⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

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⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:55 am

⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰


Grandpa, what's above us?"
The little girl asked quietly; the old man, whose lap she was perched upon, seemed to grow lost in thought.
"Certain death." He answered slowly, blinking softly at the girl, who shuddered.
"And... what's beyond... there?" she whispered, and the old man shifted her on his lap.
"Certain life."
"So what does that make this?" she asked, gesturing in a circular motion to include the life as she knew it.
"A... slower, but still a certain death. Dear, there's only one direction to go for survival, and though it's claimed many lives already... the final three will get it right.


Last edited by Kitty-lover93 on Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Author's Notes

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:13 am

        Hello there.
This book was inspired by nothing... well, it was an idea that I actually had before, but it failed because I didn't use human characters. I know very few people read these; to them, it's a pointless part of the book, and maybe it is. I know this because I didn't used to read the Author's Notes before I started writing books... so, to the very few people who are reading this... thank you.

I am quite a fickle, spontaneous writer; I don't really plan my plots out, as most of my stories spawn from a billion book ideas of mine put together. I just write as I go, and the story controls me... not vice versa. I think this is where most writers get confused; they try to control their story too much, and it ends up falling all apart because they lose the muse. Yeah, I'm among those people, too, I must admit; but I won't try to control this one so much, and we'll see what comes out of it.
My ideas come and go. Sometimes, I can write a ton and possibly even finish a book; other times, my muse is focused elsewhere, and I either abandon the writing for that book or take a good, long break from it... I've taken year-long breaks from books.

Don't want to see that happen to this book? Well, neither do I! One thing you could do to help prevent that is to encourage me to write more and better with constructive criticism, the purpose of which to improve my writing and to boost my muse. You could also leave a nice comment below; unlike most on here, I don't mind people posting on my threads, because most of these books aren't really my legit books anyways. I think this one might be, but it won't be a legit version; to get one of those, I'd need to run this through a couple of editors as well as myself, and I really don't feel like doing that.
Anyways, at least shoot me a PM if you like this and you don't feel like posting; I always feel like I'm writing for nothing when I don't receive feedback. Do you like what you've read? Would you read more? Is it your kind of book... and if not, what type of book do you like? <--- That's what I always wonder when nobody responds. Then, the low self-esteem kicks in and I abandon my writing, 'cause I don't think anyone likes it. And nobody probably does.

Anyways, even though this definitely isn't a legit book yet, do not steal any of the ideas or any of the writing within this book. I WILL track you down, and trust me, when I do you'll be a mighty bit sorry for plagiarizing. Plagiarism is a form of art theft, and it is against the rules. If you're too lazy to think of your own things, then go away, (unless you don't plan on taking my writing/ideas) because I work hard to make my ideas come to life, and if you want that for yourself, then do it yourself. I've dealt with this before, and trust me, the people who did it regret doing it a thousandfold.

But don't let me come off as mean or hostile; I just care about my books like they're my children. Actually, I do believe I'm a lot nicer than I should be until it comes to things like that. So I'll stop blabbing my head off now and let you continue on to the book... if you've read this. Which most of you probably won't.

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Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:18 am

This book is dedicated
to all you lovely viewers
the ones who take the time to see
if this book's worth your time.

This book is dedicated
to all who love books
for we are much alike
so I hope you enjoy this one too.

This book is dedicated
to my wonderful family
who've encouraged me to write
and write, write, write I shall.

This book is dedicated
to all my friends, CS and real,
who've also done so much to
make me want to continue.

Thanks! <3 Now enjoy the book.

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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:38 am


Nadia Holland wasn't your perfect girl that people mostly were in her books. Actually, she found that humans were really quite different from how they're passed off in books... which made her feel slightly frustrated every time she read one. There were very few books that were leftover from the mass explosions, of course, but she found it unfortunate that the ones that survived did a very poor job at portraying the behavior of humans.

