sat on the bench in the park eating an icecream cone. Why I was I had no idea me being lactos intolerent. The wind blew my dark brown hair across my face. It was a warm summer day in london the park was beautiful on these kind of days. I was in london going to a colledge seeing that im only sixteen it was a rare thing... you see I graduated highschool early know I was on my way down astrolager and animal science path.
No one who has know me for less than two days would have no Idea I was smart infact I forget it myself some time...he he im kinda a blondie.
Any ways I was siting at the park. I went to lick my ice cream when it fell into my lap.

"ahh crap!" I yelled my slight hick accent showing.I was wering dark skinny jeans with a tear half way up my thigh." I just barley bought theese too" I said to anyone aroud who happened to be listening.

"need a napkin love?" A deep voice said. I being a directioner recocnized the voice instantly but not wanting to seem like the total freakazoid i could be. I turned around ,and saw Harry Styles like my Biggest crush evah!

" if you can spare one!" I said utterly shocked by how calm my voice sounded. I did little twitch as cold ice cream seeped through to my legs.He handed me one. I swipped the ice cream onto the ground "Thanks I said... hey arn't you Harry Styles" I said trying to keep my cool.

"yes I am ..please don't scream the entire park doesn't need to know who I am" He said in his flawless voice it sent shivers down my back.

" I wont can I squeel a bit?" I asked feeling on in my throat.

"not loud!... but okay I guess" Harry said I squeeled a bit flapping my arms my loose see trough shirt slid down my shoulder showing my black bra strap and red tank top.

" okay im good phew... okay I gotta change my pants there getting sticky... but to be honest I would rather walk around in sticky skinny jeans and talk with you than not" I said I squermed in the sticky fabric.

" i'll walk with you to your flat then you can change then mabey we can hang" Harry said I nearly died the got a confused look on my face as harry said " best of both worlds!"

" wait sorry for sounding stupid but whats a flat?" I asked.

" your american right?" Harry asked. I nodded was it that obvious!" okay then its an apartment"

"ohh sorry" I said my really tanned skin blushed a touch. " wait you'll walk with me!! not going to flip not going to flip" i took a few deep breaths then composed myself "ok follow me... if i can remeber what way i'm going." I say laughing a nervous laugh. I looked around trying to remeber landmarks.

"sooo wat brings you to london?" Harry asked.

"college" I say looking at the trees around me I just chose a random direction and hoped it the right one.

"what how old are you?" Harry asks a shocked look on his face.

"sixteen almost seventeen." I said.

" wait wat how is that possible" Harry said" do you know where your going?"

"not really" I admitted. I told him my address.

" hey thats close to the boys and I fl... I mean apartment" Harry said. " i'll show you the way!" He said then walked ahead. I followed he was even taller in real life he kinda made me feel like a shrimp saying that im only 5' 3'.

" its possible because i graduaed early" I said. Oh yah I left out a kinda important little detail I was also here with my to best friends Abby ( apple juice), and Maddie (miac). Anyways I followed harry catching up. " gosh you make me feel short" I said looking up at him. ohh gosh his eye's eeek they were greyish greenish brown. I still don't think the total truth has sunk in that I was talking to harry styles... But if when It did I sure hoped he wasn't around because that could get crazy!

" no you just short" Harry said propping his elbow on my head.

"Hey! don't knock the short people because my punchin' range is right in your man parts" i said. my phone vibrated making me jump a bit. I pulled it out.

From: Miac
Where are you you left like an hour ago!
To : Miac
you'll never believe who is walking me home hang on sending you a pic.

I held up my phone secretly up to harry who had just shaken his head and walked forward. I quickly snapped it then sent it to maddie.My phone rang. It was maddie.

"excuse me for a moment" I said then hit answer I held the phone out away from my ear as Maddie yelled at me.

" is that thee Harry syles?" she screamed.

" yes it is" I said looking at him.

" Ohh my god bring him by the house" She yelled almost bursting my ear drums. I huung up on her then smiled at Harry. He shook his head obliviously he heard the screaming.

