Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 3 up

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Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 3 up

Postby AninaAna » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:58 pm

This is a warrior cats fan fic, hope you like ^-^

Silvereye once led the life of any other clan-cat, she had a mate, kits, a clan. But a day of disaster changed her life forever, her daughter screaming, finding her kits in a bloody puddle, her own mate believing her responsible, and the lack of support from her clan-mates. Silvereye is a heart-broken mother, caught in the grasp of depression, and flung out of the warm comforts of clan-life and forced to experience lifes hard-ships.
She finds herself befriending a kitty-pet, seeing herself in a new way, viewing the world in a new light, and changing her beliefs, as she realises, there is more to life, than you hear in the stories elders will tell.

well this is still a work in progress, but i hope you like what i have so far! ^_^

CH. 1

Silvereye pricked her ears. She could hear something moving in the grass to her left. She stood stock-still, waiting for whatever it was to show itself. A mouse emerged from the long, unkempt grass, and the young female held her breath. Waiting for her prey to come just a little closer. She slowly lowered herself into a crouch, the mouse kept going along its business, not noticing her. Even when she pulled back slightly, preparing to pounce.
"Stupid mouse." she thought, before leaping.

Silvereye carried her catch slowly back to her clan camp after muttering a few words, to send the mouses spirit off peacefully. She could feel the presence of other fresh kill spirits lingering, but knew she could not send them off. It had to be the cat who had killed them to do the honors of sending away their spirit. An ear splitting wail cut through the air, piercing into Silvereyes ears, and causing her to drop the mouse. She recognized the cats voice, it was Silverpaw, her eldest daughter, who had wailed.

Silvereye rushed to her daughters side, and asked her what was wrong, over and over, but Silverpaw was silent. Staring and gaping, at the sight before her. Silvereye looked where Silverpaw did, and screamed. Three young kits, lay in a puddle of blood, none of them moving, none of them breathing. A snarl erupted from behind them, and Silvereye turned to the sound, while Silverpaw kept staring in horror at her deceased brothers and sisters,
"You killed them."

Silvereye blinked. Once. Twice. Before registering that the black face before hers was Nightslash. Her mate.
"Wha-what?" She stuttered, shock settling into her bones, and tears began to prick in her eyes. "Wh-what did you say?" Nightslash snarled again,
"You killed them." he growled for a second time, and took a menacing step forward, forcing Silvereye to take one back.
"N-Nightslash?" She croaked, stopping in front of her deceased young. "What do you mean?" She glanced momentarily at the kits, and winced at the sight of the blood.

Nightslash only snarled at her in response, his eyes an angry glare, and his lips pulled up in a snarl, showing his white fangs, with red blood at the base of his gums, as if he had just finished eating from the fresh-kill pile. Silvereye shivered. His eyes burning an image in her mind. She knew if she ever lived past this day, that she would never forget the look in her mates eyes, as he accused her of killing their kits. "You killed them, it was you" he growled, lowering himself closer to the ground, as if to pounce, and Silvereye knew that is what he was planning to do, and yet she stayed in her spot. "n-no" she denied him, "I w-would n-never" then the tears fell, hot and heavy, they splashed onto the forest floor, spreading out on dried leaves, and soaking into the earth, but Nightslash kept on glaring, kept on accusing, and the tears kept falling.

Then she ran. Silvereye sprinted away, she could hear the blood pounding in her ears, and feel her muscles filling with the wonderful feeling they always had when she ran, but this time they felt dull, empty. full of grief. Nightslash charged after her, cursing that she had always been faster than him, always more speedy. but he had more stamina, and he used it to his advantage. Silvereye started to tire as she arrived at camp, started to feel a constant burn in her legs, that told her to stop running, or risk an injury. She stopped.

Nightslash rammed himself into her, bowling her over, knocking her onto the ground, and suprised all the surrounding cats by biting down on top of her neck, and causing the blood to run, she screeched in pain, and ripped herself out of Nightslash's grip, leaving a small area of flesh in her mates jaws, she choked, half in pain, and half in grief, she looked up at Nightslash, and said as steadily as she could, "I swear to you Nightslash, it wasnt me, I swear" pain clouded her eyes, and she hoped to see a glimmer, just a glimmer, of pity, or remorse in her mates eyes. But all she saw was darkness. Cold, hard, darkness, clouded through with hate. All the love he'd once shown her was gone.

