.:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

If you were made to live in this realm, what herd would you choose?

The Sudden Death Herd
The Secret Herd
The Diamond Herd
The Ruby Herd
The Emerald Herd
Total votes : 23

.:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Arctic⚡️Storm » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:44 am

~ The Legend of the Jewel and Evil Herds V2 ~

Version two of my roleplay! I decided to create another version seeing as though the previous one was locked due to force breeding (the issue's been fixed now) so hopefully this one will stay in good standing.

Previous rp: V1


~ Rules ~

1) All of the site rules apply.

2) No Power Playing (Controlling somebody else's character without permission)

3) No God-Modding (Having unlimited powers for your character/making your character indestructible)

4) Be NICE to other members!

5) It's up to you on how many character's you have, but you MUST control them ALL! (And that is without letting any of them become inactive!)

6) No Mary-Sues or Garry-Sues! (Perfect character) EVERY character has to have at least ONE acceptable weakness!

7) Don't post a side-topic that throws people off of the main topic. However, if you have any ideas, don't be afraid to PM me or the RP mods :)

8) If you want your characters to make love, PLEASE don't go into detail. It's a lot nicer just to put 'Fade to black' or 'Time skip'.

9) FORCE BREEDING IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED! (I admit, it was my fault last time for being too lenient and forgetting the overall site rules.)

10) Don't go ahead with an idea without the other persons EXPRESS permission.

11) Your character must comprehend with the rp, so I don't expect any humans or wolves running around. (If you have any other ideas, please PM me first.)

12) Remember that this is a FAMILY SITE! So us roleplayer's must keep fighting and mating to a discreet level (Preferably PG 13)

13) Don't post if I have not accepted you! It makes things really confusing! However, don't be afraid to quote your form if I've forgotten/not seen your post.

14) All updates on the RP will be added to the front, and any ideas must be forwarded to ME or the RP MODS before they are either rejected or accepted based on if it fits with the site and rp.


~ Plots ~

~ Emerald Herd ~

There was a time before man where legend says the first herd of the world was the Emerald Herd. A herd which was full of kindness and love for their newest members; And a herd which, above all else, strived to keep their standards high. They were great enemies to the other groups, and especially despised of Killer. Due to the fear of accepting traitors or strangers into their circle, they rejected any suspicious visitors, and stood clear of the others...
As the years went rolling on by, the Emerald Herd became enraged because of the separation laws, how the land had to be divided into three different sections, meaning each to their own land. This was a big issue because the Emerald Herd were the first to form, and the first to claim the large territory.
Will you join this herd? Or will you be left to the mercy of the others?

~ Ruby Herd ~

Although there was another herd before them, the Ruby Herd soon became a main part of the plains, joining up with various other stray horses, forming a small band and later on growing into one massive herd. Some of the herds have uneven numbers because of the Sudden Death herd lurking in the darkness, murdering anybody they can. {And with the new threat of the Secret Herd} It is mainly around the Ruby Herd that they roam.
The previous leader of the Ruby herd was brutally murdered by Midnight Killer, a demon with as much heart as death or stone. He was the one who tricked the Ruby herd into following him, and in a blink of an eye, slaughtered the leader, his mate and their family. The Ruby herd can never be trusted by the other two herds because of their confrontation with Midnight Killer. Will you join this herd? Or will you be left to the mercy of the others?

~ Diamond Herd ~

The last Jewel Herd on the map. It was such a shame that they had formed during SUCH a bad time. This herd aquired the least amount of members, which was sensibly related to the murders and crimes put under Killer's name. His errors and frauds have caused quite a lot of trouble for the Diamond herd, which resulted in them loosing everything. There was an estimate of about 20,000 members in this herd, and has decreased to a number of only 5000, in a matter of 10 years.
The Diamond Herd are desperate for your help. So, will you join this herd to redeem them from the terrible burden, or will it be Midnight Killer or the Cloaked Figure?

~ Sudden Death Herd ~

This herd is forbidden to be spoken of in every part of the realm, not even the Ruby herd speak of this herd any more. Killer is working with his slaves to help form the perfect plan to annihilate the entire population of the plains. His target is to stake a claim in every spare part of land available-He would even go to the extent of killing the enemy herds' leaders, and possess each one as his; therefore giving him the advantage of taking the rest of the remaining land under his control. Afterwards, the Sudden Death Herd would be remembered as the most powerful herd in history. The three herds need you now, but for those more darker horses, Killer's herd would be the right choice...

~ Secret Herd ~

Secrets, secrets, secrets... Forget about Killer being the most damaging of all. This leader is one of the most dangerous villains to the entire realm.
Having started out as just a Cloaked bachelor, the fearsome 'Cloaked Figure' roams around in search of a herd of his own. He doesn't just wan't one kind of horse in it... He wants them all, and he wants them now. Nothing is going to stop him in his tracks, and after each of his desired members are prized from their separate herds, he will force them to work under his own iron rule... The plan is to overthrow EVERYTHING in the realm, so it ruptures Killer's plans too. The reason for all of the different species is because he can combine all of the kinds, creating new powers: a crime that is forbidden, and worthy of death.
He previously gained revenge on Killer because of his jealousy. He became united as Killer's good friend when he was a young colt, absorbing each lesson taught, and then fleeing later on, changing his identity, and claiming the Forbidden Forest as his secret haven for his own Secret Herd. Will your horse be kidnapped? It is up to the Cloaked Figure to decide...