"Fans i'll never get you guys" He said he started walking again. Itried to control my laughter which just made me snort. " we're almost there... aparently Liam is watching us He's such a creeper sometimes" Harry said checking his phone. " he's wondering who you are? WHo are you anyways II never caught your name"

"Jasmine! " I said my voice sqeeking an octive higher. " heh heh sorry"

" well then nice to meet you Jasmine" He said then texted away. I guessed he was texting liam my name but I'm not sure. " liams going to jopin us on our walk too the house" Harry said. I almost died This was the best day EVAH! I jumped accidentaly bumping into Harry as some one tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around it was Liam.

" sorry Harry Your you and your you ohh god" I said my system overloaded I fainted. After that I wasn't sure what happened I'm guessign they weren't quick enough to catch me because my head killed when I woke up. Harry was standing over me pouring water onto my face to wake me up.

" oh good your alive! I was getting worried there for a second!" Liam said. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. I was under a shady tree. I stood up wobbling a bit then oriented myself.

Harry's P.O.V

I looked down at the short girl who stood looking at me. She had dark brown almost black eyes. She's kinda pretty. I shook myself out of the thoughts

"can you walk?" I asked She took a couple steps then nodded her dark brown curly hair bounced slightly.

" is your hair naturaly that way?" Liam asked. Jasmine shook her head.

"well it's curly but not cute curly so I straighten it then curl it" She said. I nodded as we walked up to the door. Jasmine pushed on the pull door. I let out a small laugh and then pulled on the door. Her cheeks blushed slightly the walked through Liam right behind her. I closed he door right behind me. " okay just warning you I've got some crazy friends up in my apart... I mean flat that are pretty woo hoo in the head" she drew a circle in he air by her head.

" well then we'll grab a pair of ear plugs before we head to your place" I said.

" well I guess theey migh no be too bad ... I kinda have the most problem with controling myself , And im doing pretty good if I do say so myself" She said. I nodded I wasn't malled, my ear drums didn't hurt... so I say she did good on controlling herself.

" this is our place!" Liam said.

"hey this is only like two doors down from my own" Jasmine said She ran to her own flat and peeked he door open. I heard a aloud squeel from inside he room. A tall blonde girl and a girl about the same hieght as jasmine shhe had shoulder length brown hair.

"ohh my god you wern't joking!" Theblonde one said a star srucked look on her face. he other one was just looking at us up and down like she was sizing us up.

" the tall star sruck one is Abby. The one acting like she could take you down if you tried anything is Maddie." Jasmine said. I smiled and waved the one called abby looked like she was abou to faint. Ohh great im going to have to wake up another fainted girl. Ohh well I ought to be used o girls fainting over me.

" im not acting" Maddie said squaring her shoulders.

"Maddie i've takin' you down before and incase you can't tell there like twice as big us" Jasmine said. Ouch... That kinda hurt.

" you wanna go gurl?" Maddie asked moving her head in a circle.

" Maddie your sass is showing" Jasmine said then shook her head walking into her flat Me and Liam follwed we were blocked by Maddie. I looked down a her as she gave me a killer death glare.

" Who said you could come in" Maddie said

" I did" Jasmine Yelled from another room. Maddie grumbled then moved I walked past her into the flat it was nice. The walls were painted a pale orange color. It smelt like cookies were baking. My stomach growled I remeberd that I had not eaten sense breakfast. I stood in the Hall to the living room not sure wether to sit down or stay standing it was slightly intimidating as Maddie stared at me and Liam givving us a creeper stare. Abby sa down on the couch.

" come sit down" She said gesuring to the 1 couch 2 lazy boys and 1 chair. Sat down in a lazy boy still not completely relaxing. Liam sat on the couch with a sigh. Abby jumped up as the oven binged. "cookies are done do you guys wanna stay for cookies and milk?" Abby asked the two of us. I wasn't about to refuse. I nodded in tune with Liam she guestured to us. We both got up. Jasmine walked in with her button un done to er skinny jeans.

