Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby nyx. » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:08 am

custom lines or no?
i've tried sketching it out already to test it, but imma keep trying. c:
so no promises.
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby Wulfjaw » Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:16 pm

Well, you do whatever you want to do. Custom lines or no, it'll look amazing. <3

I use he/him pronouns.
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby r e n » Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:04 am

"come little leaves,"
said the wind one day.
"come to the meadow with me and play.
put on your dresses of red and gold,
for summer is past; and the days grow old."

S E P T E M B E R .

Name : :
Autumn - or fall - is usually in September, and I think its a really pretty name.
Im quite fond of time or place names, and September seems to fit him perfectly.

Gender : :
I just honestly couldnt see this dragon any other way! September has to be one
of the male-est dragons I have ever seen.

Age : :
They say he is thousands of years old.
September is an autumn spirit. He doesnt have no age, just as autumn comes
back again and again every year, without an end. Some say he will go on forever,
until the world itself is gone.
Im seventeen.
Oh... Okay.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Personality ; ;
What can I say? Sep is difficult to describe with words. He is quiet and shy, but gets very easily angry. September is extremely
protective and will stand up for a random stranger against a bully which is much larger than him. He actually has mood swings,
and has to take medication very occasionally to calm them. He doesn't have an easy life, because he is constantly ridiculed about
being different, but he has friends and they help him through anything that comes his way. September, though intelligent, often
doesn't get jokes or sarcasm, and can sometimes say the awkwardest things at the worst time, and not understand he has done
anything wrong.

History ; ;
September was born in London; England, and lived there until he was fourteen years old. Only then did it dawn on him that he
hated it there and always had. The dirty, polluted air just sent shivers down his spine and made him want to throw up. Soon
after he moved the country side, a place close to the city were all the other Dragons live, but not too close. It was a large field
landscaper dotted with daisies and edged with a forest. There were ponds and streams, and it was beautiful. He lived alone in
his outside paradise, only going into the big city for school and shopping. This is his happy place.
Of course, like most things that people love, even this was torn away from him.
"Im sorry, you will have to vacate your home. We are building a highway here."
And then all was gone.

    your username

    art (major one right here)
    description on just how he manages the fall season
    relationship with the other season JMDs

    Dropping out. I love this guy so much, but I don't have
    time to create the form he deserves, and I will feel
    terrible if I dont win, especially since I lost another
    Jewely just yesterday. I say good luck in advance
    and congrats to the winner. This dragon is a stunner.

    Im coming back. I was gutted to here about the forms
    thing, because he really deserves more. I still dont
    think I have enough to win, but I know that I have enough
    to try. Wish me luck!

    I looked at all the competing forms. I probably shouldn't have,
    because know I know i'm going to loose. Sigh.
    Well, i'm still going to finish my form, even just for the sake
    of having more than three finished forms.
Last edited by r e n on Mon May 27, 2013 7:01 am, edited 6 times in total.
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My beautiful darling wonderful Sparrow ♥

Postby Rekhyt » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:02 am

First Name:
Full Name:
Sparrow Ember Birch (aka Sparr)
sp-a-row em-berr ber-ch (aka sp-air)
Sparrow is a small bird, brown and tan that always blends in, and usually, you don't notice it. Ember are the cooling sparks after a fire, that gleam and shine. Birch is a tall tree, striped brown and white with bark that is soft and peels off.