~ Misfits ~

The Misfit's are a large group of horses that are naturally/unnaturally based. Their designs can be either unnatural or natural with any twist you want. Of course, they don't live in the realm-they are located far away in an unknown city that takes days to reach. These horses are known to have strange but very powerful abilities-residing in stables, where the humans own and tame them. When you reach the city, you will have to set search and locate stabling areas where some Misfits may be found. However, this task will be very dangerous (obviously because of the humans) The more dangerous areas will be out across Texas where the ranches are. There are many predators around on the plains (which may even take a shot at hunting you down), and humans may mistake you for one of them and kill you also.
Misfits are open to everybody, but are only available for a limited time.


~ Important Information ~

~The daytime lasts for only 12 hours and the night-time lasts for 24 hours (depending on the weather!)

~There is a bad lightning storm every once in a while, so finding shelter is a MUST.

~ For the keys of realm borders, Emerald have green skies, Ruby has red, Diamond has a silvery/grey, Sudden Death have black and the Secret Herd have mist engulfing everything so any outsiders can't see a thing.

~ The Forbidden Forest has toxic fumes and gasses that can kill within 3 hours, and all who enter that forest will die, or get trapped e.c.t. It is located next to the Sudden Death herd, lining right across the realm. It is never ending.

~ The Secret Herd members CANNOT JOIN filling out a form! The Cloaked Figure has to CHOOSE you and this can be AT RANDOM! Or, if I give permission to say you can join, you are automatically in!

~ Current Season ~



Anonymous wrote:I have a question. I thought that the king and queen of each herd are mates...right?

☼ Astronomical ☼ wrote:Technically no, King's and Queen's can be mates if they love each other but on the other hand, they can win each other's hearts. It doesn't matter-each mare and stallion that love each other will more likely become mates; but in my opinion I think you should try and win the heart of any mare/stallion that your horse has a crush on.

Your characters (Mare's or stallions) don't always have to be mates to be Queen or King. If they love each other, then they are classified as being mates. You can choose to have an instant relationship or win the heart of the other. It's entirely up to the person who owns/rp's them.


~ Form ~

Code: Select all
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sudden Death or Misfit?:[/b]
[b]Rank Wanted:[/b]
[b]History (Optional):[/b]
[b]Anything else? (Please state):[/b]


~ Members ~

☼ Astronomical ☼: - Is the creator for 'The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds', administrator of the RP, a roleplayer and moderator. I am responsible for the overall running of the rp, taking in ideas and tips to improve/better the rp for the benefit of other members, accepting/declining forms and editing the roles of characters as the rp goes on. I am also responsible for answering any questions regarding the rp/ideas for the rp, and generally here just to provide a nice and upbeat atmosphere for you and your characters! It would be a good idea if you approach me about any concerns you may have about your character/rp so then I am able to pinpoint the problem. -I own Midnight Killer, Osiris, Imp, Death's Entrance, Raphael, Midnight Assassin, Eagle, The Cloaked Figure (Lucifer), Panic Attack, Spitfire and Sparkling Legend.

~Periwinkle~: - Is the administrator's assistant, a creativity moderator and roleplayer. She is responsible for helping out/thinking up new and improved ideas for the rp, assisting members and being responsible for looking after the thread should I not be present at a particular date. She is also responsible for answering extra questions specifically to do with the ideas/rp if I am unable to for any particular reason. If I am away at any time, Peri will be responsible for accepting/declining forms and notifying the respected members (including myself) about new changes. -Peri owns Winter's Secret (Periwinkle), Epiphany, Pathfinder, Rigel, Cimmaron, Takari, Sapphire, Cavallo, Jet Stream and Cyclone.

Bramblemask973: - Is roleplayer and mini-moderator. Bramble is a very respectable roleplayer, and is incredibly talented-she has been present throughout each phase of the rp, and has provided excellent help and given great advice to me and other members. Due to having difficulties in real life, she is unable to get online as often. However, when she is online, she may want to help answer any questions and suggest ideas. -Bramble owns Silvani and Zariya who are great members of the Sudden Death Herd.

Opal.: - Is roleplayer and mini-moderator. Opal is also a very respectable roleplayer, and is incredibly talented-she has been present throughout each phase of the rp, and has provided excellent help and given great advice to me and other members. Due to having difficulties in real life with schoolwork, she is unable to get online as often as what she used to. However, when she is online, she may want to help answer any questions and suggest ideas. -Opal owns Enigma, Diabolos and Rakketh.

♫Lyrics♫: - Is a very talented roleplayer! Although she has a bad temper (like me) she is very capable of producing explosive paragraphs that display lots of meaning both out of character and through roleplaying her characters. -Lyrics owns Nyx, Cataclysmic Destruction and Lyrics Darkness.

Midnight Mare: - Although very new to this RP, Midnight Mare is incredibly encouraging, sweet-natured and very friendly! She has been a great support so far! I know that Midnight will bring many new skills to this topic, so I'm looking forwards to seeing their character(s) in action! -Midnight Mare owns Swansi

~Jen-Chan~ - I've known this girl for years, and she was one of the first people I came to for horse role-playing on this website. I joined all of her RP's except for the non-horse ones. Well, she also joined this rp when it was first made, so she has a very good idea of how things work around here. Due to her being very helpful and easy to speak to and communicate with (including our good friendship) Jen can certainly be a role model to newer roleplayers, and perhaps wouldn't mind taking on the responsibility of answering questions to do with anything roleplay-related (maybe even telling people about the old Jewel Herd roleplay too!) - ~Jen-Chan~ owns Charon and Raven Nyx