" Maddie help" Jasmine said tring o get the to buttons o go together. Maddie sighed then walked over to Jasmine breaking the unwavering glare she had on me.

" Can't you do anything for yourself" Maddie said pulling on the two corners as Jasmine buttoned them. Jasmine just rolled her eye's then zipped the zipper. I walked into thee kitchen Abby had already set out 4 glasses of milk and one glass of apple juice. there was 5 plates of 3 goey cookies. I sat down at a spot on the table. Abby put a plate and glass of milk down infront of me and liam. every one had milk except for Jasmine. She sensed my gaze on her then said.

" im lactos intolorent" She said I gave her a strange look. Then why was she eating a Ice Cream cone.

" then why were you eating icecream earlier?" I asked.

" beacause I felt like it ... I may get a belly ache I love that icecream cone. Without it I would have never met you guys now would I?" Jasmine pointed out. I nodded, she had a very valled point.After i had muched my cookies and tried to steal some of Liam's. I sat there watching the others finish up they were all pretty.

" hey we should go o our place the guys are probly wondering were we are." Liam said. standing up. " here I'll help with dishes were's a sponge?"

" we don't have any just use a rag" Abby replied.

" why?" Liam asked. Walked into the other room hearing dont ask from abby. Jasmine was sittting on te couch watching TV. I sat down next to her.

"so tell me about yourself" I said. turning toward her.

" uhhh what do you wanna know?" She asked i thought for a second.

" favorite color?" i quizzed.


"favorite food?"

"impossible to choose!" Jasmine said. I smiled at her.

"dishes are done lets go" Liam said " are you two coming?" Liam asked Abby and Maddie. Jasmine was already sanding up eager to meet the other boys.

" did you really have to ask that" Abby said. Jasmine didn't have shoes on as we walked out the door.

"your not going to where shoes?" I asked.

"please this is jasmine she doesn't wear shoes unless absolutly nessasary" Abby said. Jasmine just shrugged.

" I can put some on if your really that concerned about it." Jasmine said to me. I shook my head

" no no i just was surprized" I said .

Chapter two a strange knock

Liams P.O.V
We all sat in our flat it was kinda obvious who the girls all favored. Abby was drooling over Niall. Maddie was gazing fondly at zayn. Jasmine was in a convorsation with Harry about what it would be like if they were cats. Louis and I just sat there picking up random clips of each convorsation.

Jasmine looked at me ,and louis then gestured for us to join the convo. At least she tries to not have a favorite. the other two are kinda ignoring the rest of us.

"what are you guys talking about?" Louis asked. Harry laughed a little bit.

" what it would be like to be a cat" he said. Jasmine nodded.

" i'd want to be a cat who cat jump really high and far!" Jasmine said. " i wouldn't like eating mouses you'd have to eat a lot of hair and stuff"

" i've never thought about that" I said . I'd probly want to be a tall cat. A fast one. Hmmm... she's kinda pretty. I said looking at Jasmine as she explained her theory about why she wanted to be a jumper cat. " why are you in london?" I asked out of the blue.

" im going to college to be an astrologer and im studying in animal sciences... It may not seem like it but I can be a total nerd if its he right topic" She said. what!! i can not believe that! she's the girl who pushed on the pull door and now she's saying that she's in college she looked 17 max.

" how old are you?" I asked.

" thats the same thing I asked!" Harry said " she's 16 almost 17"

" gosh don't seem so surprized I can be smart you don't want to get me started on astrology I can drone on that for hours!" Jasmine said.

" I've got to see this okay go!" I said wanting to see this pretty faced push on a pull door kind of girl talking abou something smart.

" aww crap Liam why'd you do that"Maddie said joining the convo. " we're all in college accualy im stu..." She was cut off by Jasmine.

" so i've always been confused on if the universe sretches on forever how is it expanding? ... there mus be something be beyond it or else it could not expand correct" Jasmine said.

