<3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

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<3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:43 am

This is it so far.Im still not done,but tell me what you think!

ATTENTION READERS:I need help in how Sky confesses to Ben.You can write a paragraph,or give me an idea,and Ill try to base it off that
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Sky's/No ones P.O.V wrote:{Sky's heart was jittery in her chest as the walkers came closer. She knew how close she,Lee,and Ben were to losing their lives. Or worse. She twisted around,her body snapping to full attention as she heard the bell start to ding. Her eyes widened,and she caught sight of Ben covering his ears. It was then that she saw the walker hung to the bell. And it was heading straight for Ben.

"RUN!"She screamed at him,but to no avail.

The walker growled,and swung at Ben,catching him off guard and sending them both falling."Lee!"Ben yelped loudly,and just as he was near the ledge,grabbed hold of it with one arm,his fingers slipping."No!"She reacted instantly,darting forward just as his hand slipped,both hands wrapping around his own huge one,her fingers covering his. She trembled,his weight being beyond heavy for her,and she struggled to keep from dropping him.

She felt her shoulder muscles stretching,almost to a point where she was certain that her arms were being pulled out of their sockets. She let out a sharp yelp,hearing a loud snap,and saw Ben's eyes widen. She regarded all of her remaining strength into her other arm,the right one now useless."Sky stop!"Ben urges quickly,his eyes wide with fear."Don't hurt yourself for my sake,just let me go!"Her eyes blazed with the eternal fire that held her determination to save her friends life. No,he was more than a friend. He was more than everything to her,and she didn't want to let that go,even if it seemed selfish.

"I. Will. Not. Let. You. GO!"She snarled,her sides heaving with effort to keep him up.

Her eyes blazed with silent fury,her body locking into place as she struggled with the weight."Sky.."He began,however was cut off abruptly by Sky.

"SHUT UP!"She snapped,her eyes narrowed into angry slits. She gritted her teeth,trying to pull him back up,the more she tried,the more weak her body went. A silent tear rolled down her face as she trembled. It landed on his cheek,and his sad eyes told her everything. He didn't want to die,no one did. But he didn't want to hurt her for the sake of his life being saved. And she didn't want him to die either.

"You helped me Ben. I'd be one of those....things if you hadn't of come sooner. I'm not about to let you die just because Kenny's mad at you."She whispered fiercely,straining to pull him up again. Suddenly,the floorboards creaked underneath her,and started to crack."Crap!"She nearly screamed,then felt her strength increase,and with help from Lee,pulled him back up.

She closed her eyes,letting out a groan as she picked herself off the floor. She exchanged a knowing look with Lee and the three of them made their way to the ladder.

"Come on!"She yelled,pushing Ben towards the window."Go,go,go!"She climbed out after Lee,and Ben followed suit. As soon as she hit the ground,she darted forward,not waiting for either of them."Lets go!"She yelled again,and ran back towards were they had come in at. Both her arms had come out of their sockets,and hurt worse than anything she had experienced.

As they walked through the gate,she groaned,and looked up at Ben."My arms hurt. Could you help?"She asked softly,and he nodded,placing both hands on her right arm."It'll hurt."He mumbled,tightening his grip slightly."I know.."She stated,her voice barely more than a whisper. He nodded,and shoved her arm back into place. She let out a sharp hiss of pain,and gritted her teeth.

"Sky...?"Ben murmured,looking at her worriedly. Still gritting her teeth,she looked up at him.

"The other one."She grumbled weakly.

He nodded,and pushed the other one into place. A loud crack filled the air,and she let out a blood curdling scream,her knees growing weak and buckling,sending her falling to the ground."Sky!"Ben was kneeling beside her,his hand reached out towards her. Just as an angry Kenny bust through the door,along with Lee and Elliot looking worried behind him,Sky launched herself into Ben's arms,her face buried in his chest. Tears rolled down her face,and all that could be heard for a while were her low,quiet sobs.

"N-no...not again..."She mumbled,shaking slightly."Don't scare me like that...."A blush spread across Ben's face,causing his cheeks to heat up. Realizing what she had done,Sky felt her cheeks flood with embarrassment. She slowly started to pull away,as Ben wrapped his arms around her. Sky stopped,her body perfectly still as Ben's arms snaked fully around her,pulling her tightly into his trembling embrace. He let his head fall,pressing his forehead against her shoulder gently,hiding his face against her neck as he slowly sat Indian style,bringing her into his lap.

Sky still shook lightly,her hand tightening on his shirt as she whimpered against him. He slowly started to rock her back and forth,attempting to calm her down."Sky,Sky,Sky...."He murmured,letting out a soft breath. Sky pressed closer to him,not willing to let this moment go,after what happened,after realizing that she could lose him at any minute. It didn't matter to her that Kenny,Lee,and Elliot were standing right there. She didn't didn't care that she was sitting on the ground. She had almost lost him. She couldn't lose him,not now.