~ Herd Members ~

{Key For Herd Members}

King ♂:
Queen ♀:
Royal Foals ♂/♀:
Beta Male ♂:
Beta Female ♀:
Delta Male ♂:
Delta Female ♀:
Lead Warriors ♂/♀:
Warriors ♂/♀:
Lead Carers ♂/♀:
Carers ♂/♀:
Lead Hunters ♂/♀:
Hunters ♂/♀:

Male = ♂ Female = ♀

~ Emerald Herd ~

King ♂: Open
Queen ♀: Open
Royal Foals ♂/♀: Winter's Secret (Periwinkle) ♀
Beta Male ♂: Open
Beta Female ♀: Open
Delta Male ♂: Open
Delta Female ♀: Open
Lead Warriors ♂/♀: Open
Warriors ♂/♀: Open
Lead Carers ♂/♀: Open
Carers ♂/♀: Open
Lead Hunters ♂/♀: Open
Hunters ♂/♀: Open

~ Ruby Herd ~

King ♂: Sparkling Legend
Queen ♀: Sapphire
Royal Foals ♂/♀: Cimmaron ♀ {Half dark because of Takari}
Beta Male ♂: Open
Beta Female ♀: Icy
Delta Male ♂: Open
Delta Female ♀: Open
Lead Warriors ♂/♀: Cataclysmic Destruction ♂
Warriors ♂/♀: Lyric's Darkness ♀
Lead Carers ♂/♀: Open
Carers ♂/♀: Open
Lead Hunters ♂/♀: Open
Hunters ♂/♀: Open

~ Diamond Herd ~

King ♂: Charon
Queen ♀: Swansi
Royal Foals ♂/♀: Open
Beta Male ♂: Open
Beta Female ♀: Open
Delta Male ♂: Open
Delta Female ♀: Open
Lead Warriors ♂/♀: Open
Warriors ♂/♀: Open
Lead Carers ♂/♀: Open
Carers ♂/♀: Open
Lead Hunters ♂/♀: Open
Hunters ♂/♀: Open

~ Sudden Death Herd ~

King ♂: Midnight Killer
Queen ♀: Enigma
Royal Foals ♂/♀: Skeleton King ♂ Cimmaron ♀ {Has part of Killer and Takari's DNA in her} Midnight Assassin ♀ Midnight Ghost ♂
Beta Male ♂: Osiris
Beta Female ♀: Silvani
Delta Male ♂: Imp
Delta Female ♀: Sephra
Lead Warriors ♂/♀: Death's Entrance ♂ Cavallo ♂ Rigel ♂ Pathfinder ♂ {Is Takari's son}
Warriors ♂/♀: Diabolos ♂ Takari ♂ Eagle ♂
Lead Carers ♂/♀: Enigma ♀
Carers ♂/♀: Raven Nyx ♀
Lead Hunter ♂/♀: Rakketh ♂
Hunters ♂/♀: Raphael ♂ {Also a Guard} Nyx ♀

~ Secret Herd ~

King ♂: Cloaked Figure (Lucifer)
Queen ♀: Enigma {Was snaked into the herd}
Royal Foals ♂/♀: Skeleton King ♂ {Was stolen from Killer}
Beta Male ♂: Osiris {Poisoned then kidnapped}
Beta Female ♀: Winter's Secret
Delta Male ♂: Imp {Knocked out then caught}
Delta Female ♀: To be chosen
Lead Warriors ♂/♀: Raphael ♂ {Knocked out then caught}
Warriors ♂/♀: Zariya ♀ {Hypnotised, poisoned then transported}
Lead Carers ♂/♀: To be chosen
Carers ♂/♀: To be chosen
Lead Hunters ♂/♀: To be chosen

~ Misfits ~

Stallions (♂):
~Jet Stream
~Panick Attack
~Calistral's Artex

Mares (♀):


~ Art and Tributes ~


Last edited by Arctic⚡️Storm on Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:54 am, edited 28 times in total.


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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Bramblemask973 » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:59 am

(Reserved, will post later)
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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Arctic⚡️Storm » Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:00 pm

Sudden Death Applications (Taken from previous RP)

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Midnight Killer
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Sudden Death
Age: 17
Breed: Halloween Hunter (COPYRIGHT TO ME)
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2
Powers: Anything related to darkness.
Weaknesses: He is limited to his use of powers the further away he strays from the Sudden Death castle. (Example: The castle is like an internet home hub. The further away you stray away from it, the weaker the connection gets.)
Rank Wanted: King
Group wanted: Sudden Death
Mate/Crush: Enigma ♥
History: (Optional): -Located on his page on my character website
Personality: Midnight Killer is known not to have a heart-he is as cold as ice; black as death and just as destructive compared to the devils down below.
If anything, Killer is a pure slaughtering machine (hence his name) and was known for his strangely un-characteristic behaviour of violence; greed, cannibalism, flesh-eating, bullying and assertiveness towards others when he was a youngster. Most described him as unnatural, evil, sick-in-the-head, psychopathic and dangerous to others.
So why, do you think, that Killer hates the world and everything in it? After all, to him; he didn't choose to be born in the area which he came from, and he didn't choose who his parents were. Yet he still loved them-the ones that lied to him all the time, punished him, separated him from others and prevented him from living a normal childhood. He'd found out that being a foal was much harder than being a fully-grown stallion. So, to fuel his ever-growing hatred and seething rage, he used to secretly sneak out at night when the rest of the world was asleep, slaughtering helpless creatures just for the fun of it. Because of his bad temper, he tends to take things to the extreme, which leads to unnecessary conflict and tension between others. As we're well aware, he is one of the best known outlaws throughout the realm he now lives in today.
This stallion still hold the trait of being a merciless psychopath and thinks himself to be near indestructible in combat. Many a time before he's shown others how to work and live as slaves. He is considered the 'King of all Demons.'