Ageless, but appears fourteen years old
September 21st, on the Fall Equinox
Sparrow can be a bit odd at first when you get to know him. He likes being by himself a lot. Sparrow doesn't like being with other people, or crowds, or anything like that. However, he does love being with people that are his friends. Around people he doesn't know, he is usually quiet, and reserved. He hates talking and keeps his head low. When someone points him out, he'll just flash a quick smile that he doesn't really put his heart into and turn away, hoping that nobody else points him out. He always feels like an outsider because all the other jewelries are obsessed with things on screens. He has only every seen a screen twice, and prefers the more natural things. He never stays in with the latest fashion, and just wears what he thinks is comfortable.
Sparrow hates it when people pry into his personal things, and may seem a bit harsh. He never yells, but his voice gets all scary-calm and he stares you down. Others might think he's afraid of conflict, but really, he just doesn't seek it. He chooses his battles and when he picks what he wants, it's a measured strike that will cut to your core. Sparrow never fights with fists, always with words. It seems to take a second for what he just said to sink in- however, Sparrow knows when he's beaten and will excuse himself.
Around people that he has seen, you could call them acquaintances, he is always super polite. He makes it seems as if he is just a normal dragon. He will never be mean to any dragon unless he is provoked, but he makes sure not to form alliances. With his acquaintances, he never really gets very close. He keeps himself separate from everyone else, because he feels different, and Sparrow thinks that if they know what he is like, then they'll won't become friends with him. And he'd rather not make friends at all then friends who turn him down.
Sparrow's greatest fear is that nobody will ever see him for who he truly is, that he'll always have to be separated from everybody else. However, it's not as if he has no friends. Ravendarus' Rounin is one of the few people he's managed to get close to. They are actually good friends now, although they don't see each other very often. He's can be kind, and will stand up for friends more then he'll stand up for himself. He's a great friend to have, but he kind of person you think, 'I don't want him as my enemy.' Like I said, around friends, Sparr is really nice and kind and loves to have fun. He's actually quite creative and likes coming up with things that they can do together. Sparrow can be quite generous- he feels that is he has no use for something, and someone else wants it, then they can have it! He once got a IPhone, but decided he didn't need it anymore, and gave it to one of his friends.
Sparrow can be smart, too. He's never really been to a formal school, so he isn't that good with things other people might think are mandatory, like math, but in the forest, it's a whole different story. He knows the forest, feels the forest. He could show you where a bird has flow. He could trace a spider over bare rock. It's almost like he has a connection to the forest- he knows if it's being hurt. Also, considering, he likes to collect leaves, he always knows the scientific name for everything- however especially for things that live where he does.
Sparr is also really humble. If he committed some sort of crime, he'll admit to it right way, and he hates being in the spotlight. He never brags or exaggerates his actions, and would rather have his friends get all the credit then him. To put it simply, he loves making his friends happy, and stays in the shadows himself most of the time for them.
And really, on the inside, he has a heart of gold. Although he seems harsh, he's really nice and kind, and would do just about anything for a friend. He loves being with people he loves, and something else that he finds amazing is getting small gifts for people. Around people that he loves, Sparrow is really happy and likes to chat about things. It's hard to make him unhappy! e turns into an almost somewhat normal JMD when he's around friends.
And he's drop-dead loyal. He'd do anything for a friends to stop hurting- and you never need to worry- betrayal will never ever happen, at least not on Sparr's part. He'd rather be bullied himself, and will always take the blunt force of things to stop his friends from taking all the pain. He cares for them so much, that's the thing. To him, friends are precious and he'll cherish them forever.
So all in all, he's a bit odd, he avoids most people but he's actually quite smart and kind once you get to know him. He may seem harsh on the outside but really he has a heart of gold ♥
Way back, a long time ago, before the man walked the earth
there was a change - everything different.
four siblings- the new, the fun, the lonely, and the cold
created- spring, summer, autumn, winter
there were so seasons before this-
never there were. Earth itself was an endless cycle
of life and pointless death.

The four siblings were created
with instructions of what and where they would do.
Spring, the first season, the bright, the beginning of new life.
She was the flowers, and meadow,
and the small rainbow made out of mist.
Summer, the fun.
The easygoing, the water, and bright, hot sunshine.
The second season.
Autumn. The lonely. The one who wound things down.
The smart, the color-bringer. The food giver.
Then, there was winter.
The cold and desolate. The ambitious. The death-bringer.
They all had no names- except for the autumn.
The Sparrow.

