Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - WiP - please post thoughts)

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Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - WiP - please post thoughts)

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:09 am

Earth’s Redemption
It was thirteen years ago when the aliens arrived on earth. I was only two, but I remember that day so well it scares me. They landed in a giant wave that was too great for our defenses to fight. The ramps slowly lowered dozens of aliens onto our planet. As each group touched the ground, they shied away from the softness of the dirt. They were not used to the dirt, concluded my people.
Little did we know that the aliens had mastered mind control. My best friend and I were the only young children on earth at that time. All others had been captured by alien armies of past battles. Seeing us to be too young to work and too old to be captured, they left us be; they only captured children up to the age of one. They set us on the humungous roots of the Mother Tree.
Using mind control they covered the earth with sheet metal and then made the humans turn against each other, leaving us fighting with our own weapons against our own kind. No one paid any attention to us toddling toddlers stumbling away over the solid ground. Going as fast as we could, we escaped the bloodbath before someone shot us in a frenzy.
We headed to the ocean where we sat on the beach and watched the waves crash against the sand. The next thing I knew, there was no longer an ocean and the beach was huge. It stretched on for miles and miles. That part wasn’t a memory. I was on the same beach years later staring at the open expanse of sand.
Zahyr was standing next to me, looking beyond the sand to a rippling in the distance. We had never seen it before. The beach was a welcoming place ---- though more of a desert now ----- and we came here often. It surprised us to see a shimmering ripple on the horizon. Now, I know why.
I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Zundy. Zahyr says I am very tall and I would not be surprised. My family used to be the tallest people in the village, but Zahyr is even taller than me. I have golden hair that glows in the sunlight, and eyes of a deep aquamarine. In contrast, Zahyr has hair as black as night and steely gray eyes that can stare straight into your very soul.
It was getting late, so we headed back to the Mother Tree, avoiding the Metal Forest as much as possible. The Metal Forest is a very dark and spooky place. It is filled with mysterious creatures all covered in metal. It had once been an amazing forest that was thought to be enchanted, but the aliens had replaced the trees with spikes and covered the animals with metal armor. The armor has since been naturally bred from generation to generation ----- making each creature vicious by nature, for the armor was laced with toxins that destroyed an animal’s kindness towards others.
Slowly trudging on, we finally reached the Mother Tree. We climbed into the branches and drifted off to the sound of her lullaby. The sun was low in the east when I woke up. Zahyr had already gone off to find us breakfast, even though we both know nothing of hunting. We have taught ourselves how to make spears, bows and arrows, but they are roughly made at best and we have little knowledge of how to use them. Our people had guns and rarely used hand-made weapons, but the guns vanished after each person died. When we had gone back to search for them they were missing and we almost gave up hope of survival.
It was the Mother Tree that saved us. Hungry, thirsty and tired, we somehow found our way to her roots. I do not remember much of what happened after the massacre. My memories fade in and out of my dreams, shrouding me in a darkness of what has passed and what is to come. I am terribly frightened by these dreams and do not dare discuss them with anyone. I have seen a world where the aliens have returned and I wish only to forget it.
When Zahyr returns from hunting, I consider speaking with him about my dreams. I have often done so and regret not speaking with him thus far. He seems lost in thought though, so I don’t bother him. We often speculate as to what could happen to us; even what life would be like if the aliens hadn’t come at all.
Thinking again of my dream, I look over at Zahyr and wonder what life would be like without him. I would be all alone with no one to share my thoughts or feelings with and I know what I should do. I do not want to frighten him, but nothing can really frighten us anymore. I decide to speak with him about my dreams.
Cautiously, I slowly walk toward him so he may know I am there. When he turns to me, I have already sat next to him at the base of the tree where we do most of our thinking together. I am worried about explaining my dreams to him, though I know he respects my opinion and insight.
We sat quietly for a moment or two, looking beyond the horizon to a place without worry and hardship. Eventually I started talking, murmuring at first trying to find the right thing to say. How did I explain what I had seen without sounding crazy? “Zahyr,” I said quietly, “I have seen the return of the aliens.” That simple sentence was enough for him.
He didn’t argue with me, for he knew what our names meant as well as I did. Zundy meant ‘wise dreamer’ to our people. It was said that dreams were often visions of what is to come, but only certain people had the gift. Zahyr meant ‘good friend’ meaning he was always there when you needed someone to talk to. I was very grateful for this because he was always ready to help me determine the meaning of my dreams.