Silvereye shook her head, her mouth set in a straight, grim line, as she watched Nightslash step forward, a murderous glint in his eyes. She yowled in fright as he leapt at her, but his pounce fell short as an angry snarl ran through camp. "What in Starclan is going on here?" Blackstar stepped through the crowd of watching cats, and glared at Nightslash who in turn, glared at his mate, ignoring his clan leader, and Silvereye, who shrunk under the two glares being sent her way.

"she killed my kits" he sent the accusation Silvereyes way, and cut her off as she went to speak, "i found her standing over their bleeding bodies, i had heard Silverpaw cry out, and i came running, to find this murderous, creature" he spat out the word like it was poison on his tongue "standing over my poor kits" the tears running down Silvereyes face slowly came to a stop as she listened to her mate accuse her of killing their kits. "he lies" she choked on the words, and refused to look at anyone as she spoke them, "i would never" there were a few cries of annoyance as another cat pushed her way to the front, Moonbright stood panting before them, her belly heavy with unborn kits, "i believe her" she announced, "i would place my life in Silvereyes paws if i had to, she would never do such a blasphomous thing" a few cats called out agreements, while most others argued against her. It had always been a mystery to Silvereye why the other cats in her clan disliked her so, she had no relations to kitty-pets that she knew of, and she tried her best to be fair with every one of her clan-mates. And yet, she was one of the most disliked cats in the clan.

"if you believe that then you must be involved in this crime, i mean who better as a partner in crime, than the unlikely Moonbright, Snowclans fattest queen?" Nightslash growled, bringing a snarl from Moonbrights lips, "its not fat!" she cried out in indignation, "it's my fur, it makes me look boofy!" a few cats snikered. "ENOUGH!" Blackstar yowled, finally sick of hearing the cats argue, "i do not want to hear anymore accusations, Silvereye, Nightslash, i would like to speak to you in private, come to my den".

Silvereye followed Blackstar into his den with Nightslash by her side, it almost felt like old times, or more specifically, yesterday. When they'd been so close, and trusting each other with more than just their lives, but the lives of their kits too.
"now. Can any one explain to me, what this is all about? I have never seen you two fight, especially not so seriously as this. You took a chunk out of Silvereyes neck, Nightslash, what brought that on?" Silvereyes neck started to throb, as if Darkstar had reawoken the pain with his words,
"Silvereye killed my kits" Nightslash snarled, causing Blackstars fur to bristle, and the she-cat to shrink close to the ground as her leader hissed.
"do not snarl at me" he growled, glaring heavily at her mate, before softening his gaze and looking to Silvereye, "what do you believe has happened, Silvereye?" his voice was calming, soft, and comforting, she guessed he didn't like that she was cowering in front of him, he'd never liked the idea that any cat in his clan might feel fear whilst in his presence.
"I was hunting, and I heard S-Silverpaw scream" the young mother started, her voice catching as she spoke, it was all she could do to keep talking, while Nightslash flicked his tail impatiently beside her, "I came running, to see what was wrong, and I asked her, and asked her, but she wouldn't tell me, she just stared" the words were rushing out now, as she relived the memory that had been created only minutes before, that already seemed moons old, "so I looked where she stared, and, oh, I can't tell you how horrified I was, my kits" here Silvereye started to choke again, as the tears made tracks through the fur on her face, "it was horrible"
"sshh, sshh, it's okay, Silvereye, it's alright, don't cry, please don't cry" Blackstar was beside her in an instant, laying beside her, and trying to calm her down, as she started to wail hysterically.
"enough of this!" Nightslash bellowed, shocking Silvereye out of her hysterics, and sending Darkstar to his feet, fur once more bristling,
"do not make orders at me" Blackstar growled threateningly, and Darkslash backed down instantly,
"sorry, i was out of place" he amended, and the she-cat could feel the tears start to fall again, Silvereye knew it was selfish, but she wanted her leader to comfort her again.