A jump in the wind-
slowly the herons make their way
a journey across the world
now colorful and life-filled
A warm scheme of colors
patiently the dragon waits
his season is not yet over
the colors have become bright
a bear lumbers
across the landscape
fire fills the rich air
a whisper in the wind

the colors gather-
a new age has dawned
iron fills the earth-
it's poisoned touch
the leaves weaken
and then the long snow comes
the dragon slumbers on
knowing his season is over,
but his work is not

and then brighter times come
the leaves grow stronger
autumn is a time when boars
eat the acorns-
eat food
men in silver metal
the metal itself weeps
a silvery song
and finally, the dragon can awake

siblings joined
the earth is bright
the stars call them back
but they don't
the earth
it seems lost without them
the world itself cries when the seasons change-
and they know
they bring beauty to the world
the earth needs to change


Sparrow has Aviatophobia, which is fear of flying. He's glad he can't fly, because he is deathly afraid of flying. Not heights, just the feeling of being up in the air, relying on only your own wings. He doesn't mind gliding for short distances, though. No, Sparrow is an earth creature, with no intentions of flying anytime soon. However, that is really his only phobia.
Sparrow's handwriting is short and pointy. If you had to think of a word to describe it, you'd think of the word crisp. He can write with both hands, being ambidextrous is what you call it.
Gait & Coordination:
When he's walking, Sparrow's gait is slow, although he takes long strides. When running, he tends to take longer strides. He loves running cross-country, for he's able to run long distances, not exactly fast, but steady.
Location & Job:
Sparrow lives in a forest in Ireland. His house is actually a treehouse. He was walking through the woods one day and found it-
that's where he has always lived since then. It isn't very high, and usually he glides off it. It's well stocked with everything he loves, and he even added a fireplace. It's small but cozy, exactly what Sparrow loves. He doesn't exactly have a job, but occasionally, once a week, he goes into the small town that lies near his tree and works with the raptors that live in a rehabilitation center, called Wild Wings. His favorite is a falcon named Athena.
One of Sparrow's quirks is that he is ambidextrous, meaning he can write with both hands. Another quirk might be about the vines around his body. They grow whenever they feel like it, and occasionally he has to give then a trim. It doesn't hurt, but it's a bit like cutting your fingernails. You're aware of it, but it doesn't bother you. When he's with someone that he likes, the vines sometimes unwrap around him and a tendril or two will start to curl around the other dragon's paw.
Sparrow doesn't practice any religion. He doesn't believe in any gods, but he does think that there might be a higher being somewhere. If he had to practice a religion, it would probably be a dead, polytheistic religion, like Greek Mythology.


There's more to Sparrow then just a design. Even though he is bigger then most other JMDs, his build is quite slim. He has strong, wiry muscles that don't stick out very much, actually. He always has something that he's carrying in his deerskin pouch that hangs across his front left paw. He hates being noticed and pointed out, but he is hard to miss. Usually, he tries to slink around and stay low, giving the impression that he isn't very important. His jewel barely glows, it's really hard to see even when you're in the dark.
Sparrow's voice is crisp, and clean. It has a very small Irish accent, maybe a bit English too. He talks quite quietly, usually, and it's hard to hear him. He can speak many languages. English is his main, but he is also fluent in French and African, as silly as that might seem. He is pretty good in Latin, but only has a loose grip in Italian and Greek. He actually loves learning dead languages and is currently learning to speak Greek, or at least have a better grip in it.

An odd thing to think about, but there anyway. If you happened to get close enough- and if he let you- Sparrow would probably smell a bit rusty, and also like a warm fire, the good kind of fire that is in your fireplace. He might smell like an animal, most likely a bird, especially if he's been working with Athena the hawk. Most of all, though, he smells like a cool, crisp Autumn day, in the morning when there's still dew on the grass. It's a lot to take in at once! Sparrow never uses any sort of perfume.
Sparrow's fur is usually matted down. It's impossibly to pull a comb through. Anyway, that woul be really hard because of all the vines on his body. Those are smooth, almost a scaly texture. His trees are rough, but not very rough. If you were to pull off a chunk of bark, it would feel to him like you cut his skin, and the tree underneath is sensitive. One funny thing about Sparrow that's different then most dragons is that underneath his muzzle, it's really soft and ticklish. He loves it when you rub there!
Really? And no, I will not use the age old saying 'He tastes like chicken'.