After breakfast we headed toward the beach. Once we reached the edge, we just kept walking. I had described my dream in small detail, saying that I had seen a golden land in the middle of a desert. We had the same thought as I said that, Atlantis! The ocean that had vanished was the Atlantic Ocean. And the legendary city of Atlantis was now exposed to the world.
We walked through the slight chill over the desert, and came nearer to the shimmering structure. At a loss for words at the size and complexity of the city, we stood motionless for a while. Only when we heard a slight rumble did we move. We were not scared, but curious, and headed around to the entrance for a closer look.
A ship had just landed in the center of the town. I was an alien spaceship and we both realized that the dream was already coming true. We turned and ran as fast as we could to the Mother Tree. We even took our chances with the Metal Forest, it being the fastest way to get to our safe place.
We were out of breath when we reached the heart of the Metal Forest. It was dark and spooky, filled with strange noises and glowing eyes in between the spikes. Quickly recovering, we sprinted out of the forest and beyond to the point where we had become somewhat lost. Briefly disoriented, we sat down and relaxed to catch our breath again. When our hearts had stopped racing, we found we were not far from the Mother Tree, but had, in fact, run past it in our hurry.
Heading toward ‘home’, if it can be called that, we were very quiet and scared. The aliens had returned! We had to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. When we reached the Mother Tree, we sat in the branches and whispered to each other, trying to come up with a plan of attack. I had seen many things in my dreams, but nothing that showed us how to defeat the aliens.
Maybe if I had told Zahyr sooner, I would have been shown a strategy we could follow to at least stay away from them at all times. Assessing our situation, I knew we had very little we could do about anything now. Nervous and frightened, Zahyr and I went to bed, sleeping fitfully and having nightmares.
I was up before Zahyr the next morning. It was barely light out and I was freezing. I had barely slept the night before and I was ready to give up. Battling the aliens would be pointless, and it would be terribly hard to avoid them. I had been shown nothing to help us with the aliens and was now more worried then ever.
I snuck away from the tree quietly, so as not to disturb Zahyr, and crept toward the beach. I needed to be alone to think and relax, and the beach was the best place for that despite the impending danger. It was hard to think that the aliens had returned and rebuilt Atlantis as their headquarters.
Not knowing I had reached the beach I kept walking, lost in thought. I continued on for quite a while along the sand until I reached the golden empire. I would have continued past the gate if it hadn’t been for the blazing noon sun reflecting off the city and blinding me.
I was breathing heavily from nerves. It was interesting here but very scary due to the presence of aliens. I slowly turned the corner and peeked through to bars of the gate. It was deserted. There were no spaceships or aliens in the town square, so everyone must have gone back to their home planets.
I ran back to the Mother Tree to find Zahyr climbing down from where he was looking for me. I called out to him and he almost fell. “It’s empty there.” I said excitedly. “We should take a look.” He knew I was referring to Atlantis, of course, and wanted to know what I had been doing there. “I wasn’t trying to go there.” I whispered apologetically. “I went to the beach to do some thinking and got lost in thought, walking there accidentally.”
Once he had heard this, we started running toward the beach. We wanted to see Atlantis before the aliens returned. When we reached Atlantis, we checked to make sure no one had come while we were gone. It was deserted. We crept in quietly, feeling strange in this legendary place.
The town center was huge! We could imagine the hustle and bustle of the citizens as they shopped. We could see the crowds gathering to hear the kings’ speeches. It was amazing! We followed the spiral of golden pathways to the throne room in the palace. It was truly fit for a king ------ or a queen.
We explored the entire city until we stumbled upon the command room. It was built in one of the old, abandoned shops on a side street. There were dozens of computers and two aliens. Aliens! We sprinted away as fast as we could, leaving the aliens in our dust (even though they weren’t following us). Running to the Mother tree, we recollected what we saw. One alien was purple with twenty tentacles and six eyes. The other was a deep blue alien who looked like a normal person aside from his antennae.
From our knowledge of aliens, we knew they had to be from Jupiter and Venus. Even with this knowledge, though, we were very frightened. It was rumored that they were the fiercest aliens around. Only once we had reached the Mother Tree did we feel safe. Even then we questioned the aliens reasons for being here. What did they want with a completely ruined planet? We were clueless.
We tried to come up with ways to get them to leave like the other aliens had, but then we wondered if the others had left to get the rest of their alien armies. It seemed odd that all the aliens were working together to capture the barren planet. Rarely did the aliens work together, and never to capture the same planet. There must be a bigger plan that all the aliens would work together to control this wasteland of metal.
We thought up many theories as to why they would do such a thing, but only one made sense. The foreign aliens from another galaxy must be back! The very thought greatly disturbed us and we had to do something before we were discovered. We had escaped detection for so long that we never though this would happen.