She felt Ben let out high shaky breaths against her neck,attempting to calm himself down. Her hands knotted in his ginger locks as she pressed her face closer to his chest,her breathing shaky as well. His grip on her tightened;he was too terrified of losing her to let her go. He had always know that he'd shared a certain connection with Sky,one that at first,he never understood. He'd known he cared about her,he'd known that for awhile now. She was the kind of person who could make him grin just by being near him,who could make him laugh with one simple smile,who,by voicing only one word,could make him so happy. He had always wanted to be near her,had always wanted her. He hadn't figured that exact thing out until recently.

Having this girl in his arms,this girl that could brighten his day with a small hug,or simple joke was magical to him. In the few short moments that his life had dangled in front of him made his feelings for her clear to him. He loved her. He knew that now. He couldn't lose her. He didn't want to lose her. His face pressed harder against her neck,his breathing shallow. He felt her hands go behind him,rubbing circles into his lower back,her hands leaving fire wherever she touched. He breathed in her scent,reminiscing in her smell,which was enough to calm him a little. Sky still had her face pressed against his chest,closing her eyes as she rubbed his back,snuggling against him in this one sweet moment.

Neither of them had ever experienced how true love felt before,neither of them knew how to react to it. But it was there. They felt it,they knew it was. And neither one wanted to let that feeling of wholeness go. They wanted to want the other,wanted to need the other. Sky's definition of love was different from most other peoples until now. She had always believed love was something only fools experienced,both too caught up in each other to worry about the world,something that would eventually destroy both of them. Ben had always believed that love wasn't real. That people made themselves think they were in love with the other person,but they never were really. He knew now that he was wrong. Love existed,it was very much real. And his very aspect of love was snuggled so trustfully in his arms. Sky was the only person allowed to listen to his fears.

He trusted her with his insecurities.

Sky had always wanted to be in love. She had always wanted to love the right person. So many times before she'd thought she'd been in love,so many times before making the mistake that broke her heart in the end.. So many times that she'd just given up,too wrapped up in her own broken heart to care. She had started to give up on love altogether,and focused more on taking care of Elliot. Why focus on something that never mattered when there was someone else who needed her? She had asked herself that question one too many times. She never figured out the answer,not until she had met Ben. She had seemed to share something with him almost instantly. It was a new feeling to her,being nestled so perfectly in his arms,his face pressed against her neck. He stroked the side of her face with his thumb gently,pressing his forehead against hers as he stared into her eyes. He was the only one allowed to touch her like that.

She trusted him with her heart.

Sky's chest rose and fell with each breath she took. She pressed her face to his chest,her heart hammering. Her cheeks were hot,flooded with embarrassment. However embarrassed she was,she wouldn't trade this moment for anything;she was perfectly content to stay captured in his embrace. Hearing Kenny clear his throat awkwardly,she frowned,pulling away from Ben with blush still covering her face. She looked at Kenny and the others as Ben turned his head to look at them. Kenny had a look of anger on his face,while Lee looked genuinely concerned. Elliot edged closer to Sky,his expression a little scared."What just happened?"Kenny demanded,eyes narrowing at the two of them.

"What..."Ben began,however was cut off by Elliot."W-we heard a scream!"The smaller boy stated,his eyes wide as he stared at them.Sky blinked for a second,before realizing that the miniscule teenager who was so fond of their friendship was terrified beyond belief.Her face held now a sympathetic gaze,looking fondly at the childish short teen,moving closer to him and bringing the trembling boy into her arms.Elliot immediatly clung to her,his eyes watery."Shh,shh,it's okay;I'm okay."She had always had a knack for calming people down,and she had the best expiriance with Elliot,since the kid would cling to her like a little brother.She could tell Elliot didn't believe her whole story;his eyes portrayed that fact.

She couldn't tell him that Ben had almost gotten killed. For the most part,it was because of the simple fact that Elliot would feel hurt because he knew Kenny would have wanted to leave him. The other reason was Sky didn't want to have to rethink that. It was terrifying to think that if she had been a second too late in reaching him,if she hadn't held on best she could,if Lee hadn't been there to help her....that she could have,would have lost him. She knew that she was going to lose him at one point,she was eventually going to lose everyone. But she didn't want to. It was a reality. It was her reality.

It wasn't a reality she wanted to face.