Because Sparrow doesn't get out much, he really doesn't get to know these kinds of things. However, if he had to pick, his favorite song is Wildwood Flower. His favorite musical has to be Wicked, and the band that he loves the best is the Monkees. He really doesn't have a favorite movie, though he did enjoy 'The Fox and the Child'.
Sparrow's ultimate favorite food is roasted chestnuts. He loves roasting then slowly over a nice warm fire in his treehouse. He also loves apple fritters, and pumpkin seeds. Those he chews on for ages! His favorite drink? That's easy. Apple cider, all the way
through. He loves it with a bit of molasses. If he had to pick a favorite kind of food, he would pick African, strangely, because he loves the spices.
Honestly, Sparrow doesn't have a favorite sport. He loves anything to do with horses, like Polo or just plain racing. He also adores anything to do with birds of prey, especially with his falcon, Athena. His favorite thing to do in his free time- hobbies, I guess- would probably be playing with Athena. He also loves tinkering with his powers, and seeing what he can really can do. Another hobby might be sketching, he has a notebook where he tapes old Autumn leaves and sketches them in there later. He sketches just about everything he sees!
Living Things:
Sparrow's favorite plant is the blackberry, is you aren't talking about trees. Their taste is sweet, but it can also be sour. His favorite tree- it's a tie between oak and birch. They both change to such pretty colors in the autumn! His favorite animal is also a tie- this time between a falcon, like Athena, and a red fox. They often wander around his forest, and Sparrow things they're just so regal and majestic.
Sparrow does have a favorite color. It's a rusty orange-red color. He also loves a dark yellow-green. His favorite place to visit has to be Brazil, there are so many exotic wildlife, flora and fauna, and species to see! And before you ask, yes, Sparrow prefers vanilla over chocolate.


Well, Sparrow absolutely hates loud music, and rap. He also hates the tech sort f stuff- it sounds too modern for him. He is odd that way. His least favorite Musical is the Music Man- he apologizes to those who like it, he just didn't. Sparrow doesn't really watch movies, and when he does, he picks carefully, so he's never actually seen a movie that he hates.
Oh gosh, well, if there's one things Sparr hates it's pineapple juice. He hates things that are really tangy, and it's just something that makes him wrinkle up his nose. Ick! He also really doesn't like anything really sour. Sparrow hates fiddleheads, too. In case you were wondering, fiddleheads are the tiny curled up ferns that you can find in the spring. He just had never liked the taste! Plus, he thinks that the baby ferns are so cute, and he wouldn't want to eat them.
Water polo is the dumbest sport ever according the Sparrow, because it's so violent. He also doesn't care much for football (soccer in Europe) because it has never made any sense to him. His least favorite activities? Simple. He hates doing laundry and cleaning his bike (Sparrow gets around in a bike because he lives in a forest ad he's never had any need for a car.)
Living Things:
As silly as it might seem, Sparrow absolutely hates thistle. Sure, it's a cool name, but it gets caught on things as is really quite frightening. He's gotten pricked multiple times. He also really doesn't like pine trees, because they're the only trees that he can't control with his powers, and they don't change colors in the fall. His least favorite animal is probably frogs, because they don't do anything and just croak and are slimy.
Sparrow hates the color pink- it's way too girly and reminds him of spring. His least favorite place is the Arctic, because it's always winter.