It was getting late and we were very tired, so we went to bed. My dreams were filled with aliens returning and being defeated by a hero with no identity. I saw strategies and weaponry being formed. I experienced an attack as if I was there. When I woke up, it was light out. The sun was almost at mid-day position, and I wondered ----- what had happened to me that I had slept through sunrise?
I never missed a sunrise. Then I remembered my dream. It had been long and informative. The entire strategy had been laid out for me. I had to take note of what I had seen and heard in my dream before I forgot it. If I forgot it, the dream might not come back and if it did I would miss another sunrise, and I love the sunrise.
I found a couple large leaves from the Mother Tree, and started to sketch out the plan. My dream had been faint glimpses but I sketched it out as best I could. There were shadows of people. In the first part of the plan they were talking to other shadowed figures, then they were preparing for a battle with the other shadows, and finally, battling the aliens.
The unknown shadows looked vaguely familiar, yet I could not place where I had seen them before. I knew the people were Zahyr and I, but the others looked almost extraterrestrial. Still Pondering the identities of the strangers, I hid the plan until Zahyr got back from hunting, hiding it quickly again after showing it to him. I did not want the plans falling in the hands of the enemy.
Still pondering the identities of the shadows, I climbed the tree to relax for a little while. At sunset, I climbed down to take another look at our battle plans before the light faded. With shadows starting to appear along the tree trunk, I examined the features of the unknown creatures. I thought one of them looked very similar to Zahyr, but it didn’t make any sense; how could Zahyr be in two parts of the plan at the same time? Then I remembered the aliens we had seen, or one of them at least. It was the blue one. He looked exactly like Zahyr from the back, with antennae on top of his head. The antennae were missing from the plans, so I added them to the alien figure (or at least what I thought was the alien figure). Now I just had to solve the mystery of the other being.
The sun had disappeared on the horizon, and the moon was starting to show. I hurriedly put the plans away and called to Zahyr. There was no answer in or around the Mother Tree. I panicked. Zahyr had disappeared and I had no clue where he had gone. I ran to his favorite hunting spot, finding his bow hidden in a hollow log like always.
He could not be found there, so I ran to the beach. He was not there on the rocks, and he wouldn’t have dared go to Atlantis ----- would he?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I was sneaking around Atlantis when I thought I heard Zundy’s voice on the wind. The desert was very wide, so I figured I was hearing things. Then again, I could hear things others couldn’t because I hunted so often. I had trained myself to hear even the smallest of squeaks in the undergrowth. I knew Zundy wouldn’t hear if I called back from here and I wanted to take a second look at the aliens. I continued farther and farther into Atlantis until I reached the command room.
I saw the aliens there. They were back to, but I could see their facial features in the screen. I saw a more detailed profile of both. The purple one had six eyes, a flat nose, and a very thin mouth. The blue one looked like me from the back, but seeing his face I knew we were nothing alike. He had a single eye right in the middle of his forehead and fangs like a vampire. His tongue was forked like a snake’s and he hissed when he spoke.
They were wearing universal translators, so I understood every word they were saying. “Tyrox,” said the blue alien. “I do not think this is right. We should not be taking this planet away from the creatures on it.”
“I agree Gleeple,” said Tyrox. “Our planets are just as nice, if not nicer. We should just give up on this mission. There is no point in capturing a barren planet covered in metal. There is no natural beauty to it and I am quite tired of metal landscapes.”
“Well then,” said Gleeple, “I think we should stay since we cannot leave right now(this was true ----- they had no ship), but when the others return we can leave.”
“They will not be back for days, even weeks.” said Tyrox. “Still, I think it is fine if we stay here. No one will bother us because there are no humans left to.”
At that, I ran out of Atlantis and sprinted across the desert. I found Zundy on the beach, sitting on a rock. She was tired and worried, and I assumed she had looked everywhere possible for me except Atlantis and the Metal Forest. I slowly walked along the beach towards her to tell her what I had heard, but she looked lost in thought. I let her sit there on the rock and quietly sat down a short distance away.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I sat on that rock for what seemed like forever, though it was only about an hour. I was worried sick about Zahyr. How could he run off like that and not even leave a note. I tried not to think about what could have happened, but it was hard not to fear the worst. I pictured him being snacked on by beasts of the Metal Forest, I saw him being captured by the aliens and I even saw him being offered to the beasts by the aliens for their allegiance in a coming battle.
Hearing a slight movement in the sand (it was very faint, but sounded like footsteps), I jumped off the rock and spun around quickly. Zahyr was sitting on a rock not to far from where I had been sitting. He looked out of breath, but his eyes were sparkling like they sometimes did. When I turned to face him, he stood up and started to walk towards me.