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Osiris
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Sudden Death
Age: Unknown
Breed: Halloween Hunter (COPYRIGHT TO ME)
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2 (other side)
Powers: Can master a limited amount of talents related to darkness.
Weaknesses: Look at Killer's application for details.
Rank Wanted: Beta Male
Group wanted: Sudden Death
Mate/Crush: None
History (Optional): -Located on his page on my character website
Personality: Osiris is a very sensitive and deep-routed stallion; having the rare ability to use his mind instead of his muscles to free himself from dangerous situations without causing much uproar: 'That stallion was so smart, so witty, and so full of SENSE, that even he could fight back without physically having too. Being vocally useful in a dangerous situation was a skill that was life-saving-and one that most lacked. Because everybody else was dumber and less articulate than Osiris, apparently.' -This quote perfectly describes the highlights of Osiris's personality in one clear explanation.
In addition to this trait of being acute (another word for smart) Osiris knows better than to go bragging about his himself to strangers. Therefore, he rarely takes the opportunity to engage in conversation with anybody about ordeals in the past, which links to why he is always so reserved (to the point of being anti-social). Apart from Killer and his good friends (Raphael, Death, and Imp) -who know nearly everything about his history, including his past with his love, Luna, nobody else is aware. Of course, with all this in mind, Osiris's reputation for being one of the smartest and most sharp-witted members in the whole of the Sudden Death Herd is well known among all-which means he is well respected. (Of course he would be! He is Killer's deputy, after all...)

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Imp
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Sudden Death
Age: 10
Breed: Halloween Hunter (COPYRIGHT TO ME)
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2
Powers: Anything related to darkness (some powers may be out of his comfort zone)
Weaknesses: See Killer's application for details
Rank Wanted: Delta Male
Group wanted: Sudden Death
Mate/Crush: Raven
History (Optional): -Located on his page on my character website
Personality: Imp is not really the sort of horse you get 'up-to-and-personal' with. He is quite the silent one, but don't mistake him, he will attack what he wants, when he wants, and there is no way you can stop him. Imp has a complicated imagination, and can find it hard to express himself in delicate situations. You wouldn't want to be alone with him, especially if you're a mare. This stallion loves to snake in mares and fraud others. At the moment, Imp lives in and around Sudden Death, running around with his various friends he made along the way, so he can be pretty cocky too. Imp is a show-off, and can show you up any-day, so it's best to keep your mouth shut.

Username: ☼ Astronomical
Character Name: Death's Entrance
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Sudden Death
Age: 19
Breed: Halloween Hunter
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2
Powers: Anything related to darkness, with a toxic-related twist added to it.
Weaknesses: See Killer's application for details.
Rank Wanted: Lead Warrior
Group wanted: Sudden Death
Mate/Crush: Cimmaron
History (Optional): -Located on his page on my character website
Personality: Death is a daydreamer. Always wanting to do something out of the ordinary, he is the sort of stallion with his 'head-in-the-clouds' and tends to miss other things that are quite important. What ever he has isn't good enough, even if it is the latest thing, the best e.c.t... And he feels he always has to have something else better, and he is never satisfied. So what does he do? Ignore it? No. Fight? Not really, though he would definitely fight if he felt it was necessary. Play mind-games? Yes. Death is quite hard to get a hold of, and is the one who won't let you out of his sight, not even for the world. Even though he might seem like he is a bit dim-witted, you are quite mistaken, Death is one of those who always likes to take a step back, and survey things before leaping into situations that are quite sticky. He is also incredibly crafty. He received the Ying-Yang necklace off of a carer in the Sudden Death Herd as a gift. When he needs guidance/help, he uses this necklace's magic and power, and ever since, has gained superior knowledge from it. Death is very very defiant, and prefer's to be by himself rather than in big gangs like the rest of his comrades. The stallion likes to take charge, and 'control' other's, making them do all the dirty work, while he sits back doing nothing. And the best part about it is that nobody ever finds out it was him.

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Raphael
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Sudden Death
Age: 15
Breed: Halloween Hunter (COPYRIGHT TO ME)
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref
Powers: Raphael is a very talented master of magic, though most in the castle call him: 'The Wizard' or 'Indestructible Beast' However, he can yield many abilities from the natural resources given, such as: Fire, Water, Earth, Electricity, Darkness, Fear, Wind, and Poison. Given the advantages in the Realm of Sudden Death, he can excel in any element possible, including the unknown ones. Moving away from the elemental powers, Raphael is telekinetic, naturally strong, and only in the most severe cases, super-charged with speed. {Actually, his breed is naturally fast too, so I guess he already has temporary speed, but if he get's mega-excited, then super charged speed comes in!}
Weaknesses: Raphael has all the weaknesses attached to being a demon, and, the lower-hand advantage of being out of range in the other realms... Let's say he is on patrol, searching the other realms for prisoners. If he gets further away from the castle as his strongest area of powers, he then starts to loose the death-effect, or the strength of his attacks... You can also think of the castle as an 'internet checkpoint' or a 'home hub'. The internet needs somewhere to branch from, and so, a home hub supplies the free internet. If you travel further away from the home-hub, then the connection gets weaker and weaker, until you have virtually nothing left.
Rank Wanted: Guard + Hunter
Group wanted: Sudden Death
Mate/Crush: None
History (Optional): -Can be located on his page on my character website