It took a good part of the day for Blackstar, and his deputy Snakepelt, to make a decision. They had seen Silvereyes kits tiny, mangled bodies, that had flopped and hung, as they were carried into camp by other cats. Silvereye had not been able to look at her poor kits, and focused instead on Moonbrights face, as she looked at Silvereyes, as if she was telling her silently that she had her support. They were sitting outside Blackstars den when he came out, having finally made a decision.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock" Blackstar called, heavily climbing to the top of the Highrock, on his normally light-as-air paws. "it pains me to have made this decision, but it has been decided, that due to the events that have taken place, and the compelling evidence stacked against the accused, that Silvereye, charged with the brutal murder of her three youngest kits, is to be exiled from Stormclan" gasps spread through the crowd of cats, some cats snickered, one or two cats cried, but most seemed more pleased than upset by the sentance.

Beside Silvereye, Nightslash seemed almost happy about his mates exile,
"you know Silvereye" she looked up at him, hope flitting momentarily through her eyes, as the light in them slowly died, the reality of her kits death, and her exile hitting home. She was sorely dissapointed. "this means we are no longer mates" was all the larger cat said, before starting to walk away. A rage filled Silvereye so suddenly she had no time to compress it before leaping at her now ex-mate, claws extended, and fangs aching to sink into the males flesh.

Nightslash had no time to jump out of the way, before Silvereye was attached to his back, and digging her claws in. The large tom screeched and threw her off, but Silvereye just launched herself at him again, he recognized the look in her eyes, she was beyond reasonable logic, her anger had taken over.

Nightslash snarled at her, and stepped out of the way, but she only rounded as she landed, and succeeded in knocking him to the ground. Silvereyes thoughts were clouded as her jaws closed around her ex-mates neck, so when something gripped her and threw her to the ground, her first reaction was to fight it, and she managed to take a chunk from Blackstars leg. Her eyes took a second to clear, and when she saw the wound she'd created on her leaders leg, she cried out and stepped away from him, Blackstar was looking at her, but it wasn't anger she saw in his eyes, it was a sadness, "i didn't wish to believe it Silvereye" he said quietly, lifting his injured leg off the ground, "but i do believe it now, leave my clan, and don't return here again" Silvereye gaped, and shook away the tears that threatened to fall once more, she nodded solemnly, and turned from him, she glanced for a long second at Nightslash who only stared back, a flash of something in his eyes, and then it was gone. But it didn't matter anymore, Silvereye had been made an out-cast, and she could do nothing about it.
She turned to leave, but a voice stopped her, "Ma! Ma!" Silverpaw ran up to her, and stood up straight and tall, though anyone could see the trembling in the kits legs, "why?" was all she said, but Silvereye had no time to answer, before Nightslash usherred Silverpaw away. Silvereye turned tail and ran, no longer able to gaze upon the only life she'd ever known, with the knowledge that she'd never be able to return to it.


At least a moon had passed since Silvereyes exile, and the shock had finally worn off. But the depression was still there, as strong as ever, it had been ages since the she-cat had last eaten, and her ribs showed clearly through her silver fur. She walked with her head hanging low, and her paws dragged the ground, she avoided everyone, and everything, if she scented a clan nearby, she made sure to give it a wide berth, and if she scented any other cat, she made sure to steer clear, but if it were a dog, or two-legs she scented, she would carry on her own way, not bothering to avoid them, as if she were inviting a life on the end of a chain, or to become a dogs chew-toy. Silvereye was the picture of dejection.
It wasn't until one day, when Silvereye collapsed, unconscious, from the strain she'd put on her body, the malnutrition, and emotional rejection of primal life source, had finally taken its toll. A young two-leg found the she-cat, and even at the age of six years, the girl had known the cat was in bad shape, her fur, normally silky, was rough, and dull. Her paws were bleeding, as Silvereye had barely stopped walking even for a rest, and her paws had suffered from it, the wound Nightslash had caused, had become a jagged scar, the spread all the way across the top of the cats neck.