She was loud and rebellious, but not perfect like in her books. Sighing, Nadia threw aside the book entitled Found in the Corn Field, which was a particularly peculiar book, as every single character she came across acted exactly the same. Sighing again, she leaned back against the fake portrayal of what trees were like back when they lived above the earth, on the earth, not in it. The small bronze plaque attached to it read Large oak, 2014. Two thousand forteen had allegedly been the last year of any sort of technology... from what Nadia had been told by her grandmother, the ending of the world on top of the earth had actually been a very predictable one.

Terrorism and crime was at an all-time high all across the world; scientists had suspected that only about one third of the population of the world combined wasn't pitted against the other countries, lashing out in secrecy to create problems with weather, crops, and every sort of thing that was key to survival and that technology could destroy. It had been going on in secrecy, away from innocent civilians, for twenty years before two thousand fourteen. But no, the Great Ending wasn't caused by the 'bad guys' (two thirds of the world), but it was caused by the last of the sane people... unfortunately enough, or so Nadia thought, they weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Apparently, their predecessors had developed a way to hack into and shut down all technology; but there was a glitch in the plan that caused the technology to go against itself, exploding immediately. The very few survivors were nearly dead from all the dust, lack of oxygen, and radiation in the air, plus severely burnt from whatever technology was closest to them; so they had to move far underground, to either Parallel Valley or The Abyss. Nadia, of course, lived in Parallel Valley, as the majority of the rest of the population did... Unfortunately, poverty and the hierarchy of rich to poor couldn't die with the rest of the above world, and Nadia lived in a small, run-down house, where there were very little resources available to her family, as they had to raise a sixteen-year-old girl and a cat (one of the last), as well as care for themselves.

The Abyss was a whole other story. When they took it underground two centuries previously, they'd left one way up... but there was another, natural way down, that was there well before the remainder of the world moved to Parallel Valley. Each year after they moved down, six people were sent down to the Abyss, all in the age range of sixteen to twenty, which was supposedly the age that people became strongest in their mind and actions... however, fifty years later, when the first leader died and another took rule, they sent six twenty-five year olds each year to The Abyss.

Again, none of them would return, and the tradition was changed yet again just ten years before Nadia was born. The current leader, who was called Queen Scout in Nadia's village, made it so that three eighteen year old people- two girls, one guy -were sent down to explore The Abyss each year, and still, none had ever returned. At one point, just sixteen years before, people who were related to any of the people sent down to The Abyss were all to call down in for them, but never to enter; Queen Scout claimed it would break the tradition and send them to their doom.

Superstitious hag, Nadia thought bitterly as she slowly brought herself back to reality. Queen Scout had been the one to reinforce the hierarchy of rich and poor, to bring money back into their world, unlike the trading system they'd gone by for two centuries before she'd become leader. At least, that was what Nadia's parents referred to her as, so of course Nadia would too. Sighing once more, she stood up and discarded the book into a bin labeled 'Book Bin'; it was full of ragged, poorly used copies of ancient books, unlike the Great Library in the Main Square of Parallel Valley. Nobody who didn't wear white was supposed to be able to access the Main Square, and as was obvious, white was the symbol of wealth and well-being.

Nadia wore blue, a symbol for poor health and poor living, but she didn't mind the color. In fact, she greatly preferred it to the blindingly bright whites of the people of the Main Square, who sometimes ventured down to the Villages to trade in their sympathies. Actually, Nadia's mother had a sister who lived in the Main Square; she visited sometimes to catch up with her mother, whose name was Denise, but other than that were was virtually no contact whatsoever. Even people in the Main Square who were related to someone in the Villages thought badly of the Villagers, and that greatly frustrated Nadia.

Glancing up, Nadia stared at the brown 'sky', which was about a hundred feet above her head. She followed it until she found the Main Square, where there were tall buildings, big houses, and most of the electricity was; there were bright, yellowish lights installed above it to mock the ancient light of day, but that was all the lighting that the villagers got except for candles and lanterns. Nadia's village was called 'Twilight', since it was always in a state of half-day, half-night.