Personality: Once you get to know Raphael, he is incredibly caring and good-hearted, usually doing his best to help any of his herdmates with his patience and expertise. Even though he isn't very good at conveying his feelings in words-actions are definitely Raphael's stronger point. There is no other stallion that can match his famous moods-where any little thing can trigger a completely new reaction; whether it be sharp anger to hysterical laughing fits-nobody can ever guess what comes next. Raphael doesn't like to mix with many of the Sudden Death Members-he only puts his full trust in Osiris (the 'brain' of the herd) This is due to the fact that Raphael is very antisocial and finds it hard to maintain conversation. If he is put in an awkward position, then there is no holding him to ransome-he will be gone before you can say the word "Stay."
Osiris and Raphael are usually assigned tasks and missions in pairs anyway. However, they have an unofficial 'entourage' which forms them as an almost separate group of stallions aside from the rest of the herd-they consist of Osiris, (who mostly takes charge of everything), Imp, (who is rather quiet but doesn't hesitate to speak his mind), Raphael himself, and finally-Death's Entrance (AKA-Death, who is rather hung up about relationship issues and doesn't spend as much time with them as he used to)

Raphael has a secret code that lingers in his mind-he relies on it's sense of wisdom for support (it tends to rule his life) -'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and I'm coming for you' (I actually changed this around to make it fit) It is quite a brash point of his personality, but Raphael will hold this against anybody who is in the wrong. If you anger him or fool him around-he WILL have his revenge, either way.

There is nothing in particular that he is fond of in the realm of Sudden Death, so he is fairly reserved with his thoughts and feelings towards others in-case it lands him in trouble. Raphael loves to test others into fighting, and he loves throwing his weight around with his 'entourage'.

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Eagle
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Was an EX-member of the Death Herd, but he is a 'Misfit' from the city.
Age: 7
Breed: Thoroughbred x Welsh x Halloween Hunter<-(Just for this RP)
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2 (with no mane or tail)

Powers: All the Death Herd traits. However, due to him being a Misfit in the city, he had learnt to wield many other abilities that are useful for strong opponents such as the Cloaked Figure.

Weaknesses: Asking him too many questions may lead to him being a very stand-offish and sad stallion. He gets depressed very easily and his powers may get affected by his emotions as a result.
It is also one of his greatest fears that people may find out about his struggles in life, and break him down because of it. This is a serious issue for Eagle as it messes with his mental state and may change his perspective on an issue. This either leads to severe mood-swings, or emotional dis-functions where he will go into what he calls 'shut-down' mode.

Rank Wanted: Warrior

Group wanted: Sudden Death {Currently a Misfit}

Mate/Crush: Winter's Secret {Though he will never admit it}

History (Optional): {Real character history does NOT apply to this rp! Nor does this 'history' section. This is just to give a separate personality for his specific role as an rp character here.}
Let's keep it short. He doesn't like to tell too much anyway:
Eagle was a member of the Sudden Death Herd for quite a while, not really interested in putting himself out for the herd's cause. He was more interested about himself, and of course, what mares he could charm. However, his slightly stand-offish personality and social difficulty made it increasingly difficult to be well-liked among the population of members. He soon began to form his own insights on life.
Unlike many members, he had managed to befriend Killer, and share things with him that nobody else new about. They were more like friends than different positions in a herd.
Eagle had explained to Killer that he wanted a new life; to be the 'lone wolf'. He explained that maybe one day, he would return, but that date was always to be un-deciphered unless stated otherwise. Moving elsewhere was a good way of escaping the strict and tense atmosphere of the herd.

So, keeping his word of moving on, Eagle left later on in the week. He wandered on for days, searching for a suitable place. Then, at last, right over the borders of possibility, lay a bustling city. Eagle smirked, knowing that somehow, these strange places created by humans existed. And, rumour has it that they tame wild beasts like himself. They call this 'riding' and they keep animals like him in 'stable compartments' where each animal is cared for individually.
Confinement didn't always bother Eagle, so long as he had his freedom. But, if he didn't get what he wanted, he would gladly destroy whatever he wanted in order to get it.

The city represented places like London, L.A or New York. Some areas were fancy, and some were like rubbish dumps.
In the heart of the city was a large stabling operation where champion pedigree horses were situated. Classic 5* accommodation, and rolling paddocks. Quite impressive for a site like this in the heart of a city.

Eagle soon took his chance. He made his presence obvious for the humans, so they would take him in and give him a home. He didn't fancy wandering around the streets at night on his own, or go out looking for big adventures. He was more willing to let others do the work for him.


The humans had caught Eagle and gave him what he so desired. But, by no means would let them put a saddle or bridle on him. Instead, he was worked in a large arena with jumps and trotting poles. He was free-schooled, exercised on the treadmill, given water therapy and physiotherapy.
By now, he was a field and stable companion to the other horses, but the only one on the yard that could not be ridden.


His owners had always wondered what these strange markings on his body meant. I guess it kind of intimidated or scared them. Almost so they couldn't approach him. But they never gave up, and they always looked after him.
Until now.

Personality: Eagle is a very confident and majestic stallion when it comes to life. He has such a different outlook on things that it's nice just to listen to his opinion for a change. Even though a lot of things are going wrong in the modern world today, he always finds joining up a team of willing workers and getting down to business helps. He is a very challenging horse out of nature, having the mentality to think like a lawyer or barrister at a crown court prosecution. His strict upbringing and disciplined mind gives him the cutting edge towards anybody or anything. Very opinionated, and strong-willed, and once he's set his mind to do something, there's no stopping him.
He loves peace and quiet, and although very young, has the brain of an old-man.

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character Name: Midnight Assassin/Assassin
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Death
Age: Unknown
Breed: Halloween Hunter
Gender: Female/Filly
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2

Powers: Inherited Midnight Killer's power genes.