The young girl picked up the cat, and ran her into the house, taking her to the kitchen, where the girls mother stood at the kitchen table, just cutting the excess string away, as she stitched up an eagles leg wound. "mummy, mummy, i found a cat! look, she's hurt!" the mother finished up with the eagle, and put it into a box, which had a soft red blanket covering the cardboard bottem, and a bowl of pellets. She looked at the cat her daughter was holding so softly in her arms, and immediately sympathized the state she was in, "okay sweety, put her on the table, how did you find her?" she noticed the blood on the cats paws, and how thin she was, it was obvious noone had ever owned this cat, and if they had, they hadn't given one ounce of a damn what happened to the poor creature. "she was lying on the ground in the alley, she was not moving and she was hurt so i thought you can fix her" the little girl had her hands clasped together, and looked genuinly worried for the stray. "of course i can sweety, but it doesn't look like she's eaten in weeks, and look at her paws, i wonder how long she'd been walking around like this for? go play sweety, i'll look after her, don't you worry" the girl nodded, and ran off, she'd learnt that her mother didn't like to be disturbed when she was caring for animals.

Silvereye cracked her eyes open, the last thing she remembered was being in an alley, and the ground rushing up to meet her, before everything going black. She looked around, and the first thing she realized was that she was no longer in that alley, in fact, she wasn't outside at all, the warmth she could feel was nice, but it wasn't natural, she could hear a quiet rumbling, that very soon became annoying.

A voice beside her started up, causing Silvereye to spring up, hitting her head on something, she took another look around and saw, more immediately in her vision, were bars, straight, grey, unnatural bars, that surrounded her, above and below, she was in a cage, it took a moment for her to realize, she'd only ever heard of cages in stories she'd heard as a kit, never in her life had she ever seen a real one,
"do not panic, you are safe here" the voice began again, but this time Silvereye took the time to hear the words the voice was saying, she looked to her left, and saw a bird, it was larger than any bird she'd ever seen. She looked to her right, and saw another cat, who was obviously the owner of the voice, the tom had a white bandage covering a wound on his front left leg,
"so, what happened to you?" the question took Silvereye by surprise, and she stared at him for a while, before he spoke again, "why are you here?" he tried again, Silvereye scented the air, and instantly realised the tom was a kitty-pet, her fur bristled instinctively, and she couldn't stop the quiet growl that escaped her lips, the tom blinked in surprise, before frowning,
"i'm only trying to be nice, i was just wondering how you got so thin"
"you're a kitty-pet, you wouldn't understand" Silvereye hissed, somewhere in her mind, she knew at some time, she would never have been so cold to a cat she'd never before met, even a kitty-pet, but she'd been broken, and there was no fixing her. The tom sighed,
"so you're one of those? is that why you're all scraggly and have that ugly scar on your neck?" Silvereye looked away from him, he had a black coat, with a white blotch over his right eye and his left ear was brown, but other than that, he looked too much like Nightslash,
"you could say that" Silvereye muttered, she habitually licked her paws, something she'd started doing not long after she'd been exiled, everytime she'd rest, which wasn't often, she'd lick the blood from her paws, before continuing on. But her paws were clean, she realised, and stared at them, her paws were clean, and seemed to be beginning to heal, "m-my paws, they're.... healing?" she frowned at them, and didn't see the amused expression the tom was sending her way
"yes, that's what happens when you let them, i'm Choc" he introduced himself, and Silvereye frowned at his strange name, "Choc?" she repeated, "what kind of a name is that? i'm Silvereye" Choc chuckled
"Silvereye? and you think my names strange" Silvereye scowled at him, but before she could respond, the young two leg came up to the cage
"mummy, the new cats awake!" she cried out, and clapped her hands together, causing Silvereye to shrink back against the back of the cage, the girl made a sad face, and poked her fingers into the bars of the cage, "it's okay kitty, i won't hurt you" Silvereye was sorely tempted to bite the girls fingers, but decided against it, Choc watched with mild amusement,
"she won't hurt you, you know, she only wants to help you" Silvereye blinked, and remembered one time, when she'd strayed out of her clans territory as a kit, she'd seen a kitty-pet rubbing itself against a two-legs leg, and had seemed quite happy when its two-leg bent down to pet it. She wondered what it might feel like, to get kitty-pets asking to be petted.