Directly above the Main Square was a huge metal contraption that generated a constant, low buzzing sound, and it filtered the carbon dioxide and radiation in the air to make oxygen; everyone, even in the Main Square, referred to it as 'The Plant'. The Main Square was at the lowest elevation, which allowed the Villages on the hills to look down to it and marvel at the pristine sidewalks, swimming pools, and electric and heat generators that were in plain view to them over the great walls that kept people in the Villages out of the Main Square, even though they had a grand neon-letter sign above the gate to the Main Square that read: 'WELCOME ALL!'

Nadia looked down at her wrist and squinted at the watch that was permanently strapped there; everyone got a digital watch the moment they were born that said what they needed to do next, and hers had started beeping, which signaled the end of her thirty-minute break. Now, it read: '12:00- LUNCH, REPORT TO PUBLIC CAFETERIA', and Nadia's stomach immediately growled with hunger. She scowled. The Villagers were allowed one meal a day, at which they were served a bowl of the only food left: the most disgusting, tasteless substance that was called Macronutri, which was served according to their age, height, weight, and metabolism; Nadia always got more than her parents, since according to the servers (who wore brown to signify their abilities), she had a fast metabolism; but lately, they'd given her less, telling her that when she turned eighteen, the measurements would stop and she'd be kept with one setting. Nadia had only eaten food from the Main Square once in her lifetime, but she'd never forget it; her aunt had given her an 'apple', a strip of 'bacon', and a slice of 'bread', which she said created in a scientific lab that had the chemical and physical designs of the foods down, and had tasted even better above.

Tomorrow was her eighteenth birthday. It wouldn't matter much, since they no longer celebrated birthdays like in the books she'd read, except that she had to be entered in the drawing to go to The Abyss. She had been born on National Sacrifice Day, which was the day that people were sent to The Abyss... her heart hammered against her chest with fear just thinking about it. At least I don't have to sit on it for a whole year, she thought grimly.

Turning left on a fork in the path, Nadia found herself at the Public Cafeteria, where many people were standing in a huge line to receive their daily bowl of Macronutri; her parents, who were near the front, beckoned for her to join them and she skipped gladly up the line, grateful to her parents for snatching a good spot. Her mother smiled at her, and Nadia smiled back, but it was only a half-hearted one; she just couldn't wait to get the meal over with, so that she wouldn't feel so starved as always.

"Did you have a good break?" her father asked, rumpling her hair, and she shrugged.
"It was boring... all there is to do around here is read books. I wish we had a swimming pool or a sports field here... like they do in the Main Square," she muttered, her legs itching with the thought of participating in one of the sports they got to watch from above; she was particularly interested in racing, though. Compared to her best friend, Holly, and their younger friend, Tim, she was very fast; they always hated it when she dared them to try to beat her somewhere, and Tim had long since quit trying, but Holly always took the challenge- and, of course, she always failed.

"Don't we all..." her mother whispered finally; they were so close to the chefs, they couldn't risk them hearing them bash the Main Square. Anyone who was caught talking bad about it was immediately executed, if they were eighteen or older; people who were seventeen and younger, they were punished by not getting food for three days and having to slave over making enough Macronutri for thousands.

Finally, they received their bowled, and as always, Nadia wrinkled her nose while taking hers. It even looked disgusting; it was a pale gray slop with brown and brownish-green flecks in it, and it was thick and hard to swallow. They were provided with three cups of water, but it always disappeared very quickly at Lunch, since the Macronutri barely went down without it. Just when Nadia was about to take her first bite however, her watch beeped and she set her spoon back down, frowning.

Across the screen, it read, as it never had before, '12:10- MEETING, REPORT TO GATE TO MAIN SQUARE ALONE'.


Last edited by Kitty-lover93 on Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:47 am


Nadia felt like she was trespassing on something private when she arrived at the gate. It was so... wrong, for her schedule to have been broken so abruptly. It happened every single day without a break or difference in the activities her watch told her to do; she'd always assumed it was preprogrammed; that everyone's life was predicted up until their eighteenth birthday, when they would exchange their old watches for new ones that were also preprogrammed, telling them exactly what sort of job they'd perform until they died. That was what her mother had always told her, at least... so how could they end the constant monotony then?