feel free to comment, but please do not take. will most likely be updated daily.
Last edited by Weeping_Angel }Y{ on Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Continuing On. Please give feedback

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:48 am

Next part of the story. Enjoy!

“How could you?!?” I yelled. “You had me worried sick! I thought you had been captured....or worse.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, hugging me. “I just wanted to get another look at the aliens.”
“You could have at least left a note,” I pulled away. “Do you know how scared I was?”
“I ------- ”
“Of course you don’t.” I cut him off. “You have no idea what it’s like when someone you care about disappears without a trace. And you could have been seen by them! Then we’d be in big trouble.”
“You aren’t listening to me. I heard something very interesting that you might like to hear. But if your that mad at me, I’ll leave you alone for a little while to calm down.”
“Wait! I didn’t mean it.” I said as he started to walk away.
“Yes Zundy. I know you didn’t. I shouldn’t have left without letting you know where I was going. And I said I was sorry.” he said, starting to turn around.
“I just care about you, and you could have been hurt, and I wouldn’t have known where you were, and, and.....” I rambled on as he turned to face me.
“It’s okay.” he whispered. “Would you like me to tell you what I learned?”
I nodded, afraid that if I spoke I would start yelling at him again. “Let’s go back to the Mother tree though.”
“Okay. I think I’d like to tell the story there anyway.” Zahyr said as he turned and grabbed my hand.
It was comforting to have him hold my hand as we headed toward the tree. I knew he wouldn’t leave me again. “Promise me something Zahyr.” I asked softly.
“What is it?”
“Promise me that you will never leave me again without leaving a note and that you will not go to Atlantis without me.”
“Of course. I had a feeling about the aliens, and that’s why I left. But I’ll tell you about that when I tell you the rest of the story.”
“Okay.” I said, wary of the growing darkness and sudden appearance of spikes.
We hadn’t been watching where we were going, I thought. But before I could say anything, Zahyr looked up and saw where we were. We had found our way to the heart of the Metal Forest. I pulled my hand away and slowly turned in a circle. There were no eyes peering out at us, which was unusual.
We were in a small clearing with the moon rising above us. It was much later than we thought. I searched frantically for a way out, when Zahyr grabbed my shoulders and stopped me from making myself dizzier. He held me until I stopped swaying and told me to listen.
“We are not in danger. By now all the creatures are sleeping and can’t hear us if we stay calm and quiet.” he stared me in the eyes as he said this. “If we leave now we will make it out by morning. We’ll be fine.”
Slowly, we made our way through the spikes. It was difficult to walk through the old leaves without making a sound, but somehow we managed. The sun was just rising as we crept through the edge of the spikes. We stepped forward a few paces, then turned to see a gentle unicorn. She was stunning. Her mane glowed silver, like the spikes, and her horn was made of delicate-looking diamonds shaped in a cone. I reached out to pet her, but she shied away and Zahyr pulled me back thinking I would be hurt.
I pulled away and gave him a ‘I know what I’m doing’ look. He didn’t protest as I slowly approached the unicorn with a hand stretched out. I didn’t want to scare her, so when she stepped back I stopped and let her come to me. It took a few minutes, but she eventually walked up to me and nuzzled my outstretched hand. I stroked her mane, and she even kneeled so I could get on her back. She must have seen how tired I was, because she followed Zahyr all the way to the Mother tree so I didn’t have to walk anymore.
When we had reached the tree, I climbed of her back and thanked her with a hug. As I turned to climb the tree, she followed me and refused to leave me. I found some rope and made her a halter and lead rope so I could tie her to a low branch on the tree. I left her plenty of slack so she could graze, then climbed the tree to rest.
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Next portion, as written.