Silvereye cautiously crept closer to the girls fingers, and touched them with her nose, smelling them, before rubbing her fore-head against them, she was surprised, it felt quite nice!
"i see why kitty-pets do this now" she commented, as the girl giggled, delighted that the stray cat was touching her. A man came into the room, where the girls mother kept all her patients,
"be careful Susy, you can't be too careful with stray animals" he told the girl, who rolled her eyes,
"can i get Choc out now? please Daddy? he's almost all better" her father sighed, and muttered a 'fine' before picking up Silvereyes cage, making the cat inside lose balance and fall onto the thin blanket that covered the bottom bars, she could feel the cold metal through the cloth. He placed the cat on a table, and opened the cage door, the girls father pulled Silvereye out of the cage, and put her on the table, holding her down so she couldn't run off.
The man had a needle in his hand, and Choc called to Silvereye from in the young girls arms,
"don't struggle, Silver, it hurts but its to help" he said, making Silvereye shriek back,
"and how does sticking a long pointy thing into me help me?" she didn't get an answer, Susy had already walked outside with the tom. Silvereye wiggled, but Susys father just tightened his grip, though still without hurting her, the young female felt a prick, and started wriggling again on instinct.
Susys father put Silvereye outside, he'd succeeded in putting a collar on her, and even a leash, that he was using to tie her to a stake in the middle of the yard, she had a enough shade to lie in and a bowl of water and cat-food, but she turned away from those comforts. Choc noticed she was outside and bounded up to her, despite his injured leg,
"Silver! hey, you made it" the silver coated female rolled her eyes,
"Course I did Choc, and I know you said those pointy things hurt, but they hurt!" She scrunched up her nose and shivered, causing the darker male to bark with laughter, Silvereye tugged on the leash, tethering her to the ground, it was pulled as tight as she could make it, and the collar dug into her neck, affecting her breathing ever so slightly,
"You shouldn't pull on the leash so much" it wasn't Chocs voice that caused Silvereye to let some slack on the leash, but a ginger female that sat lazily atop of the fence closing the yard in,
"that's how my sister died, she choked herself to death, tugging on it like that, she was so desperate to get back to the clan, but me, nah, clan life was never much my thing" the female dropped down onto the ground,
"I saw you in that alleyway, you obviously ain't no alley cat, you smell different, and no alley cat I know has ever run themselves to the point of collapsing with bleeding paws." She said, slinking closer to Silvereye, and sniffing at her pelt, "yet I can't tell what scent you carry" Choc watched the two with obvious interest,
"I was once a clan cat" Silvereye replied quietly, regret clear in her voice, "but then, I was exiled" she could feel her coat beginning to bristle, and some of the regret being replaced with anger, "he ratted me out, the slimy piece of fox-dung put the blame on me! If I ever see his face again I'll" she couldn't finish, having worked herself up into a frenzy, she turned and clamped her teeth around the leash, working on it furiously, trying to free herself from its hold, wanting to rip apart the cat that once was her mate, that had thrown everything she loved and held dear into the rivers cold claws, and forced her to watch it drown.

"Calm down Silvereye" Choc stepped up to the raging female, worried for her well being, but his action only caused her eyes to flash, as she launched herself at him
"Nightslash" she growled, fighting the Tom to the ground, "you will pay, you will pay" Choc gave a frightened yowl, and was only saved from a fatal bite when the ginger cat shoved Silvereye off of him,
"I thought your name was Choc" she murmured to him, and he nodded, panting heavily,
"It is, I've never heard of a Nightslash" lying on the ground Silvereye came back to her senses, and reeled back in horror when she saw the scratches she'd made on Chocs already injured leg, she shook her head, and banished images of Darkstar standing before her with an injured leg, away,
"Not again" she groaned, hanging her head in shame, "I'm sorry Choc, I truly am, you look so much like him, so much like him" she choked on a sob, and lay down before realizing the lack of pressure pulling her back to the stake in the ground, the leash had snapped.