A thrill of fear and excitement went down Nadia's spine. Maybe they're giving me a new watch early! she thought excitedly, wondering if Holly would arrive. But just as she stopped before it, the gate opened, and her watch beeped again, making her start and look down in utter confusion. It read: 12:30- CHANGE/PLANS, LARGE BUILDING/LEFT. Again, she was met with confusion; apparently, her mother's theory had been wrong and somebody was directing their everyday activities. She frowned and looked to her left. Everything was so colorful and amazing, she couldn't help but look at all the smaller designs, letting her gaze wander down the street to the great church, the playing fields, and the swimming pool... then, sudden resentment filled her and she couldn't look at it anymore.

I could have had this life. She thought sadly; indeed, she could have. Her parents weren't actually her parents; they had adopted her out of the Main Square. Nadia had had originally been born into a family that was allegedly unknown to anyone, not even the Queen Scout. Normally, adoption was an indefinably preposterous idea when it came to Elite babies and Villagers, but according to her father, Nadia had been Queen Scout's gift to their family, since her mother was infertile (a disorder that was still common, caused by the high amounts of radiation that they were still around) and they'd done a great service to the Main Square, though what Nadia couldn't imagine. Her resentment toward the Queen Scout was mostly a selfish one.... of course, she had been basically thrown away and told to never return to her homeland, but it wasn't like she didn't enjoy her life already.

Her watch beeped again, and once more, Nadia jumped; It read HURRY UP., without even giving a time, reason or place that time. Nadia smiled, once more remembering what she was supposed to be focused on, and looked ahead in confusion. Every building was large... so she chose the smallest of all of them, figuring that whoever was sending the messages to her watch had a great sense of what she was like, since they seemed to know exactly what she was doing. It didn't bother her, though; it wasn't like she'd ever done anything bad, and if her parents hadn't been executed by then, they obviously didn't know about being spited by the Villagers.

At the door there was a guard with a hard, mean face, and he sneered at her.
"You're awfully pretty to be a filthy villager," he growled, and Nadia flinched, crossing her arms over her chest and taking a step back. He leaned closer, leering, "You're still a disgusting cow, though, so don't touch anything valuable. If I didn't have direct orders I'd put you in your place, though." He then opened the door, and Nadia hurried in, grateful to have chosen the right place. She hurried down a narrow hallway and went to the last door in the hallway; it was slightly ajar, with warm yellow light spilling through the crack. She knocked.

"Have you arrived, then?" a scratchy, gruff voice asked, and an old man opened the door wider to reveal a room with six cots around it. Each one had a sleeping occupant except for the sixth, which was still neatly tucked in at the bottom corners, the surface smooth and not revealing a single wrinkle. Nadia looked down at the small elderly man in surprise, her blue eyes dark with fear.
"What is this about?" she asked cautiously, and he waved it off.
"I'll get to it in a moment, girl. Come over here, so the others don't wake up." he walked briskly away, clearly expecting Nadia to follow; she no longer felt the joy of her grandeur surroundings, and she seriously considered running away except for the fact that the man would, most-likely, be able to stop her with all his apparent connections.

So, without a complaint, she followed him; fear prickled down her spine. Just cooperate, she told herself. If you do, he'll be less forceful, and will eventually let you go. The old man had taken her into a small, dark room, in which he lit several candles and smiled at her sadly.
"You're probably more used to that, by now. You know, the Queen fostered you for several months before she gifted you to your parents... she knew your real parents before they passed. So did I, too," he said with a small grim smile. "She was reluctant to give you up, but we trust your parents. They're good Villagers, and clearly raised you well, too..." his voice trailed off into silence for a few moments. "It would've been impossible to raise you within the Main Square. Queen Victoria was not ignorant of that."