Possibly Sparr's favorite other JMD- the Spring dragon. He likes her (for the sake of convenience, I'm going to hake the spring dragon female) the best because she does the same things that he does- only a bit differently. They both bring joy, happiness into the world. Even though they almost represent different things- Autumn almost dying and spring almost living, they both can make people happy and bring splashes of light to different places. Spring is his second favorite season after Autumn, of course.
Someone who Sparr likes, though almost not as much. The summer JMD is almost too cool. It's not as though Sparrow is picky, it's just that to him, being the Autumn bringer is a great honor, while he views the summer dragon with a bit of distaste. It's not as if he doesn't understand what this JMD does, and he appreciates him for it. Sparrow loves to be outside exploring of a nice, hot, summer day. But to him, summer is too laid back. It's not as if they're mean to each other, they get along fine, though, you could even call them friends.
Sparrow's least favorite season. Winter is cold, winter is death. It covers all of his beautiful work with an icy white blanket. He doesn't believe that things should have to be as cold as winter is. Everything has happy moments- Christmas or Hanukkah is in the winter. But for the most part, people have to bundle up, stay inside all day. Sparrow doesn't think it should be like that. Nothing is pretty when winter comes- also, winter forces some animals to hide, something Sparr strongly disagrees with. He treats the winter dragon with a sort of unhidden cold distaste.
What He Does:
Sparrow's job isn't just making leaves change color. Autumn is a time for hibernation, for things to cool down before winter and such. S, what he does is exactly this:
• Have leaves change colors
• Hibernate animals- or show them that it's time to migrate, if they do that.
• Help everything close up- you know, flowers and such.
• blow away all rememberings of summer
• Although this might seem sad, Sparr plans the deaths and births of everything- plants, animals, all the others- during the Autumn.
• Lowers the temperature from a high one to a low one
Why He Does It:
Sparrow does it simply because he knows that earth needs to change. He loves his job, and it's a simple reason why. It's what he loves.


Why I Want Him:
This is going to be a hard question. It's not as if I don't want him, it's just hard to answer. Sparrow is perfect. He is absolutely my dream JMD. I've worked harder for him the I have for any other dragon, ever. Even Cashmere, and that's saying something. Fall is my favorite season- more about that in the what fall means to me section. He was the one that caught me eye out of all the seasons- even out of summer. I love summer, but fall was just... amazing. He's grown on me already. His entire design is gorgeous- but it's not always a design that calls me to try out for someone.
His personality been expanded, more ideas for his future have crept into my head. He is just so amazing- I don't know what I would do if I hadn't discovered him, maybe my dragons would have withered away. But now, he has finally given me reason to continue with the JMD community. He's perfect in every way.
Also, I've actually been wanting to enter for a JMD that was special in some way, not just to me, but to everyone. This is Sparrow. I just don't know what to say. He's just so perfect, and I love him, so, so very much.
Where I'll Keep Him:
That little link in my signature, the one that says my JMDs, that's where. It's right here, actually. I know that Aly doesn't have a personality, but that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for finals. Even as much as I love my jewlies, school comes before them. But believe me, if I win Sparrow, he would be completed. I would make everything for him, more then all my other dragons put together, probably. He's just so special. Oh, and he'd be the main focus of my signature. I'd probably orient it around him, so everyone could see him.
What I'll Do With Him:
It seems obvious, but here goes:
- Love him. I will always love him. Even if this entire form is a lie (it's not, you'll have to believe me on that one), or I don't win, I still will love him. If possible, I'll snag a breeding slot with him- there can be little tiny fall babies running around! Even if I don't win him, I will bury him with gift art and love him.
- Order Art. Again, this might seem a bit obvious, but I'll make a goal- a piece of art every week. Oh, believe me, it's not as if I'll be ordering art forever, with this policy. It'll be when I see an artist I like, I'll get art of him. There will probably be so much at the end we'll all be buried in all of his portraits!
- RP. I'm not sure, how I'd make this happen, considering that he is so special. But he would be great to RP. I'd also love to do an RP with the other seasons, that would be great- all four of them together. It was just a though, but if I win him, I'll do that.
- Breed him. Now this isn't for sure, but I would like to have Sparr find love and eventually, maybe sire his own litter. I think his little babies running around the community would be adorable- and with all the interest in him, I would also love for someone else to be able to adopt a dragon at least similar to Sparrow, if not himself.
- I'll be adding more soon, I have to study <33
What Fall Means To Me:
Fall is amazing to me.
I absolutely adore just about anything about it. Growing up where fall was exceptionally vibrant, the colors have always appealed to me. In fact, my second favorite color is the russet red, the color that you'd see on fall leaves. My favorite temperatures are in the fall also, I love the crisp air and it's not too hot or too cold. 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) has always been perfect. Also, fall produces my favorite things to eat. I love pumpkin seeds so much, I swear I eat three gallons every fall. Apples too- cider, and maple syrup is always good. Everything about fall is amazing.