The ginger cat looked impressed as she assessed the ragged leash trailing behind Silvereye as she paced back and forth, glancing every now and then at the scratches she'd caused on Choc,
"So Ginger" she started, giving herself something to call the female, "what are you doing here anyway? Didn't you say something about once being a warrior? Why don't you want to be anymore?" She couldn't fathom never wanting to be a clan cat,
"Because, being a warrior was never my thing, I was never very good at following the warrior code, I kept having relationships with the neighboring clans cats, just to spite the code" she chuckled, "it was me continuously getting into trouble and dragging my sister in with me that got us both kicked out, she hated me forever after for it, even on her journey to starclan she fixed me with a look of hatred" Choc shuddered,
"Wow, I've heard this story countless times, but I still hate hearing how your sister hated you" Silvereye looked at him,
"If she hadn't gotten them both exiled, her sister would have had no reason to hate her" she stated, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Ginger,
"So then why are you here?" Ginger shot back
"Because I was blamed for something I would never do" Silvereye stopped pacing, and faced Ginger with a look of anger on her face, but the anger wasn't aimed at the other female, "my kits were murdered and Nightslash blamed me for it! I would never kill my own kits!" She cried, "and when Moonbright tried to defend me, Nightslash had the nerve to accuse her of being my partner in crime, Moonbright was with kits, you can't blame a queen for the death of three kits!" Silvereye went back to pacing, her legs stiff and claws extended as they dug into the earth, she paced angrily, her speed picking up with each turn,
"Why do you stay here? You can escape now that you're no longer tied up" Gingers voice made Silvereye lift her head, looking at the broken leash her eyes widened in realization,
"You're right I can leave!" She grinned, "coming Choc?" She looked at the tom, hoping he would, and grinned when he nodded his head after a moments thought, Ginger crouched low before launching herself to the top of the fence, and balancing there a moment, before dropping down on the other side, Silvereye and Choc following closely.

"I know some alley cats who might help us" Ginger said, as the trio walked down the alley way where the young two-leg had first found Silvereye,
"Why would we need them to help us?" Choc asked, his eyes moving constantly from one place to the next, he'd already admitted a fear of alley cats, having been attacked by one as a young kit, "what are we doing that needs their help?"
"We're going to be getting back at the cat that got Silver exiled" Ginger said, walking ahead, as Silvereye and Choc looked after her, wide eyed.

CH. 3

Silvereye shook her head, the three cats were standing in front of the entrance to the den of the towns most renown alley cat, Ginger had explained that he was the most feared cat, and already, not even having met him yet, he had Choc shaking with fear.
"I still don't understand this Ginger" Silvereye said, she glanced quickly into the den, but could see nothing past the first meter in, the blackness inside seemed complete. "Why would they help us, and how would they help us? They have no reason to, and as far as I know, alley cats are vicious cats, helping no one" she said, but stepped back when she saw the look on Gingers face, she looked angry and insulted at once
"Then why am I helping you? Huh, Silvereye?" She spat her name, almost as if it were an insult,
"I-I hadn't realized" Silvereye swallowed thickly, "you're an alley cat?" Choc, looked at them, having heard that last part,
"You said what!?" He screeched, rushing to hide behind Silvereye, "why didn't you say that!?" Ginger only rolled her eyes,
"Because I knew you'd be afraid of me if you knew Choc"
"Can we just get this over with?" Silvereye cut Choc off before he could reply.

Ginger nodded,
"Yes, we should, and to answer your question Silvereye, he should help us, because I'll be telling him to" Choc tilted his head quizzingly,
"Why wo"
"You're his mate" Silvereye stated quietly, cutting Choc off once more. "That's why he'll listen to you" Ginger gave a sharp nod in response, and began lightly walking into the black den.

Silvereye blinked a couple of times as she walked through the dark tunnel, her night vision wasn't as good as most cats, as it took a little longer than most for her eyes to adjust,
"Having trouble seeing Silver?" She turned her head to the sound of Chocs voice, and found she could at least make out his outline, though barely.
"My eyes have trouble adjusting to different lights" she admitted, looking ahead where Gingers form could be made out, "I can barely see anything" Choc frowned in the darkness
"I can see you perfectly" Silvereye rolled her eyes,
"I'm aware of that mouse brain, that's because you have perfect eye sight, unlike me" she huffed,
"Oh be quiet you two" Ginger called back, "he's not a fan of noise, so you'll have to shut up when we get there, might as well start now" her voice was louder than Choc and Silvereyes, and echoed off the walls, ringing in Silvereyes ears,
"My eyesight might be stupid but my hearings not" she complained as she cringed from the sharp ringing in her ears,
"Sorry" Ginger amended, speaking a lot quieter now,
"Hey! What's that?" Choc called out, conjuring up a fresh set of bells to attack Silvereyes hearing,
"Choc!" She screeched, before cursing herself, the tunnel echoing her own voice as much as the other two,it took a moment for the ringing to subside before she opened her eyes to see what had caught Chocs attention, she remembered something she'd heard as a kit
'If you awake from a dream, it's always a bad idea to head for the light at the end of the tunnel' it was almost funny how terribly well that applied here,
"It's a light" Choc said happily, obviously eager to escape the darkness
"At the end of the tunnel" Silvereye finished.