"we'll not completely" i said my old I.T self coming out. " wait you may be right"

" yah wha if our universe is part of its own universe and its its own living creature a living breathing thing... Did you know that if god made you in his image you've got powers you didn't even know you had... very few get any of it anymore its been bred out so much.... Anyways if you could unlock the full power of your brain you could do amazing things!... i want to try to unlock my full brain. The average human only uses about 10% of it but i want to have 100% of it.." Jasmine was interupted by Maddie.

" ya right Jazzy you barley use 1% of it" maddie said

" shut up im on a roll" I was surprized on how much she accualyknew i thought she was lying.

" wait so your saying tha some average people could have powers and never know it?" Liam said.

" accualy every one done but electronics kill it all thas why no one can unlock it im guessing there may be a max of like 50 people in the whole world who can accualy unlock it... i think anyone who has was sent to a secret place very icolated." Jasmine said I listen enthralled by her story i didn't believe it but it was a cool idea. " i think it all has something to do with the universe i just cant figure out why but i think it is. Oh my heck i think aliens are out there i think its ultimatly possible. If you pay attention to mythology! you can tell that most of the time hey have some sort of technology that gives them there powers. hat means they a=mus have a much higher intellegence than us to creat that kindof stuff" i didn't point out that she was contradicting her previous point. She stopped talking as a small knock rapped the door. Thats odd are we expecting some one else?

Harry got up and opened the door. There were 5 small letters sitting on the floor.

"hey what are theese" Harry said picking them up" theres one for each of us" Harry said handing them out. Jasmine looked out the door and saw three small letters on thier door step. A guy in a hooded cloak was running down the hall and dissaepeard. Jasmine ran and picked them up. She handed them out I read mine.

Dear, Liam Payne

Im sorry i have to say this but there are people out to kill you. Not in the way you think. You are special, and could be a threat to society just like your friends who go letters as well. I can't explain why, but you need to move to a certain place where no one can locate you. Seeing as who you are we will make up a story in your behafe of you One Direction suddenly dissapeard.

You must pack and leave Imediatly you must travel to a remote place called chocolate hollows. You are to take one car with the others if you take more than one the second car will be shot down and everyone in it will be killed. I will explain to you this. You have powers that you never have dreamed of. You and you friends all have the ability to unlock it.

Chocolate hollows is a government run place. Saying that you will not need to work the government will be giving you money to live. Every one else in Chocolate hollows is just like you. You may be wondering why it is called that, but it will make more sense when you get there. You must leave with in 20 minutes we have spy's in places who have found out information on when there will be an attack on you guys. You've got 20 minutes before you guys are all dead.

Don't pack clothes or much of anything for that matter you are only aloud one bag. every thing will be provided for you. A driver and car are waiting out front for you he will drive you there

Thankyou for reading I remain nameless.

When I was finished I was shocked Jasmine was still reading hers. She had a super confused look on her face. Harry sat there looking around like someone was going to jump out at him. I swallowed uneasily. After we had all read it we sat in silence for a few minuets then Jasmine jumped up.

" we got to get going!" Jasmine said fear making her voice slightly sqeaky. She ran out the door.

" mee us here in ten minutes " I said then ran into my room to pack a few things.

A couple minutes later we all sat in a van there were seets along the walls so we were all facing each other. Was Jasmine right about her theory? I was lost in my thoughts when Harry started talking.

" what does this mean what are these so called powers. WHy have we never noticed anything diffrent?" none of us had answers for him though we all just sa there in silence until jasmine spoke up.

" my theory was right!" She said you coulkd almost see the wheels turning in her brain. "all eight of us have powers we were all imune to the damage electronic do to the powers Oh My God im not completely crazy!" Jasmine said she didn a little dance " i wonder what our powers are going to be."

" i will read destiny" a crinkly old lady said moving out of the shadows. How long had she been there?