"See?"She asked carefully,Ben getting up and helping her off the ground.She brushed her jeans off as Elliot stood up beside her."Ben didn't do anything;I just fell."Both,just like Elliot,looked as if they didn't believe her either,but neither said anything."I guess we were wrong then."Lee murmured,then turned around,walking back into the house,Ben and Elliot right behind him.Sky was about to walk in,when Kenny stopped her at the door.She gave him a confused look,and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm not stupid Sky."He growled,muschace bristling."I know what happened."Sky was terrifyed,for a second,that Kenny might've taken it all wrong.Then rage filled her and she jerked her arm away from his grasp."Yea,and so if you do?"She growled,crossing her arms and glaring at him."I just don't like him so near you Sky."Kenny's voice sounded like a concerned father,and she considered him just that.He was like the dad she never had when she was little."You know he's going to run like the coward he is when you need him."Sky's hands balled into fists,tempted to punch him.She snorted,rolling her eyes."I'm serious!Don't-'Sky cut him off then,angry."You don't get to choose who I fall in love with Kenny!"She snapped.

Kenny stared at her with wide eyes."You love him?"Kenny pondered aloud,blinking.Sky frowned,realizing what she'd just blurted out.Blush covered her face,but she grinned nontheless."Yea...yea I do."Without any other words,she turned around and walked into the house,smiling softly to herself.If she could so easyily admit to Kenny that she loved Ben,then could she not be able to tell the goofy teenager herself?Sky had a new confinance,as she walked slowly up the stairs to the room she shared with Ben and Elliot.(There's two beds in there guise.Staho being so pervy.)

Sky walked in,shutting the door behind her.Elliot lay on the bed that they shared,laying on his stomach and making random doodles on a piece of paper.He looked up at her when she walked in,swinging his feet back and forth."Hi Sky!"He exclaimed.Sky sat on the bed beside him,leaning back and putting her hands behind her head.She ruffled his hair."Hey Elliot."She murmured,letting out a low yawn.

"Your really tired huh?"


"Then go to sleep."

Sky shook her head at that."Nah.I will later."She said lazily.Elliot frowned at her for a second,then went back to coloring."Besides.."She said,sitting up."I gotta go talk to Ben."

"He's on the roof."Elliot answered,rolling over onto his back and staring at the ceiling.Sky nodded,leaning over to place a small kiss on his forehead."I'll be right down."She promised,shuffing out of the room and to the attic,climbing through the window and onto the roof.No one else knew about the window that led to the roof. Not even Elliot,however he did know they spent a lot of time up there.

Looking around,she saw Ben instantly.Carefully,she made her way over to him,careful not to slip.She needed to talk to him.Needed to tell him.When she was close enough,he reached out,grabbing her and pulling her closer to him,drawing her into his lap.She accepted his embrace instantly,feeling her cheeks heat up.She felt his arms wrap around her,rubbing her upper and lower back as he hummed a soft melody.She relaxed against him,letting her eyes close in pure bliss.This felt right.It felt nice.

She leaned upward to place a small kiss on his chin,looking at him as he blushed,and pressed his lips to the side of her head.She sighed softly,snuggling back into him,trying to figure out in her head how to confess.He was special to her.She cared for him a lot.She wanted to do this right.She moved her hand forward,linking her fingers into his and staring ahead at the backyard.They sat like that for a while,Sky closing her eyes a bit,before shutting her eyes.

They stayed like that for a bit,him rocking her back and forth,humming a soft melody ment for her ears only,her kissing his palms,cheeks,and forehead every few minutes.She let her mind drift,thinking about the song.The melody he hummed so perfectly was one he created for her.He had told her it made him think of her.When he had first sung it to her,he had said,"This is for you".She had responded in saying she didn't deserve something like that,but at the time,he had only slung his arm over her shoulder,smiling warmly at her as he said"Yea ya do."She was brought back to the present when she heard Ben's high voice humming the tune she so secretly adored.She turned his hand that was in hers over.As she planted a sweet simple kiss on the back of his right palm,he let out a happy murmur and snuggled her against him.


Last edited by NE0N-UMBR30N on Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:02 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: So guise.I wrote a story

Postby zazlet. » Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:12 am

      despite the fact that almost anything walking dead related makes me want to cry...
      this is very nice <3. I'll certainly be stalking, your writing style is unique and I love how you just jumped straight into action. Also BEN <3!
      anyways, keep writing!
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Re: So guise.I wrote a story

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:42 pm

Thank you very much!Also,you like Ben too?

I think he's just an adorable goofy teen.
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Re: So guise.I wrote a story

Postby water-witch » Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:09 pm


This rocks!
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Re: So guise.I wrote a story

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:28 pm

Aw thank you ;A;
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Re: So guise.I wrote a story

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:38 pm

b o n e wrote:ouo I updated it a bit guise
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Re: <3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:11 pm

Semi Lit Story
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Re: <3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

Postby water-witch » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:13 pm

I love it so far, can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!
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Re: <3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:14 pm

I need a little bit of help on how she confesses to him before I continue.Any idea's?
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Re: <3 S K Y A N D B E N<3

Postby water-witch » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:19 pm

That she likes him? Because I can help ya if that's the case.
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