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:24 am

We were exhausted from our overnight trek, so we settled down on our respective branches and slept until sunrise the next day. In my dreams that night, I had seen the aliens. They were sitting at a computer with the diagram of the old earth on it. Their lips were moving, but I could not hear what they were saying. I could not even read their lips because they were moving in an alien way. I made a point to ask Zahyr when we got up what he had seen and heard.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At sunrise, Zundy climbed down the tree to stroke her unicorn. I nestled deeper into the leaves. Why did the unicorn pick her and not me? I pondered this question for sometime before I remembered that unicorns were linked to dreamers like her. They usually approached without caution, but I speculated that it had been some time since the last dreamer had been sensed here. It had been thirteen years since earth was destroyed, even longer since the last dreamer had died.
I remember legends about the last dreamer from when I was young. She was known for her healing powers and her ability to tell the future. Her name was Fira. A very wise dreamer like her could change the future with her dreams. It was rumored that the reason the aliens bothered us was because of her, and that only another dreamer could rescue us from their torment. Zundy was born years after Fira died, and the aliens had left our people alone since the death of her.
They had only started to interfere when Zundy was of dreaming age. Her status in the village was changed from child to young dreamer the day she turned two. The elders had sensed her power, though I wonder if we could have postponed the aliens arrival if her status had not changed so early. They should have given her time to practice her dreaming skills, I thought. She is a very good dreamer, but at a young age she could have done nothing to prevent this.
I climbed down from my branch as I thought this. Zundy had not yet heard the legend of Fira, so she did not know what she could really do. I decided then that I would end my story with the legend of Fira, for it was etched into my brain. It was then that I realized I should not remember this. I was only three when the aliens came. How could I remember legends told to me that young as bedtime stories? I must be more than just a good friend. I must be a rememberer.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I turned to see Zahyr descending from the tree. He had a thoughtful look on his face, as if he had realized a secret that died with our ancestors. Turns out, he had. “Zundy,” he whispered, “have you heard the legend of rememberers?”
There were many legends about an ancient people that we descended from known as the rememberers. I had heard of them, but not a single one of their legends. Zahyr might have when he was younger, because he had an older brother, but he would not remember it unless..... “No!” I shouted in complete awe. “You can’t be a rememberer. They died out long before we were even born.”
“But we descended from them, remember. It is quite possible that I inherited their powers somehow. I don’t understand it, but I have to face the truth. I remember legends told to my brother when I was three, legends I probably heard while half asleep.”
“How can that be though?” I queried. “The elders should have been able to sense your powers, and you would have been highly revered as a toddler. Do you know how many people in the village would have wanted to be you?”
“There would have been many, but....” he trailed off.
“Don’t tell me there’s something you’re not telling me. I can sense it in your eyes.”
“According to legend, a rememberer’s powers couldn’t be sensed until he was my age. The elders wouldn’t have known my powers, and I only just found out today. My seventeenth birthday.”
“But you can remember things you heard before today, and a couple days ago. How is that possible?”
“A rememberer remembers everything he hears ----- whether he knows of his powers or not ----- in full detail.”
“Okay. Now that we have cleared up, will you tell me what you heard the other day?”