Chapter 3 inner spirits

" you each have inner spirit" the lady said " ment to be joined. Destiny brought you together. I can sense a few relasionships here. ONe that last in friendship more than that this paair could trust lives to each other and have no secrets between the two. you two the friend ship must find its own destiny. I sense couples that may form but i must not tell" the lady said" your spirits are paired in two with the same tallent. "you two "she pointed at me and Jasmine again. " you two" she pointed at maddie and Harry. " you two" she pointed at abby and Louis " and "you two" Pointing at Niall And Zayn.

" do you know what our powers will be?" I asked loking at Jasmine. The lady shook her head.

" I only sense spirits I can no tell you anymore" the lady said.

" can you tell us more about chocolate Hollow" I said.

" every resident has there powers you can change into your inner spirit you know" the lady said " I am of hawk.I have no other powers." my jaw hit the floor when the crinkly old lady tranformed herself into a Hawk. Her skin sprouted feathers her nose shaped its self into a beak. It kinda made me want to throwup but I didn't.

Maddie P.O.V
This is all crazy I must be getting punked or something. Who is crazy enough to believe this anyways. I looked around... apparently every one, but me. Liam had an awed look on his face. Jasmine had a yes im not crazy look on her face. She is crazy though. i laughed a bit at how stupid the all looked believing the yarn. What the heck!. he lady just truned into a hawk right there. I compposed my self. Wow thas some good special effects i kept waiting for some one to jump out and yelled " you just got punked!" but no one did.

" why is it called chocolate Hollows?" Liam asked. I looked at zayn mmm he is so hot. Zayn's mouth was sligtly open as he listened intenly not aware of my gaze on him.

" you shall under stand when we get there now sleep its a long ride dear children." the lady said why was she calling us little children we were all 16 and above. Well i guess were children to her she was like 100 thousand years old.

A couple of hours later I began to wonder if this was all accualy true.

" Are we almost there?" I asked.

" yes just up this mountain" the driver said. A large mountain loomed ahead of us we had left the paved road behind a long time ago. A dirt road spiraled upward around the mountain. the road dissapeard into a forest of tree's. We started up the mountain. Zayn was asleep his head on Liams shoulder. Liam was looking out the window his head rested agains it Jasmine had lay down on the floor and was passed out. Niall had his head rested on Harry's shoulder. He was half asleep. Abby was texting someone. Louis had is head rested agaisnt the window looking out it with his blue eye's.

"we have to take your phone we are not alound outside contact" the lady said taking abby's phone then threw it out an open window.

"hey thats not fair!" Abby said her mouth hanging open as the lady threw her phone.

" trust me you'd rather me do it then the government" The lady said. We got clolser to the forest of tree's . Jasmine stirred lifting her leg so oneof her legs was sitting in Harry's lap. Hary gave the sleeping person a strange look. I laughed a little bit Jasmine was such an odd ball.
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Re: No title yet ( ONe direction fan fic)

Postby Sehunnie » Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:25 pm

Critic alwayswelcome!
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Re: No title yet ( ONe direction fan fic)

Postby Sehunnie » Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:02 pm

little update!
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Re: No title yet ( ONe direction fan fic)

Postby Forest Gremlin » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:26 am

I love it! It's awesome!!

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Re: No title yet ( ONe direction fan fic)

Postby Sehunnie » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:15 am

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Re: Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|Update|

Postby Sehunnie » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:41 am

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Re: Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|New Update!|

Postby Sehunnie » Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:37 pm

Newly Updated!!!
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Re: Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|New Update!|

Postby Crazychick3000 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:33 am

lovely lovely story! I really like it and wish it happened to me.
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Re: Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|Big Udate!|

Postby Sehunnie » Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:10 am

Thankyou! Big update!
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Re: Inner Spirits ( One direction fan fic)|Big Udate!|

Postby whiskeyrose » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:07 pm

@RAWR,Hello,RAWR. This a good story,but don't take this the wrong way,it's needed's work.Your spelling is incorrect on word's.Youv'e miss some periods and some other's between word's.The letter's at being when the character's are talking are not Uppercase,when they should be.
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