One of my favorite things to do in the fall is to lie under the big tree we have in our backyard. Sometimes I study, sometimes I read, sometimes I write. It depends. Sometimes, I just lie there and think. It's my absolute favorite thing to do- the best part is what happened last year actually in late September- I had some pumpkin seeds with me, and I was just sitting there, not moving, when a chickadee flew right next to me and started eating the pumpkin seeds. It was amazing, her little head feathers shone is the late afternoon light and she moved so quickly and jerked, but it seemed so graceful.
Fall always holds the most amazing perfect memories- once, me and my family had a fire and roasted marshmallows. True, more of a summer activity, but it was amazing. The firelight threw sharp contrast on all the shadows around our fire, and everything looked amazing. It was warm, but not uncomfortably, because there was a light breeze blowing. And then we caugh fireflies, they shone almost more then the fire. It was perfect- that night I got so much marshmallow on myself I looked like I had just dipped my head in snow.
Anyway, to wrap this up, these stories might seem completely unrelated to this JMD, but this just shows how much fall means to me, and how much I want, no, need, this JMD. He hold memories already, and I want a way to keep them on this website.
A Poem About Fall:
Bright autumnal colors
flowers in bloom
warm, rich hues
twirling slowly to the earth

phoenix hot fires
burn, crackling with joy
flames licking the branches
killing, but creating

seedpods swell and burst
juicy apples form
waiting patiently
to be picked and enjoyed

maple tree sap
a sugary mixture
small holes drilled into bark
clear, sharp liquid drips out

birds flutter
knowing winter is coming
enjoying the seeds that lay scattered,
on the ground that is now a feast

foxes and badgers
for once, together
dig holes to hibernate in
eating what they can before the slumber

geese honk
triangle patterns fill the air
migrations and journeys
begin when the air turns cold

a season filled with joy
senses in amazement
food for all, colors to enjoy
autumn will live on in hearts forever


By notes.:
My Sparrow drinking his favorite beverage, apple cider. Sorry that the picture is a bit small and hard to see <3 This is so adorable!
By Fluxfire:
Our favorite little fall dragon flaying with his falcon, Athena! I hope to get a lot more pictures with him and Athena. I thank Fluxfire for this, it is so amazing <33
By Shadowflight13:
My darling sitting and thinking- about what, we'll never know. This is a beautiful piece, thanks so much to Shadow <33
By Sainler:
Sparr- this is actually one of my favorites, it's just so simple but I think Sparrow looks so refined ^^
By .wσndєr:
Sparrow as an avatar! This is so cute, I'll definently be ordering from here again. Thanks so much, wonder <3
By ★Raystar★:
Wow... I guess Sparrow looks good in avatars, because this is the second! However, this time, I had him look a bit shy and nervous, symbolizing one of the main parts of his personality.
By Citrus.
Just a cute little headshot <33 Thanks!
Last edited by Rekhyt on Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:23 am, edited 22 times in total.

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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby chescab » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:03 am

You know, I now must stalk this

And reserve this =P
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby kibbleeCat » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:05 pm

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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby stoatkiss » Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:54 am

imma stalk and reserve ♥
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby beetlebottle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:28 pm

Autumn is the most beautiful season! Can't wait to see. c:
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby tacocat. » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:48 am

Reserved so hard dude owo
    It's good to be back.
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Re: JMD #50 - FALL

Postby Wulfjaw » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:49 am

art (major one right here)
description on just how he manages the fall season
relationship with the other season JMDs

reserved, trying on the behalf of a friend

reserved the idea that he was ONCE A TREE.

I use he/him pronouns.
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