Site update news

15th February 15


It's Mardi Gras! Help us celebrate by adopting some Mardi Gras pets and items from the Mardi Gras Page.

Don't forget to pick up your Valentine's pets too if you didn't adopt them yesterday!

14th February 15


Happy Valentine's Day from all the staff!

Click here to go and collect some free Valentine's gifts!

We hope you enjoy celebrating with us today, even if you aren't celebrating in real life!

1st February 15

It's now February on CS, so there are new pets available on the Adopt pages!


There are also new store pets this month, made by sketchi

Later this month we will be celebrating a few special dates, so make sure to come back for Valentines and Chinese New Year pets!

1st January 15

Happy New Year!


New Year is a time to reflect on all the great memories and times we had in the year past, and think about all our hopes, dreams, and goals for the year coming. Thanks staff and members for giving us a great 2014!
Share your memories here!

We hope 2015 will be even better!

The Oekaki Weekly Challenge this week is about your New Year's Resolution. Click here to draw for the challenge or view the other entries

And as usual, a new month means new pets to adopt!

25th December 14

For those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! It's now Dec 25th in the CS time zone (GMT), although it may still be Christmas Eve depending on where you live.

Hanukkah has now ended, and today is the final day of our Advent Calendar! Make sure you go and pick up the last advent gifts (there are 2 to adopt, don't miss anything!). We will leave those final gifts up until the end of December, so people won't miss out if they're busy with family and friends for Christmas.

Santa has already been and visited a couple of the admins in New Zealand, as it is past lunchtime on Christmas Day in our time zone (GMT+13). Tess and Nick must have been nice this year, because Santa brought us some cool CS buttons and stickers :D We hope our other buttons/stickers giveaway winners have received their gifts by now, although some gifts will still be working their way through the mail.

We hope everyone has enjoyed our December celebrations and that you have a safe & happy holiday season!

24th December 14

It's now Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) here on Chicken Smoothie! Only one more sleep til Christmas :)

There's one final gift available for Hanukkah today! Hanukkah is still being celebrated until sundown tonight.

Tomorrow (25th) will be the last day of the CS advent calendar, when we will release one last gift. Our last gift will still be available to adopt until the end of December, so don't worry if you are not able to get online on Christmas day!

We hope everyone enjoyed our advent calendar and Hanukkah celebrations this year :) We wish you a safe and happy holiday season, from all the staff!

19th December 14

We hope you had good luck yesterday! The Dec 18th giveaway has ended

18th December 14

Our Dec 18th Re-release day has begun!

Good luck everybody! Don't forget to get your Hanukkah goodies too, and make sure you read the older news post below for more information about Dec 18th

Useful topics to post in after adopting your Dec 18th pets:
Dec 18th Discussion
What pet is this/How much is this pet worth?
Is this a fair trade?