Weaknesses: Water, strong exposure to sunlight and personal issues.

Rank Wanted: Royal Foal

Group wanted: Sudden Death

Mate/Crush: None yet

History (Optional): -

Personality: Midnight Assassin is very much like the female version of Midnight Killer. She is extremely strong willed and witty, but very protective of what's hers. In a way, she is cocky and arrogant, but very naive. This is an extreme downfall for new horses she meets, as she can easily fall into the trap of saying too much too soon. Realistically, she puts on a show of being hard-core, unbeatable and strong; but on the inside, she is like a newborn filly. Very weak, shy and easily intimidated.

Applications for the Secret Herd (Taken from previous RP)

Username: ☼ Astronomical
Character Name: The Cloaked Figure {AKA Lucifer}
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Secret Herd
Age: Greatly Unknown
Breed: Greatly Unknown
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3
Powers: Unknown
Weaknesses: Unknown
Rank Wanted: King
Group wanted: Secret Herd
Mate/Crush: Enigma
History (Optional): -Can be located on his page on my character website
Personality: 'A deceased and troublesome creature that roams the outskirts of the land, takes charge of the Secret Herd, and claims the Forbidden Forest as his.' That's an overall summary of what Lucifer does- and is. He is greedy, and would play mind tricks with almost anybody to get what he wants. Obviously, he is the secretive type; most would classify him as shy... That is, until you get to meet head-to-head with him. Nobody really knows anything much about him, but the fact that he is very passionate about raiding Killer's life, and stealing everything from him in order to fulfil his own satisfactions-this makes him one to watch out for.
Also, the fact that Lucifer is blinded by his own intentions makes him very, VERY headstrong and violent when he senses somebody trying to get in the way of his plans. He is extremely powerful when angered and plays the role of the 'fake hero' in the shadows. Many have been led to their deaths either first-handed by him, or through one of his 'mind-controlled slaves' due to them being exposed to Lucifer's powers.

Misfit Applications:

Username: ☼Astronomical ☼
Character's Name: Panic Attack
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sudden Death or Misfit?: Misfit
Age: 16
Breed: Halloween Hunter
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Reference
Powers: Panic has the ability to control gravity, force, and mass/scale of any item-meaning that he can alter the way the Earth works and possibly change the forces of nature or any other sort of force-be it force of attack or execution of strength after a hit. He can also master the mass/scale of objects, which is very handy when a difficult task is at hand (for example, shrinking/altering the weight of a difficult obstacle, or moving it out of the way safely.)
Weaknesses: Panic may loose self-control over his powers and then cause danger of death/serious damage to either himself, his surroundings, or to others. Also, like his name suggests, Panic does have a tendency to 'loose it'. This can be at random, whether it means confronting a frightening situation, or just suffering from fear. Panic may suffer from a huge panic attack every now and then, but is very dangerous if allowed to continue into a heart attack.
Rank Wanted: None yet
Mate/Crush: None yet
History (Optional): {Shortened to key points}

Panic Attack was born in the city of New York where he was bred to be an Eventer for a famous rider named Zara Phillips. Having had incredibly talented and valuable breeding from top-competition horses-and being born into a world of fame, he knows everything about having what it takes to be a celebrity. Panic was transported from New York to London to finish up his training at a big-time yard in Westminster at the Queen's Palace, before competing in the International Olympic Games for Zara's mount. However, whilst competing, Panic suffered a severe and traumatizing accident where he crashed straight through a fence-breaking his leg and landing on top of his rider. When he landed, he began having a heart failure, almost dying in the process. After the competition, he was diagnosed as unfit to compete forever, meaning that his owners had no choice but to send him back to America to be taken care of in the best animal hospital throughout the country.
His new owners nicknamed him 'Panic' after his show name 'Panic Attack', because of his extremely nervous behaviour. He now resides at the same top-quality yard as Eagle, who is also an un-suspected Misfit like him.

(Due to being traumatized in his competition career, Panic has lost all of his confidence, and may be phased by the smallest of things. He isn't very patient when it comes to stressful situations, and may suffer problems with his injured leg.)
Personality: This stallion is incredibly panicky and may spook to extremes whilst being ridden-either in the schooling ring, arena, or whilst out on a hack. Having no patience, or frequently seizing up is a big problem for him. His reputation is also well known for injuring many other horses and humans. However, his owners and workers at the yard are well-aware of his background, knowing that he was a world-class eventer. They understand that his trauma associated with the accident is the reason why he may frequently act up, but, nonetheless, he is still ridable.
Panic is aware that he is not a normal horse, but doesn't understand why. He sometimes has experienced his powers surface at completely random times, but has never been able to control them.
Anything else? (Please state): No

Username: ☼Astronomical ☼
Character's Name: Spitfire
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sudden Death or Misfit?: Misfit
Age: 25 (In human years)
Breed: Selle Francais X Irish Sports Horse X Mustang
Gender: Female/Mare
Looks: Reference
Powers: Spitfire has the ability to duplicate herself in order to gain advantage in battle and also 'change' what she is completely to her desired object/creature. So if she wanted to turn into Midnight Killer, she could easily transform herself into the King as easily as pushing a button. She also has some sort of control over fire.
Weaknesses: This power comes with a price-you have to know your limitations. Overusing this power may result in death.
Rank Wanted: None yet.
Mate/Crush: None yet.
History (Optional): {Is included in her personality} She was a mistreated Ranchers horse, and then sold onto a rehabilitation yard where she could recover from her injuries. She soon escaped to a yard where she met Eagle, Panic Attack, Cyclone and Jet Stream.
Personality: Spitfire beholds quite a daring and stallion-like attitude to match up with her fiery personality, with a quick temper and a hard outer-shell. Having had to grow up in a fairly tortured life with humans, she has serious trust issues with strangers, and may not even give a second thought for mercy-as she would kill straight away if she felt intimidated. Luckily, when Spitfire became old enough, the humans that once bound her in chains and abused her repeatedly finally set her free along the lakes located at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Meeting her 'friends' was one of the all-time highs of her life, because she received the help and support she needed in order to redeem her broken soul, and, not to mention, learning how to trust after living a life where trust never existed.