“All that and more, Zundy. All that and more.”
His voice grew faint and he got a faraway look in his eye. I waited for him to come out of the trance he was in, but Mikra ----- that’s what I named my unicorn ----- must have seen danger in it. She whinnied sharply, and zapped him with her horn. I thought she had hurt him and I started to scold her, until Zahyr snapped to attention. he looked confused for a moment, then he started telling me about the aliens.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Skipping the unnecessary details, I told Zundy what I had heard. “The aliens we saw don’t want to take over the earth. They know it’s wrong to take this planet away from the creatures on it, they just don’t know we are here as well.”
When I was done telling her this, she looked confused for a moment, then understood. She asked me one thing though, “Is that all?”
“No,” I confessed. “I want to tell you why the aliens came here in the first place.”
“It has to do with another dreamer. The last dreamer before you.”
“But it may seem overwhelming at first. I want you to know that I would not be telling you this if it was not extremely important for you to know. I promise.”
“I’m ready to hear it.”
Where do I begin, I thought. She needs to hear this, but it is very difficult to explain.
“I need to think about it more, but I will tell you this. The aliens came because of another dreamer.”
She gasped. It was a reasonable reaction. Dreamers were spoken of in legends with respect, and to have a dreamers cause an alien apocalypse was unheard of. I knew I should just tell her the legend now, but there was no easy way to tell it and I had to think about how to explain it to her. She would turn sixteen in a few days. “I’ll tell you on your birthday. Is that okay?”
“Perfect. I just hope its not too late.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There was something Zahyr was not telling me ----- I could sense it. He had told me about the aliens, but he said a dreamer, of all people, had caused the apocalypse that was now occurring again. I couldn’t believe it. I’m a dreamer, and he says one of my kind was responsible for this?
“Tell me one thing.”
“What would you like to know?”
“What kind of dreamer was she?”
“She was a wise dreamer, who could predict and change the future with her dreams. The legend says she once dreamt of aliens coming to earth, and so she is blamed for the apocalypse.”
“So she was an alterer?”
There were many kinds of dreamers. All could see a time point that was not our own. There were the wanderers who could wander the past to learn the truth about our ancestors. There were also many that could see the future. Alterers were one of these dreamers. If they were not careful with their free-floating dreams, they could alter the future and bring harm to the people.
I was known as a mid-dreamer, as far as I could tell. I could see the future and what it may hold, but I couldn’t alter it. I could also see small bits of the past that were extremely important and with immense concentration, I could see across dimensions to other worlds. I wasn’t the most important dreamer though ----- or so I thought.
The rarest of dreamers was the fantaseador. They could wander the past, see the future (and alter it if they wished, but only if they wished to), cross dimensions, and even change the future-altering dreams of alterers by entering their semi-conscious minds. Only one fantaseador was born each century, and sometimes there wasn’t one born. There were, of course, rare cases where two or three would be born over a long period of time in a century.
Having an alterer cause this kind of damage would have meant they were very old. No dreamer learned their true powers until they were sixteen, and they knew instantly how to control them, so she could not have been young. Older alterers, however, often faded into a short stasis period where they could be asleep and not realize it. They were kept on close watch, and woken up as soon as a stasis was entered, but sometimes a few seconds was all it took.
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - More Later - feedback welco