"Why impossible, though?" Nadia asked desperately, but the old man waved it off again. Her face fell.
"I'll explain your situation, then your past, if you still want to know it by then. I know this is all very confusing to you, and things will take time and knowledge before you'll fully understand them." he looked expectantly at her and she nodded slowly, a small frown creasing her lips. This is so weird.
"Good," he continued. "This is going to sound weird, and I'll ask you now to keep your voice down; the others need their rest. But Nadia, you're never going to be the same again." He looked up at her with faded blue eyes, and Nadia slowly backed away from him, pressing her back against the wall.

"What do you mean?" it was hard for her to talk through the lump that was rising in her throat... her voice was just a hoarse whisper. He made it sound like she was going to be severely hurt, mentally, physically, or both, and she hated that. In fact, she had begun to feel hate for the man, who stared up at her with a gaze that flickered with a soft understanding.
"I mean just that. I can't guarantee you won't get hurt, but we won't do it intentionally, like you think. This is not your home... in fact, nowhere but the unknown is home for us. We're working to find a solution to the problems we think the people entering The Abyss are experiencing, and we've been collecting the brightest people we can... ones who have fresh, unburdened minds, and who have a perfectly clean record as well as a reputation for their intelligence, fitness, and obedience. You, along with these five other people, are granted immunity against entering The Abyss; in fact, one of them can't, as he is nineteen and tradition says eighteen. That is, if you agree to these conditions. If you'll do, you'll be granted three flavorful meals a day, brand new white clothing with a golden crest on the chest pocket to signify your importance, and your family as well as another of your choosing will by granted a home inside the walls if they want it."

Nadia's eyes widened at his request. Proper shelter, meals, clothing, a home for her family and Holly's (whose she would undoubtedly pick if she agreed), and immunity against The Abyss, as well as an unpredictable, exciting new lifestyle sounded perfect. And it's inside the walls! she thought excitedly; it was like a dream come true to Nadia, who grinned at the old man and nodded eagerly. Who wouldn't take up that offer? "Of course I'll join you, if that's what's in it for me and my family!" she said excitedly, and the old man beamed, holding out a hand to her, which she shook.
"You've done a great service to the Main Square, and it won't go unrewarded, Nadia."

She blinked at him in surprise. His tone was oddly grave, and he knew her name... and then, she realized that he had said he'd known her real family, and that the Queen Scout had fostered her for a time... he seemed like a highly enough man to have known about it. "You know my name," she decided to observe aloud, and he smiled sadly, nodding.
"Yes... Nadia Holland. My name is Fillius Harper... but you can call me 'Grandpa', if you'll accept me as one." He said, and she heard a hopeful note in his voice.

Nadia's eyes grew huge as she stared at him. Now that she looked at his face, she saw bits and pieces of herself there; the blue eyes, though his were paler... their noses were similar, and his jawline curved like hers did. A great, joyful smile spread across her lips, and she nodded, feeling like she'd been put into the fairy tale dream that she'd always wanted... she'd completely forgotten her mother's favorite saying in all her excitement, though, as it seemed insignificant.
"All is not as it seems."


Last edited by Kitty-lover93 on Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:18 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kat. » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:55 am

this is very good so far c:
you should definitely keep writing, and I'll keep reading! [ps - I read the author's note ;)]
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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:03 am

    Thanks Kat! xD Yeah, my author's note did refer to people not reading it a lot. The second chapter will definitely (probably, actually, since I tend to change my mind about things a lot) be more exciting than the first one. It'll explain more about The Abyss.

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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:17 am

    Chapter two is up! (: It ended differently than I expected it to... in fact, my idea started changing about a quarter of the way through, and now I've got a plan for the rest of the book!

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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kat. » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:28 pm

cool! I really like your writing style, like seriously.
I'm surprised no one else is commenting, geez. it's really good c:
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Re: ⊱ B E Y O N D ⊰

Postby Kitty-lover93 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:02 pm

    Thanks a ton, Kat! <3 I've almost got Chapter Three done, so it'll be up soon, though I might have to post it tomorrow. ;3

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