Before setting foot in the region of the Rocky Mountains, Spitfire was used as a Rancher's horse for managing calves and driving cattle, even for competitions like barrel racing and show-jumping. Her reputation for being reckless was well known among all, and so, they named her 'Rage' to compliment her original traits-not only that, but it was only seen upon that men, and only men, were to ride this stallion-like mare...
Spitfire's pampered past at the ranch caused her to be very talented at nearly all aspects, except for dressage and driving. However, her luck ran low when her owners became bankrupt. Their market had crashed, and forced them to sell all of their horses-including Spitfire. This is where she met the cruel side of life.

Spitfire was given a new name by her new owners because of her ill-mannered temperament, and the fact that she was barely able to be touched (because she was smart enough to tell if somebody was good or bad). When refusing to do anything the humans asked, they became impatient, and then turned to abuse-frightening her into work.
Spitfire had, of course, sustained many injuries, including a broken leg and a disk slippage in her back, which meant she was no longer ridable. So, from being a little feisty, Spitfire had grown to become familiar with the hating, bitter and anger-filled feelings that embedded themselves into her growing personality.


When her cruel owners found out about her injuries, they took her from their farm and dumped her besides a small river, relatively close to the Rocky Mountains. Spitfire tends to show a slightly different side to her friends when she is alone, and is completely different when infront of others. She portrays cold and dismissive behaviour in public, when she's really hiding her loving side with her inside circle.
Anything else? (Please state): Her serious temper may cause her to unleash many other damaging powers if she's not careful.

Username: ☼ Astronomical ☼
Character's Name: Calistral's Artex {Calistral}
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Sudden Death or Misfit?: Is a Misfit but will betray everybody and work for Lucifer.
Age: Greatly Unknown
Breed: Greatly Unkown
Gender: Male/Stallion
Looks: Reference
Powers: Unknown
Weaknesses: Unknown
Rank Wanted: None yet
Mate/Crush: None yet
History (Optional): -Can be located on his page on my character webiste
Personality: Calistral's personality is very deformed and abrasive, with an unfinished quality to it. He is incredibly insular, so much so that he limits conversation to just exchanging names-even if you knew him very well, he would still perceive you as a threat, therefore appearing cold and unresponsive with harsh composure and an emotionless expression whilst taking part in interaction (if any at all.) Having been known for his extremely opaque personality, Calistral eventually detached himself from family life and began setting his sights on a job that could perhaps work to his favour-one that didn't really need an introduction. It is suspected that Calistral is Schizophrenic, with multiple biological dysfunctions linked to his brain-which-in theory- may contribute to his lack in ability to communicate. Nobody understands the reason why this might have occurred, but the strongest possibility would be either from early childhood trauma, a genetic trait, or his susceptibility of being mentally insecure.
Anything else? (Please state): Calistral's skin is made up of billions of tiny gems/stones that glitter when light hits it's surface, however, the white 'stripes' tend to portray a confusing and almost an illusion-like appearance as if the stripes are being duplicated. It is possible that the second set of dimmer stripes are the outline of his second body contained within his official body. Calistral is able to free this 'inner body' of himself and control it like a robot. In combat, he will use this as a way to manipulate his opponent into defeat.

{Newer characters likely to be added!}

Bramblemask973 wrote:(Reserved, will post later)

{Okay :) }
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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby obsolete dream » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:14 am

Character Name:
Lyric's Darkness
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death:
I forget what I said so I'll say 11.
Shapeshifterx??XTime traveler
Darkness, Air[element*]
Rank Wanted:
Group wanted:
History (Optional):
I haven't got my lazy butt around to typing this up yet, so..
Or this..
Character Name:
Cataclysmic Destruction
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death:
Rank Wanted:
Lead Warrior
Group wanted:
History (Optional):
I'll copy & paste later.
Same here
Character Name:
Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death:
12 years, human.
DemonxTime traveler
xXx xxx
Darkness, toxic
Light{element*}, purity
Rank Wanted:
Can she be changed to hunter?
Group wanted:
Sudden Death
History (Optional):
My laziness
I'm too lazy. I'll try soon though.
moxie + he/she/it
i’m not very active, please be patient!
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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Arctic⚡️Storm » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:30 am

{Everything is fine! I'll change Nyx to a hunter then ;)
I hope the other's will post so we can get to rping again...}


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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Bramblemask973 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:45 am

(Guys, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to join in on this... My mom isn't exactly happy with me lately and I'm in about eight RPs already.... I'm not gonna be very active or literate, with high school and everything... I want to but I can't.)
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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Arctic⚡️Storm » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:55 am

Bramblemask973 wrote:(Guys, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to join in on this... My mom isn't exactly happy with me lately and I'm in about eight RPs already.... I'm not gonna be very active or literate, with high school and everything... I want to but I can't.)