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:25 am

“This dreamer,” I said quietly. “What was her name?”
“Fira,” he whispered. ”Her name was Fira.”
The name felt familiar. “Fira,” I whispered, trying to get e feel for it. Something didn’t feel right.
Mikra, what is it? I asked telepathically, for that was how we communicated.
Fira, she is here. Her body is lost, but her spirit wanders free. She seemed nervous.
I was scared. If a dreamer’s spirit was wandering, they had not completed their mission. Dreamers had a purpose. Hers must have been cut short by death. That would have been her punishment, of course, for causing this to occur. “What do you want with me, Fira?”
By now, Zahyr had vanished to go hunting. It was his favorite thing to do while thinking. Sometimes, I thought he just went there to think in the calm environment; until he brought home a small bird to eat. Why had Zahyr vanished? And where was Mikra? My unicorn had vanished into thin air.
The I realized we were surrounded by a hazy fog. It rolled around us, spiraling and dancing into strange creatures I did not know. They were very small things, with strange yellow eyes and log, slender tails. Through them, Fira spoke.
“Do you really think I dreamed this accidentally?” they mewed. “I wanted this to happen. I wanted to be the last legendary dreamer on Earth.”
“Its a pity really,” they continued, echoing in my head as if we were on a mountain. “You were not supposed to meet a unicorn until you were sixteen. She speeded up the approach of our meeting. You don’t even know your true powers yet.” They hissed this last sentence as if it were a curse.
“You don’t even know who I am! You know nothing about me or my powers!” I shouted, to be heard over the howling wind.
The cats smiled. “Oh, don’t I Zundy? I am an alterer, after all. I altered your future before you even existed. But this is amazing. I could never have imagined you’d be what you are.”
“What am I then, Fira? Surely I cannot read your mind, so you must tell me. Or will our meeting stop here? Will you come back after my birthday, when I will know for myself what I am?”
“Such insolence. I am ashamed of you, girl. You could be the most powerful being, and yet you sit here with a mere boy.”
This infuriated me. And Fira was expecting that. “Zahyr is no mere boy, Fira. He is a rememberer. He will tell me the truth about you, and then you shall be gone for good.”
“A rememberer, eh?” she sounded puzzled. “Thanks for the intel. Now I can use that against him.”
What had I done? I had given away Zahyr’s powers, and now she was going to twist his memory (another thing alterers can do) so he wouldn’t be able to tell me the truth. Breaking into my thoughts, the cats hissed a message: “I will come back a week after your birthday. The boy will be left until then. You must find a way to use your powers to save him, and you.”
The fog disappeared and Zahyr was sitting next to me. I barely noticed him though. My powers, save him, what you are..... Her words drifted around my mind. I could not decipher her message. What was she talking about Mikra? I thought, transferring the conversation to her.
You will know in three days time, when you turn sixteen and become fully aware of your powers.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There had been a mysterious fog around Zundy. I had heard her mumbled voice saying something to a creature I could not see. When the fog disappeared, she was sitting in a trance. I assumed she was conversing with her unicorn, for she often got a faraway look when she did.
All of a sudden, the trance broke. “Zundy,” I whispered.
She gave a start at the sound of my voice, then ran to me and gave me a hug. It was a friendly gesture, but not often practiced by us. I was taken aback by this and almost tumbled over. “Are you okay,” I asked, for this was very concerning.
“Fira....” she started. “I thought she had harmed you. I’m just glad to see your okay.”
“Why would Fira want to hurt me? And how could she be here?”
“She’s an alterer.” she said, as if that clarified it.
I gave a puzzled look, so she continued.
“She can change the future. Apparently, she altered mine before I was born so she would meet me.”
“What can we do?”
“Wait for my birthday. She will be here a week after that, and you,” she said, in a teasing tone of voice, “owe me a story.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next three days were uneventful. Zahyr went hunting a couple times, and to the beach to think. I, meanwhile, tended to my unicorn. I finally had something to do during the day besides think and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Zahyr had completely skipped out on hunting today, and headed straight to the beach. My birthday was tomorrow, and I guess Zahyr still had a lot of thinking to do.
I hoped his legend would let me know how I could defeat Fira once and for all. Killing her didn’t seem to do it. I had to erase her conscious somehow. As long as her spirit still roamed with a dreamer’s mind she was danger.
That night, or early morning, I dreamed of a young girl defeating Fira. I had no idea how this was to happen, yet I knew it would. I awoke with a slight start. It was my birthday! One week from now, Fira would be here to harm Zahyr and I if she wasn’t stopped. “My dream!” I gasped.
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby Pleasedeletethis » Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:01 am