The three walked slowly into the light, blinking as they waited for their eyes to adjust. When their vision cleared, they could see around them, junk. Broken appliances, old furniture, every here and there, small bits of rotting food.
"what is this place?" Silvereye asked Ginger, her nose wrinkling as she regarded the place with disgust, almost gagging on the smell,
"A junkyard" Ginger said, climbing up a mound of old furniture, beginning to fall apart.

Silvereye looked around, not enjoying the sight,
"We'll it's disgusting, your mate lives here? You live here?" She didn't move, looking at the rotting furniture like it was the devil itself, "I'm not touching that" she nodded her head at it, Choc rolled his eyes,
"Don't be such a baby, Silver, it's not that bad"
"Not that bad? Are you kidding me? It'll fall apart as soon as I even get near it, and then only starclan knows what'll crawl out of it when it does, there is no way you are getting me to climb that thing, not a chance"
"You would have a better chance of getting revenge on the cat who put you here" Ginger said encouragingly, "and besides, I'm standing on it, and I'm larger than you are, so if it can hold me up, then it can hold you and Choc, easy"
"Oh, alright, c'mon Silver, you gotta at least try, it can't be that bad" Choc began walking forward, tentatively placing a paw on the rotting couch, he pulled himself up, the rotten fabric sagging under his weight, but holding him well. "This is good quality stuff, pity it's too wrecked to be used as a scratching pole" he commented disappointedly,
"Oh for crying out loud, wait for me" Silvereye grumbled, staring the couch down, as if it could feel the heat of her glare, "can't I go around it?"
"Nope, over is the new under" Ginger grinned, not making much sense,
"Who said what now?" Choc frowned at Ginger,
"Oh for the love of peace" Silvereye growled, as she jumped up onto the rotting couch, wincing as she landed on the wooden structure of it, making it creak, she stepped as carefully as she could until she was over it, and leapt to the ground, glaring at Ginger and Choc who seemed to enjoy laughing at her expense.

It was a few more minutes before Ginger made Silvereye, and Choc stay where they were, whilst she walked into a den.
"Come in guys" her voice sounded from within the den.

Choc shivered as he and Silvereye crouched low to avoid the cobwebs that hung from the top of Gingers mates den, the Tom was a dusty brown colour, with scars marring his fur,
"So you need my help?" His voice even, sounded as if it had been through heaps, he sounded angry, and yet calm all at once. Though just the sight of him, had Choc shivering.

i hope you like it!! Please tell me what you think!!
I'll have more, check back later, and I should have added more.
Last edited by AninaAna on Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:39 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby AninaAna » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:10 pm

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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby ✖HESTIA » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:50 am

(good story so far.)
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby AninaAna » Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:33 am

chasing fireflies wrote:(good story so far.)

Ahmegosh!! Yay first comment!!! Thank you thank you thank you! (Overreaction I know, but come on, you're the first person to comment, I think I've earned the right to be excited.)
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby ✖HESTIA » Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:24 am

(It`s okay, i understand. Your welcome)
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby xx. » Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:42 pm

I love this story! Cant wait for the next chapter!
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby AninaAna » Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:29 pm

Thank you! I shouldn't be too long with getting some more up!
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby ✖HESTIA » Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:33 pm

(write more, i need more! Lol, its getting better)
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 2 up

Postby AninaAna » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:35 pm

Hehe thanks, I will, I might be able to now, just while the teacher isn't looking lol
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Re: Silvereyes Original Story (WC fan fic) CH. 3 up

Postby Dreamingcorpse » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:36 pm

Cool story ^^ I suck at writing :(
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