{Oh no Bramble! Don't quit! This rp needs you, and your characters are all so meaningful! :cry: I know it might be difficult to be in that situation, but can't you do ANYTHING? Also, out of all the rp's you're in, what ones are your most favourite/most important? Because I know in the previous one, you played a great part, and it was like a movie because each member here is so talented.
Please don't let all your input and meaning in the rp go to waste, because it would really upset us all if you do, because knowing we don't have you here to rp would be a pain :( }


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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Bramblemask973 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:00 am

(Alright. I'll try to be active and stuff, and reply as often as I can, but I can't promise superhuge posts like last time!)
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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby Arctic⚡️Storm » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:29 am

Bramblemask973 wrote:(Alright. I'll try to be active and stuff, and reply as often as I can, but I can't promise superhuge posts like last time!)

{Oh dear god, THANKYOU :') I knew you would have the determination Bramble :mrgreen: ♥ And no worries, just do whatever makes you feel comfortable!
Oh, and you still need your characters forms for the other post you said you're gonna edit ;)
And when everyone's posted, we can just carry on from where we left off if that's okay :D }


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Re: .:The Legend of the Jewel & Evil Herds V2:.

Postby NatchiriNeko » Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:23 am

(Finally, I have time to post these! also a question for you Astro. Pathfinder still has the deal with Lucifer that he can join his herd willingly right? And do you think it would be okay if I posted the form for Epiphany soon? )

Username: ~Epiphany~

Character Name: Pathfinder

Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Death: Dark

Age: 8

Breed: Belgium/Quarter Horse

Gender: Stallion

Looks: Dark red coat, green-ish mane and tail, green eyes. Overall, he isn't that good looking.

Powers: Super Strength

Weaknesses: Cimmaron, Fire, and plants.

Rank Wanted: Lead Warrior

Group wanted: Secret and Death Herd

Mate/Crush: Cimmaron (Will be forced to be future mate)

History (Optional): (I might do this later, but I don't have to much muse for it now. Also, I didn't put much history on his original form.)
Personality: Sexy attitude, loves to see violence. Overall, his personality is quite chaotic.

Username: ~Epiphany~

Name: Cimmaron

Type of species (Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Dark):Ruby/Dark~ Cimmy has both Sparkling Legends and Takari's Dna in her.


Breed: Quarter Horse

Gender: Mare

Looks: Cimmaron

Powers:Can Make and Control Fire

Weakness: Water

Rank Wanted: Royal Foal

Group wanted: Ruby

Mate/Crush: (Pathfinder will be future mate)

History (Optional): 3 long years ago, Sapphire the queen of the ruby herd had gone missing it was reported and spread across the land that she was dead. The last thing that had happened to her was being attacked by Takari...which now she carried in her his dna...But what all did not know was that she was still alive! she was hiding in a forest. Sapphire felt weak after a while and dizzy, suddenly realizing she was pregant! But...the foal that she had inside her had both Sparkys AND Takari's Dna...Soon Sapphire gave birth to a healthy young curious buckskin filly.. She was proud of what she brought in the world. and loved her, she named her Cimmaron. Cimmy was a very beautiful young Filly and had the power to make and control fire. but not only did she have Sparkys dna in her...she had Takari's as well. (Takari is dead, died from Colic) Sapphire knew that when her daughter grew older she would battle herself on whether to be a great leader in the right like her father or a dark horse such as Takari. Years passed, and the young filly grew finally she reached the age of 3. And was now a "Mare" no longer a filly. EVerything seemed to be perfect...but not for long. A pack of wolves came upon the 2 mares that night, and they sperated in the forest. After hours, Cimmaron had no wolves attack her she came out of her hiding and searched for her mother. Finnally finding her she saw her mother soaked in blood, dieing. Cimmaron began to crie, Sapphire told her, that her last wish was for Cimmaron to leave her, and not see her die. Cimmaron obeyed and left. But what Cimmy didnt know was that she was a princess of the Ruby herd. Her mother had not told her, for she feared that if Cimmaron found out she would look for her father Sparkling Legends, Sapphire did not know whether or not Sparky was still held captured by Killer. but she didnt want Cimmy to run into Killer and be captured or murdered. Cimmaron ran off in the sunset, but just then a mule in the forest was walking looking for camp seeing the young buckskin mare run off in the sunset he looked down and realized it was Sapphire the queen he ran to her and saw she was dieing. Sapphire was kept whispering Cimmaron, Cimmaron. The mule asked who Cimmaron was, Sapphire answered weakly "My Daughter" then took her last breathe and lay still. dead. The Mule realized. tho his queen was dead her daughter was alive, The news spread all over the land. And soon everyone knew that Yes, Sapphire was NOW dead. But the Princess of the ruby herd was still alive somewhere in the land. Cimmaron would soon find out she was royalty.

1 Year Later...

Personality:Curious and a Strong Spirit

Username: ~Epiphany~

Name: Cavallo

Type of species (Ruby, Emerald, Diamond or Dark): Dark/Emerald

Age: 6

Breed: Paint

Gender: Stallion

Looks: Chesnut and White Overo Paint, Light Blue eyes.

Powers: Super Speed, Invisablity

Weakness: most weaknesses for horses

Rank Wanted: Lead Warrior

Group wanted: Death Herd

Mate/Crush: none

History (Optional): Cave's mother was an Emerald horse, and his Father was a dark horse. They fell in love and had him. When the dark herd heard of his father mating with a Emerald horse. They executed him on the spot, and his mother was as well hunted down and killed. He then in his anger he left the Emerald herd, and went to the dark herd to serve Midnight Killer as a Lead Warrior.

Personality: Usually quiet, and suspicious. Stays in the shadows except in combat.

Other: nothing else
Last edited by NatchiriNeko on Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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