Wow......this is interesting and very detailed I love it :)
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:24 am

and it still isn't finished. a wip if there ever was one. eventually there will be a battle, or maybe two?
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:43 pm

Fira had said I would soon learn my true powers. Zahyr must have heard my gasp, because he stirred on his branch, turning to look at me. I repeated what I had thought moments before, “Fira said I would soon learn my true powers.”
This caused Zahyr to almost fall out of the tree. “What?” he asked.
“I had a dream of a girl defeating Fira. It was me Zahyr. My true powers. I am a fantaseador. I have now learned how to defeat Fira, and possibly the aliens.”
“How? It is practically impossible that you are a fantaseador. Unless.....” he trailed off.
“I was the first, and last, dreamer born that century Zahyr.”
This was true, for I had been born mere days before the century had turned. “A fantaseador,” he whispered in awe. “My best friend is a fantaseador.”
The thought of me defeating Fira was so exciting, I couldn’t sleep. I climbed out of the tree and stroked Mikra’s mane, brushing it with my fingers. How do I use my powers against her? I thought.
Dream of defeating her, on purpose of course. It will come true if you will it to.
Thanks Mikra. I thought, still stroking her mane.
I knew it was going to be difficult. I could dream of her suddenly imploding or blowing to bits, but I wanted to try to kill her with kindness in a way. I would kill her with dreams, but not dreams of me harming her. I would dream of her spirit finally being at peace.
With this decided, I dreamt of our meeting a week from now. We were surrounded by mist again, and there were cats around that she would speak through. She would say something witty, and I would do nothing. Then she would notice me closing my eyes as she started to drift away.
This whole exchange took minutes in my mind, but I had a strong doubt that it would happen that way. I really wanted it to happen, but I wondered if my unpracticed fantaseador powers would really prevail.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Last edited by Weeping_Angel }Y{ on Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby LadyGalleth » Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:26 pm

This is really good so far. I really like your writing style, and how well it flows. I like the complex characters you've made here. Keep up the great work.
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby Weeping_Angel }Y{ » Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:32 pm

thanks. its still a wip, but its coming along better then I could have imagined. Fira and Mikra were actually characters added at a spontaneous impulse to do so, but they have evolved nicely and motivated me to keep writing. now I get to work on it some more, but you might like my other pieces (the ones in my sig) if you like my style. one's about a ghost and a set of triplets and the other is a 'diary' written by pegasi
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Re: Earth's Redemption (Sci/Fi - please post thoughts)

Postby Losberry » Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:24 pm

(cool! i havn't finished it all yet but i absulutly love it so far!!!!! aliens rule! and zombies.... don't forget my best buddies the zombies!)
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